Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 306: Pressure increases, troubleshooting

In the guest room, Bai Qiuwu and Situ Shanyun talked a lot, but Bai Qiuwu could actually arrange the cooperation between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun. However, Bai Qiuwu would not help Liu San and his wife and immediately agree to Situ Shanyun's request. This was very crucial. If Bai Qiuwu took the initiative to confirm the cooperation on behalf of Liu San and his wife, Situ Shanyun would indeed feel much more relaxed. However, it would be difficult for Bai Qiuwu to meet Liu San and his wife later, and Situ Shanyun would not be able to gain anything else.

Bai Qiuwu can help the direct alliance between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun. Liu San and his wife will not even think about dealing with the Situ family and Situ Shanyun. However, Liu San and his wife will get many benefits from Situ Shanyun and the Situ family. This is a great opportunity. Otherwise, there will be other troubles between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun in the future. The current cooperation will not cause more troubles. This is very critical. Liu San and his wife cannot consider the future.

The direct cooperation between Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife has undergone a lot of changes. At this time, Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife have a certain degree of cooperation, but Situ Shanyun cannot guarantee that there will be no other risks in the future. Liu San and his wife can contact Situ Shanyun, and Bai Qiuwu will help Liu San and his wife to negotiate better conditions. However, Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife are cooperating a lot now, and Bai Qiuwu may not be able to get more help.

As for Situ Shanyun later, the Situ family had no trouble, and Liu San and his wife even cooperated with Situ Shanyun and got benefits from the Situ family. Liu San and his wife, and Situ Shanyun had no losses, but Bai Qiuwu was in risk. Now Bai Qiuwu will not make trouble for Liu San and his wife, and Situ Shanyun, but he will not let Liu San and his wife, and Situ Shanyun gain more immediately for no reason. Bai Qiuwu can help, but that does not mean that he will help Liu San and his wife, and Situ Shanyun immediately without any requirements.

If Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun want to cooperate, then the Situ family must have more cooperation with Bai Qiuwu, otherwise, there will only be more troubles in the future. This is what Bai Qiuwu wants. The Situ family is in a lot of trouble right now. Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun should try their best to cooperate so that there will be no trouble in the future. But in the final analysis, these actually have nothing more to do with Bai Qiuwu. It is actually normal for Liu San and his wife to have troubles.

However, if Situ Shanyun really wanted to cooperate, he should give benefits to Bai Qiuwu directly instead of targeting Liu San and his wife. Now Situ Shanyun is just targeting Liu San and his wife, and it is obviously difficult for him to gain more. And whether the alliance between Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife can truly stabilize the situation actually depends on whether Situ Shanyun will have other risks at this time. What Liu San and his wife have to do is to find their children. Instead of targeting Liu San and his wife, Situ Shanyun might as well think about giving benefits to Bai Qiuwu.

"The Situ family has been prepared. Liu San and his wife will not have any more troubles. Even if the Situ family has troubles in the future, these troubles can be solved as soon as possible. Liu San and his wife, the Situ family cooperate to ensure that there will be no other threats in the future. This is enough. Liu San and his wife do not have any pressure."

"It's just that Miss Bai's help has allowed the Situ family and the Liu San couple to have more contact, not that the Situ family has no other options. We should thank Miss Bai more for cooperating with the Liu San couple. Otherwise, there would be a lot of trouble in the future. Cooperation as soon as possible will avoid other troubles."

Situ Shanyun is very proactive now. Bai Qiuwu can help Situ Shanyun solve the problems of Liu San and his wife, so Liu San and his wife will naturally not have much trouble. In the future, Situ Shanyun can try his best to find ways to ensure the stability of Liu San and his wife. This is a good opportunity right now. Otherwise, Situ Shanyun will be too proactive, which will only cause other worries for Liu San and his wife. Situ Shanyun needs to cooperate with Liu San and his wife to ensure the stability of Situ Shanyun.

However, Situ Shanyun was obviously only thinking about Liu San and his wife, and had not really thought about whether to give Bai Qiuwu more benefits. If Situ Shanyun had not thought about what benefits to give Bai Qiuwu, then the cooperation between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun would naturally be difficult to achieve, and many troubles in the future would be directly reduced. The troubles on the Liu San and his wife's side would also become less. It is possible that Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife would directly cooperate to solve many troubles in the future.

But many of Situ Shanyun's own troubles have not been truly resolved, not to mention that at this time, there will be other hidden dangers, which will cause a lot of trouble. Liu San and his wife are bringing trouble to the Situ family. Situ Shanyun can't just think that he has certain opportunities at the moment, so Situ Shanyun can ignore the long-term cooperation in the future. Only when Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun truly unite, will future troubles disappear. And there can't be any other troubles between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun at present.

Bai Qiuwu was aware of some of the connections between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun. Whether Liu San and his wife could really avoid other troubles actually depended on what Situ Shanyun was going to do at this time. The connection between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun no longer had any additional risks, but some of the current alliances had changed the situation a lot. The cooperation between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun could not have any other conflicts. Liu San and his wife had to prepare themselves so that future troubles would disappear.

The alliance between Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife requires Bai Qiuwu's help, but at this point, Situ Shanyun himself is very clear that many collaborations are not about whether they can help or not. The most important thing is that the people of the Situ family should really cooperate well, and future troubles will disappear. This is very critical. Whether the direct cooperation between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun can solve future hidden dangers is actually not important. At least Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun cannot have too many conflicts.

"The Situ family has already made a lot of preparations for the matter of Liu San and his wife. We have made sure that there will be no other conflicts with Liu San and his wife. This is a better opportunity. Otherwise, if the Situ family is not careful and is targeted by others, the subsequent pressure will only increase, which is a greater risk."

"Originally, the threat from Liu San and his wife was not that great, but the connection between the Situ family and Liu San and his wife has given the Situ family more opportunities, which gives them some hope. Otherwise, if nothing is done, the hidden dangers will increase, and then no matter who it is, there will be no more opportunities. Isn't it Liu San and his wife..."

Today, Situ Shanyun naturally knows that what Bai Qiuwu said is actually very true. The problem of Liu San and his wife is not so easy to solve. Now that Situ Shanyun is cooperating with Liu San and his wife, Situ Shanyun himself needs to be careful. Only then will the troubles of Liu San and his wife be reduced in the future. It is not that Situ Shanyun will have other hidden dangers at this time. The cooperation between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun requires Liu San and his wife to contact Bai Qiuwu. Situ Shanyun now needs Bai Qiuwu's help.

Originally, it was just a couple Liu San, and Situ Shanyun didn't need to pay too much attention to them. But now Liu San and his wife have a deep connection with the company, and Bai Qiuwu, Situ Shanyun, and Liu San and his wife can cooperate, so why should Situ Shanyun choose to target Liu San and his wife? This is unnecessary. Situ Shanyun can deal with Liu San and his wife, so Situ Shanyun must be prepared to ensure that there will be no other risks in the future, otherwise there will be many threats, and Bai Qiuwu will help Liu San and his wife. If Liu San and his wife can cooperate with Situ Shanyun for a long time, then it will naturally be a good thing, but whether Liu San and his wife can really solve the threat is not a big deal now. The direct cooperation between Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife should be an opportunity for the Situ family, but Situ Shanyun always needs to plan as soon as possible if he wants to win over Liu San and his wife, not that Situ Shanyun will not consider having more contact with Liu San and his wife now.

Situ Shanyun and some people from the Situ family should be ready to ensure that there will be no other dangers in the future. Then the child of Liu San and his wife will be found by Situ Shanyun, a member of the Situ family. In fact, there will be no more conflicts between the Situ family and Liu San and his wife in the future. As long as Situ Shanyun and the people of the Situ family show sincerity, Liu San and his wife will not have any other troubles in the future. The cooperation between the Situ family and Liu San and his wife is not to be achieved now, but to be combined in the future.

Instead of saying that at this time, the Situ family will have any other gains, Liu San and his wife may bring risks to the Situ family. So at this time, Situ Shanyun naturally has to find a way to make Liu San and his wife in trouble, otherwise he will lose a lot of opportunities. The many connections between Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife ensure that Situ Shanyun has no other hidden dangers. The alliance between Liu San and his wife and Bai Qiuwu is enough to make Situ Shanyun feel at ease, and will also prevent other conflicts in the Situ family.

"Butler Situ has taken all this into consideration and has helped Liu San and his wife solve many problems. Naturally, there will not be more hidden dangers in the future. Instead, many threats can be dealt with. This is a great opportunity in the future. The Situ family, the company, and Liu San and his wife will be safe."

"In the past, Steward Situ didn't need to think too much all the time. However, at this time, the matter of Liu San and his wife may also give Steward Situ and the Situ family a reminder. That is, the matter of Liu San and his wife's children, and perhaps some other secrets. Steward Situ can't just do nothing."

Bai Qiuwu had nothing to hide, so he told Situ Shanyun directly that things had come to this point, and Situ Shanyun needed to think clearly about the matter of Liu San and his wife and their children, and see how to deal with it in the future. The relationship between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun was indeed critical at the moment, but at this time, some of the relationships between Liu San and his wife and Situ Shanyun were not absolutely controlled by Bai Qiuwu. The biggest problem was not how Bai Qiuwu decided or what other ideas he had, because this was the business of the Situ family.

And many of Situ Shanyun and Liu San's plans are also to truly resolve future risks. Otherwise, there will be some hidden dangers later, and the Situ family will be unsafe in the future. The situation at that time will be completely changed, and the pressure on Situ Shanyun and Liu San will be directly presented. Situ Shanyun can't just think about some so-called opportunities at the moment. What Liu San and his wife want is a stable life, not to really take action and target the Situ family together with the company. Situ Shanyun actually knows this.

After all, if Liu San and his wife really wanted to deal with Situ Shanyun and the Situ family directly, they should not have done nothing recently. If Situ Shanyun is really in trouble and is directly targeted in the future, Liu San and his wife will be in many risks at that time. Situ Shanyun cannot just consider some superficial risks and ignore the solution to the problem. Only when Liu San and his wife are won over by the Situ family will there be no other crisis in the future. Situ Shanyun knows that this is the biggest opportunity.

If Situ Shanyun fails to handle the affairs of Liu San and his wife well, then Liu San and his wife will only have more troubles at that time, instead of Situ Shanyun now, who will only have more troubles. What Liu San and his wife want is to completely resolve future threats so that the family can live together and Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife can cooperate. At least Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife are not enemies. If Situ Shanyun can get the Situ family to take action and win over Liu San and his wife, there will be no other threats.

At present, Situ Shanyun needs the cooperation of Liu San and his wife, and Situ Shanyun can provide more help in the future to make life better for Liu San and his wife. Now Situ Shanyun does not want any more trouble. If he is not careful, he will encounter more risks, which is something people cannot get used to. The affairs of Liu San and his wife must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise even if Situ Shanyun wants to solve some troubles, it will be difficult to succeed and it is easy to have additional troubles.

"As long as we can make sure there are no other troubles with the many alliances between Mr. and Mrs. Liu and Situ Shanyun, then Mr. and Mrs. Liu will not have any hidden dangers in the future. We can always find ways to solve some threats to the company. I will try my best to deal with various hidden dangers so that we can ensure the subsequent live broadcasts."

"As for the long-term gains of the company, as well as the conflicts between the company and the Situ family, I will try not to interfere in these matters. Situ Shanyun knows very well what other risks there will be in the future. I need to help the Liu San couple and Situ Shanyun to get in touch. The Liu San couple need to unite with Situ Shanyun."

Now Bai Qiuwu knows what's going on and understands that the pressure on Liu San and his wife is increasing as much as possible. Whether Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife can really cooperate well actually depends on Situ Shanyun's own plans. Liu San and his wife have a good relationship with Bai Qiuwu, but Bai Qiuwu only lets Situ Shanyun and Liu San and his wife contact each other.

(End of this chapter)

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