Chapter 39 God Level Taunt
Bai Qiuwu didn't feel that he was trying to undermine himself.

She just told the truth, as the saying goes, sincerity is the last resort in everything.

Although the wish made by the old lady was not stated in detail, the specific description of the obsession showed that it would be a long-term hot seller.

Bai Qiuwu agreed to this condition. It did not mean that someone bought a few melons because of their novelty, and sales suddenly surged, but then there was no follow-up.

Others may not understand the twists and turns, but Bai Qiuwu knows very well that this temporary increase in sales does not count.

So she told the truth.

So netizens exploded.

I really can't blame them for being too easy to explode. It's really Bai Qiuwu who doesn't play his cards according to the routine. Who is a good person who deceives people without concealing it at all?

[Although I know you are a charlatan and everything you say is a lie, can you have some self-cultivation like a liar?Can you act a little bit and pretend? It’s really hard for people to deal with you like this.]

[On Bai Qiuwu’s contradictory words, he promised to help others realize their wishes, but ended up not knowing how to realize them himself. He played word games and undermined himself. Is this really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? 】

[So the current situation is that the man touching porcelain was caught by the old lady, and then he wanted to empty all the melons in one go? 】


Bai Qiuwu held his mobile phone while watching the live broadcast over there, and from time to time he would raise his head to glance at the barrage on his side.

When she sees those who question her, she just ignores them and ignores them. But when she asks questions sincerely or concentrates on eating, she is still very interested in taking care of them.

"I feel like, that man looks good in his clothes, why is he touching porcelain?" Bai Qiuwu gossiped while picking up the melon next to him.

Thanks to the fact that the original owner was soaking in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry all day long, Bai Qiuwu became involved in many high-end brands after gaining the memory of the original owner.

The suit worn by the middle-aged man in the video costs several W by visual inspection. It is a high-end custom made by a certain brand, and the watch on his wrist seems to be a well-known brand and expensive.

With this look, his net worth should not be bad. He must at least start as a social elite. How could such a man touch an old lady selling watermelons?
It’s tricky!
[It looks like he drank too much, so he shouldn’t be a porcelain person. Although he looks similar, I don’t feel that the man looks like a porcelain person.]

[Holy crap, is that watch in his hand real or fake?Does anyone understand? If it were true, it would cost at least hundreds of thousands. How could such a person try to do this?It’s not the case at first glance]

[He must have drunk too much. You can see that his feet are shaking and his face is very red. He looks like a drunkard]

Bai Qiuwu also thought so, because the man was obviously drunk, but the old lady didn't care whether he was drunk or something else, she would not let him go if he broke the melon.

The man was also feeling dizzy. Although he couldn't hear clearly what he was saying, his mouth kept moving and his expression was quite sincere. Could he be apologizing?

Wait, why is this man still crying while talking?What is this talking about?
The netizens were curious, and Bai Qiuwu was equally curious. He gave the person in the live broadcast room a gift and wrote a message to go downstairs and listen to the sound.

The anchor was quite surprised to receive the gift, and he opened his mouth to thank him: "Okay, I will go downstairs now. Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely lead everyone to expose the scam of Bai Qiuwu!"

"By the way, thank you Bai Qiu... uh, for the gift."

The embarrassment on the anchor's expression was so obvious that netizens burst into laughter, but Bai Qiuwu didn't care at all that this person was talking bad about him, and instead typed to urge him.

[Actor Bai Qiuwu v: Please go downstairs quickly, you won’t be heard if you go late]

The anchor: "..."

Does this person know clearly that he is here to crack down on counterfeiters?Why is this so exciting?

It's baffling, and I can't figure it out.However, the anchor obviously had no reason to refuse, and he quickly went downstairs. As he approached, people in the live broadcast room could finally hear the man's howling.

"Grandma, I'm so miserable. My girlfriend dumped me, oh, oh, oh, oh, my life is as miserable as yours!"

The man cried so loudly that the grandma was obviously very annoyed and kept repeating: "You trampled on my melon, I'll pay you for it!"

It's a pity that drunkards can't understand people's words. The middle-aged man acted as if he didn't hear her. He knelt on the ground and hugged the old lady's thigh, crying and howling at the same time.

"Money, money, money, why does she want money so much? That man is 20 years older than her! Isn't he richer than me? I'm not bad at all!"

In just a few sentences, a big drama can be imagined. Netizens enjoyed the melons and Bai Qiuwu was also very energetic.

The grandma seemed to be so entangled that she had no choice but to say, "I don't want you to pay any more, please leave quickly, okay?", but the man pretended not to hear her and started calling her mom directly afterwards.

Then there was nothing she could do, so the old lady took out the man's cell phone from his arms, unlocked it with his finger, then pulled it open and made a call.

"Hello? Do you know the owner of this phone? He's drunk and going crazy. Can you take him away? Well, I'm on XX Street."

After a brief exchange, the old lady hung up the phone, and then looked at the man who was holding her legs and crying with a speechless expression.

Netizens were almost laughing.

Bai Qiuwu was also laughing. It was just a mistake. The old lady had already told her not to lose money, so she probably wouldn't get much money.

So the anchor went home, and everyone stopped paying attention to it. After all, a drunkard talks incoherently. It's good to watch it fresh, but it's boring to watch it all the time.

So much so that no one paid attention to what happened next, such as when the drunkard left and who picked him up.

The anchor didn't find out until the old lady disappeared.

"Maybe you're in a bad mood because of this, so go home." the anchor said.

Everyone agreed, and then said that they almost thought their wish would come true, but it turned out to be just a misunderstanding, and then continued to despise Bai Qiuwu together.

However, what no one knew was that the old lady disappeared and never appeared again, and that night, a small post suddenly appeared on Weibo.

No one paid attention to it at first, until two days later, when someone was curiously searching for watermelons, they suddenly discovered a strange thing, and then the popularity gradually increased.

At that time, Bai Qiuwu's negative fans were still chasing her and scolding her, and they were angry and angry. It had been several days, but there was still no result?Are you a charlatan or something?

Some people even said that the old lady was discouraged and stopped selling melons. This was inseparable from the fact that Bai Qiuwu's big pie was not realized.

Until a certain entry became completely popular and came into people’s sight.

#SugarlessWatermelon, replenish water, essential for weight loss!If it's sweet, hit me! #
Some netizens who suddenly felt something was wrong hesitantly reached out and clicked in, and saw a familiar old lady sitting in a gym taking out melons with a smile on her face.

The title was written on the sign and hung in front of the watermelon cart. A bunch of fitness men and women were queuing up to buy it, and business was booming.

Netizens: "?"

At this moment, Bai Qiuwu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly appeared and forwarded the post with the caption: Business is really good, what do you think?smile.jpg
Netizens: "..."

Is this sarcasm?
This must be a fucking taunt!

(End of this chapter)

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