Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 58 Who do you think is not a good person?

Chapter 58 Who do you think is not a good person?
As soon as the word "Pu Yao" came out, the executive director almost thought he heard it wrong.

But Bai Qiuwu was so considerate, and still explained: "Really, although I have offended many people during this period, it seems that Pu Yao is the only one who is rich."

"Pu Yao shouldn't be so vindictive, right? I'm here to make money for him, so he won't hack me, right?"

The executive director almost collapsed: "Of course not. The matters between you and the president are private matters. The president has always made a distinction between public and private matters!"

Bai Qiuwu: "Oh, then I don't know."

The executive director was so helpless, but he had no choice but to comfort himself. At least he had found out the relationship between Bai Qiuwu and the president.

Something doesn't seem right about this. As expected, there are rumors that there is something wrong with it. As the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs.

What kind of personal grudge would make Bai Qiuwu suspect that Pu Yao was the one responsible for blackmailing him? Given the difference in status and status between the two, the executive director really couldn't imagine that there could be any conflict.

After thinking about it, it seems that the only thing left is love and love.

To be able to make Starlight Live so big, this executive director must have some skills. He was so sensible that he didn't dare to complain anymore and dealt with it with a grimace.

Bai Qiuwu couldn't provide any help, but he was also a little curious about who took so much effort to blackmail him.

So she logged onto Weibo and read the post carefully twice, but she really couldn't see anything wrong with it.

However, the comments from netizens below are much more interesting than that post. After such a long period of fermentation, it has already received hundreds of thousands of retweets and comments, and it continues to rise.

Every word you read is yin and yang, and every word is more interesting than the last, so you are an old yin and yang person.

Bai Qiuwu read carefully for a while, watching these people scolding him, but he did not overestimate his ability and end up confronting them, but silently collected and forwarded this post.

So everyone who followed Bai Qiuwu saw this unexpected news.

Netizens: "???"

What does Nima mean?
I collect posts that criticize myself. What kind of Instagramming operation is this?

Immediately there were a series of question marks in the comments below.

Bai Qiuwu was really in a good mood, at least it was not affected at all. When she saw someone asking questions in confusion, she replied seriously:
——Store it and don’t grant wishes to those who scolded me later.

This reply was like a joke, which made countless people laugh. A bunch of people came to laugh at her, and intersex people also came uninvited.

Bai Qiuwu was not looking, not because he didn't want to look, but because he called.

Look at the caller ID again, Wang Song.

This sister hasn't appeared recently, so Bai Qiuwu naturally didn't remember her. Now that she called, Bai Qiuwu was still confused.

But she soon felt the change in her wish. It turned out that Wang Songxin's wish had come true again.

So is this call to congratulate you?

What wish did Wang Song make?

Bai Qiuwu couldn't remember it for a moment. At that time, Wang Song called her but didn't get through, and he didn't get through the live broadcast. In the end, he told her on WeChat.

Bai Qiuwu simply opened WeChat and took a look at the chat history at that time.

Wang Song: Master, I have decided what wish I want to make!

Wang Song: I hope my cousin can change her mind, become free and open-minded, and not be trapped by love!
Bai Qiuwu only responded with an OK gesture.

After that, there was no other communication. Wang Song and her cousin were ordinary people. They had not done anything bad, but they had not done anything good either. To put it into perspective, they were the type of people who had not contributed anything and even caused trouble for everyone. .This can also be seen from the things and careers the two of them have done. Wang Song relies on his money to steal celebrities every day and lead everyone to eat melons together. It cannot be said how many privacy rights have been violated and how many people have been troubled.

Her cousin was even more outrageous. Before Wu Yue, she had also been tricked into doing bad things because of her love brain. These were considered unintentional mistakes, and the loss of merit was not great, but it was definitely not good.

Therefore, when their wishes are fulfilled, they will definitely not turn for the better.

For example, Wang Song made a wish to lose weight, but in the end it manifested itself as illness. Another example is that Xiaoyue wanted to get rid of Wu Yue, but she always fell into the next scumbag's offensive.

Although this wish has come true, it is in an unexpected way. It depends on whether they can accept it.

Wang Song couldn't accept it last time, so she chose to make a wish again. Although Bai Qiuwu agreed, she was still not optimistic about it.

If they really want to change their situation, they actually need to do good deeds and accumulate merit first.

Simply making a wish will not change the situation, and may even make it progress faster.

But now Bai Qiuwu was a little curious about how her love-minded cousin was doing, so she answered the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Wang Song started howling over there.

"Master! My cousin has become a monk, I can't even stop her!"

Bai Qiuwu: "...Ah this."

To be honest, when she saw this wish, she had already guessed it, and it turned out to be this way.

Bai Qiuwu wanted to cover his face, but Wang Song looked shocked: "How could this happen? I just hope she won't be deceived by a scumbag. Why did she become a monk directly?"

"Is there a possibility that your cousin's love brain is hopeless? As long as she wants to fall in love, she will definitely be deceived. And you hope that she will wake up and not be trapped by love."

"Then it's just... like this."

Bai Qiuwu said innocently.

Wang Song felt like he was struck by lightning, and then he collapsed even more: "How is this possible? I rely on my parents and uncles to know that they will not let me go if they find out. Is there anything you can do?"

Bai Qiuwu: "I can't help you, my dear. I've said it before. I only care about results and never guarantee the process."

"You said you hoped that your cousin would wake up and not be trapped by love. She has done it now. This is a wish come true."

Wang Song: "How can that be done? My cousin is an only child, and their family is still counting on her to continue the family line. This can't be done. Can I make a wish again?"

As she spoke, she said very excitedly: "Any amount of money is fine. I hope that she will not become a monk and not see the world of mortals. Is that okay?"

Bai Qiuwu was a little embarrassed: "Yes, yes..."

She thought for a long time and finally told the truth: "The form of wish fulfillment is related to your own merit. Just making a wish is useless. You have to do good deeds."

Wang Song on the other end of the phone was stunned: "What do you mean? Are you saying that my cousin and I have bad luck?"

Bai Qiuwu was very honest: "It's not a good thing anyway, so the way you make wishes is not very good. I suggest you do more good deeds. Good people will be lucky."

"So, you mean, I made a wish to you, and so many bad things happened because of our own problems?"

When talking about the latter part, Wang Song's tone was already quite bad: "Bai Qiuwu, please explain to me clearly, when did we stop being good people?"

(End of this chapter)

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