Chapter 74 seems to be a problem
Wang Song is really going to collapse at this moment.

She now has deep faith in Bai Qiuwu's abilities. After getting Bai Qiuwu's consent, she was also waiting for the good news with great expectation.

Although the police station couldn't find any information, and although the connections he searched for at home could not be found, she was inexplicably confident and felt that her sister would definitely be able to come back on her own.

In the days when there was no live broadcast, she relied on that expectation to support her.

Many people didn't understand where her trust in Bai Qiuwu came from. Her family members said she was crazy and that she had been deceived.

But she still believed.

Then the facts did give her the best evidence.

Just half an hour before Bai Qiuwu was about to start broadcasting on the second day, Wang Song suddenly received a call from her uncle, saying that her little cousin was back.

She was stunned at first, then ecstatic.

really!Bai Qiuwu has the ability. As long as he makes a wish, he will definitely get his sister back!

As a result, before she could be happy for a long time, the man's next words made her stunned again.

"Xiao Song, Yue'er is back, but..." He hesitated, as if there was something very unspeakable that he couldn't say.

Wang Song's heart suddenly thumped, and an ominous premonition lingered in her heart.

She suddenly remembered what Bai Qiuwu said during the live broadcast.

Bai Qiuwu said that your obsession will be very strong and your wish will come true quickly, but there will still be unexpected surprises this time. If you must make a wish, you must be mentally prepared.

At that time, Wang Song was only thinking about getting his sister back first, and then all other issues.

As long as the person is healthy and has no mental problems, any accident should be better than missing someone.

But now the accident seemed to have really happened, and Wang Song became uncontrollably nervous again.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Her heart, which she had just put down, was rising again, beating loudly.

"As you said, your sister came back by herself, but she didn't come back alone!"

The man's voice on the other end of the phone was almost crying, with deep helplessness.

Didn't come back alone?
Wang Song's brain shut down for a moment, but he still asked subconsciously: "It's not one person, how many people are there? Who did she bring back?"

It can't be that the scumbag attribute is turned on again, and you meet the scumbag again during these days outside, and then you have to be with the scumbag whether you live or die, right?

Then wouldn't this be back to the same old path?
But hadn't she made a wish before, hoping that her little cousin would be very sensible, become clear-headed in love, and never be deceived by a scumbag?
It can't be that these wishes are in conflict with each other. If the other one is invalidated before this one is realized, then this is too cheating. It was not said to be a one-time consumption at the beginning.

In just a short moment, all kinds of thoughts in Wang Song's mind were almost overwhelming. The mood at that moment really couldn't be described in words.

But soon, the other party's answer relieved her doubts.

Facts have proved that if the wish is successful, it is successful, and it is not a one-time consumption. Bai Qiuwu is not a profiteer.

Just listen to the other person say:
"Your sister brought a child back!"

When Wang Song heard that it was a child, he immediately relaxed: "Oh, it scared me to death. Just a child, just a child. I thought she was deceived by some scumbag again, and then took her home." bring."

"This child should be Xiaoyue's friend. Did he help her when she was out? Now that he has brought it back, let's entertain him well and remember to give him some benefits."

Wang Song said, but the other party didn't respond for a long time, and she gradually realized that something was wrong...

Her voice became softer and softer, until she finally lost her voice completely. A terrifying thought appeared in her mind: "No way..."

"What kind of friend are you? The child is still in the belly before it is born!" The man's voice became more urgent, with a strong sense of helplessness and anxiety, as if there was nothing he could do.

"As soon as she came back today, she said she was pregnant. Then when she saw us, she said, "Mom, Dad, I brought you a grandson." Then she pointed at her belly with a happy face."

"Do you know how your aunt and I felt? We almost went crazy!"

"But we don't dare to irritate her, for fear that she will lose her mind and run away. How did such a good child become like this? Xiao Song, do you know what's going on?"

"Is this child possessed by an evil spirit? You knew a long time ago that she can come back on her own. Is there any inside story? Can you cure her?"

Wang Song was shocked when she heard these words. She was scared now when she heard Bai Qiuwu. These few lessons had taught her that she didn't dare to make a wish unless she had to.

And now that the situation is unclear, who dares to agree casually?
With this in mind, she just said: "You ask my sister to answer the phone, and I will say a few words to her."

She wanted to see what was going on first.

The person on the other end hesitated for a moment, but quickly called someone over. After a moment of silence on the phone, Xiaoyue's voice rang.

"Sister? Are you looking for me?"

When Wang Song heard this voice, his nose felt sore and he almost had the urge to cry.

It's not that I feel sorry for Xiaoyue, but that I feel sorry for myself.

I have been frightened for such a long time, and my conscience has been condemned for such a long time, and now I finally let go of it completely.

She also inevitably complained about Xiaoyue.

"Where have you been? You are already an adult. Can you please stop doing these things that make others worry about you? Do you know how much trouble this brings to others?"

"Oh, I know, sister, don't worry, I won't run around again in the future. It's true that I did something wrong this time, and I already know that I was wrong." Wang Song couldn't say anything more after admitting his mistake so simply and neatly. , could only grit his teeth and ask: "I heard that you brought a child back? What do you mean?"

When Xiaoyue mentioned this, she became happy and her voice became clearer.

"Ah, it's nothing. I just met someone I like, and then we fell in love, and I had a child. I want to give birth to him. As for the child's father, does it matter?"

Wang Song: "?"

Isn't that important?
No, sister, why do you think a child is just for fun? You don’t just have to give birth to the child, you still have to raise it. Even if you can afford it, you can’t give others a perfect family?
Wang Song was speechless and wanted to hit the wall, but now she did not dare to overly stimulate this willful little girl. She could only say as gently as possible: "Is it too impulsive? Why don't you think about it again? The child can do it in the future. Besides, it’s not good to be too hasty.”

"I think you should calm down and think about it carefully. There will be opportunities in the future about the child."

She didn't even dare to say anything against it, and tried to persuade her as tactfully as possible, for fear that her resolute opposition would arouse her rebellious mentality.

This kind of adult child who is still in the rebellious stage is really annoying. Sometimes Wang Song really wants to just ignore it.

She secretly swore in her heart that as soon as this matter was resolved, she would hide as far away as possible and not take another look at this troublesome cousin.

Xiaoyue could not understand the meaning of Wang Song's words at all, but introduced happily: "No need, sister, the child's father is a wandering poet. He said he would come back to me."

"You don't know how difficult it is to find someone who resonates with the same frequency. I am really lucky to meet him. I don't want to wait any longer. When I give birth to the child, I will go find him. We will definitely Can live a good life.”

She was so happy that her head was already occupied by this matter, and she looked like she couldn't listen to other people's words at all.

Wang Song felt that his head was getting bigger again.

"How could this happen? Didn't you already dislike love and sex before? Why did you suddenly have another child? What is the man's family situation like? Why don't you come back with you?"

Wang Song really had a reasonable suspicion that his stupid sister had been deceived again. After all, it would be strange that she wouldn't be deceived given her IQ, right?
Regarding her series of questions, Xiaoyue felt that something was wrong, but she still answered happily. She was like a little girl who had just got a new toy, and she wanted everyone to know that she had a new toy.

"His family situation is not very good. He is an orphan and has been doing odd jobs outside to support himself. He is a really good person. He has no money himself and still wants to help me."

"I really lost interest in relationships before, but when love comes, I really can't stop it."

"I don't know what kind of magical scum-absorbing physique I have. I can't tell the true face of those men. They lied to me. I still can't tell which sentence is true and which sentence is false. But he is different. of."

"I just felt that I was no longer interested in men. I didn't even want to fall in love at that time. I felt that everything was boring and I wanted to become a monk. I felt like I had seen through the world of mortals. It was a really mysterious feeling. I didn't know what to do. How to describe it, and it’s so sudden, I don’t know why such an idea suddenly popped up.”

"It wasn't until later that I found that the temple couldn't really calm me down. The Buddha said that the great hermit can hide from the world, so I thought I might as well leave, go out and see the world, gain some experience, and then I'd leave."

"I'm really glad that I made such a decision at that time, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to meet him. He is really a gentle person. He didn't know that I ran away from home at first, thinking that I was Whenever I encounter any difficulties, he helps me without asking anything. He is really nice."

"I really like him very much. I have never liked someone so much. Although we have known each other for a short time, you don't understand that feeling. It is probably the legendary one sight for life. I must be with him." Together."

"He said he would come to me when the child is born. Sister, will you bless me?"

Wang Song: "..."

My fucking blessings to you, grandma.

Wang Song really tried his best to endure it, and then he suppressed the curse words that were on his lips.

She just said that her cousin was hopeless, her brain was completely different from that of a normal person, and the pampering she had given her since childhood had indeed spoiled her.

Wang Song wanted to persuade her aunt to change her account and start a new account, but there was no other way now. She didn't even dare to say anything accusatory. After all, what if she couldn't think about it anymore?
It took a lot of effort to get the talent back, but they didn't dare to push him anymore.

Seeing that it didn't make sense, no matter how hard he tried to persuade him, Wang Song could only deal with it reluctantly, and then hung up the phone and went straight to Bai Qiuwu.

It happened that she was live broadcasting at this time, so she asked immediately.

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry v: Master, although my sister has been found, she did not come back alone. She came back pregnant. She didn’t know who the father of the child was. She was unwilling to have an abortion and had to give birth. 】

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry v: She also said that when she came back, she got her household registration book. She would not run away from home in the future. She would just stay at home and wait for the child to be born before going to find the father of the child. Why is this happening? How can this be done? ah! 】

Bai Qiuwu looked at these barrages and scratched his head with an innocent expression: "I told you from the beginning, there should be some minor accidents."

"The wish you made at that time was that your sister would come back in good health and have no mental problems, and that she would never think about running away from home again."

"Aren't these things all implemented perfectly now? If there is a small accident, it is uncontrollable and there is no way to do it. You agreed in the beginning and it is acceptable. You can't go back on it, dear."

Although he had expected such an answer early on, Wang Song was still very disappointed.

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry v: Is there no other way?I said at the beginning that I hope my sister is mentally normal. Doesn’t she have a mental problem now?She didn't listen to her family at all, she was rebellious and half-hearted! 】

As soon as she said this, before Bai Qiuwu could say anything, a lot of netizens immediately exploded.

[Please, this is already the 21st century. Where did this old antique come from? How could anyone still think that family-arranged marriage is the correct view of love? Your sister is already an adult. She is an adult. Can you please stop describing her in such a random way? 】

[Holy shit, your wish can really come true. Those people who just laughed at me, come out and see if your face is swollen. Although this wish is a bit weird, just say it didn't come true! 】

[Laughing, when I saw you making a wish yesterday, I just wanted to say, what if you are healthy and mentally healthy, but you don’t come back alone?What should I do if I have one in my stomach?It turned out to be accurate today, damn the prophet has been stabbed]

[Your sister is already an adult, and adults have their own thoughts. She is your sister, not your baby. I think your sister is in this situation only because you are too strict.

How could anyone care about his sister like this?Don’t you think you are taking too much care?You think yourselves are puppet masters and treat your sister as a puppet. What kind of feudal dregs are you still arranging marriages?]

[Your sister has her own right to decide who she likes and who she loves. A family like yours is really suffocating. I feel a little uncomfortable when I think about it. No wonder your sister is forced to be like this. I have nothing to say except for you. Look for your own problems, I'm speechless. 】

(End of this chapter)

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