Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 41 The familiar golden light

Chapter 41 The familiar golden light

Bai Qiuwu was confused for the first time by someone, and his little eyes were full of doubts.

However, Wang Song still looked so confident, and even said that this was the case, and we didn't need to argue anymore.

"I didn't expect it. This is a little surprise. I didn't tell you in advance just to let you feel the surprise."

Bai Qiuwu didn't know whether she was surprised or not, but she did feel frightened.

No, why is it Pu Yao?
At this time, Bai Qiuwu was still holding on to the last bit of luck, thinking that it might be the same name or homophonic. After all, this name might also be popular.

She comforted herself in this way, and asked full of luck: "Pu Yao? Is this the Pu Yao I know?"

"Who else could it be? Stop joking, why don't you even recognize your partner?"

"Pu Yao, that Pu Yao from Starlight Group, I've made an appointment for you. Don't feel uncomfortable for the two of you. I'm here to make suggestions for you. I'll leave after the contract is signed."

Bai Qiuwu: "?"

Object, what object?
Young couple?What kind of young couple are they?

No, wait, which one is signing?

Bai Qiuwu didn't care about anything else and asked quickly: "You said you would help me sign up for the live broadcast platform. Which live broadcast platform is it?"

Because Bai Qiuwu is not a person who cares about issues such as remuneration. She doesn't want to live broadcast to make money. She signed the contract simply because she wants to have greater influence and let more people see it.

Bai Qiuwu has not forgotten that her goal from beginning to end is not to become famous in this world or become a rich man. Her goal has always been to return to heaven.

The world is very nice and beautiful, but for her, it is just a fun trip, and she will have to go home sooner or later.

She is working hard to earn her way home.

Therefore, she doesn’t care what the platform is, as long as there are people watching it and there is promotion, she can say anything.

Because of this, Bai Qiuwu never asked what Wang Song was going to introduce to her. She really felt that any place was good.

But now, she suddenly didn't feel that way anymore.

She thinks everything else is fine except for Starlight.

Starlight Live is indeed a big platform and one of the top leaders in the live broadcast industry, but this does not mean that Bai Qiuwu can run back after repeatedly rejecting the other party's invitation.

Isn't she shameless?
However, the other party has such a big platform, such a big boss, and has been rejected by her so many times, so he should not accept her again.

And this Wang Song probably doesn't have the ability to negotiate with such a huge behemoth.

Maybe it was just the boss who came to transfer her to other subsidiaries?I heard that Starlight Group has also sponsored other live streaming apps and is a shareholder of many live streaming apps.

Although those apps are not as big or famous as Starlight Live, they are not so embarrassing at least.

But unfortunately, Wang Song's next words shattered her last bit of luck.

"Xingguang! The biggest boss in the live broadcast APP, is he awesome? That is a company directly under the jurisdiction of your partner. If you go there, they won't be able to imprison you?"

"Originally, I didn't dare to directly make an appointment with you on such a big platform. If the relationship between you and Mr. Pu hadn't been exposed, I really wouldn't have dared to contact you."

"My original idea was to make an appointment with a slightly worse app for you. Although the contract may not be that good, I am sure of the victory."

After hearing this, Bai Qiuwu said directly without any hesitation: "Okay, let's go to the next app. You can contact me now and we will try to meet today."

When Wang Song heard this, she almost thought she had heard wrong. She never thought how someone could abandon a good place to belong and go to a worse place.It took her a long time to realize that Bai Qiuwu was not joking.

"Why?" She asked very puzzledly: "There are better ones, why would you choose a worse one? Besides, Xingguang Group belongs to Puyao, wouldn't it be nice to have someone to take care of you?"

"Because Pu Yao is not my partner!" Bai Qiuwu was speechless: "I have nothing to do with this brother. We have never even met."

"The only interaction I have with him is that I know his stupid younger brother."

Bai Qiuwu sighed heavily, feeling helpless and almost indescribable.

"I really don't know why there are rumors like this on the Internet, but I really have nothing to do with him. I am deeply disturbed by it and even feel very embarrassed. Just because he runs the Starlight Live broadcast, I don't want to go at all."

"You said that there are already rumors flying all over the sky, and I went to his company. Isn't this just to deepen the rumors? We can't do this."

Wang Song was stunned for a long time. He hesitated for a long time and blinked: "Then did I misunderstand?"

Bai Qiuwu nodded heavily.

Wang Song suddenly felt embarrassed, feeling like he was doing bad things with good intentions, and apologized quickly.

Bai Qiuwu didn't care about this, he just said happily: "It's okay, it's still late, just change it. Let's continue to contact those who are close."

Wang Song immediately hesitated: "Yes, but, I almost rejected all those companies. I thought you were bound to win the Starlight Live broadcast, so I said it absolutely. Now I definitely have no chance."

Bai Qiuwu: "..."

Wang Song almost cried: "How about we go see Mr. Pu? I think he is willing to come out because he has thoughts about you."

Speaking of this, Wang Song felt that there was ambiguity and quickly added: "The idea I am talking about is definitely not about you as a person, but the value it brings to you. Do you understand what I mean?"

Of course Bai Qiuwu understands, but she doesn't want to understand.

She didn't want to see him at all. As I said before, didn't she want to lose face?
Seeing that Bai Qiuwu was too determined to refuse, Wang Song had no choice but to compromise: "Then I will go in and apologize for refusing. You can wait for me outside."

Although this matter was very embarrassing, Wang Song had to bite the bullet and deal with it.

Bai Qiuwu nodded in agreement, and then watched Wang Song walk in.

I don't know how much time passed, but it didn't seem that long. As Bai Qiuwu waited boredly, Wang Song finally came out.

There was a very handsome man coming out with her.

The man's facial features are deep and handsome, with smooth and clear lines. He is dressed in a straight suit and has an expressionless face. At first glance, he looks as clean and neat as a sword unsheathed.

Very successful people, very eye-catching.

Bai Qiuwu's eyes widened.

But it's not because of how handsome this man is, or because he looks like a very rich son-in-law.

She was simply blinded by the dazzling golden light.

Such a familiar golden light, such a familiar person.

The familiar Bai Qiuwu couldn't help but move his legs. Without thinking about the person's identity, he followed him without saying a word.

Nothing but greed for money.

(End of this chapter)

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