Chapter 66: Fighting for fame

When did the wind direction start to change?

To talk about it in detail, it has to be Wang Song.

At the beginning, when everyone was mocking Bai Qiuwu for being a magician, not many people really had that kind of hate feeling, and most of them just watched the fun.

Then Wang Song brought Bo Da rhythm and said that Bai Qiuwu was not only a liar, but she would also cause bad results.

She has fans, status, and money. Together with other live broadcast platforms that originally wanted to be black and white Qiuwu, they used trolls and spread rumors, and instantly created a big wave of excitement.

I don’t know how many people don’t know the truth. They don’t know anything, not even what Bai Qiuwu does, but they still want to beat and punish him.

It is spread everywhere that Bai Qiuwu is a scourge and has harmed many people.

If you want to ask her how she caused harm and who she harmed, these people who came here after hearing the news have no idea.

Those who know a little bit and pay more attention will only say that Bai Qiuwu is some kind of magician, and it seems that he has caused some bad consequences because of his deception.

If you ask more carefully, you won't be able to find out anything.

Because these people don't even know it themselves, so they are already spreading rumors with added fuel and jealousy.

Anyway, who would really care if the news on the Internet is true or false?

Wang Song was just eating this bowl of rice, and he knew these things very well, so he easily and skillfully pushed Bai Qiuwu to the forefront.

Then something unexpected happened to her later. Whether it was because of fear or regret, she stood up and clarified.

It is said that if you start a rumor, you will lose your legs if you refute it, but if you spend a lot of money and buy the hot search first, the news will always get out.

Many people saw this title and clicked on the news. They seemed to understand it, but before they understood it, their attention was attracted by a high praise comment below.

That's the third floor.

He had been paying attention to these things from the beginning, and took stock of everything that had happened between Wang Song and Bai Qiuwu from the time they realized they had fallen apart to the present.

There is no exaggeration or embellishment, there are screenshots, videos, and even the original live broadcast screen recording.

It can be seen that this is a careful netizen. He has really collected everything he can, and it is quite eye-catching when he puts it all together.

The number of replies under this comment also exceeded a thousand, and it continues to rise.

Netizen a replied to the original poster: I originally thought that all this was a farce directed and acted by these two people, and that everything was scripted and acted out. But now that I look at it like this, I can’t help but wonder, is there really such an accurate script? ?
Netizen b replied to the original poster: So, if you don’t care about the process, Bai Qiuwu’s wish can actually be fulfilled?Is there anyone else besides this sister?Isn’t it said that Bai Qiuwu has fulfilled the wishes of many people?Can anyone do an inventory?

Netizen c replied to netizen b: It seems that someone is already working on it. I just found it. If you search for keywords, Bai Qiuwu's wish inventory, you should be able to see it. It seems that there is really something.

Netizen d replied to the original poster: I think you are confused, how can you forcefully put together so many things that cannot be mentioned together?Either that or you're just being entrusted, you're really willing to pay for marketing, and you still have fun like this.


The comments below are full of random things, and they still firmly don't believe it. They think it's a script and hype, but more people can no longer convince themselves like this.

It has to be that this brother is well prepared. With so much evidence, anyone with a discerning eye will know that it cannot be a script hype.

What's more, Bai Qiuwu's matter is really mysterious.

I don’t know how many people did not comment, but still silently searched for keywords based on what netizen c said.

Then they saw an inventory post made by a netizen who followed suit.

Obviously this netizen was inspired by the one on the third floor. The format is exactly the same, but the screenshots and other videos were all found online, and the work was very detailed.Then when I didn't pay attention, it was nothing. But when they were all listed together, many people were surprised to find that this wish was really accurate, but the process was a bit weird.

There are so many different kinds of people with such different identities that it is impossible for them all to know each other.

This also shows that the possibility of the script is very small.

So, Bai Qiuwu really has something?

From the beginning, many people regarded Bai Qiuwu as a joke, and when they mentioned her, they always said, "Do you know that magic stick? Yes, she hasn't been arrested yet."

Just such a mocking tone.

Bai Qiuwu has always wanted to make her reputation known, and she has indeed achieved it.

But it has never been able to attract people who really make wishes.

There are countless people in this world every day who are seriously ill, who suffer from natural or man-made disasters, who are victims of school violence, who are desperate.

But firstly, these people would not believe her, a well-known liar, and secondly, they would not pay attention to her at all.

Now that we are desperate, who will go to the Internet to read gossip?
Yes, Bai Qiuwu was previously positioned as a gossip, so no matter how many people knew about her, there were only a few people who really needed to make a wish.

Even if there are a few, they are all here to join in the fun.

But it's different now.

As soon as this post came out, the impact was instantly different.

Finally, someone began to realize that this was not a joke, nor was it a simple excitement, and her market was opened.

Bai Qiuwu might really have something.

Of course, some people question this.

If this was an ordinary thing, most people would have believed it by now.

But this happens to be related to metaphysics that cannot be explained scientifically, so it is normal for people to have disbelief.

However, just when these people who don't believe are trying their best to argue with their arguments, trying to convince others, and repeatedly telling themselves to believe in science.

A girl's thank you video has quietly become a trend.

The girl in the video looks very young, definitely in her teens, and her young face is full of excitement.

She held up her admission notice, with tears in her eyes, crying and shouting to the camera:

"Thank you, Sister Qiu Wu. I was admitted. I was really admitted. Although I was in last place and even though the school's admission score was my score, I was really admitted!"

"Everyone said that I failed the test this time and couldn't pass it, and my score was not even high enough. I almost didn't know how to survive, but now I've passed the test!"

The girl was so excited that she cried non-stop at the end: "The old man at home said that this kind of wish must be fulfilled, but Sister Qiu Wu doesn't know when she will start the live broadcast again, so I thought of posting a video first."

"Thank you so much. I'm so excited that I don't even know what to say. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much..."

At the end of the speech, she was completely incoherent, and anyone could see her mood swings.

This video quickly became a hot topic, leaving countless netizens who were still struggling to deny it dumbfounded.

Did this slap in the face come too quickly?
(End of this chapter)

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