Chapter 325 Special Places, Clues
In Huangquan Town, Bai Qiuwu and Situ Yongyi looked around the town. It seemed that they didn't gain anything, but they also found some hidden clues, that is, many people in Huangquan Town were not like ordinary people, and each of them seemed to have signs of cultivation. Bai Qiuwu also received new news about the company. This was the order received by Dongfang Lianshan. Nangong Yunzhen would soon go to the Situ family to provide news about the company. Moreover, Nangong Yunzhen posed no other threat, which was more critical.

Bai Qiuwu knew that Mr. Duanmu should not be too anxious. Nangong Yunzhen already had many plans, enough to solve more hidden dangers, which was more important. As for the Situ family's investigation in Huangquan Town, it actually had certain results. Wherever Bai Qiuwu and Situ Yongyi passed, there were masters of the Situ family watching to ensure that there would be no other threats. These people would be brought to the Situ family for inspection. This was extremely critical. Many people in the Situ family knew what to do next.

As for Situ Yongyi, Bai Qiuwu did not talk much. After all, at this point, there was actually nothing to say. Bai Qiuwu helped solve the Situ family's troubles, but the Situ family faced too many crises, and the Situ family still had to solve them themselves. Bai Qiuwu alone could not make the Situ family threat-free. This was actually very crucial. Bai Qiuwu could not always help the Situ family, and the Situ family was so big that they could handle many things on their own.

When Bai Qiuwu and Situ Yongyi walked near the deep mountains, they found that there was a layer of mist around them. Bai Qiuwu also felt that they seemed to have walked too deep. The guards of the Situ family seemed to have disappeared. This layer of white mist looked like ordinary fog in the mountains, but it was not the case, because Bai Qiuwu could perceive that Situ Yongyi seemed to be gradually disappearing. However, Bai Qiuwu was not in a hurry. After all, if there was no problem in Huangquan Town, Bai Qiuwu and Situ Yongyi would not need to come here.

Bai Qiuwu did not move, but just waited there, but the scenery nearby gave a feeling of tremendous changes. He was originally still outside the mountain, but the mist gradually disappeared, and Bai Qiuwu had already reached the deep mountains. Moreover, Bai Qiuwu felt that only half an hour had passed, but everything here had changed from four or five in the afternoon to eleven or twelve at night. This time difference made Bai Qiuwu realize that something was wrong, but Bai Qiuwu was not in a hurry. After all, the fact that he was invited here proved that some people still had something to say.

"Something is wrong here. It seems like there is no trouble, but in fact, it has caused many variables. The formation is fleeting. This time, I found the right place. Huangquan Town is indeed very important. It is related to the affairs of Liu San, his wife and their children. Otherwise, I would not have encountered such a strange thing."

"And it's not that we entered the illusion when we entered the mountain. In fact, we were already being watched when we entered Huangquan Town. There are big problems in Huangquan Town. Some special fragrances caused people like me and Situ Yongyi to be transferred here without noticing... There's no need to hide."

Bai Qiuwu seemed to be thinking about something, and finally whispered to let other people nearby come out and not continue hiding here. After all, Bai Qiuwu had already arrived here, and the Situ family and Situ Yongyi had also arrived here. It was obviously impossible and unnecessary for some people to continue hiding, so the people in the dark should come out to meet each other. The Situ family sent Situ Yongyi to Huangquan Town. Many people in Huangquan Town still wanted to find Bai Qiuwu and the Situ family, and did not leave.

Situ Yongyi and the people of the Situ family were not far away. Even if the secret people found Bai Qiuwu directly, Situ Yongyi, with the Situ family guards, would soon protect Bai Qiuwu. It was not that Situ Yongyi would take the Situ family and leave Huangquan Town directly when he found that Bai Qiuwu was missing at this time. Bai Qiuwu had already realized that the secret people were nearby, and Situ Yongyi would soon find a way to let the Situ family guards find Bai Qiuwu, so Bai Qiuwu did not need to worry.

It's just that how long it will take Situ Yongyi and some people from the Situ family to find Bai Qiuwu, Bai Qiuwu actually doesn't know. After all, this is not a big deal. Situ Yongyi is having more troubles, and how to make the Situ family more stable is up to Situ Yongyi to decide. The people of the Situ family have arrived in Huangquan Town and are now encountering many troubles. Situ Yongyi should be clear that the Situ family must resolve the many secret troubles as soon as possible. After all, Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu are being targeted by people in the dark!
Many people in the Situ family may have thought before that they should not have too many conflicts with some people in the dark, but this time Bai Qiuwu, Situ Yongyi and the people of the Situ family encountered trouble in Huangquan Town. This proves that many people in the dark already have a lot of ulterior motives. This group of people will have their own plans, which will bring a lot of trouble to Situ Yongyi. The threat to the Situ family will not increase, and many of Situ Yongyi's troubles will also be reduced. This is already a major event at the moment, and the crisis of the Situ family is increasing.

After Situ Yongyi brought people from the Situ family to Huangquan Town, Huangquan Town should have been extremely safe, but Bai Qiuwu, who was under the protection of Situ Yongyi, actually encountered this special formation. This was very wrong. Either the people in the Situ family were cooperating with some people in secret, or Situ Yongyi and these people from the Situ family were too careless and thought that Huangquan Town was their own territory, so there was no need to worry about whether there would be other threats. Situ Yongyi already had many plans, but the most important thing was to grasp the overall situation.

"There are many variables in the Situ family, and Situ Yongyi and I may be targeted by the dark people. The Situ family is not that stable, but Situ Yongyi cannot cooperate with the dark people. I have to leave here as soon as possible, find someone from the Situ family, and see what Situ Yongyi thinks!"

"The Situ family will not have any more troubles at the moment. Of course, the premise is that Situ Yongyi himself is prepared to ensure that the threats to the Situ family will not increase directly. The risks to the Situ family can already be reduced. However, if Situ Yongyi is in Huangquan Town and cooperates with many people in secret..."

Bai Qiuwu naturally knew about some of the troubles that the Situ family was facing now, and he was trying his best to help Situ Yongyi and the Situ family avoid trouble. But at this time, Situ Yongyi and many people in the Situ family might be directly attracted by the secret people and cooperate with those who were making trouble in secret. This was a big problem right now. Situ Yongyi needed to prepare himself so that the Situ family would not be influenced by others in the future. Now Situ Yongyi has had many opportunities, enough to keep the Situ family out of trouble.

And now Situ Yongyi, can he make the Situ family not have trouble in the future? In fact, Situ Yongyi can do it, and cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, but many people in the Situ family may not be willing to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu like Situ Yongyi. After all, people in the Situ family can always have additional choices, not to say Situ Yongyi, people in the Situ family can only follow what Bai Qiuwu said, so there will be no other crisis, so some people in the dark did not leave quickly, just waiting for Situ Yongyi to arrive in Huangquan Town. Now the Situ family is not so stable, and the cooperation between Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu is enough to make the Situ family not have only additional threats in the future, but Situ Yongyi is willing to have certain changes now. Other people in the Situ family may not have the same idea as Situ Yongyi. After all, the Situ family, the people in the dark have cooperation, which may also be a way, but at this time, Situ Yongyi still needs to have a certain plan, so that the troubles of the Situ family will be reduced in the future, and Situ Yongyi can be safe at that time.

In this way, Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu may be able to have more exchanges with the person in the dark, and there will be no more threats in the future. The Situ family is indeed unstable, but things have come to this point. Situ Yongyi has also considered how to prevent the Situ family from any crisis. Bai Qiuwu also roughly guessed why the person in the dark did not leave. Situ Yongyi and the people of the Situ family may consider how to prevent other threats in the future. This is extremely important.

The Situ family had a lot of troubles at this time, and all Situ Yongyi could consider was to make the Situ family truly stable in the future. Otherwise, Situ Yongyi would only face other threats in the future. The many hidden dangers of the Situ family also increased the pressure on Situ Yongyi. Bai Qiuwu didn't care about the many troubles of the Situ family, so at this time, Situ Yongyi also needed to make certain plans so that the Situ family would not have any additional variables in the future. Situ Yongyi and the Situ family should be synchronized.

"Miss Situ, I never thought I would see you at this time. Our special formation can attract the most talented people to enter this place. Now that we are here, I think we can talk more. After all, the plan of Miss Situ and the Situ family has changed the situation."

"You have indeed gained certain benefits from cooperating with the company, but the company may not be willing to cooperate with you. Even if someone comes to the Situ family and is willing to contact you, this is only a superficial phenomenon and does not mean that you can immediately gain more. This is more important. We can leave quickly."

A dull voice sounded. Many troubles of the Situ family could be solved now. After Situ Yongyi and the people of the Situ family arrived in Huangquan Town, in fact, many threats nowadays did put pressure on the people in the dark. However, until now, the conversations with Situ Yongyi and the Situ family could still be carried out, which was enough to stabilize the situation in Huangquan Town in the future. This was extremely critical. The people in the dark came here to make Situ Yongyi willing to cooperate so that the Situ family would have less troubles.

If Situ Yongyi has considered it carefully and wants to solve future troubles by himself, this is more important. Whether the threat of the Situ family can be truly resolved actually depends on how Situ Yongyi decides. Now the people in the dark hope that the people of the Situ family will not take any action and do not continue to conduct more investigations. What Situ Yongyi needs to do is to let the people in the dark leave as soon as possible. Situ Yongyi should not interfere with these people in the dark. The competition for the company will get certain feedback from the Situ family, and Situ Yongyi will not suffer any losses.

The people in secret have made a lot of arrangements this time, allowing people from the Situ family to enter Huangquan Town and allowing Situ Yongyi to come directly to ensure that there will be no other troubles in the future. This is a more important plan. Situ Yongyi has been very cautious, and the company's involvement in the affairs of Huangquan Town has increased the pressure on the people in secret, so they must make sure that the Situ family and the company have no more contact. This is a more important plan. The current troubles can be resolved as soon as possible, and future troubles can be resolved as soon as possible.

Situ Yongyi was able to arrive at Huangquan Town with many people from the Situ family, which means that Situ Yongyi and most of the Situ family do have a good relationship with the company. It's just that at this time, many of the troubles on Situ Yongyi's side still need to be resolved as soon as possible, so that the Situ family will not have any other troubles in the future. But even if Situ Yongyi and the people of the Situ family are willing to cooperate with the company, there are actually people in the dark who want to come and tell Situ Yongyi not to contact the company.

Most of the people in the Situ family actually have no good feelings towards the company. These people only think that the company has many troubles. So even if Situ Yongyi is thinking about cooperating with the company, many big figures in the Situ family do not want to be like Situ Yongyi. Then the secret people can cooperate with the people in the Situ family. If Situ Yongyi is willing to give face, the Situ family will naturally be much safer in the future. But if Situ Yongyi considers too much and does not allow the Situ family and the secret people to cooperate, there are also ways to solve the trouble.

"Miss Situ, there is no need to rush to express your opinion. The Situ family is indeed in some trouble now, but at this time, we are willing to cooperate with Miss Situ. Some old friends of the Situ family do not want to have conflicts with the Situ family. The Situ family has gained a lot of benefits over the years."

"In the past, I was in the Situ family's territory and had no connection with the Situ family. Miss Situ is coming here now. If we cooperate with the Situ family at this time, there will not be more trouble in the future. This is our opportunity right now. The Situ family will be stable in the future... You are not Situ Yongyi."

The man in secret continued to say that if Situ Yongyi were to not cooperate with the company now, many people in the Situ family would be able to gain more. This was an opportunity at the moment, and many risks in the future could be easily resolved. However, things had come to this point, and Situ Yongyi actually had to think about what he should do so that the Situ family would be more stable in the future. Otherwise, Situ Yongyi would only have additional troubles, which was a big threat at the moment, and the Situ family would not have any other turmoil.

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