Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 62 Your retribution has come

Chapter 62 Your retribution has come

Bai Qiuwu was speechless for a long time looking at these barrages.

Some people are blowing the wind, some are watching the sea, and some are being kicked again and again like wild dogs on the roadside.

She felt like she was the wild dog now.

Anyway, no matter what she said, it would be twisted into something else, so Bai Qiuwu simply stopped worrying so much.

"I have never said that I am a magician or a liar. Things like this kind of metaphysics are all about whether you believe it or not. I can only say that you believe it or not."

"As for the mechanism of my wish-making, I have explained it many times. The same thing, believe it or not."

"But I must make it clear here. Speaking arrogant words will also harm your merits. Even if you don't remember the bad things you have done, there will always be cause and effect to help you remember."

"Especially those who maliciously slander and spread rumors, we will see the truth in the future."

Bai Qiuwu said this very decisively, without even blinking his eyelids, which was completely in line with the characteristic of speaking harshly with a cold face.

So many people really thought she was speaking harshly.

[Ouch, are you threatening us?It’s so funny, do you really think of yourself as a god? 】

[You are such an interesting person. We don’t make a wish to you. Are we still afraid of retribution?Again, who do you think you are? 】

[Oh my god, I’m so scared. When will you punish me?I just scolded you, will you go to tongue-pulling hell in the future? 】

As we all know, people who are aggressive will be stepped on. When Bai Qiuwu didn't respond before, they felt that the scolding was not enough. Now that he responded, the backlash increased.

They also like challenging things and want to completely defeat Bai Qiuwu and make her convinced after being scolded.

Wang Song is different from everyone else.

She thought it was a bit funny.

Wang Song admitted that Bai Qiuwu might really have something.

But what does this mean?
She can't be afraid just because of such a specious possibility.

As those people said, the worst she can do is not make her wish.

She is rich, beautiful and has a successful career, what else can Bai Qiuwu do to her?
Thinking of this, Wang Song sneered from the corner of his mouth and tapped on the keyboard with his hands.

The next second, her officially certified big V number appeared with a dazzling barrage of rich golden borders.

[Sister in the entertainment industry: Do you mean to say that I am immoral and that’s why I ended up like this?You are really good at throwing away the blame. Your feelings have nothing to do with you. Then what are you if you are not a genius?]

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: That’s all I’m saying. I don’t see any retribution for me. I’m just waiting for retribution to come, okay? 】

As soon as she said this, there was a lot of applause from the crowd.

There are still people there who are swiping the yyds of Pa Jie. Pa Jie is really tough.

Bai Qiuwu looked at this comment thoughtfully.

Suddenly, there were some changes in her expression.

Seems a little dazed.

The netizens who were watching her closely became very energetic, thinking that she was frightened, and they were all gearing up to give some advice.

By the way, he said some strange words and made up his mind, even if Bai Qiuwu apologized, it would not work.

Especially Wang Song, she was so happy at this moment. She even thought about how she would make things difficult for the other party if he apologized.

As a result, Bai Qiuwu just frowned despite the high expectations.

Then suddenly he said: "Your retribution has come."

People: "?"

Wang Song: "?"

"I seem to sense that my wish has come true."

Bai Qiuwu carefully felt the small amount of spiritual power that suddenly appeared in his body, and then nodded affirmatively. "Yes, sister in the entertainment industry, not long ago, your new wish has been fulfilled. Happy cooperation, dear."

Wang Song, who was watching the live broadcast, had question marks on his face in front of the screen.

what the hell?

When did she make a new wish?

Wang Song couldn't remember it at all. Her mind was filled with the scene of the breakup.

She forgot the reason for the quarrel. In fact, she made another wish, and Bai Qiuwu told the truth.

Just because she forgot, it doesn't mean that the wish she made is invalid.

Bai Qiuwu said a long time ago that as long as she nods her wish, no matter in what way, it will definitely come true.

We will not accept the other party’s unilateral breach of contract.

It can be said that the right of interpretation is completely in the hands of Bai Qiuwu, and it is absolutely Party A's market.

But some people just can't recognize reality.

Wang Song is a typical example.

She was stunned for a moment when she heard this. She subconsciously thought about when she had made a wish again, and it seemed that she had not received any retribution.

She even found it a bit funny, thinking that Bai Qiuwu was driven into panic and started talking nonsense.

She stretched out her hand to type on the keyboard. Before she could finish typing a bunch of taunting words, the cell phone next to the table suddenly rang.

Wang Song had no choice but to get his cell phone first, and then his heart suddenly jumped when he saw the caller ID.

She is now at home, and her cousin Xiaoyue's clamor to become a monk cannot be hidden after all.

She was not omnipotent, and she could not stop the fire. She simply died early and was born early, and directly notified her cousin's family.

Then they went crazy.

They rushed back to the city overnight and found Xiaoyue in a nearby Buddhist temple who wanted to become a nun.

It is said that Xiaoyue had already changed her religious name at that time, and she just needed to shave her hair.

Of course Xiaoyue's family is not willing. They only have an only daughter. She has become a monk. Who will inherit the huge family property?

The most important thing is that if Xiaoyue becomes a monk, won't their family have a divorce?
What about the company?
Their family doesn’t have a throne, but they have a company!
Their family has a lot of such external things that are not needed to escape into Buddhism!
They don't understand for sure. They even wonder if Xiaoyue has a mental problem. Otherwise, if the rich second generation doesn't enjoy their life, why should they become a monk?
Can't figure it out, can't figure it out at all.

This should not be caught and held accountable.

Then there would be nothing to do with Wang Song later. After all, her parents were here, so of course her cousin had to step aside.

To be honest, Wang Song was actually relieved.

That sister of hers was so outrageous that she didn't want to take any notice of her. It was indeed outrageous.

And now, the phone ringtone clearly says: Auntie.

What happened to Xiaoyue again?
It was a very logical association, and it was so logical that Wang Song didn't even want to answer the phone.

Of course she accepted it in the end.

Then before he could speak, he heard the other party crying and shouting: "Xiao Song, has Xiaoyue come to find you?"

"No." Wang Song also realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately asked: "What happened? Xiaoyue is missing?"

"Yes, we brought her back. She kept wanting to go back, so we kept her at home. As a result, in the blink of an eye today, she disappeared without knowing where she was."

The woman on the other end of the phone almost cried: "What a sin. How could this happen? Where did the person go!"

Listening to the other party's cries, Wang Song's scalp was numb. She finally remembered something fatal.

She... seems to indeed have a wish...

(End of this chapter)

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