Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 279 Bigger trouble, handled skillfully

Chapter 279 Bigger trouble, handled skillfully

In the company, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu have similar ideas, but Nangong Yunzhen still hasn't figured out how to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu and satisfy Mr. Duanmu. Nangong Yunzhen's ideas are always a little too anxious and he doesn't really think about it. Okay, what can I do next? The cooperation between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen is very important, but Mr. Duanmu is more interested in Bai Qiuwu because Nangong Yunzhen is a little anxious himself, and Mr. Duanmu doesn’t think that Nangong Yunzhen’s plan is very good. .

There can be more cooperation between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen at the moment, but for Mr. Duanmu, only with complete cooperation between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu can there be no other hidden dangers, and what Nangong Yunzhen wants is, It was Mr. Duanmu who gave more support. Nangong Yunzhen’s plan did not change much from beginning to end. It was to get Mr. Duanmu to help as soon as possible. Then Nangong Yunzhen had a greater chance, but it was not that easy. , Mr. Duanmu is also threatened.

In terms of Nangong Yunzhen's ability, it is not difficult to get Bai Qiuwu to cooperate as soon as possible, but Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen have different ideas. Mr. Duanmu still hopes that Nangong Yunzhen will not have other variables in the future. For Mr. Duanmu, it is better to be as stable as possible so that there will be no other big troubles. Nangong Yunzhen should cooperate with Mr. Duanmu as soon as possible, and then Nangong Yunzhen will not have other threats. This is the right cooperation now. The essential.

Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen cannot keep thinking about each other and just rely on Bai Qiuwu to solve the problem. Mr. Duanmu thinks that Nangong Yunzhen is using Bai Qiuwu, and at the same time, there should be changes in the people in the company. Mr. Duanmu hopes that Nangong Yunzhen knows that this time The cooperation with Bai Qiuwu is to promote the change of the company, so as not to cause more troubles. The real alliance between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen is mainly to enable the company to change from the inside out, rather than Speaking of Mr. Duanmu, Nangong Yunzhen only relied on Bai Qiuwu.

At this time, Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen already have many connections. What Mr. Duanmu wants is more profits in the future. And whether the many connections between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu can bring trouble to the company? In fact, all this is not a big deal. Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu now have many contacts. From now on, the contact between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu can be completed quickly. Even if the company has many problems, the two People can solve it too.

"Don't worry, I have already anticipated many of the troubles that will follow. As for the many hidden troubles, they can be dealt with as soon as possible. As long as you are willing to make certain changes in the company, there will be no additional troubles later. You can rest assured that I have already made plans to ensure your safety in the future.”

"The company today is indeed in trouble, but as long as we are willing to make changes now, the troubles in the future can of course be solved. As long as we take certain actions, the company will definitely be much more stable in the future, and my plan will also be Discuss it with Bai Qiuwu instead of deciding on my own."

Nangong Yunzhen said this, and now of course he hopes to get Mr. Duanmu’s approval. There will be no other risks for Nangong Yunzhen in the future. Mr. Duanmu can trust Nangong Yunzhen. Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen will have enough in the future. Harvest, and Mr. Duanmu’s most important gain is actually to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu. Nangong Yunzhen knows what Mr. Duanmu thinks, so Nangong Yunzhen is willing to cooperate with Mr. Duanmu to ensure that there will be no more trouble in the future.

Now the cooperation between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu will not have other risks in the future, and the relationship between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu will no longer have problems. What Nangong Yunzhen wants is to really find a way to solve more problems. There would have been no other hidden dangers between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen, but at this time, the situation has changed. Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen can cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, and there will be no other hidden dangers in the future. What a risk.

But Mr. Duanmu knows that Nangong Yunzhen’s current plan may not be executed perfectly, because Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen will encounter a lot of resistance, so Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen must talk more, otherwise Duanmu The risks between Mr. Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu have increased, and there will be additional turmoil with Mr. Duanmu. Currently, Nangong Yunzhen has a lot of contact with Mr. Duanmu, but now that the matter has come to this, Nangong Yunzhen cannot do whatever he wants. He has to deal with Mr. Duanmu. Negotiate.

Many of Nangong Yunzhen's ideas have changed. As long as Mr. Duanmu is willing to support Nangong Yunzhen, and if Mr. Duanmu and Bai Qiuwu have a certain alliance, Nangong Yunzhen will naturally follow Mr. Duanmu, and Nangong Yunzhen also knows that, For the many troubles that will follow, if Bai Qiuwu helps, it can indeed be done with twice the result with half the effort. If Mr. Duanmu cannot see Nangong Yunzhen's cooperation, then Mr. Duanmu will not necessarily support Nangong Yunzhen, but Mr. Duanmu will oppose Nangong Yunzhen.

It's not that Mr. Duanmu doesn't believe in Nangong Yunzhen, but Mr. Duanmu can see that if Nangong Yunzhen insists on going his own way, not only will the plan fail in the end, but Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen will have many problems because of some big plans. Risk, Mr. Duanmu doesn’t want trouble in the future. Nangong Yunzhen is Mr. Duanmu’s confidant. Now Nangong Yunzhen would rather do nothing. Mr. Duanmu doesn’t want Nangong Yunzhen to be in trouble. After all, Mr. Duanmu wants Nangong Yun to Zhen do something more.

"At least the company no longer has to worry about whether there will be other troubles in the future. Some of the risks now are already difficult to suppress. If we want to avoid risks, we can only act as soon as possible. If we don't take any action, it will only make us lose money." The whole company will have additional crises in the future, but now I have gained a lot!"

"Mr. Duanmu's follow-up is nothing more than hoping that the company can be more stable. As long as I can prepare as soon as possible, I don't have to worry about it. The troubles in the future, at least a lot of risks, can still be solved. The current situation has changed a lot. , we still need to really deal with the company’s troubles.”

At this moment, Nangong Yunzhen naturally knows that Mr. Duanmu has already made many moves. What Nangong Yunzhen wants to do is to truly deal with the company's hidden dangers. Then, if Mr. Duanmu needs anything, Nangong Yunzhen will find a way to help Mr. Duanmu solve it. What kind of risk? Nangong Yunzhen will not have any other risks in the future. The needs of Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen are actually different. Mr. Duanmu helps Nangong Yunzhen. Nangong Yunzhen will meet Mr. Duanmu’s request. Be as content as possible.

If Mr. Duanmu ignores Nangong Yunzhen, it will be easy for Mr. Duanmu to have no one available in the end. Now Nangong Yunzhen either has to wait for the opportunity, or else Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen find Bai Qiuwu together, and Mr. Duanmu is willing to give Bai Qiuwu face, Nangong Yun Zhen Zhen naturally wants to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu. After all, Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen actually have similar ideas. They both want to join forces with Bai Qiuwu, and Mr. Duanmu's ideas are faster than Nangong Yunzhen's. At this moment, Mr. Duanmu has actually seen before that Bai Qiuwu is indeed very powerful. The cooperation between Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu is due to Mr. Duanmu helping Nangong Yunzhen, so Bai Qiuwu can be favored by the company. At this time, Mr. Duanmu is even more He likes Bai Qiuwu, and Nangong Yunzhen's pressure will soon be reduced. Mr. Duanmu has a lot of contact with Nangong Yunzhen, but Mr. Duanmu still hopes that Nangong Yunzhen will not think too much. In the future, Mr. Duanmu will let Nangong Yunzhen, Bai Qiu Wu cooperates.

And if Mr. Duanmu does this, it may cause Nangong Yunzhen to encounter more troubles. After all, some of the current plans of Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen cannot really make Mr. Duanmu's side, there is no other risk, Bai Qiuwu's appearance, It can reduce the pressure on Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu, and Bai Qiuwu can replace Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu to conduct certain investigations everywhere. The cooperation between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu is enough to make Nangong Yunzhen in the future, nothing else. risk.

At the moment, Mr. Duanmu needs to carefully ask Nangong Yunzhen to make a plan, and then Mr. Duanmu can ask Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu to investigate. Mr. Duanmu believes in Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu, but Mr. Duanmu knows better and plans carefully. There is no mistake. Nangong Yunzhen is actually just thinking about using Bai Qiuwu to conduct more investigations. What Mr. Duanmu wants is for Nangong Yunzhen not to show up, and then Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen watch Bai Qiuwu investigate together.

"Well, there is no problem with your ability. As long as you can truly cooperate with Bai Qiuwu and don't have any other troubles in the future, then there will naturally be no other variables in the long-term cooperation with Bai Qiuwu. The current risks are increasing, too. It will increase your pressure, but there is nothing you can do about it, there is trouble in the company.”

"It is more important to solve hidden dangers quietly and ensure that we will not encounter other threats in the future. If we want to make the company truly stable, we must make certain changes. Bai Qiuwu is what the company needs in the future. You also know that if you really handle Bai Qiuwu well, there won't be any problems."

Mr. Duanmu nodded. Now Mr. Duanmu agrees with Nangong Yunzhen's statement. However, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu's ideas cannot be truly unified. Can there be no differences between Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu now? The trouble actually depends on how Nangong Yunzhen makes his own decision. Mr. Duanmu's support for Nangong Yunzhen does not mean that Mr. Duanmu can take any immediate action so that Nangong Yunzhen will have no pressure.

If Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen discover that Bai Qiuwu is in trouble, then Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen will help Bai Qiuwu directly. But Mr. Duanmu’s idea, obviously Nangong Yunzhen doesn’t want to do it. After all, Mr. Duanmu, Nangong Yunzhen Yun Zhen's thoughts are still different. The current cooperation between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen is just beginning. Mr. Duanmu needs overall stability, while Nangong Yunzhen hopes to achieve results as soon as possible.

Fundamentally speaking, there are many differences between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen’s ideas. Not to mention that it is difficult for the current Mr. Duanmu to truly agree with Nangong Yunzhen. What Mr. Duanmu wants is ultimately what Nangong Yunzhen wants. Yun Zhen is different, and Mr. Duanmu will have to deal with more things in the future. Nangong Yunzhen only allows the middle management to be targeted, but what Mr. Duanmu has to deal with is the company's big shots. Nangong Yunzhen's current actions may affect the whole body. , causing problems with Mr. Duanmu’s plan.

Even if Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu cooperate, they cannot take drastic actions. Mr. Duanmu hopes that Nangong Yunzhen knows this, instead of saying that Mr. Duanmu will give Nangong Yunzhen certain support. Now Mr. Duanmu wants Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu to cooperate. , it means that Mr. Duanmu completely delegates power to Nangong Yunzhen, and then Mr. Duanmu doesn’t care about anything. Nangong Yunzhen immediately targets many people in the company. Mr. Duanmu hopes that everything will be done secretly. Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu can have more actual evidence. .

At the moment, Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen can each have their own plans, but Mr. Duanmu still needs to let Nangong Yunzhen know that if an investigation is to be conducted, certain actions must be taken as soon as possible between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen. In order not to cause more hidden dangers, the long-term alliance between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen depends on whether Mr. Duanmu can order Nangong Yunzhen to complete many investigations with Bai Qiuwu this time. Mr. Duanmu does not want the situation to change rapidly, leading to future problems. trouble.

"Today's situation has changed a lot. We really need to take certain actions so as not to cause more risks in the future. Bai Qiuwu's ability is very good. The most important thing is that Bai Qiuwu knows what to do and what not to do. What, let Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen unite so that there will be no other risks in the future. "

"If the subsequent company wants to be truly stable, then the company will have to do a lot more things to be truly safe. Otherwise, if it is not careful, it will only cause more trouble in the end. The current situation is very clear, and the company will later Whether there are any hidden dangers during the change is actually not a big deal.”

Mr. Duanmu, who has given Nangong Yunzhen a lot of support, naturally understands that once Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen start investigating, the pressure on Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen will actually increase. Whether it is Mr. Duanmu or Nangong Yunzhen, It has made the company unable to calm down. Mr. Duanmu knows that if Nangong Yunzhen investigates quickly, the company will have many problems in the future. However, the direct cooperation between Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen is enough for the company to initiate changes, which is more important.

Mr. Duanmu is now ready, even if a lot of price needs to be paid for the current changes, some prices don't matter, as long as it can bring many changes to the company, then Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu can investigate, Mr. Duanmu He is willing to support Nangong Yunzhen, and Mr. Duanmu can also give Nangong Yunzhen more help. Mr. Duanmu knows that Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen are under more pressure, so Mr. Duanmu must take action as soon as possible.

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