Chapter 64
Wang Song's hands were shaking when he sent this barrage.

She didn't want to do this either, and she felt very slapped in the face.

But there was no way, she really couldn't contact Bai Qiuwu at all.

The family also knew about the disappearance of her cousin, and came to ask about her situation and whether it had anything to do with her.

Wang Song really didn't have the shame to say it didn't matter, he was hesitant and speechless.

She was also worried that something might happen to her cousin, and her mind was filled with the scene of Wu Li getting into a car accident.

She promised her cousin not to see through the world of mortals and not to become a monk. If her cousin still insisted on becoming a monk, would she be like Wu Yue?
Wu Yue said at the time that he didn't want to go to jail, but then he got into a car accident and died, but he didn't want to go to jail.

Will her cousin do the same?
If something unexpected happens, of course there will be no way to become a monk.

After all, people are dead, and they still have a shitty home.

The more Wang Song thought about it, the more he felt it was very possible, and he was frightened to death.

She didn't care about the embarrassment anymore. After discovering that Bai Qiuwu was still broadcasting live, she drove over without thinking.

She knew that the things she had done before were indeed a bit excessive, and if she wanted to be forgiven, she could not put on airs.

Opening a large size can be considered a cowardly attitude on her part.

Wang Song couldn't care about anything now, and she wasn't afraid of being laughed at. She just wanted to get her cousin back as soon as possible.

Speaking of which, she was really confused at the time, and she actually made such a ridiculous wish out of desperation.

If something happened to her cousin because of her wish, she might be in pain for the rest of her life and unable to escape.

She absolutely cannot allow this to happen.

What self-esteem and face mean nothing in the face of living human life?
So Wang Song quickly gave in and admitted his mistake very simply. The netizens who saw it were dumbfounded.

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: Sister Bai, I know I was wrong. I admit that it was me, Gu Shuijun, who was hacking you before. Please forgive me this time. My cousin is innocent]

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: I want to talk to you alone. Is it okay? I can promise you anything. I can apologize and compensate you for anything. Please, give me a chance.]

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: I really know that I was wrong. Please give me a chance. Really, I can accept any compensation. Please]

Every word she said was so sincere, and you could even see the panic she couldn't hide.

Isn't this the same high-spirited look as before?
It's a world of difference.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and the barrage became sparse for a while, because no one knew what to say.

This scene is really weird.

[Sister Pa, what happened? If you are threatened, just blink. If your account is hacked, you will be deducted]

[My account has been hacked, so what’s the point of deducting 1? Does anyone know Pa Jie in real life? I’d like to inform you that this account has started talking nonsense. 】

【what's the situation?Who is this girl in the entertainment industry? Is she a trustee?This person is so obvious, is he going to die?What kind of plane are you doing? 】


Question marks filled the screen.

Wang Song couldn't care less about this, all he could think about was his missing cousin.

She was really anxious and wanted to go to Bai Qiuwu's house.

She even wanted to call the police to arrest Bai Qiuwu, but she didn't know what reason to use.

I can't say that this woman lost my sister. Why did you ask me how she lost her?I don’t know either, so I called the police to find you.

What evidence is there?I made a wish to her.Can you say this?
Having said this, you should not be detained by the police for obstructing official duties.

It’s really hard to say how hard this is. Normal people wouldn’t believe such a mysterious thing.

Bai Qiuwu didn't care about the comments from netizens, but said thoughtfully: "What's wrong with your sister?"

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: My sister is lost, lost, lost. I can’t find her anywhere. I don’t know where she went. I’ve already called the police]

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: What I did to you really has nothing to do with my sister. Please don’t target my sister. She won’t be like Wu Yue, right?It’s really scary]

Seeing how panicked she was, Bai Qiuwu immediately persuaded her in a good-tempered way.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry."

"I don't know what the situation is now, but my side shows that the wish has been fulfilled, so your sister will definitely not become a monk again."

"And judging from the feedback I've received, people should be fine. Don't scare yourself."

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: Where is she now?Why is there no news at all? 】

"I'm not very clear about this, but don't worry, although you are not a person of great merit, you are not like Wu Yue. Wu Yue is the one who brought it upon himself."

"Furthermore, his situation is that of a fighter who does many evil things. Ordinary people can't compare with him. Ordinary people don't have the conditions to do evil like him."

[...I can't refute what I said. What's going on? Good people can't even be bad people. It turns out that I'm the only one who is a piece of trash...]

【Wu Oak?Is that the star who did all the bad things and was killed by Che in the end?Why is it that even though he is dead, there is still something to talk about? Is this something that can be said? 】

[If everyone is dead, then there is no need to diss. I am really speechless. This anchor has no lower limit at all. Can he be a human being? ? 】

When Wu Yue was alive, people didn't dare to wash their hands because of his crime. Now when people die, they immediately come out and say that the deceased is the greatest.

Bai Qiuwu was not used to them and smiled slightly.

"The deceased didn't say anything, what do you have to say?"

Everyone: "?"

Is there something wrong with this statement?

Wang Song was not in the mood to say this.

Although Bai Qiuwu said that her sister was fine, she was still panicking now that she was missing.

So she couldn't help but ask if there was any way to make another wish or something.

Faced with her hurried treatment for illness, Bai Qiuwu sighed: "You and your sister are not suitable for making wishes. Although the wish will eventually come true, the result may not be what you want."

"What if you make a wish for her to come back with missing arms and legs? Just wait, it'll be fine."

Wang Song thought the same thing. The eldest child was flustered and very nervous.

Seeing this, Bai Qiuwu could only say thoughtfully: "Then do more good deeds. Accumulating virtue and doing good can accumulate blessings. This is the most correct way."

"You just need to remember that good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil deeds. It doesn't mean that the time has not yet come for you not to repay me. Since you have made a wish to me, you are asking for retribution in advance for good and evil. You will deserve any result."

"There is never a free lunch in this world, and there is no pie in the sky. It is the right thing to accumulate virtue and do good deeds."

As soon as she finished speaking, the barrage gradually became lagging.

[Why are you so positive all of a sudden?I'm actually a little uncomfortable with it! 】

(End of this chapter)

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