Chapter 29 Underestimate her
In the simple and bright office, Pu Yao was frowning as he listened to the report of the executive director of the Starlight Live Platform.

He came again for Bai Qiuwu.

Because in the past few days, Bai Qiuwu's value assessment has plummeted, which is related to her plummeting popularity.

The executive director was overwhelmed: "She refused our cooperation and couldn't contact anyone at all. Due to her absence in the past few days and Wu Li's incident, the popularity has plummeted."

"If she continues not to come forward, she will soon be forgotten."

"What's wrong with Wu Li?" Pu Yao asked in a cold voice.

He is a big CEO with many things to do, and he really doesn't have time to follow the entertainment gossip on Weibo every day, but he still knows who Wu Yue is, after all, it can be said that he sent Wu Yue in.

The executive director had no choice but to tell Pu Yao about Wu Li. At the end, he couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know what the little star was thinking. Is he really afraid of being scolded?"

Pu Yao didn't know what Bai Qiuwu was thinking. He just analyzed the problem calmly.

"So what's the situation now? Is Bai Qiuwu's assessed value still worth our efforts?"

"Based on the overall situation, if she signs a contract with us within a week, takes the initiative to start live broadcasts and maintains her popularity, then she can sign, and the value will be enough for us to mobilize our troops."

"But for some reason, she seemed to be very resistant to us. It was very difficult to sign a contract within a week. She was not willing to contact us at all."

"Why?" Pu Yao frowned and asked, "Bai Qiuwu has no reason to reject us."

Generally speaking, Bai Qiuwu really had no reason to reject them. She could no longer survive in the entertainment industry, and no one thoughtlessly approached her for endorsements. In short, all sources of income were cut off immediately.

The only thing of value to her now is the heat on her body, so it is only natural to find a place to broadcast live.

So when she first applied to sign with Starlight Live, no one was surprised. After all, Starlight Live is considered the best among all live broadcast platforms, with high traffic and good treatment, and is a leading figure.

But after being refused a visa once, this woman acted like she was crazy. What was going on?

You're so arrogant, but you won't sign after being rejected?
Is there anyone in this world who can't get along with money?
Pu Yao couldn't figure it out. He really didn't understand Bai Qiuwu. His only impression of this little star was that he was nagging, which seemed a bit abnormal.

But he doesn’t understand, but someone does.

After a phone call, Pu Xi, who was also in the company, was called up with a confused look on his face.

The executive director called him "Second Young Master" politely, with excitement in his eyes that could not be hidden.

He knew that this second young master had a good relationship with Bai Qiuwu. It was this second young master who unblocked Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast room before.

Although the relationship between them should be that of sister-in-law and brother, the wealthy family is so chaotic.

Who doesn’t love to read the gossip of wealthy families?
The director was so excited that he wanted to rub his hands like flies.

Then he saw Pu Xi happily calling "Brother" with clear eyes full of stupidity.

Pu Yao glanced at him, ignoring his lack of focus, and just asked: "How is Bai Qiuwu doing over there?"

Pu Xi became depressed at a speed visible to the naked eye: "I don't know why. Her phone has been turned off some time ago and she can't contact anyone."

"But she replied to my message today! She explained that she had something to do before, and I asked her if she wanted to sign a contract, but she hasn't replied to me yet."

"Can you sign it within a week?" Pu Yao asked him directly without any nonsense.

"Why within a week?"

Pu Yao glanced at the executive director, who stood up and explained with understanding: "Because her value evaluation is plummeting, which is related to her popularity."

"If she can't sign it within a week and won't run it, she has no value in signing the contract."

Pu Xi majored in journalism and knew the operating techniques, but she was still a little dissatisfied: "It doesn't have to be an operation. She can maintain popularity even if she doesn't operate."

The director looked at Pu Xi like he was looking at a childish child, and said in a very respectful tone: "According to big data analysis, no one can always occupy the public's attention." "If we don't maintain the popularity through staged operations, then we won't be able to keep the popularity. No matter how well-known a celebrity is, she will be forgotten by the public. She cannot stay popular on her own."

When Pu Xi heard this, she felt that the master's ability had been questioned, and she directly retorted: "Didn't she gain popularity by herself? There was no one to help her run it!"

"That different second young master, her reputation is already bad enough. Even if she continues to be a monster and commit suicide, netizens may not buy it."

"Not only that, she was consuming her own fame before. If she does it again now, there will be nothing for her to consume. She will not be able to continue to be popular without relying on operations."

Pu Xi opened her mouth to refute, but after thinking for a long time, she didn't know what to say because the director's words were so to the point.

As long as you are a human being, you will have a sense of freshness. There are stars who take the black and red routes, but even if they become popular for a while, if they do not maintain their popularity, they will inevitably decline later.

The reason is because the director said so.

If you do something once and someone scolds you, if you do it too many times, who will pay attention to you later?

I have become accustomed to it, and even regard you as a clown.

This is indeed true, but Pu Xi is a little unwilling to believe it, because in his heart, Bai Qiuwu is different.

That's a master. Who would be stumped by such a small problem?

But Pu Xi couldn't express this reason, so she could only turn her head to look at Pu Yao with expectant eyes: "Brother, what do you think?"

His brother knew that Bai Qiuwu was a master, so his brother would definitely believe in Bai Qiuwu like he did!

Pu Yao glanced at him and said without any emotion: "If you can't sign in a week, forget it."

Pu Xi was anxious: "Brother!"

Pu Yao: "What, are you having difficulty?"

Pu Xi gritted her teeth: "No, I just think you all underestimate the master."

The director rolled his eyes and said to himself that the second young master is indeed a freshly graduated college student. Even though he is a journalism major, he is still so naive.

His naivety makes him a bit difficult to evaluate.

However, just when he felt that Pu Xi was really not suitable to be the boss and that his brother Pu Yao was calm and rational, the phone suddenly rang.

He quickly wanted to hang up, but when he saw the caller ID was the HR girl from the live broadcast company, she would never call unless it was...

Bai Qiuwu compromised?

The executive director's eyes lit up, he signaled to Pu Yao, picked up the phone, and turned on the speakerphone.

As expected, this young lady came to report the news about Bai Qiuwu.

"Bai Qiuwu started the live broadcast!"

The director immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "She is still willing to start a live broadcast, which means that she still wants to make this money, but it is a bit late now."

"You contact her and say that you want to sign a contract with her, help her buy popularity, and run it. She should not be so harsh now. After all, the popularity will definitely drop off a cliff now that the live broadcast is started. I don't believe she is not in a hurry."

The young lady opposite was stunned for a moment: "Ah? Do you still want to buy popularity? No, the number of people in her live broadcast room has already exceeded 30! And it is still rising rapidly."

Executive Director:"?"

Puyao Puxi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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