Chapter 261 Opportunity
Inside the mountain, the situation has changed at this moment. It’s just that Liu San and his wife don’t need to care about what Dongfang Lianshan does now. Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife have little relationship at the moment. The connection between Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan is not Liu San and his wife have the final say, and Dongfang Lianshan has already gained a lot. If there are other opportunities in the future, Liu San and his wife should have thought about it and directly cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan. It is not that Liu San and his wife are in a hurry now and only think about it. own interests and forget about other gains.

A lot of Dongfang Lianshan's thoughts are actually to solve the troubles on the Liu San and his wife's side, and Dongfang Lianshan brings Liu San and his wife mainly to let the company gain more. The direct cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife , is also an opportunity for Dongfang Lianshan. If Bai Qiuwu is here, if Liu San and his wife continue to worry too much, in the end it will not be Dongfang Lianshan, and Bai Qiuwu will be at risk, but Liu San and his wife will suffer a lot. , instead of Dongfang Lianshan being in trouble.

Liu San and his wife also knew that they should not be too anxious. Dongfang Lianshan already knew that there would be many moves by people in the dark. In the worst case, they could wait to solve the problem, but Liu San and his wife could not do that. Dongfang Lianshan now had With enough harvest, Liu San and his wife will naturally not have any other risks in the future. Dongfang Lianshan’s plan has always been to ensure that there are no other risks for their family. Liu San and his wife also know that there are not many other risks. threaten.

Now that Dongfang Mountain's plan is very accurate, Liu San and his wife are also considering to further solve more risks, otherwise Dongfang Mountain will be in greater trouble by then. How could Liu San and his wife not know, What did Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu do? Many of the current troubles have made many risks disappear. Liu San and his wife have many hidden dangers now, but if there is no sincerity on the Dongfang Lianshan side, indeed is inappropriate.

When Bai Qiuwu came here on behalf of Dongfang Lianshan, he already had a lot of plans. Liu San and his wife now also have a lot of plans. Some cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife made Dongfang Lianshan have a lot of plans. After a lot of calculations, Liu San and his wife wanted to win over Dongfang Lianshan. They just had to consider the many gains in the future. What Liu San and his wife had to do was not to deal with the current risks, but to directly choose to cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan. cooperate.

"Of course you can fight for the benefits Captain Dongfang gives you, but for this reason, you can't hide some information all the time. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to help you and your wife to say more about your cooperation with Captain Dongfang. You and your wife You should know that Captain Dongfang can’t do anything in vain.”

"It's natural for a husband and wife to want to have a better life, but you husband and wife can't just think about the many gains you're getting right now, but forget to pay something. Captain Dongfang now has a lot of plans, and he also has a lot of plans. The company’s support, so you and your wife should think carefully about it.”

Bai Qiuwu is not using Dongfang Lianshan and the company to threaten Liu San and his wife, but Dongfang Lianshan, Liu San and his wife's cooperation, Dongfang Lianshan does not have any big problems now. The current alliance between Liu San, Liu San, Dongfang Lianshan and his wife is Liu The third couple thought to themselves that they would get enough benefits from Dongfang Lianshan later. If Liu San and his wife had been planning this, Dongfang Lianshan might not really give Liu San and his wife any benefits. Dongfang Lianshan was not a fool in the future. How could it be possible? So proactive.

Liu San and his wife have been scheming in their hearts, which does not have any impact on Dongfang Lianshan. It only puts Liu San and his wife under great pressure. On the contrary, Dongfang Lianshan will not because Liu San and his wife do not cooperate. Therefore, it is definitely not appropriate to have more threats. Dongfang Lianshan may still be suppressed directly later. There is no other chance. If Liu San and his wife are not careful, the subsequent troubles will increase quickly. Dongfang Lianshan will Shan will not always wait for Liu San and his wife.

What Dongfang Lianshan wants is for Liu San and his wife to try not to have any more plans, and then give the news to Dongfang Lianshan. Liu San and his wife think too much themselves. How can Dongfang Lianshan gain more by then? , what Liu San and his wife want is for their family’s life to be better. As for what Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife were still calculating in the past, these are actually small troubles, not big opportunities. Dongfang Lianshan itself Know that the current threats are already increasing.

Today's Liu San and his wife, in the Eastern Mountains, should have enough harvest as soon as possible. It is not that Liu San and his wife are just planning to have a certain harvest, but they don't really think about what they should do. Dongfang Lianshan also wants to save his family from other troubles as soon as possible. As for the many plans of Liu San and his wife, they are actually not big things. At this moment, Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San's cooperation can be achieved, then There will be no danger.

In the past, Dongfang Lianshan did not have too many plans, but only thought about not making mistakes in the company. Bai Qiuwu has let Liu San and his wife show their role in front of Dongfang Lianshan. Liu San and his wife have many uses to Dongfang Lianshan, so Liu San and his wife have many uses for Dongfang Lianshan. Naturally, the Three Couples can put no other pressure on Dongfang Lianshan. The many alliances between Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan are opportunities for Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan, and Dongfang Lianshan has no other threats. Along the way, there will be many gains.

"Liu San and his wife should take the initiative as soon as possible to ensure that they will not suffer any other losses, and then find a way to make their family more stable. This is the best plan. Otherwise, if Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife cooperate, Dongfang Lianshan will Lianshan has taken the initiative, but Liu San and his wife still need Dongfang Lianshan to give them benefits..."

"If Liu San and his wife can think about how to do it in the future, then there will not be too many hidden dangers when burning later, and there will be many opportunities in Dongfang Lianshan, but at this time, if Liu San and his wife keep thinking If Dongfang Lianshan should give enough benefits, then Liu San and his wife think too much. "

Bai Qiuwu, who was thinking about this, naturally understood that many of Dongfang Lianshan's plans were to make the company safe, rather than Liu San and his wife wanting benefits. Dongfang Lianshan was fighting for a good life for Liu San and his wife. At this time, Dongfang Lianshan wanted to Only when they get benefits will they really help later. Liu San and his wife don't have to think about it. They can really help Dongfang Lianshan. The most Liu San and his wife can do is to let Dongfang Lianshan avoid too many risks. , this is a better opportunity.

At this moment, Dongfang Lianshan has joined forces with Bai Qiuwu. There is no need for Liu San and his wife to keep thinking about how to get Dongfang Lianshan to express its stance, and whether Liu San and his wife can trust Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan. After all, Liu San and his wife need See clearly, there is no need for Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu to deceive Liu San and his wife. At this time, Bai Qiuwu has already represented Dongfang Lianshan and is sincerely looking for Liu San and his wife. When the time comes, Dongfang Lianshan, Bai Qiuwu and his wife Liu San and his wife have three wins. Dongfang Lianshan has a lot of plans now, and Liu San and his wife should be cooperating with Dongfang Lianshan. It does not mean that Liu San and his wife are still planning for big gains in the future. Dongfang Lianshan is now With a lot of opportunities, what Liu San and his wife have to do is to follow Dongfang Lianshan and gain more together. Liu San and his wife will not have other risks in the future. The cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife is already It's extremely important, it all depends on what you will gain in the future.

Whatever benefits Dongfang Lianshan can give Liu San and his wife, then Dongfang Lianshan will directly give them to Liu San and his wife. No matter what other benefits Dongfang Lianshan wants to give Liu San and his wife, Dongfang Lianshan can give them to Liu San and his wife. I don’t dislike Dongfang Lianshan, but Liu San and his wife also know that Dongfang Lianshan is definitely not a fool. Liu San and his wife are now considering that it is definitely impossible to completely utilize Dongfang Lianshan. Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan Shan's cooperation would be the same without Bai Qiuwu.

Liu San and his wife were attracted by Dongfang Lianshan. This was an opportunity for Liu San and his wife. Dongfang Lianshan really needed Liu San and his wife's help. Dongfang Lianshan could help Liu San and his wife deal with Murong Qinghu's matter, but in the future If something goes wrong with Murong Qinghu, Liu San and his wife may be exploited by Dongfang Lianshan. This point Bai Qiuwu said makes sense, and Bai Qiuwu can see clearly now that Liu San and his wife are already willing to cooperate, but more needs to be done. There are many benefits.

"This... Since Miss Bai said this, it is naturally Miss Bai who has the final say on the specific conditions that can be discussed. But in the future, even if the news about our couple has no effect, Miss Bai will probably not think about Captain Dongfang. , let us husband and wife return to Fuying Mountain, and our lives will have to be arranged by then. "

"If the message doesn't work and Captain Dongfang doesn't care about us, Miss Bai should give us some help. We can also help Miss Bai. After all, our husband and wife are not useless, but it is Miss Bai who decides how to do it. I I won’t interfere. Captain Dongfang won’t provide protection, but Miss Bai can.”

Liu San thought for a while and decided that it was really inappropriate to directly seek benefits from Dongfang Lianshan. Moreover, Liu San and his wife wanted to find Dongfang Lianshan and directly ask for more benefits. This was also impossible. Liu San, his wife, and Dongfang Lian The mountain is not that familiar, and even if Liu San and his wife get enough benefits from the Eastern Mountains, it is possible that Liu San and his wife will not have any trouble, and they will really have more opportunities in the future to ensure their own harvest. No, of course it's not like that.

At this time, it is not that simple for Liu San and his wife to directly plot against Dongfang Lianshan. Liu San and his wife do not mean that they can give Dongfang Lianshan too many benefits. Even if Liu San and his wife know some secrets, Dongfang Lianshan will Bai Qiuwu always needs the help of Liu San and his wife, but when Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu solve the problem, Liu San and his wife may not come forward in person, but just share some current news. This kind of news is indeed the key, but it may not always be the case. is the selling price.

Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu need the secrets of Liu San and his wife, but Dongfang Lianshan doesn't have much time to help Liu San and his wife deal with Murong Qinghu immediately. There are still many things to do in Dongfang Lianshan. If Liu San and his wife just Thinking that his family needs to get a lot of benefits immediately, this is of course impossible to succeed. Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San's many cooperations should be considered by Dongfang Lianshan himself, and then try to solve these troubles, rather than talking about the risks. Very difficult to eliminate.

At this moment, Dongfang Lianshan is staring at Liu San and his wife, and they also need some help from Liu San and his wife. Dongfang Lianshan is not saying that without Liu San and his wife, there is no way to do anything. On the contrary, Dongfang Lianshan also has a way to solve the current situation. These troubles, the matter of Liu San and his wife, Dongfang Lianshan just wanted to take a shortcut, Liu San and his wife gave Dongfang Lianshan help, this is a big opportunity at the moment, but Liu San and his wife came from Dongfang Lianshan, I also gained a lot.

Rather than saying that Liu San and his wife helped Dongfang Lianshan, Liu San and his wife had nothing to gain later, Dongfang Lianshan, Bai Qiuwu directly used Liu San and his wife, and then Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan abandoned Liu San and his wife, and gained a lot. The advantage is that Dongfang Lianshan is willing to cooperate with Liu San and his wife, and then Dongfang Lianshan can solve the current troubles. This does not mean that the two parties cannot cooperate. Many hidden dangers in the future will be difficult to solve at all. Liu San and his wife cannot be too greedy. This is the basis of everything. .

"The matter of Dongfang Lian Mountain is not so easy to deal with. In this case, it is better to leave it to Bai Qiuwu. If our husband and wife have anything to do, we can also ask Bai Qiuwu for help later. After all, the matter has come to this, and both parties can still cooperate. Dongfang Lian Mountain On the other side of the mountain, it’s still not as reliable as Bai Qiuwu!”

"This Dongfang Lianshan is now a member of the company. Even if he doesn't help in the future, there is actually no other way. But there can be more transactions between our husband and wife and Bai Qiuwu. Bai Qiuwu is obviously more powerful than Dongfang Lianshan. Shan is more concerned about some news, so the alliance with Bai Qiuwu is more important. "

Liu San, who was thinking about this, naturally knew who was more powerful between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu. Liu San and his wife were not stupid. Although Dongfang Lianshan was said to be the captain of the company, it was obvious that Bai Qiuwu was the more powerful one. It is even more powerful. Is it possible that Liu San and his wife are really thinking now that all the troubles will be borne by themselves, instead of the cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife, there will be other people helping Dongfang Lianshan. Deceiving Liu San and his wife.

As members of the company, Dongfang Lianshan itself has certain advantages. Liu San and his wife do not necessarily need to grovel in front of Dongfang Lianshan, but Liu San and his wife cannot think of treating Dongfang Lianshan as a fool. Liu San and his wife regard Dongfang Lianshan as a fool. Keeping the secret at hand all the time will only cause a lot of trouble for the family in the end, instead of being able to see greater opportunities emerging. Many of the gains now are from the Eastern Mountains, which can only be obtained by the cooperation of Liu San and his wife, not the Eastern Mountains. Lianshan has a chance right away.

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