Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 235 Many opportunities, choose by yourself

Chapter 235 Many opportunities, choose by yourself
The current atmosphere in Fuying Mountain is very clear. As for the cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife, Fuyun has a way. After solving Murong Qinghu, Dongfang Lianshan can naturally cooperate with Liu San and his wife. Bai Qiuwu He was thinking of letting Dongfang Lianshan investigate Liu San and his wife, and then deal with Liu San and his wife himself, so that Dongfang Lianshan could get what he wanted, and join forces with Liu San and his wife in the future. Fuyun's method was quick, but it would control Dongfang Lianshan, and Bai Qiu Wu's method is too slow.

If Dongfang Lianshan knew later, Fuyun was willing to cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan for Liu San and his wife to deal with Murong Qinghu. However, Bai Qiuwu gave up letting Fuyun deal with Murong Qinghu for many of his plans, which led to Liu San and his wife and Dongfang Lianshan. Lianshan could not unite. At that time, Bai Qiuwu would not be able to get news from Liu San and his wife. At the same time, Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan could not cooperate. Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan were even more dissatisfied with Bai Qiuwu. This Fuyun himself knew something about it.

Liu San and his wife would pay a huge price to deal with Murong Qinghu, but Fuyun naturally didn't have to worry more about Murong Qinghu. If Dongfang Lianshan knew this, they would certainly be willing to let Liu San and his wife cooperate. Dongfang Lianshan Shan may not be willing to keep Murong Qinghu. After all, how did Murong Qinghu and Liu San and his wife choose? Dongfang Lianshan is a smart man. Bai Qiuwu may choose Murong Qinghu, but Liu San and his wife are the ones who contributed to Dongfang Lianshan, so now Cooperation is a must.

Now Liu San and his wife need to deal with Murong Qinghu. If anyone can deal with Murong Qinghu, they can contact Liu San and his wife. Dongfang Lianshan can obviously do more things for Liu San and his wife, but Bai Qiuwu's specific considerations, Fuyun now doesn't know that Fuyun should consider these things by himself and then make a decision. At that time, Fuyun will find a way to deal with Murong Qinghu or let him go according to Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu's decision. Murong Qinghu.

As for Liu San and his wife, they can't escape for the time being. Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan can think about using Liu San and his wife to find more hidden secrets. Then Dongfang Lianshan will take credit and Bai Qiuwu will also gain something, or Liu San and his wife will not be able to deal with them. Murong Qinghu, Bai Qiuwu, and Dongfang Lianshan finally gave up on cooperating with Liu San and his wife. Fuyun cannot decide these matters now. Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu will consider what to do with Liu San and his wife, Murong Qinghu, and Bai Qiuwu. Just tell Fuyun.

"Miss Bai is right. If I don't handle the matter of Liu San and his wife well, Dongfang Lianshan will naturally deal with me, and the company will also find trouble for me. But I can cooperate with the company and help solve some problems in the future. Hidden danger, the matter is over, as long as my plan helps Liu San and his wife, then the company will need me. "

"As for the company and Dongfang Lianshan dealing with me, how long can my old bones last? As long as I can gain more from the company immediately, Liu San and his wife and Dongfang Lianshan can join forces with me in the future. If I I’m still thinking about more things in the future, but I’m just a little too greedy.”

Fuyun shook his head. Bai Qiuwu was right. If he really used Liu San and his wife to control Dongfang Lianshan, he might be targeted by the company. But at this moment, Liu San and his wife were cooperating with Dongfang Lianshan. Fuyun would not be targeted. The influence has been too long. At Fuyun's age, he is now helping the company solve problems. Liu San and his wife are cooperating with Dongfang Lianshan. Such private alliances will naturally not cause problems. It is not that Fuyun has more. Fuyun's longevity actually doesn't last long.

It is indeed more important that Dongfang Lianshan directly cooperates with Liu San and his wife, but now, such a cooperation is not that simple. Dongfang Lianshan needs to think about many subsequent plans by itself, instead of talking about it at this time , Dongfang Lianshan can't decide on Murong Qinghu's matter, and Dongfang Lianshan can't tell whether Liu San and his wife can unite. Fuyun naturally hopes that he won't deal with Murong Qinghu, and then Liu San and his wife, Dongfang Lianshan cooperate.

Liu San and his wife need to deal with Murong Qinghu. At this moment, Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife have hope to unite, and Dongfang Lianshan knows the value of Liu San and Murong Qinghu. It depends on how Dongfang Lianshan decides. Bai Qiuwu How to think about it? Anyway, if Fuyun is Bai Qiuwu or Dongfang Lianshan, he will directly deal with Murong Qinghu, instead of continuing to let the current Murong Qinghu have a certain connection with Liu San and his wife, Dongfang Lianshan will be more There will be many hidden dangers.

At present, the goal of Liu San and his wife is just to deal with Murong Qinghu, and Fuyun finds a way to deal with Murong Qinghu. Fuyun should be able to get a lot of benefits in the future. As for how the company targets Fuyun, Fuyun is not actually interested in this. So worried, after all, if Murong Qinghu is alive, he will naturally be useful, but if Murong Qinghu is taken care of by Fuyun, the company will not directly take care of Fuyun for Murong Qinghu, who does not have many secrets and is useless. .

After all, Murong Qinghu doesn't have much effect. Fuyun can also think of a way to deal with Murong Qinghu. Then Fuyun's role will become greater. Dongfang Lianshan cannot watch Fuyun get into trouble, and Fuyun can deal with Murong Qinghu. , it is for Liu San and his wife, Dongfang Lianshan's cooperation can also be regarded as working for the company. The company will keep Murong Qinghu, which will not have any effect. It is better for Fuyun to use Murong Qinghu as himself and Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan. The key to Shan United is that Fuyun does not suffer losses.

"The long-term alliance between Mr. and Mrs. Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan has little to do with me. Bai Qiuwu is right. I may be dealt with by Mr. and Mrs. Liu San, and Dongfang Lianshan may even silence me in the future. But At this time, Liu San and his wife and Dongfang Lianshan can cooperate directly with me, and that is enough. "

"Bai Qiuwu is thinking about future security, but I cooperated with Liu San and his wife to deal with Murong Qinghu, and also joined forces with Dongfang Lianshan. Why bother thinking about the trouble in the future for too long? On the contrary, if Liu San and his wife cannot let Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan With more contacts, I’m afraid there will be more hidden dangers in the future, after all, many people are watching me.”

In fact, Fuyun is very helpless. Bai Qiuwu's words make sense. It is naturally impossible not to interfere in the cooperation between Liu San, his wife and Dongfang Lianshan. However, Fuyun must try his best to avoid having more contact with Liu San, his wife and Dongfang Lianshan. Otherwise, the more Fuyun knows, the more troubles he will have in the future. But Fuyun has no other way. At this time, he can only take risks. Liu San and his wife are controlled by Fuyun, and then Dongfang Lianshan, Fuyun Cooperation is enough.

As for what Liu San and his wife would think about later, and what kind of plans they had, it was actually not that important, because at this time, both Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu knew that many risks had already appeared. Fuyun's plan, It is to deal with Murong Qinghu and ensure his many gains, not to say that Fuyun has to keep thinking about some hidden dangers in the future. At this time, it is naturally difficult for Fuyun and Bai Qiuwu to cooperate well, but Fuyun Focusing on the Eastern Mountains. No matter what Dongfang Lianshan’s plan is, Fuyun knows that at this time, Fuyun now knows that there will be many opportunities in the future. It is not that the addition of Liu San and his wife to Fuyun will not allow Fuyun to gain more. On the contrary, in At this time, Fuyun has cooperated with Dongfang Lianshan, and then he has more opportunities. At this time, it depends on what Bai Qiuwu's plan is. Fuyun's attitude is very clear anyway, and he does not hope that there will be more variables in the future, even if it is If there is trouble, don't cause trouble because of Murong Qinghu.

Although there is no conflict between Fuyun, Murong Qinghu and Murong Qinghu, Liu San and his wife have to deal with Murong Qinghu. At this time, Fuyun is of course thinking about seizing this opportunity. After all, if Fuyun doesn't want to think about it now, he will really give it to him. If Dongfang Lianshan helps and win over Liu San and his wife, Fuyun will really be ignored in the future. No one will give Fuyun a chance. Dongfang Lianshan and many people in the company may not always keep an eye on Fuyun. On the contrary These people will soon have other things to do.

Therefore, the cooperation between Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan is indeed similar to what Bai Qiuwu said. It has become Fuyun's only hope. Liu San and his wife were originally the best helpers for Fuyun, but at this time Fuyun has become a great help, directly cooperating with Dongfang Lianshan. This is a big plan for Fuyun at the moment. Only by doing what needs to be done now can Fuyun feel at ease, instead of saying that Fuyun Yun has no more troubles.

"Captain Dongfang and Mr. and Mrs. Liu San each have their own plans. Since you have made certain preparations and are considering truly intervening in the cooperation between Captain Dongfang and Mr. and Mrs. Liu San, you have to prepare many things by yourself. If you don't want to To truly live for a long time is your own choice, and the subsequent risks are extremely high.”

"Perhaps Captain Dongfang won't deal with you now, but Liu San and his wife will not be controlled forever, and Captain Dongfang is not necessarily willing to contact Liu San and his wife. There are other people around, and there is no loss in the short-term benefits. , this is enough, as for other risks, they are actually small things.”

Bai Qiuwu looked at Fuyun and could only say this. Since Fuyun had to intervene in the many cooperations between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife, Bai Qiuwu had no other choice now. Since Dongfang Lianshan and Fuyun There is a connection. Liu San and his wife will thank Fuyun in the future, so Dongfang Lianshan will deal with Fuyun. If Liu San and his wife want to get out of trouble, Fuyun must take action as soon as possible, otherwise they will only fall into more hidden dangers in the future. Dongfang Lianshan Shan and Liu San are not fools.

Today's Liu San couple and Fuyun's cooperation has become Fuyun's only idea. After all, Fuyun can't keep thinking about giving up opportunities and then not wanting to gain more in the future. Of course Fuyun also thinks that he has enough With his power, he will not have too much trouble in the future, so Fuyun is very proactive now, considering that he will have many opportunities. Bai Qiuwu has already helped. It depends on Fuyun's own ability. Anyway, Fuyun cannot plan all at once. More.

Since Bai Qiuwu has said that Dongfang Lianshan hopes to unite with Liu San and his wife, and Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu need Liu San and his wife, Bai Qiuwu should not continue to block Fuyun from dealing with Murong Qinghu, even if Bai Qiuwu Wu was right. Fuyun dealt with Murong Qinghu at this time, and there would be some trouble in the future. But Fuyun knew that after dealing with Murong Qinghu, he could make Dongfang Lianshan cooperate with Liu San and his wife. Even if Fuyun If you are in trouble, you cannot do nothing.

Moreover, Bai Qiuwu can rest assured that it can be said that it is extremely easy to deal with Murong Qinghu with Fuyun's ability. Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan will not need to pay the price in the future. Even if there is trouble, Fuyun will bear it himself. It can be guaranteed that the matter of Liu San and his wife will not bring too much trouble to Fuyun. Bai Qiuwu can trust Fuyun on this point, because Fuyun is indeed sure of this and is sure that he will not suffer too much loss. Fuyun Yun's solution to Murong Qinghu was very simple.

What Dongfang Lianshan is planning now is to gain more for himself and directly win over Liu San and his wife. Instead of talking about it now, Fuyun still has to consider whether the next step can satisfy Dongfang Lianshan. Fuyun has dealt with it. Will Murong Qinghu have to pay more? Now that Fuyun is willing to express his attitude to Bai Qiuwu, and then target Murong Qinghu and get the approval of Liu San and his wife, then Fuyun will certainly not worry about it. of many losses.

"Liu San and his wife are now united with Dongfang Lianshan. It is indeed a sure thing. As for Fuyun's trouble, I have told Fuyun now. When Liu San and his wife and Dongfang Lianshan deal with Fuyun, Fuyun is asking for trouble. Eat, but Liu San and his wife may not take action. On the contrary, Dongfang Lianshan may not be willing to have more cooperation.”

"At this time, Liu San and his wife only wanted to deal with Murong Qinghu. Once Fuyun helps Liu San and his wife deal with Murong Qinghu, and Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife cooperate in the future, then Dongfang Lianshan will not be Liu San and his wife's benefactors. Dongfang Lianshan will not be the benefactors of Liu San and his wife. Lianshan is just the partner of Liu San and his wife, and Fuyun is the benefactor of Liu San and his wife."

In fact, Bai Qiuwu did not regret it. He told Fuyun about the cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife, as well as many arrangements in the future. After all, both Fuyun and Bai Qiuwu knew that Bai Qiuwu said this just to make Fuyun It is well known that the cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San's couple will not only bring many opportunities to Fuyun at once, but will also cause Fuyun a lot of trouble. Bai Qiuwu knows this now, Fuyun It is even more clear.

Whether Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu can cooperate in the future actually depends on what happened with Liu San and his wife this time. Whether Bai Qiuwu can help Dongfang Lianshan handle it. Of course, Fuyun hopes to use Liu San and his wife to join forces with Dongfang Lianshan. , but Bai Qiuwu does not necessarily need Liu San and his wife, nor does he need help from Dongfang Lianshan. Bai Qiuwu has a special status, followed by Liu San and his wife. Dongfang Lianshan needs Bai Qiuwu to provide help. Bai Qiuwu and Fuyun's situation is different. Naturally, both parties want to talk more.

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