Chapter 24

Wu Yue's overturning was not just expected, but it could also be regarded as a sign of evil retribution.

When it was learned that he had been out on bail for medical treatment and had temporarily escaped jail, Weibo exploded.

Although there are a large number of netizens, including some with cerebral palsy, most people have the same idea on major issues of right and wrong.

Since you have broken the law, you will be punished. The state promulgates laws, and as a citizen, you must obey them.

Wu Yue's behavior of evading punishment is seen by everyone as being special and even harming the interests of the people. Who else would be scolded if not him?
The fact that he was scolded in a hot search instantly proves it.

But at this time, Bai Qiuwu actually stepped in and said he was willing to help Wu Li escape legal sanctions? !

This is no longer just a joke, or even if you are joking, you shouldn't make this kind of joke.

No one can challenge the majesty of the country.

Among so many netizens, aren’t there any die-hard fans of Wu Li?Do they just want Wu Yue to go to jail?But do you think they dare to say it in public?
Even if you are not waiting to be sprayed to death.

Although Bai Qiuwu didn't know the existence of live broadcast, this just showed that it was her most real state.

Wang Song's face immediately turned green, and Xiaoyue's face was also full of questions. She was as fond of love as she was, and she never thought of helping Wu Li escape legal sanctions. At most, she just helped him delay.

Sooner or later, if you are released on medical parole, you will have to go back. If you do something wrong, you will have to suffer the punishment you deserve.

The reaction from netizens became even more intense, and everyone in the live broadcast room exploded almost at the same time.

[This woman is really crazy, let’s report it together! 】

[Damn, it’s too scary. Even if you are joking, you have gone too far. Is this kind of thing allowed to be joked about casually? !Is it possible to say this? ? 】

[I knew this bitch was not a good person. Is this enough to call the police?It’s simply a wrong outlook! 】


Various barrages were posted too fast, and even more people came after hearing the news. Many unknown vote-playing anchors were also taken aback by the sudden popularity.

Pu Xi has been paying attention to the live broadcast, and her scalp was numb when she saw this scene.

Isn’t this sister too brave to speak out? !

No wonder she's not popular even though she's so good-looking. It must be because of her bad mouth!

But...does he want to remind him?Bai Qiuwu didn't seem to know that the whole process was being broadcast live.

While he was hesitating, Bai Qiuwu continued happily, and Wang Song couldn't stop him.

"Since you make such a sincere wish, of course I will accept your wish."

Bai Qiuwu's tone was serious, not even the slightest bit joking.

Wu Yue was also stunned. He didn't expect to get such a reply and didn't know how to react for a moment.

But how fast his mind was spinning, how could he say something outrageous when he knew Xiaoyue was right next to him, and he still had to establish a character.

"You'd better keep your word." In a low tone, Wu Lieyi said pointedly: "I also know that you have a lot of things."

What can happen to the original owner?
Bai Qiuwu thought about it for a long time but didn't expect it. He thought it might be a clue left by the two of them when they had an affair before.

But it doesn't matter.

"No problem, in as little as three days or as long as seven days, your wish will come true." Bai Qiuwu left a declaration with utmost sincerity.

Wu Yue: "You'd better be."

The call was hung up, and before Bai Qiuwu had time to react, Wang Song rushed up to her and looked at her like a fool.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about? Can these be said? Wu Yue, Wu Yue, don't you know? You haven't heard of how many things he has committed?"

"How dare you agree to him? This is such a big joke!"

Bai Qiuwu blinked and said with a calm tone and no emotion: "I'm not joking."

Wang Song: "..."


Xiaoyue was a little excited: "Can you really help Brother Wu? Is this reliable?"

"As little as three days, as many as seven days." Bai Qiuwu was extremely sure.Wang Song couldn't help but ask: "What about my wish?"

Bai Qiuwu glanced at her and smiled mysteriously: "Same, less three and more seven."

Wang Song Xiaoyue: "???"

All netizens: "!!!"

Help, does anyone care about this crazy woman?
Bai Qiuwu was completely unaware of the mental impact her few words had on everyone. She decided to help Wu Yue for a very important reason.

That's because Wu Li's obsession is particularly strong.

To fulfill such a person's wish, the cause and effect will be very heavy, and the spiritual power she can recover is also high.

Anyway, she just agreed to the result, and what the process will be like. Everything is right and wrong, all depends on personal merit.

If you have deep merit, everyone will naturally be happy. If you have bad personal ethics, you will be punished in the process of realizing your wish. Bai Qiuwu can be regarded as punishing evil and promoting good.

The so-called right and wrong cause and effect does not mean that there will be no retribution. The time has not yet come, but if you make a wish to Bai Qiuwu, it will be delivered to you in advance. It will definitely be genuine and fair.

Of course, there is no need to explain these to others.

After dealing with Wang Song and Xiaoyue, Bai Qiuwu left directly, promising to wait until his wish came true.

Although Wang Song and Xiaoyue both felt that Bai Qiuwu was acting more and more like a magic stick, and they didn't think this wish could be realized at all, they had no reason to stop him.

He could only watch Bai Qiuwu go away.

Bai Qiuwu only found out that he was on the hot search again after he went back.

And there are several at once.

#ignor the law, act boldly#
#白秋武When will you leave? #
Three in a row, neatly.

Bai Qiuwu was embarrassed.

Anyway, he didn't even need to click on it to know that it was full of people scolding him. Bai Qiuwu simply ignored it. The heat was too great and there were paparazzi squatting around. Bai Qiuwu couldn't go out and continue to show off, so he just stayed at home.

Not responding, not showing up, just pretending to be dead.

Three days passed like this.

However, the popularity on the Internet shows no signs of stopping, and instead intensifies.

Bai Qiuwu didn't dare to open her phone now, because her private account was exposed at some point, and all kinds of bombing text messages came out one after another.

It seems that netizens are determined to force her to leave this time, or even go too far, hoping that she will disappear completely.

And under this vigorous popularity, the Starlight Live Broadcasting Platform she is currently on sent a popularity assessment to their big boss overnight.

"Mr. Pu, look at the commercial value of Bai Qiuwu's popularity estimated today. Do you think we should unblock her live broadcast room first?"

It had been a while since I mentioned it, and Pu Yao had almost forgotten about this little star. When he suddenly heard it, he was stunned for a moment.

After all, he doesn't surf the Internet much, and he doesn't know how noisy the Internet is now.

"How much commercial value is it worth for you to make such a trip?" Pu Yao asked, opening the value table, and then was stunned again.

When Bai Qiuwu applied for the contract, someone had estimated her value. Pu Yao also determined that she had no subsequent value, so he decided to reject her.

But now, on this evaluation value table, the value of the commercial value has suddenly increased hundreds of times, almost comparable to the total KPI of the live broadcast platform for several days.

This is simply a huge turnaround.

"How did you get promoted?" Pu Yao asked with a frown.

"Well, maybe it's because she's more of a death-seeker? Now the whole Internet is criticizing her. If we sign her, we can provide those netizens with a place to criticize her."

"Converting this heat and popularity can turn it into commercial value, and her worth will be mentioned again and again."

Pu Yao: "..."

This is really... a tricky way to increase one's worth.

(End of this chapter)

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