Chapter 34 Inside information?

Until the call was hung up, Pu Xi didn't figure out why she was rejected.

He couldn't figure it out even if he thought about it. Bai Qiuwu, who was banned from the entertainment industry, had no source of income, had a face, and a vase with nothing else, why should he refuse his invitation?
She obviously wanted to come to the live broadcast industry from the beginning. Now that the opportunity is presented to her, why doesn't she agree?

Isn't this a riot?
Can't figure it out, can't figure it out at all.

Pu Xi stared at the hung up cell phone in a daze. Pu Yao had been paying attention to him. Seeing this, he asked calmly: "How is it?"

Pu Xi felt guilty as soon as he heard his brother's voice, after all, he was sure of it from the beginning.

But Pu Yao's eyes were so calm, as if he had seen through him.

"She, she said she wanted to think about it again." Pu Xi said with difficulty.

Pu Yao glanced at him: "Does she need to think about it again, or do you need to think of reasons to deal with me?"

Pu Xi's expression instantly collapsed, and she looked at Pu Yao miserably: "Brother..."

But Pu Yao didn't accept his trick and asked straight to the point: "Why did she refuse? What's the reason?"

Pu Yao actually didn't understand why Bai Qiuwu refused. After all, Bai Qiuwu was so eager to treat him, as if he wanted to pounce on him and ask for support.

Now that she was given a chance, why did she act so indifferent?
Is it hard-to-find?
"She said we influenced her to engage in feudal superstition." When she said this, Pu Xi was not sure, and her tone was hesitant.

Mainly, can feudal superstition be influenced by others?
You are so superstitious, why do you still care about what others say?
This answer was so explosive that Pu Yao fell silent. After a long time, he slowly uttered a few words: "This money will be deducted from your salary."

Pu Xi suddenly became alert and his whole body became energetic.

"No, no, no, this is not appropriate." He said very seriously: "I think this matter can still turn around, I will try again."

Pu Yao nodded: "You'd better be."

Pu Xi had no idea how something that was supposed to be easy and easy would suddenly turn into a hellish difficulty.

He let out a long sigh, holding the phone at a loss.

After a while, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned to look at Pu Yao: "Brother, if she doesn't want to sign the contract because of you, can the money be written off in one go?"

Pu Yao frowned and looked at him as if he were a fool.

Bai Qiuwu because he is unwilling to sign the contract?
How can it be?

Pu Yao's mind almost instantly recalled Bai Qiuwu's shameless insistence on getting involved with him, as well as his bold request for support.

It's not that Pu Yao is confident. It can only be said that unless Bai Qiuwu is a good person, if she knows that Pu Yao is here, she will be so happy that she will pounce on him.

But there was no need to say these. Pu Yao just said three big words in a concise and concise manner.


Pu Xi thought it was quite possible.

After all, Bai Qiuwu has shown an unusual talent for holding grudges. This "feudal superstition" was also commented on by Pu Yao. It is obvious that he is holding a grudge when he says it at this moment.

Pu Xi didn't know where his brother's confidence came from, but he also tried to make him recognize the reality.

"Brother, you can't be so confident as a person. There are some starlets who really don't like you, even though I couldn't believe it at first..."

"Of course there are some starlets who don't like me. This is normal." Pu Yao said in a cold tone, "But it's impossible for Bai Qiuwu not to sign the contract because of me. Don't make excuses for your incompetence."

"If you really can't persuade her, bring her to see me."

Pu Xi: "..."

Although you are rich and good-looking, and you are one of the top beauties on the list of financial sponsors that little stars expect, you still look very greasy when you are so confident!
Pu Xi couldn't complain anymore. He was also a straightforward person and dialed Bai Qiuwu's number again.

Bai Qiuwu really didn't want to pay attention to him, but it didn't seem good that he just turned around and ignored him after doing such a big thing for her.

Therefore, Bai Qiuwu patiently answered the call.

"Hey, is there anything else?" Pu Xi asked directly, as if he couldn't hear the perfunctory tone in her tone: "You refuse to sign the contract, are you refusing to sign it before you hate my brother?"

Bai Qiuwu was stunned. Before he could speak, he heard the other person say, "My brother has changed his mind. Do you want to think about it again?"

"I think you will like my brother very much."

Bai Qiuwu was simply baffled.

"Who likes your brother?" Bai Qiuwu retorted unceremoniously: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't even know him, and he has such bad taste, don't get involved with me."

When Pu Xi heard this, he immediately became energetic: "Is it because my brother refuses to sign the contract?"

"Absolutely." Bai Qiuwu didn't think much and said casually: "Your brother's vision is too bad. He actually said that I am feudal and superstitious. Such a company has no future at first glance, so let's forget it."

Pu Yao, who has been listening silently, said: "..."

Pu Xi proudly glanced at his expressionless brother next to him and was still asking.

"My brother has fully realized his mistake. We sincerely invite you to sign a contract with us. How about an interview?"

"I'll treat you to dinner. It's easy to talk about the contract. You can set whatever conditions you want."

Pu Xi said it very politely. He felt that since he had this attitude, Bai Qiuwu should hesitate no matter what.


It was still a straightforward refusal.

"No." Bai Qiuwu's attitude showed no change at all: "If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

With the busy tone of the phone, Pu Xi looked at Pu Yao innocently.

Pu Yao: "..."

Well, my face hurts a little.

Also, this Bai Qiuwu must be an expert.

At the same time, Bai Qiuwu on the other side was looking at the woman in front of him seriously.

"Are you going to redeem your promise when you ask me out this time?"

Opposite Bai Qiuwu, Wang Song was sitting with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Yes, yes." Wang Song swallowed, feeling a little unsure for some reason.

"How is your sister?" Bai Qiuwu didn't notice anything was wrong with her, and was very concerned about her.

Wang Song's expression was distorted for a moment, but quickly returned to normal.

"It's okay," she said.

In order to prevent Bai Qiuwu from asking more difficult questions, Wang Song took the initiative decisively.

"Oh, by the way, I came here this time mainly to ask, what happened to Wu Yue?"

She tilted her head innocently, but the mobile phone hidden in her hand flashed, showing a live broadcast of current events.

Bai Qiuwu, as if he didn't realize anything was wrong at all, replied casually: "Isn't that the case? What else can happen?"

Wang Song: "Oh, do you have any inside information?"

Bai Qiuwu blinked: "I guessed a little."

Everyone: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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