Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 275 The plan is good, act as soon as possible

Chapter 275 The plan is good, act as soon as possible

In the company, Mr. Duanmu's plan is now very clear, that is, Nangong Yunzhen will help Bai Qiuwu and minimize future risks. Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen also know how important Bai Qiuwu is to the company. Mr. Duanmu will follow up. I still want to prevent Nangong Yunzhen from having any additional troubles. The long-term alliance between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen still needs to be promoted by Bai Qiuwu. After all, Mr. Duanmu needs Bai Qiuwu's help, and Nangong Yunzhen also hopes to gain more.

The real cooperation between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen is mainly to solve Mr. Duanmu’s troubles. The current threat to Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu is in Fuying Mountain. I don’t know what other troubles Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu have. The union should be truly prepared, so as not to cause more big troubles. The thorough union between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu is mainly to temporarily stabilize the company. Nangong Yunzhen should follow Mr. Duanmu. .

In the past, Nangong Yunzhen did not think about whether the current company would have any other risks, but some of the opportunities on the surface still put a lot of pressure on Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen. Mr. Duanmu Not wanting to put the company at risk, Nangong Yunzhen hopes to be as stable as possible in the future, but this is not easy. Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen cannot control it, so Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen need to find a way to find foreign aid to solve the problem. Duanmu The gentleman is looking for Bai Qiuwu.

Bai Qiuwu also joined forces with the company to help Nangong Yunzhen deal with many hidden dangers. Even the most immediate troubles at Fuying Mountain are handled by Bai Qiuwu, not to mention other risks in the future. Will they continue to occur? , this is what Mr. Duanmu has to consider. Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu have never thought about Bai Qiuwu's speed before, but at this time, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu can't wait. After all, the trouble has come, It needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

The next thing Nangong Yunzhen needs to consider is to get Mr. Duanmu to his side as soon as possible, so as not to cause more hidden dangers due to Fuyingshan's troubles. Nangong Yunzhen should be prepared to keep Mr. Duanmu to his side. Being affected by Fuyingshan's troubles again, the most important thing is that Nangong Yunzhen should be more careful. The real connection between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen is mainly to eliminate the small actions of some people in the dark and stop these people from targeting the company. .

"Many recent troubles have been solved by Bai Qiuwu. This cooperation with Bai Qiuwu will not cause more risks. Today's company has already undergone many changes. What will Bai Qiuwu do in the future? , In fact, the company should not keep restricting, this is what it should do now.”

"I have made preparations to get the company out of trouble as soon as possible. This is actually not that complicated. After all, all parties cannot be flawless. Once Bai Qiuwu discovers the flaws of these people, he will target this group of people. It will also be much simpler, and the subsequent companies will be very safe. ”

Nangong Yunzhen said this, what exactly Mr. Duanmu thinks about it, Nangong Yunzhen doesn't know now, but Nangong Yunzhen can guess what Mr. Duanmu thinks, that is, Mr. Duanmu is very satisfied with Bai Qiuwu, and now Nangong Yunzhen , it should be the same choice as Mr. Duanmu. Nangong Yunzhen also has a good relationship with Bai Qiuwu. In the future, Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen will truly unite, and the risks will not increase later. This is what should be done now.

In the past, it was difficult for Nangong Yunzhen to investigate Mr. Duanmu and find out who was going to deal with the company. After all, the authorities were obsessed with the bystander. However, Bai Qiuwu's most advanced investigations have completely changed the current situation. Many things, Mr. Duanmu himself It's unclear, and Nangong Yunzhen can't see it, but with Bai Qiuwu here, the most important thing is that Mr. Duanmu now knows Bai Qiuwu's role, so Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu are trying their best to keep Bai Qiuwu out of trouble.

Nangong Yunzhen has no way to directly investigate everywhere, and Mr. Duanmu cannot investigate casually. In this way, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu actually have to find other people to investigate everywhere. Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu see Among Bai Qiuwu, the main reason is that Bai Qiuwu is very capable, and when Bai Qiuwu handles things, he can really do things well. Now Nangong Yunzhen does not have to worry about many troubles in the future, and Mr. Duanmu does not need to be afraid of hidden dangers later. .

At this time, the direct cooperation between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu will give Bai Qiuwu more support and make the company more stable. Nangong Yunzhen may not have to plan these things in the past, but now, what Mr. Duanmu wants is not It's just that Nangong Yunzhen simply supports Bai Qiuwu. In fact, Mr. Duanmu hopes that Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu can cooperate with each other and solve the company's many risks. This is a better way. Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen cannot just wait for Bai Qiuwu. .

Bai Qiuwu investigated something and Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen tried their best to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu. It was indeed very good. However, at this time, Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen needed to do a lot of things to prevent Bai Qiuwu from having other hidden dangers. Otherwise, Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen would do nothing. They would just wait for Bai Qiuwu to help and then provide information to Mr. Duanmu. Nangong Yunzhen would follow Mr. Duanmu's orders to solve more troubles, and the risks would only be greater. many.

"It turns out that Bai Qiuwu only had certain cooperation with the company, but at this time, the company already has a lot of risks. If you really want to eliminate the company's troubles, you must give Bai Qiuwu more trust, otherwise I will There is trouble, and Mr. Duanmu is also a threat. At this moment, Bai Qiuwu must be given more power."

"At the very least, Bai Qiuwu wants to have a stable live broadcast. The company must find a way to ensure that Bai Qiuwu's plan does not cause problems. If Bai Qiuwu has any additional needs in the future, he can also directly find the company. As long as Bai Qiuwu is willing to join forces with the company, there will be no subsequent troubles. , In fact, it will not become more, but there will be no more troubles.”

Nangong Yunzhen, who knows that Bai Qiuwu is very powerful, has already thought that if Mr. Duanmu can really give Bai Qiuwu more benefits, Nangong Yunzhen can give Bai Qiuwu a certain guarantee with Mr. Duanmu. Even Nangong Yunzhen understands that Duanmu The gentleman knows Bai Qiuwu's role and does not need a guarantee. In fact, Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu can join forces in the future, but at this time, in front of Mr. Duanmu, Nangong Yunzhen still has to express his position directly and let Mr. Duanmu know what is going to happen. Do it.

Nangong Yunzhen didn't need to think about whether he could join forces with Bai Qiuwu before, but by this time, Mr. Duanmu's attitude was already clear, so Nangong Yunzhen naturally had to think about what he should do to stabilize his position. In the future, Mr. Duanmu will be truly at ease. Nangong Yunzhen wants to unite with Bai Qiuwu. This is just the most basic plan. It does not mean that Mr. Duanmu gives Nangong Yunzhen a chance. It just means that Mr. Duanmu wants Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu to cooperate. . In Mr. Duanmu's eyes, Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu are both people who stabilize the company. Rather than saying that Mr. Duanmu only wants to see Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu cooperate, what Mr. Duanmu really wants to see is Nangong Yunzhen passing by. With the support, he can really help the company in the future. Even if there are additional troubles, Bai Qiuwu can help Mr. Duanmu and assist Nangong Yunzhen to deal with these risks. Mr. Duanmu knows that Qi800,000 has this ability, and it depends on Nangong Yun How did Zhen himself cooperate with Bai Qiuwu.

Mr. Duanmu is indeed optimistic about Nangong Yunzhen, but Mr. Duanmu still imposes certain restrictions on Nangong Yunzhen. That is, Mr. Duanmu does not want Nangong Yunzhen to be too exposed. Mr. Duanmu’s request to Nangong Yunzhen is actually very simple. What Mr. Duanmu needs now is It is Nangong Yunzhen who can see the situation clearly and know what Mr. Duanmu needs and what Bai Qiuwu needs. Nangong Yunzhen should now serve as a bridge to connect Bai Qiuwu and Mr. Duanmu, otherwise Nangong Yunzhen will not be of much use. .

Mr. Duanmu understands that Nangong Yunzhen is in trouble when dealing with the company, and there may be a lot of risks in the future, but Mr. Duanmu cannot let Nangong Yunzhen make mistakes and end up in the quagmire because of the risks. Mr. Duanmu wants Nangong Yunzhen to work with him. Bai Qiuwu cooperates, but Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen should not come forward directly. Later, Mr. Duanmu asks Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu to join forces. When the time comes, Bai Qiuwu will represent the company and directly join forces with some other people. This is a better plan.

"This Bai Qiuwu is indeed good. I didn't expect Bai Qiuwu to have such ability at that time. But at this time, cooperation with Bai Qiuwu is indeed imperative. We really need to reassure Bai Qiuwu, but things have already happened. At this point, the change of situation is not something you and I can easily control, so we must be cautious!”

"Bai Qiuwu really needs to cooperate with the company, and the company can also give Bai Qiuwu what he needs, but Bai Qiuwu will help the company in the future and do more things, instead of saying that Bai Qiuwu just does a good job in live broadcasting and nothing else. What needs to be done, the situation has indeed changed.”

Mr. Duanmu agrees with Nangong Yunzhen’s words. For Mr. Duanmu, if Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu fully cooperate, then Mr. Duanmu does not have to worry about many risks later. Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu fully cooperate. It will be done soon, and Nangong Yunzhen now expresses his position to Mr. Duanmu that Nangong Yunzhen is willing to join forces with Bai Qiuwu. In the future, whatever Mr. Duanmu needs Nangong Yunzhen to do, as long as Mr. Duanmu asks, Nangong Yunzhen will do it.

In the past, Mr. Duanmu did not need to keep an eye on Nangong Yunzhen and many people in the company, but now Mr. Duanmu must be prepared to keep an eye on many people in the dark. Only in the future can Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen truly cooperate well. , otherwise the troubles will only increase later, instead of Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu cooperating, it will not cause more risks. At this moment, Mr. Duanmu gives Nangong Yunzhen a chance, that is, Mr. Duanmu wants to eliminate future troubles, and Nangong Yun Zhen and Mr. Duanmu have similar ideas.

At the moment, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu have certain cooperation. Nangong Yunzhen also hopes to stabilize the situation, rather than saying that Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen are in additional trouble. Mr. Duanmu hopes that Bai Qiuwu will follow Nangong Yunzhen and there will be no more troubles in the company in the future. There will be other risks. Now Mr. Duanmu still hopes that Nangong Yunzhen will not be too anxious. After all, Mr. Duanmu knows that if Nangong Yunzhen is too anxious, he will easily be caught. Mr. Duanmu, Bai Qiuwu There is also a lot of trouble.

Now that Nangong Yunzhen has the approval of Mr. Duanmu, Nangong Yunzhen should act according to Mr. Duanmu’s ideas. If Nangong Yunzhen is too anxious later, Mr. Duanmu will be in a lot of trouble in the future. Nangong Yunzhen and Nangong Yunzhen will follow When Mr. Duanmu truly cooperates, Nangong Yunzhen should really think about how to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu to make the company gain more. Mr. Duanmu is not because Nangong Yunzhen’s plan is very good, so Mr. Duanmu Go support Nangong Yunzhen.

Now Mr. Duanmu is thinking about preventing the company from having any other conflicts as soon as possible, and then Nangong Yunzhen will try to reduce the noise and deal with a group of people in the company. Mr. Duanmu knows that Nangong Yunzhen will definitely not be able to do this if he acts alone. , but Mr. Duanmu knows that Nangong Yunzhen has Bai Qiuwu's help, so at this time, Mr. Duanmu can naturally find a way to really make Nangong Yunzhen have no other risks. Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen will cooperate completely so that they will not There is a crisis.

"I really didn't expect that Nangong Yunzhen still had such an idea. It's just that Bai Qiuwu has a lot of calculations. Now that things have happened, the situation has changed a lot. Even if the company wants to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, it should still be careful. Otherwise, it will be really troublesome. Very well, don’t be too anxious now, otherwise in the future..."

"Nangong Yunzhen's intention, of course, is to rely on Bai Qiuwu to conduct certain investigations. As long as the company has a lot of rectification, it will naturally be easier to solve more risks in the future, but we cannot look directly at the superficial evidence. , in fact, it is necessary to really destroy the plans of many people secretly."

Now Mr. Duanmu is more sober than Nangong Yunzhen. Mr. Duanmu does not think that Nangong Yunzhen can solve the problem if he is in a hurry. For Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen, they need to let Bai Qiuwu help with the investigation now, not Duanmu. Mr. Duanmu gave Nangong Yunzhen some power, Mr. Duanmu asked Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu to act faster, and then Mr. Duanmu waited for the good news from Nangong Yunzhen. Mr. Duanmu knew very well that Nangong Yunzhen was in such a hurry that it would not have any effect. .

What Mr. Duanmu wants is to really prevent the company from risks. Nangong Yunzhen has not been favored by Mr. Duanmu in the past because many of Nangong Yunzhen's plans were still too anxious after all. Mr. Duanmu is not very satisfied, but at this time, However, Nangong Yunzhen can really cooperate more with Mr. Duanmu, because Nangong Yunzhen can lead some people to directly join forces with Bai Qiuwu. Mr. Duanmu does not believe Nangong Yunzhen. Later, Mr. Duanmu feels that Nangong Yunzhen is too anxious, so Mr. Duanmu can trust Bai Qiuwu.

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