Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 319: Careful Thoughts, More Compensation

Chapter 319: Careful Thoughts, More Compensation
In Huangquan Town, the atmosphere has changed, and Situ Yongyi can solve a lot of problems. At least the crisis of the Situ family has been increasing. Situ Yongyi still needs to make certain plans to prevent the Situ family from having other turmoil. Moreover, Situ Yongyi himself understands that the Situ family actually has many hidden dangers. For Situ Yongyi today, if he wants to consolidate the power of the Situ family, Situ Yongyi must first find a way to prevent the people of the Situ family from making any small moves.

At this moment, Situ Yongyi has already understood that if many people in the Situ family do not have more plans, Situ Yongyi will face more troubles in the future, and the turmoil in the Situ family will be out of control. Situ Yongyi cannot just think that the threats from the Situ family will be eliminated by themselves. Situ Yongyi is very clear that with the troubles of the Situ family this time, future threats will continue to increase. This is something Situ Yongyi cannot change. The Situ family has too many secrets.

Now Situ Yongyi himself knows that there are many risks in the Situ family. If Situ Yongyi is not prepared and makes certain changes to the Situ family, then Situ Yongyi's plan will only lead to greater turmoil in the Situ family in the future. Situ Yongyi knows that the people of the Situ family have done many wrong things in the past, so what Situ Yongyi can do now is to prevent the Situ family from any crisis. Situ Yongyi needs to eliminate the crisis for the Situ family as soon as possible.

For Situ Yongyi today, the troubles of the Situ family naturally need to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the threats to Situ Yongyi in the future will increase dramatically. Many people in the Situ family are already in danger, and Situ Yongyi cannot rely on too many people in the Situ family, so Situ Yongyi tries his best to plan so that more people in the Situ family will not be involved in future troubles. This is one of the few opportunities for Situ Yongyi, and many people in the Situ family should try their best to resolve the threats.

Now Situ Yongyi's pressure has decreased. After all, with Bai Qiuwu's help, some troubles of the Situ family are being minimized. However, Situ Yongyi cannot just think that he will have more risks in the future. The hidden dangers of the Situ family are increasing. This is not what Situ Yongyi wants to see, but the many crises of the Situ family have reduced Situ Yongyi's pressure. Now the Situ family also faces many threats. Situ Yongyi can only think carefully and let the Situ family truly stabilize.

"We really need to be more cautious about many things of the Situ family, otherwise the Situ family is indeed unsafe. Miss Bai is right. I should also be prepared to a certain extent so that the Situ family will not have more risks. Otherwise, the threats to the Situ family will only increase. This is more critical."

"I am also considering some future plans of the Situ Family. This time, the people of the Situ Family should investigate the matter of Liu San, his wife and his children as soon as possible. With enough experience, it will be easier for the Situ Family to investigate similar troubles in the future. Many secrets will naturally be unable to be hidden."

Situ Yongyi said this about the many troubles of the Situ family. In fact, Situ Yongyi also knew that making the Situ family safer was Situ Yongyi's only request. It's just that the people of the Situ family made mistakes. Now Situ Yongyi actually had no other way to ensure that the people of the Situ family would not suffer any losses. Situ Yongyi himself also knew that the Situ family could not be without any problems, and Situ Yongyi had to be calmer, otherwise if Situ Yongyi was too anxious, the Situ family would be in more danger.

And Situ Yongyi has a lot of plans now, one of which is to reduce the pressure on the Situ family as soon as possible, and then Situ Yongyi is considering how to prevent the Situ family from having any other turmoil in the future. Situ Yongyi needs to do what he should do, otherwise it will be difficult for the Situ family to have more opportunities in the future. Situ Yongyi still has some opportunities, and many people in the Situ family have already had many little ideas. This is Situ Yongyi's trouble right now.

The Situ family is not so stable, and what Situ Yongyi can do is only to reduce the troubles on the Situ family's side, not that at this time, Situ Yongyi will still face other risks. The crises of the Situ family are gradually increasing. This is the current threat. Situ Yongyi still has to think carefully to reduce the threats to the Situ family. Otherwise, if Situ Yongyi is not careful, the overall situation at that time will still be unfavorable to the Situ family.

Situ Yongyi has already considered reducing the threat from the Situ family, and then Situ Yongyi is prepared to reduce the crises facing the Situ family in the future. By then, Situ Yongyi will naturally be free of more risks. These people from the Situ family need to do what they should do, otherwise Situ Yongyi will face more crises in the future. The turmoil of the Situ family is not something that Situ Yongyi and some people from the Situ family can control. Situ Yongyi himself still needs to be cautious.

Many people in the Situ family currently have various small plans. For Situ Yongyi, he should try his best to reduce the troubles of the Situ family. Then Situ Yongyi will find a way to prevent many people in the Situ family from making other small moves. At that time, Situ Yongyi can still think about his many long-term opportunities. This is a bigger opportunity at the moment. Otherwise, if the Situ family does not pay attention, Situ Yongyi will hardly have another chance at that time, and the Situ family will have many hidden dangers.

"Bai Qiuwu knows the Situ family's plan. The Situ family wants to unite with Bai Qiuwu and let Bai Qiuwu help solve the problem faster. In fact, it is the Situ family that will pay the price. Bai Qiuwu can make the Situ family members pay a certain price and ensure that the Situ family will not be held accountable. This is what Bai Qiuwu can do."

"The original plan of the Situ family was to ask Bai Qiuwu to help solve more troubles, so that the Situ family would not suffer any additional losses. However, the Situ family did not suffer any losses, but Bai Qiuwu had to suffer losses. Obviously, Bai Qiuwu did not want to help the Situ family, which would bring no benefits but trouble."

The Situ family's plan made it very difficult for Situ Yongyi to implement it, so Situ Yongyi had tried his best to consider many of the Situ family's original plans and not tell Bai Qiuwu. After all, Bai Qiuwu's attitude was already very clear. When many big figures of the Situ family asked Situ Shanyun to contact Bai Qiuwu, Bai Qiuwu was unwilling to bear the threat of the Situ family. The people of the Situ family hoped that Situ Yongyi would speak up and tempt Bai Qiuwu for help, but these people of the Situ family still considered too much and it was useless.

Situ Yongyi has many calculations of his own, and many of the Situ family's plans also allow Situ Yongyi to have more alliances with Bai Qiuwu. There are ways to solve the many crises of the Situ family. Situ Yongyi must seize the opportunity now to reduce the threat of the Situ family. Otherwise, some of Situ Yongyi's calculations will only put more pressure on the Situ family. Situ Yongyi still has to try his best to solve more hidden dangers to reduce the crisis of the Situ family. What Situ Yongyi has to do now is to stabilize the Situ family, not to say that Situ Yongyi still needs to think about some of the current troubles, which have not been solved at all. As long as these people in the Situ family are not in a hurry to solve the troubles as soon as possible, then Situ Yongyi actually still has a way to make the Situ family more stable. Otherwise, when Situ Yongyi investigates Huangquan Town, the threats he encounters will only increase. Many people in the Situ family must have the same ideas as Situ Yongyi.

It's just that Situ Yongyi is willing to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, and Situ Yongyi is willing to tell Bai Qiuwu the secrets of the Situ family. This is already very crucial. In this way, the threats to the Situ family and Situ Yongyi will only increase. If the troubles of the Situ family are solved, Situ Yongyi will no longer cause additional hidden dangers to the Situ family in the future. If the Situ family wants to be truly stable, then Situ Yongyi can only solve the trouble as soon as possible. This is the more important way.

As for whether the crisis of the Situ family can be resolved, Situ Yongyi is actually relying on Bai Qiuwu. It is not just the troubles of Liu San and his wife that need Bai Qiuwu to solve. The most important thing is that the Situ family still has many secrets. Situ Yongyi is already considering letting Bai Qiuwu solve more troubles. Situ Yongyi cannot think too much about the crisis of the Situ family. Now the threat of the Situ family has been reduced, and Situ Yongyi's troubles will not increase again in the future. Of course, Bai Qiuwu has to help the Situ family.

"Since Miss Situ has mentioned this, then the threats from the Situ family in the past can certainly be dealt with. Miss Situ needs some time to win over the people of the Situ family and get them to cooperate. The Situ family won't have much time in the future, after all, Miss Situ has to make an estimate!"

"Whether the many secrets of the Situ family will cause trouble for the Situ family depends mainly on how the Situ family handles the trouble. Miss Situ can also see that as long as the Situ family is willing to properly handle the matter of Liu San and his children, the threat from the Situ family will actually be reduced in the future."

Bai Qiuwu did not say much. Situ Yongyi knew the affairs of the Situ family. As for how to keep the Situ family safe, Situ Yongyi and the old foxes of the Situ family actually understood it better than Bai Qiuwu. That is, Situ Yongyi, on behalf of the Situ family, should give some compensation to all parties who were dealt with by the Situ family. However, Situ Yongyi and many people in the Situ family did not want such compensation. Situ Yongyi's current attitude was because he knew in his heart that other people would not easily give face to the Situ family.

Now Situ Yongyi knows clearly that the Situ family is in more trouble mainly because many people in the Situ family do not know how to solve the troubles. Situ Yongyi thinks that Bai Qiuwu's method is good. If the Situ family cooperates with Bai Qiuwu, Situ Yongyi's troubles will be reduced in the future. The plan of the Situ family and Situ Yongyi should be to unite with Bai Qiuwu and repair the relationship between the Situ family and the company. Situ Yongyi knows clearly that such opportunities are rare and the Situ family must seize the opportunity.

If Situ Yongyi only considers that some troubles of the Situ family are difficult to deal with, then the threats from Situ Yongyi will actually increase, and the Situ family will be even more restless. At the moment, the risk to Situ Yongyi will not increase because of Bai Qiuwu's help. It's just that the people of the Situ family must be prepared to cooperate with Situ Yongyi. Only then can the Situ family be truly stable in the future. Otherwise, Situ Yongyi will have more opportunities.

Many risks have already appeared for the Situ family, and whether Situ Yongyi can find a way to prevent the Situ family from having any hidden dangers is more important. Situ Yongyi needs to think carefully before he can prevent the Situ family from being at risk. What Situ Yongyi needs to do is to prevent the Situ family from having any additional threats. Situ Yongyi is already planning to make the Situ family more stable. In the future, Situ Yongyi will be able to solve more threats to the Situ family. Situ Yongyi himself needs to be prepared.

The Situ family is now facing many more troubles, mainly because the Situ family had troubles in the past. Situ Yongyi himself has been planning to make the Situ family more stable in the future, otherwise the threat from Situ Yongyi will increase, and there will be no additional threats to the Situ family in the future. Situ Yongyi has tried his best to solve the risks he encountered. The Situ family can only think about reducing the risks to Situ Yongyi, otherwise the troubles of the Situ family will only increase. Situ Yongyi knows what to do.

"Situ Yongyi still thinks too simply about the troubles of the Situ family. Situ Yongyi should know that the current Situ family has no more opportunities. Situ Yongyi knows this in his heart. However, the Situ family's many years of foundation still makes Situ Yongyi feel that the Situ family may have a chance."

"If Situ Yongyi always thinks that he has more opportunities, then the Situ family will only be in greater trouble. It is not that the current Situ Yongyi will have additional risks. The threats to the Situ family still need Situ Yongyi to deal with them himself, and the Situ family will be safe in the future."

Bai Qiuwu would not directly agree to Situ Yongyi and some of the Situ family's plans. Instead, Situ Yongyi didn't need to say much. Now Bai Qiuwu directly rejected some of the Situ family's plans, so Situ Yongyi didn't have to say anything. This group of people in the Situ family could also calm down directly. Situ Yongyi quickly dealt with the Situ family's troubles, so that Situ Yongyi would not face any additional threats in the future. This was very important. The sooner the Situ family recognized the situation, the more opportunities Situ Yongyi would have.

The Situ family is facing more troubles right now, and Situ Yongyi knows what to do. Obviously, there is no need for Bai Qiuwu to say much about many things. The threat from the Situ family is increasing, and all Situ Yongyi needs to do is to try to investigate the threats within the Situ family. This is a better plan.

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