Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 240 Future plans, prepare as soon as possible

Chapter 240 Future plans, prepare as soon as possible

In the company, there are already a lot of calculations between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen. This time, many hidden troubles have arisen. What Mr. Duanmu wants to plan is to try to suppress the hidden dangers in the future, rather than mentioning them. Now, Nangong Yunzhen still has to consider many risks in the future. Mr. Duanmu is also worried that Fuying Mountain is unsafe and there are a lot of troubles everywhere. The cooperation between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu is naturally very deep.

What Nangong Yunzhen wants is to ensure that he will not get into more trouble in the future, while Mr. Duanmu needs to consider whether the cooperation between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu can proceed smoothly and ensure that For the safety of the entire company, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu cannot just think about whether they can get some benefits at the moment, but they forget that the company is not safe in the first place. The current company should have certain changes to prevent it from happening. There will be trouble.

Nangong Yunzhen before might not have to think about getting anything else from Mr. Duanmu. After all, Nangong Yunzhen has done a lot for Mr. Duanmu recently. However, in Nangong Yunzhen's heart, You must always consider that with more opportunities, you cannot gain something and forget about the troubles hidden in the dark. Mr. Duanmu is worried that if you are too anxious, it will easily cause more troubles. Nangong Yunzhen should really cooperate with Mr. Duanmu. , rather than saying that Yang is serving Yin and Yin is violating.

Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu are tied together. They both have many plans, and they hope to eliminate the troubles they encounter later. To truly ensure their own safety, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu need to cooperate with each other. There are certain plans every time. Nangong Yunzhen does what Mr. Duanmu tells him, and then Nangong Yunzhen can think about more gains for himself. Many of Mr. Duanmu’s ideas are indeed reasonable. Nangong Yunzhen can’t Really too risky.

In the past, Mr. Duanmu might have considered suppressing some troubles and turning a blind eye, but at this time, Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu had already made certain changes in the entire company. As a result, there were many things that Mr. Duanmu could not Directly choosing to ignore it, if Nangong Yunzhen chooses to ignore everything, it will only lead to risks in the end, and the many cooperations between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen have already caused a lot of trouble for the entire company.

"The cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu is very important now. As for what they do outside the company in Fuying Mountain, these are all small things and will not really cause too much trouble. As long as many current risks can be solved, Then the future troubles can naturally be solved, and this is a good opportunity.”

"We may not have to pay attention to these things in the past, but now, the company is no longer that safe. If we really want to strengthen it, we can only let Bai Qiuwu do something as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the company to be truly stable with only some people in the company. We still need help!"

Mr. Duanmu said this now with a very clear attitude, that is, at this time, there are many hidden risks. Many things can only be avoided if Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu find a way to avoid problems. What Nangong Yunzhen has to do, It is to make sure that they have no other troubles, and then Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen will cooperate directly to ensure that there will be no trouble in the long-term alliance. Only by making preparations as soon as possible can Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen truly unite in the future.

Mr. Duanmu’s plan is not as radical as Nangong Yunzhen’s. In Mr. Duanmu’s view, Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu have a good relationship now, so Nangong Yunzhen should find a way to ensure long-term cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu. , this is a good opportunity to be truly stable in the future. Otherwise, there will only be many risks later. Mr. Duanmu roped in Nangong Yunzhen and asked Dongfang Lianshan to help Bai Qiuwu. Mr. Duanmu’s thoughts were naturally very clear.

At this time, no matter what troubles the company will have in the future, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu have joined forces to just let the company have no other troubles for the time being. If Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu cannot cooperate, then there will be many problems in the company. Don't worry, many connections between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu may not have been done well in the past, but at this time, Nangong Yunzhen still has to do many things himself so as not to put pressure on Mr. Duanmu.

At this time, Nangong Yunzhen has a lot of calculations, but he can't be so anxious. Mr. Duanmu knows that Nangong Yunzhen has already achieved a lot, but the situation has changed now. Many things are not Mr. Duanmu's. , Nangong Yunzhen can be controlled by two people, but there will still be a lot of variables in the future. Mr. Duanmu’s plan is to solve his own troubles, and at this time, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu can truly solve it together if they cooperate for a long time. threaten.

Nangong Yunzhen's previous thoughts were to ensure that everything was truly safe, and that his plans could be dealt with as soon as possible. The real cooperation between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen was to ensure that he would not have trouble in the future, and Mr. Duanmu's previous thoughts Yes, try not to take any risks all at once. The company as a whole is very safe. What Nangong Yunzhen needs to consider is to ensure long-term stability so that he and many of his subordinates can continue to work in the company. The two have different ideas.

"There is a certain degree of cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu. Dongfang Lianshan has made a lot of contributions to the company. However, it is unclear whether Bai Qiuwu will really think about helping the company thoroughly. Yes, Dongfang Lianshan and many of the people behind him still have to wait when they cooperate with Bai Qiuwu.”

"Before, Dongfang Lianshan never thought about completely cooperating with Bai Qiuwu. At this time, Dongfang Lianshan should know that Bai Qiuwu is very important. So Dongfang Lianshan should take the initiative. As long as Bai Qiuwu cooperates with the company, then he will It is very important to truly unite.”

At this moment, Mr. Duanmu knew that he could not just think about the current troubles, so he pretended that there was no crisis. Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu both saw clearly that many threats had already appeared, whether it was Nangong Yunzhen or Mr. Duanmu. Mr. Duanmu, you can't even think that when you encounter danger, you can avoid it like an ostrich burying its head in the desert. Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu now know that in the past, they might have thought that some troubles could always be solved.

However, at this moment, if Nangong Yunzhen does not help Mr. Duanmu to resolve some detailed threats, and Nangong Yunzhen takes action, but Mr. Duanmu has many worries, it would not be very appropriate. The current Nangong Yunzhen, Mr. Duanmu They have already considered together that they should try their best to solve their current risks. If someone causes trouble, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu will work together to get rid of the person who wants to cause trouble. This is a very important issue at the moment. matter. Nangong Yunzhen may not have to calculate too much in the past, but if he doesn't think about it now, his future and future risks will be even more unpredictable. Mr. Duanmu's thoughts are actually very clear, that is, no matter what troubles there are, they will be To eliminate the threat to the company, Nangong Yunzhen can do this on his own, and Mr. Duanmu trusts Nangong Yunzhen. After all, Mr. Duanmu knows that the current situation is very clear, and he cannot keep pretending to be stupid.

But at this time, Mr. Duanmu roped in Nangong Yunzhen to ensure that his family would not be exposed to too many risks. Whether Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen could cooperate before was actually not that important. After all, many of the current troubles are More importantly, now that the matter is at this point, many risks must be solved as soon as possible. Mr. Duanmu may not have had to think about eliminating his own hidden dangers before, but now it would definitely be inappropriate if he did not consider these.

"Yes, I know what you are thinking. There will naturally be no problems with the cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu. Since Dongfang Lianshan can unite with Bai Qiuwu, then we will exclude other people later and cooperate with Bai Qiuwu. If Wu cooperates, there will naturally be no trouble. Dongfang Lianshan is very good, and Bai Qiuwu is also safe. "

"But now Dongfang Lianshan is alone and Bai Qiuwu is in the mountains. It is really uncertain whether he is really safe. At present, if only Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu are allowed to unite, and no one else is allowed to help Dongfang Lianshan, As for Lian Shan and Bai Qiuwu, I’m afraid it will be difficult for them to truly resolve these risks.”

Nangong Yunzhen said this. In fact, Nangong Yunzhen is very clear about Mr. Duanmu’s thoughts, that is, Mr. Duanmu hopes that Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu will cooperate to solve many of the company’s problems. Nangong Yunzhen does not need to worry, Dongfang Lianshan is It is not possible to unite with Bai Qiuwu, but Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen don't have to worry about the Fuyingshan matter. Mr. Duanmu's idea is fine, but Nangong Yunzhen still feels that it is very risky.

If Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu join forces directly, there will be no more troubles in the company. Even if there are any risks in the future, this threat will always be to Nangong Yunzhen, and Mr. Duanmu can control it. If Nangong Yunzhen can't help it, If Mr. Duanmu is unable to solve the problem, then even if others have some means, they may not be able to succeed. The cooperation between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu is already very good, but the subsequent alliance still needs to wait. Can.

Nangong Yunzhen is under great pressure. No matter what he has to do now, in fact, he has to give Mr. Duanmu an explanation when facing him. Nangong Yunzhen also knows that he must act as soon as possible to avoid encountering more Mr. Duanmu's previous thoughts have all been thrown away, and Nangong Yunzhen knows even more about the importance of Dongfang Mountains and Bai Qiuwu. Dongfang Mountains may not be so critical, but Bai Qiuwu is extremely important. is important, Mr. Duanmu’s idea is correct.

In the past, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu might have thought that many risks might not be easy to deal with immediately, but at this time, many variables appeared, and Nangong Yunzhen still had to make certain plans first. In the future, Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen would not be without ways to deal with dangers when they encountered more dangers. This is actually extremely important. After all, more ways to retreat should be left for the people in the company, rather than saying that the matter of Fuying Mountain this time is difficult to deal with.

Later, Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen encountered this trouble again. Mr. Duanmu did not want it to happen again. Faced with many people causing trouble, he was still powerless. The current plan of Nangong Yunzhen, as long as it does not give Dongfang Lianshan, If Bai Qiuwu's plan adds trouble, then Mr. Duanmu will support Nangong Yunzhen, and there will be more actions. At this time, it is obviously more important for the two of them to truly unite to eliminate future disturbances, rather than just scheming all the time. Something else.

"The most important thing for Dongfang Lianshan at this time is the connection between Bai Qiuwu and Mr. Duanmu. We can even rely on Dongfang Lianshan to do well. Bai Qiuwu is also willing to cooperate with the company. Naturally, my pressure will be reduced. I don't have to worry about the future." If you encounter other troubles, you still have to be careful with Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu’s cooperation.”

Nangong Yunzhen, who was thinking about this, naturally knew that Mr. Duanmu was right and that he should not be in a hurry right now. However, Nangong Yunzhen also knew that there were no more incidents between Mr. Duanmu and the company. If Nangong Yunzhen was not anxious now, there would be risks in the future. It will be bigger, and Mr. Duanmu will also be in trouble. Nangong Yunzhen hopes to ensure that Mr. Duanmu is not in trouble, and then Nangong Yunzhen gets the support of Mr. Duanmu. This is a virtuous circle between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu.

Mr. Duanmu used to be very cautious because there was no other way but to be extremely cautious. But at this time, it is different. Now that the matter is over, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu should try not to have any more conflicts. There are more actions, but to eliminate the current trouble as soon as possible, and then cooperate with Bai Qiuwu for a while. Nangong Yunzhen does not need to come forward, and Mr. Duanmu does not need to take action. The follow-up Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu can temporarily wait and see. of many risks.

Nangong Yunzhen's thoughts are not important at the moment, but the direct alliance between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen makes the entire company truly safe. This is better. Mr. Duanmu is wooing Nangong Yunzhen. It is Mr. Duanmu who wants Nangong Yunzhen to implement the plan. , then there will be no other problems with Mr. Duanmu’s more plans. This love is more important. Whether the entire company is truly safe depends on Mr. Duanmu’s many calculations and whether they can be successful in the future. .

Therefore, Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen must be prepared. It is naturally not feasible to temporarily suppress the hidden dangers. Mr. Duanmu's calculation will not cause more troubles to the company. Nangong Yunzhen may not have to consider this originally. But at this time, Nangong Yunzhen must make some plans early so that he will not encounter any risks again. If the two of them keep calculating in their hearts, some superficial troubles will probably put themselves into more threats. .

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