Bai Qiuwu and Qi Dafa, who were walking on the road, had similar ideas now. Bai Qiuwu's words persuaded Qi Dafa. If Murong Qinghu was in trouble, it wouldn't matter what happened to Liu San and his wife. Qi Dafa's family would not be that important at that time. With many risks, this point is extremely clear, and it is a crisis at the moment. Bai Qiuwu doesn't want to tell Qi Dafa how dangerous it will be in the future, because Qi Dafa knows it himself.

Qi Dafa knows how powerful the company is, and now Murong Qinghu is very important to the people in the company. If Liu San and his wife take care of Murong Qinghu, Qi Dafa and the people in Fuyingshan will be in trouble with Liu San and his wife. , could it be that Murong Qinghu, Qi Dafa is willing to put Liu San and his wife in danger, even Qi Dafa gave up his various businesses, and he has to deal with Murong Qinghu, which is impossible.

Liu San and his wife were so crazy about Murong Qinghu that they were even willing to follow Fuyun to help build a formation to deal with Murong Qinghu. Liu San and his wife were extremely embarrassed, and they were only dissatisfied with Murong Qinghu, but Today, Qi Dafa is rich and has a lot of business. Liu San and his wife will be safe from Murong Qinghu. The people in Fuyingshan will not have any trouble with Qi Dafa. Murong Qinghu will naturally They can be dealt with by Liu San and his wife at any time.

But the matter has come to this. If Murong Qinghu is dealt with, Liu San and his wife will be the first to be targeted by the company, and Qi Dafa will also be in trouble. Now Qi Dafa will naturally not think about dealing with Murong Qinghu, which will cause him great losses. , This is actually normal. Liu San and his wife have no hope, so they have to deal with Murong Qinghu. Cleaning up Murong Qinghu has become the only goal of Liu San and his wife. But Qi Dafa is different, and so are more people in Fuyingshan.

After all, Liu San and his wife are from the village. For Qi Dafa, the relationship between Liu San and his wife at this time is still very good. It is not that difficult for Qi Dafa to directly betray Murong Qinghu's secret, but if Qi Dafa lets Liu San It is not easy to tell the secrets of the three couples. After all, Murong Qinghu has a deep conflict with Fu Yingshan, but Liu San and his wife are his own people to Qi Dafa now.

"Well, in that case, it is of course the best. With these connections about Murong Qinghu's father and company, it will be easier to conduct more investigations next. In fact, there will be no difference. There is something wrong with Liu San and his wife, and Murong Qinghu is in trouble, that's enough."

"Coupled with the news in the village, it would be better if we could know the next plan of Liu San and his wife. But now about Murong Qinghu, you better not say too much when the time comes. Otherwise, many people in the village may Similar to Liu San and his wife, they are also dealing with Murong Qinghu."

Bai Qiuwu said calmly and asked Qi Dafa to inquire. When asking, he should not directly tell everything about Liu San and his wife, Murong Qinghu. Now Bai Qiuwu hopes that Qi Dafa can secretly help the investigation instead of talking about it. Directly tell many people in the village the plan of Liu San and his wife, so that many people know that Murong Qinghu is being taken care of by Liu San and his wife. If Qi Dafa does this, it is possible that the people who deal with Murong Qinghu will not only be Liu San and his wife, but also Liu San and his wife. To alert the snake.

Nowadays, Murong Qinghu still plays a lot of roles. Bai Qiuwu is willing to help Liu San and his wife, but it does not mean that Murong Qinghu is in danger. Liu San and his wife have many suspicions. Bai Qiuwu still wants to give up on Murong Qinghu. , and then help Liu San and his wife. Many of Bai Qiuwu's current actions are actually to ensure that there are no other hidden dangers and nip them in the bud, not that Bai Qiuwu can help with whatever Liu San and his wife do.

Murong Qinghu was punished because of Liu San and his wife. Even though Liu San and his wife did not really deal with Murong Qinghu, Qi Dafa still felt that this was justice for heaven. After this, the current atmosphere has naturally changed. In Qi Dafa's heart , didn't think there was any problem with Liu San and his wife at all, so they naturally didn't think about it, and quickly told Bai Qiuwu everything. Even though Bai Qiuwu's words made sense, Qi Dafa didn't take any immediate action.

No matter what Bai Qiuwu said was right, in fact, at this moment, he couldn't completely convince Qi Dafa. What Bai Qiuwu said was indeed reasonable. However, Qi Dafa still didn't want to say more when Qi Dafa was asked to tell more about Liu San and his wife. At least it was to Bai Qiuwu. It was hard to say more. Even if Qi Dafa could tell people in the company later, he didn't want Bai Qiuwu to know more about the contact between Murong Qinghu and Liu San and his wife.

It's not that Qi Dafa doesn't believe Bai Qiuwu, but if the company asks Qi Dafa, Qi Dafa can say that he is forced to do nothing, and other people in the village are under investigation. In fact, he will also tell the many relationships between Murong Qinghu, Liu San and his wife, not It is said that Qi Dafa now needs to tell everything in front of Bai Qiuwu. The current situation has naturally changed, because at this time, Qi Dafa still does not want to tell all kinds of secrets quickly by himself, and wants to rely on others to talk more. Two sentences.

"The connection between Murong Qinghu and Liu San and his wife is now very clear. I will find a way to have Murong Qinghu taken away by the company as soon as possible. Then I can slowly investigate the matter of Liu San and his wife. After all, Fuyingshan The trouble has not gone away, so I still have to be more cautious at this time instead of being extremely anxious."

"There are still many people who can help me find out about Murong Qinghu's father and the cooperation between Liu San and his wife. This is enough. I don't have to worry about whether there are any other risks. Murong Qinghu Qi Da Fat is not important, but Liu San and his wife can let Qi Dafa do a lot of things."

Bai Qiuwu, who knew some of Qi Dafa's plans, of course also knew at this time that Qi Dafa was actually extremely cautious. Qi Dafa was very interested in some follow-up cooperation, but when it came to really helping Murong Qinghu, Qi Dafa still directly refused, instead of saying that Qi Dafa Just like helping Liu San and his wife, he helped Bai Qiuwu rescue Murong Qinghu. Anyway, Qi Dafa could help Bai Qiuwu now, but he just hoped that Liu San and his wife would not have any trouble.

As long as Murong Qinghu is not dead, it is actually not a big deal if there are some crises. At least for Qi Dafa at the moment, Liu San and his wife did the right thing, but originally Qi Dafa hoped that Murong Qinghu would be tricked by Liu San and his wife. Death, Qi Dafa doesn't want this now. Qi Dafa wants Murong Qinghu to be unable to take care of himself in the future, and at the same time, Liu San and his wife will not have any trouble. Otherwise, Murong Qinghu will not be able to continue to spend the day and night if he has money.

At this time, Liu San and his wife were living a very miserable life, and Qi Dafa's life was not very good these years. Now Murong Qinghu has to pay a certain price. This is the best thing. Bai Qiuwu said that Liu San and his wife cannot be If the company punishes him, Qi Dafa wants to let Murong Qinghu suffer as much loss as possible, and Liu San and his wife will not have too much trouble. Anyway, for Qi Dafa, Murong Qinghu can be very painful. This is a better point, and it also makes today Qi Dafa was very happy. The conflict between Liu San and his wife and Murong Qinghu is indeed imminent, but for Qi Dafa, these are trivial matters. Even if Liu San and his wife are not punished, even if Murong Qinghu is in trouble at this time, Qi Dafa will not Take action, if Bai Qiuwu hadn't mentioned that Liu San and his wife were in trouble, Qi Dafa would have naturally thought that someone would deal with Murong Qinghu at any time, and Liu San and his wife had indeed done a lot of things, which Qi Dafa admired very much, but it brought risks. But no.

Qi Dafa has this idea, so on the surface he is willing to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, rather than saying that he has any real conflicts with Bai Qiuwu, but privately Qi Dafa is already somewhat dissatisfied with Bai Qiuwu, but Qi Dafa can't blame Bai Qiuwu, after all, Bai Qiuwu It has nothing to do with Murong Qinghu, even Bai Qiuwu still wants to help Liu San and his wife. At this point, Murong Qinghu will have no problem being dealt with by Liu San and his wife. Qi Dafa can just make sure that Murong Qinghu will not die.

"Don't worry, now that he has a relationship with Liu San and his wife, Murong Qinghu will not die. When the time comes, Liu San and his wife will be allowed to stay in the village first, and then Murong Qinghu will be sent out. I will talk to some people in the village and guarantee that he will not die. It will allow these people to discover something is wrong, and the private investigation is definitely confidential enough."

"But as long as Liu San and his wife are not in any trouble, I can make Murong Qinghu safer now. But if Liu San and his wife are investigated in the future, Murong Qinghu will not be able to live in peace. Everyone in Fuyingshan will think I want to help Liu San and his wife, after all Murong Qinghu’s father has done a lot of bad things, this is retribution.”

Qi Dafa said that the matter of Liu San and his wife is extremely critical now. Murong Qinghu can live, but Liu San and his wife must be out of trouble. Otherwise, if both Murong Qinghu and Liu San and his wife are in trouble, Murong Qinghu will be blessed in the future. The people in Yingshan stared at them. Many people in Fuyingshan did nothing and wanted to deal with Murong Qinghu. After all, Liu San and his wife were having a miserable life because Murong Qinghu was investigated and would not be punished in the future. Liu San and his wife He didn't really kill Murong Qinghu.

At this point, Bai Qiuwu and Qi Dafa have different ideas. Even now, Qi Dafa does not really think about providing certain help to Bai Qiuwu. It is just that Qi Dafa brings some benefits to Liu San and his wife. Otherwise, Qi Dafa You can give up cooperation with Bai Qiuwu, otherwise there will be trouble again. Qi Dafa will not help Bai Qiuwu. Murong Qinghu will also have a lot of troubles. This is not Qi Dafa threatening Bai Qiuwu, nor does it mean that the two of them cannot help. cooperate.

It is Liu San and his wife who deal with Murong Qinghu. In the cooperation between Bai Qiuwu and Qi Dafa, this is part of Bai Qiuwu's plan to protect Liu San and his wife. As long as Murong Qinghu is not dead, then Liu San and his wife, Fu Yingshan Many people will not be investigated and can live a stable life in the future. Even if Murong Qinghu is targeted by Liu San and his wife, and Murong Qinghu is in a bad state now, as long as Liu San and his wife do not really solve Murong Qinghu, Bai Qiuwu will protect him. Liu San and his wife, Qi Dafa and others.

Of course, Qi Dafa said that Murong Qinghu was not dead and Bai Qiuwu wanted to provide shelter to Fu Yingshan, not just Liu San and his wife. In fact, Qi Dafa was somewhat resistant to helping Murong Qinghu, but he had no choice but to help Murong Qinghu. , and even hindered the plans of Liu San and his wife, mainly because Qi Dafa was afraid that if he did not cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, Qi Dafa himself would be investigated in the future. Otherwise, Murong Qinghu's death had nothing to do with Qi Dafa, so why should Qi Dafa help Bai Qiuwu solve the trouble.

The safety of Liu San and his wife was regarded by Qi Dafa as Bai Qiuwu and Fu Yingshan's sincerity in cooperation. Now Qi Dafa is sure that Bai Qiuwu has this kind of sincerity. When the time comes, Qi Dafa can come forward and help Bai Qiuwu solve some troubles, instead of saying that in this At that time, Qi Dafa could help solve many troubles, but Qi Dafa would not take action because Qi Dafa was afraid that he would also be in trouble. The cooperation between Bai Qiuwu and Qi Dafa must have certain guarantees.

"The cooperation between Murong Qinghu and Liu San is on the one hand. Now I can't have any trouble. Otherwise, if I'm not careful in the future, I will have to pay a huge price. I can't think about it all the time in the future. We all rely on Bai Qiuwu, but we still have to let Bai Qiuwu make peace with some people in the company."

"At this time, Murong Qinghu can leave safely just because Bai Qiuwu is willing to help. Instead of saying that Bai Qiuwu will give me some benefits, I will cause trouble for Liu San and his wife, and then let Bai Qiuwu's plan succeed. All of this is naturally Impossible, after all, I am from Fuyingshan, and I cannot let Fuyingshan get into trouble."

Thinking about this, Qi Dafa knew that he should not forget his roots in life. It would be more important if he could cooperate with Bai Qiuwu as soon as possible and then determine some of his next opportunities from Bai Qiuwu. Qi Dafa did not want to interfere with Murong Qinghu's matter. , Liu San and his wife must be safe, otherwise Murong Qinghu will be fine. Liu San and his wife will not be safe when the time comes. People in Fuyingshan will always want to deal with Murong Qinghu, and Bai Qiuwu doesn't want to see this scene.

Qi Dafa is very sympathetic to Liu San and his wife, and now Qi Dafa is even more thinking about what he should do next. After all, before helping others, Qi Dafa must first ensure that he is not in any danger, otherwise he will be in dire straits. How could he help others? As long as Murong Qinghu was alive, Liu San and his wife would not be in trouble. This was a very important condition for Bai Qiuwu and Qi Dafa to cooperate.

Now what Qi Dafa needs is not only to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu and do business together, but Qi Dafa also needs some threats from Murong Qinghu and Fu Yingshan not to have anything to do with him, and many people in Fu Yingshan cannot have anything to do with it. Trouble, even if Liu San and his wife intervene in Murong Qinghu's matter, Qi Dafa is still willing to help Liu San and his wife. Bai Qiuwu should understand this. This is the bottom line for their cooperation.

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