Chapter 184 A better plan

In the huge Fuyun Cave, Bai Qiuwu now knows that the company will deal with Murong Qinghu well. In the future, Bai Qiuwu only needs to get the company's investigation results and make good use of Murong Qinghu. This has become what Bai Qiuwu needs to consider now. Murong Qinghu After taking the mountain spirit away from Fuying Mountain, Bai Qiuwu wants Murong Qinghu to return the property to its original owner, so Bai Qiuwu will also receive benefits from Murong Qinghu.

Bai Qiuwu and Xie Qiuya cooperate. Now the trouble caused by Murong Qinghu's live broadcast will be quickly eliminated. And the next step of Bai Qiuwu's plan is to let Murong Qinghu play a greater role. Bai Qiuwu will wait until Murong Qinghu gradually wakes up, and the company's investigations follow one after another. Bai Qiuwu will soon know Murong Qinghu's secret.

At this moment, Bai Qiuwu also knew that Murong Qinghu and Fuyun were unable to do this. So in the dark, there were still many people who were constantly acting and making various small moves to destroy the stability everywhere today. Bai Qiuwu naturally had to take action in advance. This was the current opportunity.

And whether Murong Qinghu was being used, or the Murong Qinghu that Bai Qiuwu saw now was completely an abandoned son, Bai Qiuwu didn't know, and he had no intention of guessing Murong Qinghu's identity. Later, Bai Qiuwu and other companies investigated Murong Qinghu. Qinghu and Bai Qiuwu knew that there were other secrets about Murong Qinghu, so Bai Qiuwu couldn't be anxious.

After all, it is indeed not easy for Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast room to broadcast stably. At this time, if Murong Qinghu really brings any trouble, Bai Qiuwu will just cry without tears. Since he doesn't want to get into trouble, then Murong Qinghu Bai Qiuwu naturally wanted to eliminate some hidden dangers here and ensure that Murong Qinghu would not bring any risks. Of course, Bai Qiuwu also knew that it was impossible to completely eliminate all threats.

"Murong Qinghu asked Bai Qiuwu to help keep an eye on it, and there are probably many people in the company watching the live broadcast. There won't be any big problems with the live broadcast by then. Now we can trust some people in the company, because These people are more anxious than me watching the live broadcast, so this is an opportunity!"

"Xie Qiuya is worried that there is something wrong. Then Xie Qiuya knows that something may be wrong. All this is left to Xie Qiuya. The multi-layered guarantee will definitely prevent the entire plan from having any problems, and it will also allow Xie Qiuya to really perform a lot. I can indeed cooperate with Xie Qiuya in the future."

Bai Qiuwu, who is very clear about this, is naturally thinking about how to carry out Murong Qinghu's live broadcast. Bai Qiuwu must think about how to use talents in the future, such as Xie Qiuya, who is indeed very good, Murong Qinghu and Fu Yingshan The trouble can be eliminated soon, Bai Qiuwu still needs to make more preparations.

Bai Qiuwu knew that Murong Qinghu would be taken care of by Xie Qiuya for the time being. At that time, Bai Qiuwu could also wait for Murong Qinghu to cause a sensation by harvesting mountain spirits in the live broadcast room. Of course, Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast was a script, and there were many People don't really follow the rules. Murong Qinghu was Bai Qiuwu's test this time.

If the company is not so satisfied with Murong Qinghu's live broadcast, Bai Qiuwu will try to reduce such actions in the future. Taking advantage of the fact that there is no interference from the company this time, and Murong Qinghu is controlled by Bai Qiuwu, then Bai Qiuwu will naturally To pull Xie Qiuya and let Murong Qinghu play his role, Bai Qiuwu knew that this opportunity was once in a lifetime.

If Murong Qinghu is in the hands of Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu, then Bai Qiuwu wants to persuade Dongfang Lianshan to let Murong Qinghu live broadcast. Bai Qiuwu's plan is not successful. Even if Murong Qinghu doesn't care about Dongfang Lianshan, But Dongfang Lianshan still has to consider the impact on the company. There is no such problem between Bai Qiuwu and Xie Qiuya. Xie Qiuya also wants to do what Bai Qiuwu wants to do.

Regarding Murong Qinghu's matter, Bai Qiuwu and Xie Qiuya had a tacit understanding, and Xie Qiuya was not a formal employee of the company. Even if something happened to Murong Qinghu, Bai Qiuwu and Xie Qiuya would not have to take responsibility, unlike Dongfang Lianshan who controlled Murong Qing Hu, I'm afraid that if Bai Qiuwu wants to really use Murong Qing Hu, he will have to avoid the Eastern Mountains, just like now.

In the mountains, Fuyun's eyes are now filled with excitement, because at this time, Fuyun feels that he has completely used Dongfang Lianshan, and also allowed Murong Qinghu to continue to expand his role. Dongfang Lianshan seems to be smart, and he is also a member of the company. A team leader, but Dongfang Lianshan misunderstood Murong Qinghu's matter.

Fuyun even thought that after getting Chen Song and Murong Qinghu, he would be able to deal with Dongfang Lianshan soon. I'm afraid Dongfang Lianshan hadn't thought of it. Before he got Murong Qinghu, Fuyun thought about eliminating them in the future. Fuyun, who truly made himself extremely safe from future troubles, thought that he had already plotted against Dongfang Lianshan.

Fuyun and Dongfang Lianshan both felt that they were scheming against each other, but Dongfang Lianshan's idea was closer to reality, while Fuyun at this time felt like a dreamer. There was no advantage at all, and he was just dreaming. Pretty much, I just think that I am extremely powerful at the moment.

Murong Qinghu is in the hands of Dongfang Lianshan, and whether Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit is in the hands of Dongfang Lianshan, Fuyun doesn't know, and it is impossible to judge for the time being, but Murong Qinghu will be used by Fuyun immediately, this This is extremely important. Now Fuyun wants to quickly cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan and then make his troubles disappear.

At present, Murong Qinghu has no effect on Dongfang Lianshan. Fuyun is not worried about Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit and this cooperation. Dongfang Lianshan is digging a hole. After all, Fuyun never thought that if Dongfang Lianshan If you keep digging holes, what is the point of doing so? It is more important for Dongfang Lianshan and Fuyun to cooperate well.

"Murong Qinghu has really become the most critical move now. If I make good use of the Eastern Mountains, there will be no other troubles by then. Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit has become my only one now. I hope that Dongfang Lianshan will seize this point and insist on threatening me here..."

"It seems that Murong Qinghu is controlled by Dongfang Lianshan. This special mountain spirit of Murong Qinghu has become my flaw, but now if I use it well, in fact, Dongfang Lianshan will become an assistant to me. Now it is directly It is indeed not difficult to use Dongfang Mountain. Even if Murong Qinghu’s matter is resolved, Dongfang Mountain will be..."

Fuyun, who planned this, was of course thinking that Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit was controlled by Dongfang Lianshan. Murong Qinghu was also controlled by Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu, and Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit was controlled by Dongfang Lianshan. Mountain is under control, and then Murong Qinghu cannot bring benefits to Dongfang Mountain, so Murong Qinghu had better become a contributor to Dongfang Mountain!

Fuyun didn't think it would be difficult for him to obtain Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit at this time. Dongfang Lianshan could not directly use Murong Qinghu, and Dongfang Lianshan was a member of the company, so it was not easy for him to use Murong Qinghu openly. Qinghu's mountain spirit, Dongfang Lianshan has nothing to do, it will only destroy the mountain spirit, so why not just give Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit to Fuyun.

Fuyun is indeed very dissatisfied with the fact that Dongfang Lianshan now has the lion's mouth wide open. However, Murong Qinghu has many functions at this time, and Dongfang Lianshan knows it well, so using Murong Qinghu's Dongfang Lianshan is not simply a matter of The lion opened his mouth and offered a crazy price, but Murong Qinghu was worth this price to Fuyun. Even if there are other small plans in Dongfang Lianshan at the moment, after Murong Qinghu is controlled by Fuyun, Dongfang Lianshan is actually an ant in Fuyun's eyes and has no effect. By then Murong Qinghu will Qinghu will become Fuyun's biggest opportunity, which is also more important.

It is not difficult for Fuyun to control the Dongfang Mountains. The most important thing is that Fuyun deceived Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit from the Dongfang Mountains. Murong Qinghu's treasure was in Fuyun's hands, and the Dongfang Mountains Even if Shan has other plans, Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit belongs to Fuyun. The Eastern Mountains threaten Fuyun and will have no effect!

"There is still no need to cooperate with you directly, let alone pass on your mantle. Murong Qinghu's things will be given to you, and then I will leave the company, not that I will continue to stay in the company. After so many years in the company, it is nothing more than It’s just for some resources, since you can give me the treasure..."

"Let's not talk about this now. Since we have no objections to each other's conditions, then the subsequent cooperation should not be a problem. Just follow what I just said, you tell me all kinds of secrets, and then I will tell Murong I’ll leave Qinghu to you, and we’ll break up when the time comes.”

Dongfang Lianshan said calmly, Murong Qinghu's trouble was a small matter to Dongfang Lianshan, and it would not cause too much trouble soon. Moreover, even if Murong Qinghu caused trouble, he would not let Dongfang Lianshan do it in the end. The mountains are in danger. If this is the case, the Dongfang Mountains must take action as soon as possible.

The current Murong Qinghu can bring a lot of gains to Dongfang Lianshan. Murong Qinghu's greatest role is not to mention his connection with Dongfang Lianshan. This Murong Qinghu has become the person Fuyun can't let go of the most. In this way As a result, the pressure on Dongfang Lianshan can actually disappear quickly. Murong Qinghu helped Dongfang Lianshan solve many problems.

Murong Qinghu plays a lot of roles now. Dongfang Lianshan has made good use of Murong Qinghu, and it has indeed eliminated many threats from Fuyun. However, Dongfang Lianshan can use Murong Qinghu to do more things. Dongfang Lianshan can use Murong Qinghu to do more things. Shan didn't think of these functions of Murong Qinghu before, but now it is indeed a pity.

The cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Murong Qinghu allowed Dongfang Lianshan to directly suppress Fuyun. No matter what little tricks Fuyun had, he was unable to succeed in the end and could only be dealt with quickly by Murong Qinghu. This also allowed Fuyun to Dongfang Lianshan can continue to deal with Fuyun, and there is no need to worry that Fuyun is dissatisfied and chooses to leave directly.

Originally Murong Qinghu could not play a big role at once, but now Dongfang Lianshan needs to make good use of Murong Qinghu, then Dongfang Lianshan can quickly let Murong Qinghu play more roles. Dongfang Lianshan feels that He knew how to make Murong Qinghu play more of a role. This was also Dongfang Lianshan's plan.

"Using Murong Qinghu well, I really turned Fuyun into a fool. I have gained a lot this time, but Bai Qiuwu's side is probably about the same. If Fuyun knew that all this was just acting, I’m probably really pissed off, and I didn’t expect that I would actually cooperate with Bai Qiuwu like this!”

"But now with Bai Qiuwu's help, I can quickly take advantage of Fuyun. Even if Fuyun notices something is wrong, there is actually nothing he can do. This is a good opportunity, and one of the few at the moment. Thanks to his great contribution, Fuyun can still dream again."

Dongfang Lianshan, who has many calculations, is not in a hurry to talk to Fuyun now. Dongfang Lianshan now knows what happened to Murong Qinghu, and Murong Qinghu was used by Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan, and Fuyun has no idea about it. After Murong Qinghu was arrested and Dongfang Lianshan returned to the company, he could brag about it for a long time.

Dongfang Lianshan knew the role of Murong Qinghu. Fortunately, he had not abandoned Murong Qinghu before. Once Dongfang Lianshan did not cooperate with Bai Qiuwu and chose to abandon Murong Qinghu, then Dongfang Lianshan would not be like this during this period. A harvest, now with Bai Qiuwu's help, Dongfang Lianshan can feel at ease.

Murong Qinghu will not bring trouble in the future, but will only bring many opportunities to Dongfang Lianshan. Murong Qinghu has become a credit that Dongfang Lianshan needs now. Bringing Murong Qinghu back to the company will be a great help to Dongfang Lianshan. It is not difficult for Lianshan. Even if Murong Qinghu cannot go back, Dongfang Lianshan will not be at a loss if he gets Fuyun's secret.

After all, when Murong Qinghu was taken away by Bai Qiuwu, Dongfang Lianshan had already acquiesced that Murong Qinghu would be dealt with at will by Bai Qiuwu. When Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu's cooperation took shape, in fact Murong Qinghu was not important. Dongfang Lianshan used Murong What Qinghu's mountain spirit can learn from Fuyun is even more critical.

Dongfang Lianshan is now very lucky. In order to get Murong Qinghu's special mountain spirit, Fuyun told Dongfang Lianshan everything he could. Moreover, Fuyun has made a lot of preparations. Next, he can guarantee that he will get Murong Qinghu's mountain spirit. Jing, there will be no more problems in this cooperation. Dongfang Lianshan is waiting for Fuyun to agree, and also waiting for Bai Qiuwu's plan to be completed.

"Okay, Murong Qinghu's matter is settled like this. Captain Dongfang doesn't want to cooperate, so everyone has their own ambitions, so I can't force it, but..."

Fuyun nodded, and now he did not ask Dongfang Lianshan to join his men. Anyway, Fuyun had finished his polite words, and the next direct transaction was the key. Murong Qinghu was the treasure that Fuyun really needed. , Dongfang Lianshan is no longer stuck with Murong Qinghu, so Fuyun thanks Dongfang Lianshan.

As for what Fuyun gained from getting Murong Qinghu's treasure, Dongfang Lianshan doesn't need to say much!

(End of this chapter)

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