Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 21 How to persuade the ultimate love brain?

Chapter 21 How to persuade the ultimate love brain?
A sunny day.

Bai Qiuwu and Miss Leba from the entertainment industry successfully met at ten o'clock one morning.

Sister Leba from the entertainment industry is a short-haired beauty who looks to be in her 20s. She looks clean and neat, with a cool beauty.

She introduced herself with a smile: "Hello, my name is Wang Song."

Bai Qiuwu nodded and went straight to the point: "Hello, where is your sister."

Wang Song: "..."

It's obviously a normal sentence, but why does it sound so weird in this person's mouth?

Wang Song suppressed the strange feeling in his heart and replied: "She didn't come. I told her that there was a master who wanted to see her, but she didn't want to see her."

"Maybe it's because I forced her to see several psychiatrists before, but she resisted and thought she had no problem."

In order to facilitate netizens to eat melon on the spot, Wang Song's mobile phone has always been hung up on the voice call, and now the phone is densely packed with netizens.

Because everyone was on mute, everyone could only scroll like crazy in the group.

Lin Youzi: Having a love brain is scary enough, but having a love brain without knowing it is doubly scary.

Yan Yan: It’s true, some love brains don’t think they are love brains at all. Maybe they are just obsessed with the authorities, but bystanders can tell.

Eat stewed bones tonight: Very good, the difficulty level is full, let me see how this magic stick rolls over, the posture is already set.

Coriander is my life: Upstairs, I have long been disgusted with this magic stick. When she overturns, see how I ridicule her to death. She will retreat from the circle and never dare to show her face again!


The news was spreading very fast. I don’t know how many people were watching the excitement. Not to mention how excited they were. Some people even secretly started live broadcasts to lead more netizens to enjoy the news online.

Some people have even thought about the title after Bai Qiuwu's overturn, and are waiting for her to overturn, and then be ready to release it at any time to seize the primary market.

Moreover, this matter is still spreading rapidly, spreading rapidly in the circle that pays attention to Bai Qiuwu's metaphysics. Countless people come to eat after hearing the news, and basically they are all waiting to fall over.

It is commonly said that watching the excitement is not too big a deal, so watch the metaphysics scene online.

Even the group Pu Xi belonged to was alarmed, and the news came one after another.

Pu Xi was in the company and was strictly prohibited from contacting Bai Qiuwu by his brother. Seeing the excitement at this time, he went to find his brother directly.

He felt that he had to let his brother see for himself how spiritual Bai Qiuwu was in order to eliminate the misunderstanding between the two.

As a result, Pu Yao was speechless for a long time, and only said: "Are you very free?"

Then they drove the people away, and Pu Xi had to watch it by herself with tears in her eyes.

Of course, Bai Qiuwu didn't know any of this. She was actually not used to using electronic equipment, and she didn't expect Wang Song to operate like this, so she was still analyzing the situation without knowing anything.

"Let's go meet your sister first." Bai Qiuwu said.

"She now particularly resists being said to be a love brain, and gets angry whenever she mentions it." Wang Song was a little worried: "Can you do it?"

Bai Qiuwu didn't confirm it directly, but smiled casually: "You have to read it and decide whether it's okay or not."

Wang Song had to take her to find someone.

Wang Song's family situation is good. She and her sister live in the most expensive area. The multi-story villa is located in a place where every inch of land is precious. It is simply not ordinary rich.

And probably because she is rich and has never been exposed to complex society before, Wang Song's sister seems particularly simple.

It was a little girl who looked to be in her teens. Wang Song called her Xiaoyue. She was also very beautiful, and she looked like a pampered young lady at first glance.

Seeing Wang Song, Xiaoyue was obviously not happy: "Sister, why are you here again? Can you please leave me alone."

Wang Song looked very helpless towards her younger sister: "Xiaoyue, don't I care about you too?"

Xiaoyue didn't listen at all, and was even a little bit intolerant. She was even unhappy when she saw Bai Qiuwu brought by Wang Song. "Who is this, the magic stick you said you were going to bring?"

What he said was really rude. He didn't give any face at all. If he wanted to be replaced by an ordinary master, he would probably be pissed to death by now.

But Bai Qiuwu looked at her with burning eyes. Not only was he not angry, his expression was a bit complicated.

But she didn't respond, but Wang Song became a little unhappy: "Xiaoyue, why are you talking?"

Xiaoyue curled her lips and said dissatisfied: "Originally, they are all just pretending to be magicians. I don't believe it. How could the master look like this?"

Wang Song was helpless.

Bai Qiuwu's face was a standard one for the entertainment industry. He really didn't look like a master. Wang Song himself didn't know how to refute it.

At this time, those netizens were laughing like crazy, and the barrages in various live broadcast rooms were flooding the screen.

[Hahahaha, hell starts, people don’t believe it at all, let me see what she does]

[It is expected to overturn soon, so look forward to it]

[This car is bound to turn over, okay? People don’t believe her at all, how can she possibly persuade her to do so]

There were countless voices gloating about the misfortune, and some people were even counting down the time when the car overturned.

However, at this moment, Bai Qiuwu suddenly spoke.

"When you were a child, you made a wish to the sky."

The voice came so suddenly that everyone was stunned for a moment. Xiaoyue blinked and said inexplicably: "What nonsense are you talking about."

"You must have been six years old at that time. You were lost. You cried for a long time and wished to the sky that you could go home. Then it got dark and a street light came on. You followed the street light and returned home."

Bai Qiuwu's tone was very calm, as if he was saying that the weather today is good.

But Xiaoyue opened her eyes suddenly, and her voice even broke out of surprise: "How did you know?!"

At that time, she had a quarrel with her family and ran away on her own. Later she felt it was embarrassing to be lost and she didn't tell anyone, not even her parents knew about it.

Wang Song was also very surprised and couldn't help but wonder: "There is also this matter, why don't I know about it?"

Netizens couldn't help but ask questions, but just when everyone thought that Bai Qiuwu was going to start showing off the master's money, he mysteriously said that he had figured it out himself.

Bai Qiuwu said in an unusually casual tone: "Oh, you were so sincere when you made your wish. I felt your wish, and then I helped you realize it. You cried too loudly, and I still remember it until now."

Everyone: "?"

What the hell?
Wang Song's mouth twitched wildly. If Bai Qiuwu had just said that she had calculated these things, then she might think that she had something.

But this guy actually directly said that she made the wish come true, so he was exaggerating!
Who the hell believes this?who do you think You Are?
Netizens were also outraged. They thought Bai Qiuwu was outrageous and dared to tell any nonsense.

Xiaoyue actually felt that it was outrageous, but she was the person involved and suffered a greater impact than others. Although she didn't believe it, she was indeed a little more suspicious of the overly good-looking starlet in front of her.

But she still didn't let go: "I admit that you have some abilities, but I tell you, I will never leave Brother Wu. We are true love!"

Wang Song: "..."

Netizens: "..."

It is indeed the legendary late love brain, I have seen it.

So what about the master? In front of the love brain, the gods have to kowtow before leaving.

While speechless, everyone couldn't help but feel excited.

Very good, it seems that Bai Qiuwu is scheduled to overturn!
(End of this chapter)

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