Chapter 178 The storm dissipates

In the mountains, Dongfang Lianshan is now waiting for Fuyun's reply, and it will not be so urgent. Anyway, Murong Qinghu has a lot of role now, or it can be said that he does not trust Dongfang Lianshan, not that the current Dongfang Lianshan will be killed by Murong Qinghu. Qing Hu pointed out that since Dongfang Lianshan had made such a move, he would naturally not be worried.

Murong Qinghu’s mountain spirit is not here in Dongfang Lianshan anyway, and how Bai Qiuwu will deal with Murong Qinghu’s mountain spirit is not known to Dongfang Lianshan now. Anyway, everything is left to Bai Qiuwu , as for Fuyun, he was attracted by Chen Song, and Murong Qinghu was temporarily freed from Fuyun's investigation.

Moreover, Dongfang Lianshan is now very cooperative with Bai Qiuwu. In this way, Fuyun took a gamble. The mountain essence hidden in Murong Qinghu's body was directly transferred by Dongfang Lianshan. In fact, it is impossible to think about it. Murong Qinghu The mountain essence in the body can be stored in many ways in Dongfang Lianshan. There is no need to take risks and leave Murong Qinghu's trouble to Chen Song!

If Dongfang Lianshan trades, then the matter is over. Fuyun is willing to trade with Dongfang Lianshan. If Dongfang Lianshan feels that the transaction is not suitable, Fuyun will not force Dongfang Lianshan. It is just that the current conditions have not been negotiated. If there is anything Dongfang Lianshan needs, you can tell Fuyun and we will discuss it slowly here.

It’s just that Fuyun now just feels that he can’t say anything else to Dongfang Lianshan at this time. Now he guarantees that he has no other losses and is sure that he can get the mountain spirit now. Fuyun doesn’t need to worry about Murong Qinghu’s back. As long as Dongfang Lianshan is willing to cooperate.

"This...Murong Qinghu's current mountain spirit can be exchanged for many things. Captain Dongfang is indeed smart. He gave me this choice to see what I can do for this mountain spirit. I want to see Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit. Look, this request is probably not too much, Captain Dongfang."

"Murong Qinghu is not in good condition now. If the mountain spirit has not been brought out, Captain Dongfang can make any request. However, Murong Qinghu will lose the mountain spirit for at least five or six hours. Captain Dongfang should not be thinking about using Murong Qing. Let’s exchange half of the mountain spirit for the price of the whole mountain spirit!”

Fuyun could rest assured and told Dongfang Lianshan that since Murong Qinghu's matter could be used as a condition for the transaction between the two parties, then Dongfang Lianshan and Murong Qinghu should naturally talk more, so that there would be no What trouble, Dongfang Lianshan's plan at this time, no matter what it is, is no longer important.

Fuyun doesn't know what Murong Qinghu is planning between Dongfang Mountains at the moment, but Murong Qinghu is no longer worth the high price. Dongfang Mountains will take out the mountain spirit for a while. In this case, Murong Qinghu's mountain The price of the mountain spirit should not be too high. Dongfang Lianshan should not sell half a mountain spirit for the price of one mountain spirit.

Murong Qinghu and Bai Qiuwu have already gone to Fuying Mountain. Now that Fuyun is doing business with Dongfang Lianshan, Fuyun can be much safer. This is the reason why both parties should discuss more. At this time, Murong Qinghu’s Dongfang Lianshan itself knows whether the price is high or not. Otherwise, Murong Qinghu's Mountain Spirit will be fine. In fact, Dongfang Lianshan will not trade.

Although Fuyun didn't want to know what Murong Qinghu and Bai Qiuwu were going to do, and he didn't mind Dongfang Lianshan stalling here, but Fuyun still didn't want to be cheated when he was doing business. At least at this time, he couldn't We have suffered a lot, so cooperation is very important.

"Murong Qinghu is indeed very important now, but Dongfang Lianshan really treats me as a fool. I don't care about Bai Qiuwu and Murong Qinghu's plans. It doesn't mean that Dongfang Lianshan does business. I will still be like the scapegoat. , who gave a lot of things in exchange for this mountain spirit Murong Qinghu, Dongfang Mountain also..."

At the moment, Fuyun knew that he didn't care about other aspects because he was not afraid of getting into trouble. It didn't matter what Murong Qinghu and Bai Qiuwu did now. After all, Fuyun was not afraid of any conspiracy by these people and was strong enough. Fuyun, you can ignore these details. As long as Dongfang Lianshan is willing to trade, everything will be easy to talk about!

However, Fuyun doesn't care about these details, which does not mean that he will be fooled casually. At this time, Dongfang Lianshan really regards Fuyun as a fool, which is definitely inappropriate. There will be many threats following him. Murong Qing The tiger is now taken away by Bai Qiuwu. The mountain spirit of the Eastern Mountains is extremely crucial, but at this moment, Fuyun still needs to be careful.

How to win Dongfang Lianshan? Fuyun now has many ways to do this transaction well. Dongfang Lianshan knows exactly what price Murong Qinghu is worth, and there is no need to think more about it. Murong Qing is currently It is already difficult for the tiger to hold on for too long. Fuyun has a way to control the Dongfang Mountains.

Of course, Murong Qinghu was sold. If the price is right, Dongfang Lianshan can talk to Fuyun more. Then there is some deviation in the price between the two parties. It is not a big deal, but Dongfang Lianshan is now like a lion with its mouth wide open. Fuyun can I'm just not satisfied. It's definitely not okay to always treat Fuyun as a fool.

Fuyun naturally knew Murong Qinghu's original plan, but Dongfang Lianshan's use of Murong Qinghu had no effect. What did Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu want to do? Fuyun had no other options at this time. Murong Qinghu is not Fuyun's trouble, but a threat to Dongfang Lianshan.

"Okay, your true identity, plus half of your assets, the person behind Murong Qinghu this time, plus your original plan, these together are the basis for our cooperation, my asking price Maybe it’s a little high, but you can save time and be safer earlier!”

"As for you looking at the mountain spirit, there is no need. If I have any tricks, you can deal with me directly. If you see this mountain spirit, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect the mountain spirit. They are all smart people. , I have been in this industry for so many years, why should I worry about it so much!"

Dongfang Lianshan's casual words made it impossible for Fuyun to see the mountain spirit and to know about Dongfang Lianshan's many current plans and Murong Qinghu's secrets. Dongfang Lianshan wanted to know, and Murong Qinghu's backer Who it is, this is what Dongfang Lianshan needs to know, and Fuyun is also willing to explain this.

As for where Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit is, Dongfang Lianshan doesn't want to tell Fuyun. Fuyun now has no need to think about it. Take a look at Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit and then continue doing business with Dongfang Lianshan. , Murong Qinghu’s mountain spirit is very important, Dongfang Mountain will not be so careless.

The cooperation between Murong Qinghu and Bai Qiuwu is even more critical now. Dongfang Lianshan is delaying Bai Qiuwu's time, so regarding Murong Qinghu, Dongfang Lianshan and Fuyun's business cannot be settled quickly. After all, We are all smart people, and there is no need to pretend too much now.

Dongfang Lianshan wants to know about Murong Qinghu. As for what Dongfang Lianshan can give Fuyun, Fuyun now understands it himself, and Dongfang Lianshan won’t say much. Anyway, at this time, Murong Qinghu has already attracted Fuyun, so Dongfang Lianshan will take the initiative.

What other secrets does Murong Qinghu have, and the alliance between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu will make Fuyun trapped here. Murong Qinghu has little relationship with Dongfang Lianshan now, so Murong Qinghu can be Dongfang Lianshan is sold. Of course, all this is just a show here. It depends on what price Fuyun can pay for Murong Qinghu.

"It doesn't matter what Fuyun wants to do. Now Fuyun is directly trapped here by me. As long as Fuyun still needs Shanjing, even if people from the company come, I'm afraid this Fuyun will be... He will not refuse a deal, Bai Qiuwu is really powerful, he planned in advance what will happen."

"Working directly with Bai Qiuwu has indeed brought me a lot of gains. At least at this time, I don't have to worry about other threats. Even if Fuyun is powerful, it's nothing. I can deal with it as soon as possible. Fuyun, and it’s a truly invincible attack, Fuyun probably suppressed everything.”

Dongfang Lianshan, who knew Fuyun well, knew that there was only one possibility for Fuyun to be so crazy because of Murong Qinghu, and that was that at this time, Fuyun had put all his family assets in Fuying Mountain, otherwise If so, Dongfang Lianshan would not be able to use Murong Qinghu like this and let Fuyun be directly targeted!

Dongfang Lianshan's current thoughts are actually very clear, that is, no matter what secrets Murong Qinghu has and what Fuyun does, Dongfang Lianshan can actually deal with Fuyun as soon as possible, and Murong Qinghu will not do anything else. Trouble, Dongfang Lianshan can solve a lot of troubles at once.

Murong Qinghu is now being used by Dongfang Lianshan, which allows the company to benefit. If Dongfang Lianshan can capture Fuyun, it will have greater credit than capturing another Murong Qinghu. Dongfang Lianshan originally used Murong Qing Tiger can get a lot of benefits, and now Dongfang Lianshan has other plans.

At the moment, Murong Qinghu was just a trap. Dongfang Lianshan watched Fuyun jump in. This is Murong Qinghu's biggest role, and Dongfang Lianshan didn't have to worry about whether he had other troubles. Today's Murong Qinghu, If you make good use of your current advantages, you can quickly deal with Dongfang Lianshan.

No matter what trouble Murong Qinghu is involved in in the future, it will be a small matter and will not be a big crisis. What Dongfang Lianshan wants is not Murong Qinghu, but Fuyun's secret. Dongfang Lianshan hopes Fuyun You can consider whether these things can be said directly. Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit can make Fuyun give up everything.

"What you said makes sense, but at this time, I don't seem to have gotten any benefits. I just helped you. All the secrets are to tell Captain Dongfang. If I can't get Murong Qinghu's Mountain Essence, It won’t be easy for me to deal with Captain Dongfang at that time.”

"I don't have to look at this mountain spirit, but I will tell some of the various secrets to Captain Dongfang. In this way, you and I don't have to keep thinking about who is being used by whom. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than using each other. You have to leave insurance for yourself, and I have to leave insurance for my side."

Fuyun is very wary of this. Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit is very important. Dongfang Lianshan has no need now. There are too many conflicts with Fuyun. At present, Fuyun hopes that Dongfang Lianshan understands that the two sides are using each other, not It is said that at this time, Dongfang Lianshan needs to reconsider Murong Qinghu's matter.

Murong Qinghu has no specific effect on Dongfang Lianshan. If Murong Qinghu, who now has a lot of thoughts on Dongfang Lianshan, still has to directly plot so many things with Fuyun, today's Dongfang Lianshan, I don't want to have any other contact.

Dongfang Lianshan really regards Fuyun as a fool, so why should the two parties cooperate? There is no need to think about whether it is a deal. Now Fuyun does not believe that Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit is really intact, and Dongfang Lianshan Shan didn't believe Fuyun, so such a deal was indeed inappropriate.

It's just Murong Qinghu, but now he has many functions. Dongfang Lianshan should not treat Murong Qinghu as some kind of unreasonable meat and potatoes. To put it bluntly, Dongfang Lianshan will not give the mountain spirit to Fuyun. In fact, Dongfang Lianshan Lianshan will not gain anything, and there will still be a lot of trouble. Dongfang Lianshan has this in mind.

It's not that Fuyun really doesn't need Murong Qinghu, but Dongfang Lianshan is a little too greedy at this time, and the demands are too much. This makes Fuyun unable to calm down now, and he can't always It is not a good thing to give Dongfang Lianshan a chance.

"Dongfang Lianshan, who used Murong Qinghu to trade with me, is already at an advantage. If I retreat a little more, Murong Qinghu at this time is likely to become Dongfang Lianshan's tool to check and balance me. Now at this time, I can We can’t just be calculated like this, after all, I still have to ensure that there is no big loss.”

"It is not a good plan to tell Dongfang Lianshan everything about Murong Qinghu now. If you are not careful, you will still be easily dealt with by Dongfang Lianshan. For this mountain spirit of Murong Qinghu, I can make a deal. There can be losses, but we can’t draw water from a bamboo basket and get nothing!”

Fuyun, who was plotted by Dongfang Lianshan, had already considered that he would rather suffer some losses than be cheated directly. Otherwise, Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit was originally the best opportunity for Fuyun. Now, But it has become the biggest trouble, which is probably not what Fuyun wants to see.

Dongfang Lianshan is indeed very powerful now. They can use Murong Qinghu. Fuyun has no choice but to cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan. Even the price of Murong Qinghu is not the final say of Fuyun today. But Dongfang Lianshan decided on his own that it was not okay for Murong Qinghu's troubles to become bigger and bigger now.

No one knows how to use Murong Qinghu better than Dongfang Lianshan.

In Qi Dafa's family, Fuyun is under a lot of pressure. Murong Qinghu is already of great value. Dongfang Lianshan has made Murong Qinghu's role even greater. This makes Fuyun not know what to do now. Well, Dongfang Lianshan wants so much that it’s really hard to decide, and Murong Qinghu may not be worthy of these things.

Now Murong Qinghu is directly used by Dongfang Mountain, and Murong Qinghu is actually a credit to Dongfang Mountain at this time. Murong Qinghu has played many roles, and Dongfang Mountain will let Murong Qinghu play his role well. , for example, Dongfang Lianshan helped Bai Qiuwu to maximize the role of Murong Qinghu.

Before, Dongfang Lianshan used Murong Qinghu to leave Fuyun with no choice but to be targeted. At this time, Dongfang Lianshan is using its own advantages to make Fuyun completely attracted to Murong Qinghu. , Dongfang Lianshan must not only be thinking about this simple transaction at the moment, but also has other thoughts.

Fuyun, who knew this, did not think that if he bought Murong Qinghu outright, he would be completely safe later. This was not that simple. Did Dongfang Lianshan really want to sell Murong Qinghu? The price is not certain now, not to mention that Dongfang Lianshan has a lot of thoughts.

Murong Qinghu indeed has a lot of attractions for Fuyun. Dongfang Lianshan can directly use Murong Qinghu, so Fuyun has no choice but to give Dongfang Lianshan face, and then reveal Murong Qinghu's secret to Fuyun. Yun's own secret was revealed, but Dongfang Lianshan's current appearance was a bit too ugly.

"Whether my requirements are high or not, and whether Murong Qinghu is worthy of these, you can decide for yourself. Anyway, I have said what I should say. Even if I don't gain anything now, it actually doesn't matter. Anyway, Bai Qiuwu and the company's senior management We have a good relationship, and there’s no need for me to be anxious. The worst I can do is cooperate with Bai Qiuwu!”

"Bai Qiuwu's side will bring a lot of benefits. I'm not in a hurry now. It just depends on what you think. I still have many ways out. I don't necessarily have to get credit for every mission. I just want to I have nothing to lose, in fact it is enough, and I will not just take credit."

Dongfang Lianshan doesn't matter. Fuyun is not interested in Murong Qinghu now, and he doesn't want to cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan. So Fuyun can do whatever he wants. Anyway, for today's Murong Qinghu and Fuyun, many It was Fuyun's decision, and Dongfang Lianshan had no way to force Fuyun.

Moreover, Fuyun said that he would not cooperate, which has an impact on Murong Qinghu today, but Dongfanglian Mountain does not matter. Murong Qinghu and Bai Qiuwu left. Dongfanglian Mountain only has mountain spirits now. When will Murong Qinghu die? Dongfanglian Mountain Mountains don't care, even if it harms others and does not benefit oneself, in fact, today's Eastern Mountains are fine.

Anyway, Murong Qinghu was useful to Dongfang Lianshan at this time, and he was actually useful to Bai Qiuwu. How Murong Qinghu was used, Dongfang Lianshan won’t say much now. In fact, Fuyun himself knew at this time that Murong Qinghu If the mountain spirit does not fall into the hands of Fuyun, it will fall into the hands of the company.

It really doesn't work. Dongfang Lianshan gave Murong Qinghu's mountain essence to Bai Qiuwu. Anyone would be interested in this kind of thing. If Bai Qiuwu got the mountain essence, it would be nothing to Dongfang Lianshan. Bad news, no matter what, Murong Qinghu is useful at this time. Dongfang Lianshan can give Murong Qinghu to Bai Qiuwu!

Fuyun forgot about the relationship between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu, and also forgot about Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit. It might be useful to anyone. Dongfang Lianshan hoped that Fuyun could see clearly who was begging for help at this time. Anyway, Murong Qinghu doesn’t have to worry about selling, and Dongfang Lianshan doesn’t have to negotiate with Fuyun. However, at this time, Fuyun is already desperate, but Dongfang Lianshan can wait.

"Fuyun is threatening me now because he obviously knows that at this time, he actually has no chance and can only cooperate like this. However, Fuyun feels that it is not appropriate to hand over all his trump cards at once, so he I just thought that if I could buy it at a low price, it wouldn’t be a bad thing!”

"It's just that Fuyun now thinks too much. What is my plan is not decided by Fuyun, but by me. Fuyun, who can't see this clearly, can only be influenced by me. I used it directly without even realizing it. In fact, I didn’t consider selling this mountain spirit directly.”

Dongfang Mountain is very peaceful now. If Murong Qinghu is handed over to Bai Qiuwu by Dongfang Mountain, Bai Qiuwu's asking price will not be very low. In this way, Murong Qinghu has many uses for Dongfang Mountain. There is no need to completely leave it to Fuyun. After all, Murong Qinghu cannot decide his own future. The person who really decides Murong Qinghu's future is Dongfang Lianshan!

Dongfang Lianshan really wanted to know some of Murong Qinghu's secrets. However, Murong Qinghu was not what Fuyun had considered. He was already certain to die. Without any chance, Dongfang Lianshan could not know from Murong Qinghu's mouth. What will happen specifically is that Dongfang Lianshan and Fuyun cooperate, and then if Dongfang Lianshan likes Fuyun, Dongfang Lianshan will give Fuyun some help.

In fact, Murong Qinghu did not suffer much losses at this time, even if it was a bit dangerous, but the deterioration of Dongfang Mountains and Bai Qiuwu's cooperation, how could Murong Qinghu suffer too much damage, so in fact, at this time, Dongfang Mountains was just Just inducing Fuyun, Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit can make Fuyun open his mouth and tell Dongfang Lianshan many secrets, and Fuyun will no longer think about bargaining with Dongfang Lianshan.

In this way, Murong Qinghu himself has many functions, and at this time, Dongfang Lianshan is relying on Murong Qinghu to ensure that Fuyun is definitely difficult to guess, and this is also a very good Today's Dongfang Lianshan can make good use of its advantages to solve Fuyun's problems. How to eliminate these troubles is the most important thing for Fuyun at the moment. It cannot be done without doing anything.

Murong Qinghu was used by Dongfang Lianshan in this way. Fuyun just felt that Murong Qinghu had no chance and Dongfang Lianshan could only make deals. At this time, Dongfang Lianshan could just explain Murong Qinghu’s role clearly. Is Fuyun right? He believes in Dongfang Lianshan and feels that whether this plan is feasible is not very important. Anyway, when Dongfang Lianshan opens his mouth, Fuyun will consider what he can get.

"What...Bai Qiuwu! still have to think about it. After all, at this time, there will be no problem with our cooperation. If you simply think about some alliances with others, it will not be possible." It's appropriate, even if the mountain spirit is given to Bai Qiuwu, you won't get these secrets from Bai Qiuwu!"

"Bai Qiuwu is an anchor. Even if he is interested in Murong Qinghu and has a good relationship with the senior management of the announcement, Captain Dongfang is just out of trouble and it is difficult to protect his own interests. In this way, the cooperation between you and me can only It's better, at least I won't think about it, I just want to keep Captain Dongfang out of trouble." Fuyun said quickly, not daring to continue thinking about whether to suppress Murong Qinghu. The matter is over, and now Fuyun Knowing that Dongfang Lianshan keeps its word, it has already made arrangements for Murong Qinghu properly. Otherwise, once Dongfang Lianshan buys Murong Qinghu at this time, it will be difficult for Fuyun to have another chance!

What price does Dongfang Lianshan offer? In fact, Fuyun can only accept this price. Even if the price is very high, in fact, as long as Fuyun can do it, he must truly cooperate, not at this time, because of this mountain. Jing, Dongfang Lianshan, and Fuyun are going to have other conflicts.

Murong Qinghu's deal has now reached a very critical point, and Dongfang Lianshan's attitude is to take advantage of it. With Murong Qinghu's physical condition at this time, it doesn't matter whether Dongfang Lianshan gets the secret, after all. Bai Qiuwu can indeed bring a lot of benefits. It will not bring more risks in the future. Fuyun is willing to do this business with Dongfang Lianshan.

At this point, Fuyun actually has no other choice but to cooperate directly with Dongfang Lianshan. According to Dongfang Lianshan, telling Murong Qinghu's secrets and various secrets directly is the best option at the moment. , rather than saying that the matter is over, there is no other chance, we can only watch Dongfang Lianshanhe and Bai Qiuwu cooperate.

The alliance between Murong Qinghu and Dongfang Lianshan left Fuyun helpless. Moreover, Bai Qiuwu brought Murong Qinghu with him. This was Fuyun's chance. Dongfang Lianshan took out the mountain spirit from Murong Qinghu's body, which made Fuyun Yun can also feel more at ease, and no longer has to think about whether there are risks on his side.

"Dongfang Lianshan used Murong Qinghu to eat me to death. The current Dongfang Lianshan is really rude. If you want something, you just want it. If this happens, I still have to be careful here, otherwise, I'm afraid, It’s really because of these troubles right now that there will be no other chance.”

"Murong Qinghu still plays a lot of roles at this time. Dongfang Lianshan's plan is even more difficult to figure out. Regarding Murong Qinghu's secret, it is difficult for me to hide it now. I can only tell Dongfang Lianshan. Otherwise, all my investment in Murong Qinghu will be of no use."

Fuyun was helpless thinking about this. He should not be so unlucky, but the situation is now not something Fuyun can change. Murong Qinghu and Dongfang Lianshan are not something Fuyun can deal with now, even if Murong Qinghu is not in Dongfang Lian. On this side of the mountain, even the mountains in the east have captured the mountain spirit in Murong Qinghu!

Today's Dongfang Lianshan deliberately attracts Fuyun here and puts pressure on Fuyun. This is very clear. It uses Murong Qinghu's mountain spirits to threaten Fuyun. Dongfang Lianshan's move is very good, and Murong Qinghu This mountain spirit is a treasure that Dongfang Mountain cannot give up. If we give up this time, we will never have a chance in this life.

At Fuyun's age, even if he still has to plan and continue to cultivate Shanjing in the future, it is actually very difficult to do it. If there is no way, if he is not in good health now, why would Fuyun take the risk to cultivate Shanjing, causing such a situation? Big trouble, Fuyun is really under a lot of pressure now, so he takes this action.

The current cooperation between Murong Qinghu and Dongfang Lianshan makes Fuyun extremely envious. Fuyun did not expect that Murong Qinghu, whom he trained, would actually attract the attention of Dongfang Lianshan. Of course, this was because Bai Qiuwu came to Fuyun. Yingshan was the one who was in such trouble, but Fuyun didn't want to pass Bai Qiuwu's exam.

Things that have nothing to do with Shanjing have nothing to do with Fuyun. No matter what, Fuyun now wants to gain more for himself. Otherwise, if he gives up Murong Qinghu, then Fuyun will be in trouble in the future. It's hard to get such a mountain spirit again. Dongfang Lianshan knows Fuyun's shortcomings, so it does this.

"In that case, can I just wait now? There are some secrets about Fuyun. I think it's not a big deal. After all, we are all talking about this. There is no need for you to hide it for some people. These people and Your cooperation is only for the mountain spirits and various treasures!"

"Get the mountain spirit directly first, and then think about whether there will be other opportunities in the future. If you are just thinking about the current interests now, you are really too anxious. I am not putting pressure on you, just Tell you what else you should do now."

Dongfang Lianshan is not in a hurry now. He just tells Fuyun that at this time, the situation is already very clear. Murong Qinghu is in the hands of Dongfang Lianshan, and Murong Qinghu’s special mountain spirit is also with Dongfang Lianshan. It has something to do with it, Fuyun is not thinking about whether his cooperation with others will have any results.

It is better to follow what Dongfang Lianshan said and Fuyun first think about some of his current opportunities. Why should he keep calculating so much and end up causing losses to himself? If Fuyun today only thinks about the immediate benefits, he will definitely be in trouble. , you should still think clearly about what you gain at this moment.

Anyway, Murong Qinghu is considered a piece of goods. There is no problem in selling Dongfang Lianshan to Fuyun. Of course, it can also be sold to Bai Qiuwu or others, but it may not necessarily be given to Fuyun. However, Murong Qinghu is here Fuyun's hands can produce more effects in the end, and Dongfang Lianshan knows this.

No matter what kind of choices Dongfang Lianshan has at this time, the situation has actually changed. Murong Qinghu at this time has become the most valuable thing in Dongfang Lianshan's hands, and Fuyun at the moment can only I have thought about it and try my best to eliminate as many troubles as possible, not that I want to calculate more.

Murong Qinghu will indeed have little role in the future. What Dongfang Lianshan sells is just the news about the mountain spirit and this mountain spirit. As for the current Fuyun's plan, it is actually not a big deal. Anyway, the current mountain spirit , it may be in Fuyun's hands, or it may not be in Fuyun's hands.

In the mountains, Murong Qinghu's special mountain spirit is now completely controlled by Dongfang Lianshan. Murong Qinghu is used to threaten Fuyun. It is difficult for Dongfang Lianshan to deal with Fuyun, but at this time, using the mountain in Murong Qinghu's hands It is not difficult to make threats, but Dongfang Lianshan can guarantee that Fuyun will be satisfied with what he gives Fuyun.

Of course, Fu Yun at this time does not have to trust Dongfang Lianshan. Anyway, Murong Qinghu is here at Dongfang Lianshan. The mountain spirit in Murong Qinghu’s hands cannot be broken. Dongfang Lianshan does not trust Fu Yun at this time. When it comes to Yun cooperation, there are always others who are willing to directly join forces with Fuyun, which is more important.

Murong Qinghu will bring a lot of gains to Dongfang Lianshan, and on Murong Qinghu's side, it is actually Bai Qiuwu. Will Dongfang Lianshan's next plan be enough to make Dongfang Lianshan get greater credit? In fact, Dongfang Lianshan knew that Murong Qinghu could bring unimaginable opportunities!

If Dongfang Lianshan is still thinking about whether he can use Murong Qinghu to gain greater gains, in fact Dongfang Lianshan is a bit stupid. After all, Bai Qiuwu has given him a lot of benefits. Now Murong Qinghu can't. Considering the apparent benefits at the moment, the actual opportunities are ignored.

Bai Qiuwu's help to Dongfang Lianshan can be said to be enough. If Bai Qiuwu's many plans still need to let Dongfang Lianshan see the actual benefits, they can be recognized by Dongfang Lianshan. In fact, Dongfang Lianshan He gave up the opportunity to cooperate and could not get the credit.

"Murong Qinghu would never have thought that he would be dealt with by Fuyun and many people secretly. He had no other chance, and he would never have thought that I could deal with Fuyun like this at this time. But this is an opportunity, this time we must help Bai Qiuwu to solve this problem!"

"As for the credit after returning, there is no need to worry now. Anyway, even if Bai Qiuwu doesn't say anything good, I can bring Dongfang Lianshan back this time, and if there is no problem with the mountain spirit, it is still possible to bring Fuyun back. There are some secrets here, so this is the biggest gain right now."

For Dongfang Lianshan, they now naturally know how to use Murong Qinghu to obtain the maximum benefits, and Dongfang Lianshan knows that in fact, if they want to completely eliminate hidden dangers, they must solve these current crises. Murong Qing Hu could help Dongfang Lianshan so much, something Dongfang Lianshan never thought of before.

In the past, when Dongfang Lianshan met Murong Qinghu, they would basically do things by the rules and not really think about doing this with Bai Qiuwu. However, this time Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu's cooperation made Dongfang Lianshan Shan saw new opportunities, and there was no threat. In this way, Murong Qinghu's role was maximized.

If Dongfang Lianshan wants to use Murong Qinghu at this moment, then Dongfang Lianshan must calculate well. After Fuyun knows some conditions, how does he consider it and whether he is willing to truly complete the cooperation? These are actually very critical, not Speaking of now, at this time Dongfang Lianshan was thinking about how he should talk to Fuyun, no matter how to solve the problem.

If Murong Qinghu is used well by Dongfang Lianshan, then Murong Qinghu will actually have many effects if he is sold by Dongfang Lianshan. However, if Murong Qinghu is now wrong because of Dongfang Lianshan, Murong Qinghu will Qing Hu's matter was revealed, and Dongfang Lianshan would actually bring trouble to Bai Qiuwu.

How to use Murong Qinghu, Dongfang Lianshan knows this. If Dongfang Lianshan cannot deal with Murong Qinghu's matter, then Murong Qinghu's contribution has indeed nothing to do with Dongfang Lianshan. At this time, Murong Qinghu should be used like this by Dongfang Lianshan and then used against Fuyun.

"This... well, since Captain Dongfang wants to know about Murong Qinghu, there is no need for me to hide it. Only by chatting here more can we solve the problem better. Now Murong Qinghu, right? It’s worth these secrets, I said, Captain Dongfang remembers to figure it out himself!”

"I need Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit, but it doesn't mean that at this time, Captain Dongfang can always ask for too much price. I think Captain Dongfang has the same idea as me. If you do business, you can You can have an advantage, but at least you have to be a little fair."

The helpless Fuyun could only say this. The current situation was not decided by Fuyun. At this time, Murong Qinghu had been exploited by Dongfang Lianshan, and Murong Qinghu couldn't wake up. What kind of help could he give Fuyun? Fuyun's plan does not include people like Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu.

But at this time, Murong Qinghu became a sharp weapon in the hands of Dongfang Lianshan, which made Fuyun unable to do anything. The current connection between Murong Qinghu and Dongfang Lianshan made Fuyun aware that something was wrong, but now The situation is already very delicate. Even if Fuyun knows that Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan have many other cooperations, many things can only be suppressed temporarily.

Today, Bai Qiuwu is using Murong Qinghu, and Dongfang Lianshan is also thinking of using Murong Qinghu to restrict Fuyun. In this way, Fuyun has no time and energy to consider Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu's plans, instead of considering these , it would be better to wait until he gets Murong Qinghu’s mountain spirit, and then Fuyun leaves directly.

Dongfang Lianshan, Fuyun's current weird deal makes Fuyun dissatisfied, but even if he is unhappy, Fuyun actually has no other way. After all, if he is not satisfied, is it possible that he still thinks that this time he will be completely satisfied? It is impossible to give up Murong Qinghu and then leave Fuyun.

Even if Fuyun knew that Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu had set up a trap, Fuyun could only say that he was using his own strength to ensure that the trap would not cause any harm, just like Dongfang Lianshan was using Murong Qinghu to delay time. It seemed that Fuyun was plotted against him, but in fact Fuyun knew that he still had time.

"Because of Murong Qinghu, I am in so many troubles now. This is really dangerous. Now there is no other way. Let's deal with the Dongfang Mountains first. Even with Murong Qinghu in hand, Dongfang Lianshan can do a lot of tricks now, but at least Shanjing wants to give it to me!"

"I only need the mountain spirit. As for whether there are any other troubles or whether Murong Qinghu will pose a threat again, this is not that important anymore. At least we can get the mountain spirit from Dongfang Lianshan first. This is The biggest opportunity right now, otherwise it would be easy to be really plotted by Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan because of Murong Qinghu."

Fuyun has no choice at this time. Even if he knows there is a trap, he can only jump in at this time. There is no other way. Murong Qinghu has brought benefits to Dongfang Lianshan. This is the best thing at the moment. An opportunity, but also an opportunity to eliminate threats. Don't give up this hope!

Fuyun knew that Murong Qinghu was not so stable at this time, and that Dongfang Lianshan had many plans, but the only person Murong Qinghu could attract Fuyun was just a mountain spirit, and Dongfang Lianshan didn't care about it now. He was asking Fuyun for more things, and Fuyun could also write a blank check.

At this time, the cooperation between the two parties was already very stable, and Murong Qinghu's role in Dongfang Lianshan was actually increasing, so Fuyun was not worried about whether this special mountain spirit in Murong Qinghu's hands would affect Dongfang Lianshan. Take it out, after all, there won't be any big trouble in the transaction between the two parties.

Fuyun is under a lot of pressure at the moment. He doesn’t particularly believe in Dongfang Lianshan, but now he can only choose to have some contact with Dongfang Lianshan. It is indeed very dangerous for Murong Qinghu to cause such trouble, but at this time, Dongfang Lianshan Using Murong Qinghu was enough to directly restrict Fuyun.

When such a threat came, even if Fuyun was dissatisfied, he actually just endured his anger and could only do what Dongfang Lianshan said to ensure that he would not bring any more risks. In this way, Fuyun has no other way, unless Fuyun abandons Murong Qinghu and directly robs the mountain spirits of the Eastern Mountains, which is very difficult to succeed!

In the mountains, Bai Qiuwu is not in a hurry now. Murong Qinghu is by his side. Dongfang Lianshan is taking Chen Song with him. Qi Dafa is almost ready and can continue on the road now. Murong Qinghu and Dongfang Lianshan are separated, attracting Fuyun. There is no problem with the plan. Now Bai Qiuwu has indeed completed this plan.

The benefits brought by Murong Qinghu are even greater now. Bai Qiuwu knows that Dongfang Lianshan may still feel that some plans are not safe, but at this time, one still needs to have some adventurous spirit. It is impossible to get benefits, Bai Qiuwu will not be wishful thinking.

As for Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit, Dongfang Lianshan used it as an excuse to deceive Fuyun, and it obviously succeeded. Murong Qinghu is now following Bai Qiuwu, but there is no action on the Dongfang Lianshan side. Fuyun is obviously because Murong Qinghu has already had many discussions with Dongfang Lianshan.

It's just that Bai Qiuwu doesn't know whether Dongfang Lianshan is ready to use this plan to deal with Fuyun. But in Fuying Mountain, near Fuyun Cave, for Bai Qiuwu, There is no risk, at least at this time, the threat is not too great.

At the moment, Bai Qiuwu is just thinking about taking advantage of the current company's advantages to eliminate some long-term disasters in Fuying Mountain. And Murong Qinghu's role, Bai Qiuwu is expanding, Murong Qinghu is now fainted, compared to waking up The effect is even greater. After all, at this time, Bai Qiuwu can still attract Fuyun together with Dongfang Lianshan.

"At this time, Murong Qinghu is indeed very useful, and Dongfang Lianshan has also brought a lot of help, which is enough to prevent Murong Qinghu from having to face Fuyun. This time Dongfang Lianshan has truly made a contribution, and he will return later When you go to the company, you can actually give an explanation, which is a great opportunity."

"Murong Qinghu now has these functions, and the company will not have any restrictions on Murong Qinghu. Dongfang Lianshan is probably very happy now. After all, it is not easy to get such an opportunity, but there are no other opportunities. , it all depends on Murong Qinghu’s luck.”

Bai Qiuwu knew very well how to control Murong Qinghu, and also understood how to make the pressure on Dongfang Mountains disappear at the moment. In this way, the connection between Murong Qinghu and Dongfang Mountains was successfully established by Bai Qiuwu, and Murong Qinghu would be in the future It won't cause any more trouble, that's enough.

The role of Dongfang Lianshan for Bai Qiuwu is to help Bai Qiuwu as the captain of the company, so that Bai Qiuwu can directly implement the plan without having to worry about the failure of some plans. As for how to make full use of Murong Qinghu, Bai Qiuwu now knows it well and is also thinking about it. After a quick experiment, Dongfang Lianshan did a lot of things for credit.

Murong Qinghu's next role may not be very big, but Dongfang Lianshan's actions at this time are enough to prevent Murong Qinghu from making any other plans. At present, Dongfang Lianshan already knows Bai Qiuwu's plan. Then dealing with some people will actually be very simple, and there will be no problems with Bai Qiuwu's plan.

But if Murong Qinghu were sober, he might not think of following Bai Qiuwu's order to deal with Fuyun directly. After all, the relationship between Fuyun and Murong Qinghu was not bad. Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan were both He wanted to investigate Murong Qinghu's secrets, not the so-called secrets on the surface.

As a member of the company, it was normal for Dongfang Lianshan to be curious about Murong Qinghu's secrets, but Bai Qiuwu was extremely concerned about Fuyingshan's secrets and the people behind Fuyun in order to solve the subsequent troubles. , Dongfang Lianshan, the places Bai Qiuwu pays attention to are actually different.

"Dongfang Lianshan still hasn't thought about how to really make good use of Murong Qinghu. Otherwise, Dongfang Lianshan itself can let Murong Qinghu play more roles. It's not that Dongfang Lianshan needs my reminder to know how. How to use Murong Qinghu to solve these troubles."

"Now Dongfang Lianshan's plan is very clear, which is to use Murong Qinghu to take advantage. At this point, I don't need to give Dongfang Lianshan any other opinions. Anyway, Murong Qinghu is not in any danger, and this is enough. , it would be inappropriate to really impose restrictions on Dongfang Mountain."

Bai Qiuwu, who is prepared at this time, will take action at any time to solve some troubles. No matter what anyone wants to do in Fuying Mountain, Bai Qiuwu can now detect it, and at this time, Bai Qiuwu will also quickly Guarantee that Murong Qinghu will not be in trouble.

Bai Qiuwu's plan is not just to simply use an Eastern Mountains, nor is it just to allow Murong Qinghu to have superficial safety at this time. Bai Qiuwu's plan is to investigate the truth and ensure that there will be no problems with the company's future cooperation. Dongfang Lianshan only thinks about his own merits now, but this Murong Qinghu is completely unaware.

(End of this chapter)

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