Chapter 76 Rules are impersonal

Pu Xi has informed each other of the users who can be selected for voting in advance and will ask them to appear during the live broadcast.

You can choose to canvass for votes for yourself, or you can choose to explain the situation to netizens, so that if you are selected, you can also make a wish on the spot.

If the person chosen in the end is not available, the opportunity will be given to someone else.

Therefore, as soon as Bai Qiuwu finished speaking, the young lady with the ID Qingfengxu had already put on her vest and started sending messages.

[Qingfeng Xuyou: I have been in love with him for five years. From high school to college, I finally graduated and got ready to get married, but something like this happened. I really can’t accept it, I really can’t accept it.]

[Qingfeng Xuyou: If he hadn't been protecting me at that time, he wouldn't have been so seriously injured. We had just taken wedding photos, and a second ago he was telling me what flowers he would give me during the wedding...]

[Qingfeng Xuyou: We have a very, very good relationship, and both parents are very satisfied. Everything is so good, everything is just right, but something like this happened. If he was not rescued, I really don’t know what I should do. what to do】

[Qingfeng Xuyou: Please everyone, even if the wish is fake, I still want to try it. I really have no other way. I pray to the white wall of the hospital every day these days, just because I am afraid that God cannot hear me. Voice, I really can’t imagine how I would live in a world without him]

The young lady looked very excited, and every word she typed was so heavy and suffocating.

Click on her homepage, which is full of videos of her and her boyfriend laughing and playing. It can be seen that their relationship is really good, and the boy is always looking at her tenderly.

The latest video shows the two of them holding hands, with two small red notebooks covering their palms, which are the marriage certificates they received.

It was less than three days before their accident.

In other words, they had just received their marriage certificate and it had not been three days.

They were still a young couple on their honeymoon.

They were full of expectations for their future life, but they encountered such unexpected disasters.

[I suddenly realized that it’s not that there is no love in this world, it’s just that I haven’t encountered it. He pushed her away at the last moment and chose to get hurt. What kind of instinct was that?How much love must they have for each other before God is jealous and encounters this kind of thing】

[When I looked at that photo, I just felt out of breath. Yes, just a little bit away, just a little bit away, they could embrace happiness. Why would such a thing happen... How do I choose? , there is no way to choose]

[As I get older, I really can’t watch this kind of thing, and tears fall down involuntarily. Sure enough, the white walls in the hospital are always more touching than the church bells, because they have heard more sincere prayers, but in the face of natural and man-made disasters , human beings are so fragile]

[So how do you choose this?It’s really hard to choose something like this. I feel like I’ll feel guilty no matter who I choose. No, must I only choose one?Can't you complete a few more?You can do that, right?I remember when I first started live streaming, there was no limit on the number of wishes]

Ignoring the excitement of netizens, Bai Qiuwu picked up the last person's information.

"The last one is also a young child. His ID is Lu Wei. He said that he did not graduate from high school this year. His parents have been quarreling and seem to be planning to divorce, but neither party wants him."

"He said that he saw his parents contacting the welfare agency and preparing to send him to the welfare home, forcing him to say that he had mental problems and wanted to give him up for adoption reasonably. He also said that his junior high school was in a boarding school and no one liked him since he was a child. Like a superfluous person.”

"His wish was that his parents would pay for it."

The document the boy prepared was his parents' divorce agreement. It clearly stated in big words that no one wanted children. They had not yet successfully divorced because they were still in the cooling-off period.

As well as the certificate that sent him to a welfare institution, and the certificate of mental illness stamped with a red seal, but the specific content of the certificate was not photographed, and I don’t know what the results of the identification were.

A very tragic story of being abandoned by one's parents.

Similarly, seeing himself being mentioned, Luwei also spoke wearing a vest.

[Lu Wei: I used to think that all parents love their children, but later I discovered that this is not the case, because my parents don’t love me. They have been quarreling endlessly since I was born. As long as I can remember, There will never be harmony at home]

[Lu Wei: My biggest dream when I was a child was to hope that they would get a divorce, so that they wouldn’t have to make a fuss every day and throw their anger at me. But now they are really planning to divorce, but no one wants me]

[Lu Wei: In order to reasonably abandon me, they came up with a bunch of proofs, saying that they didn’t have the conditions to raise me, and that I had mental problems. I was really sad. I didn’t know why they did this to me. I even doubted it. I may not be their biological child]

[Lu Wei: Some people are really not worthy of being parents. I really hope they can get retribution. I know my thoughts are very unsafe, but I am really sad. When they said they would send me to a welfare institution , I feel like the sky is falling]

Different from the previous separations of life and death, this boy's story is obviously more infuriating, because he is not a natural or man-made disaster, but he encountered a pair of scumbag parents.

The boy's serious plea also made many people feel distressed.

This child is only a teenager and has not yet reached adulthood. He is still in high school, but he has been suffering for such a long time. His parents do not want him and even slander him.

What kind of desperation would drive a child to this point, hoping that the parents would pay the price.

Many netizens were furious after seeing it, and their reactions were equally intense.

[Why is there no threshold required to be a parent in this world?I really hope that an assessment can be set up before becoming a parent. Not everyone is suitable to be a parent, and not everyone understands the suffocation of the original family]

[People who were lucky in childhood are healed by childhood throughout their lives, and people who were unfortunate in childhood are healed by childhood throughout their lives. This child has done very well. If it were me, I can’t imagine how crazy I could be. Let me think about it. This kind of encounter makes me feel suffocated]

[Probably all children think that their parents are born to love them. There are many people around me who are not worthy of being parents. Every time I see their children struggling under their control, I really want to say, you didn’t do a good job. Don’t have children if you are not ready to be a parent. Children will suffer even if they are born]

[This should be handled by the police, right?I remember that abandonment is a crime in our country. You can ask the police to help contact a lawyer and go directly to the legal process. This child is underage. One of the parents must support him, and the other one must also provide living expenses. This is strictly stipulated by law]

[I’m really convinced, how could there be such parents? The environment they grew up in is so oppressive and suffocating. Such parents should be punished. I feel like calling the police can’t cure them properly, because there are more police in our country. It’s in the form of admonishment, and you generally don’t interfere in other people’s housework]

The barrage chat was heated. Bai Qiuwu glanced at it and saw that everyone was very enthusiastic, so he opened the voting channel while the iron was hot. "Everyone can vote once. An ID bound to an ID card can only cast one vote. The first vote is for those who can make a wish today. I will open it for tomorrow later. You can start voting now."

As soon as Bai Qiuwu finished speaking, he saw the newly opened voting channel rising rapidly, and the increase was almost the same.

The current number of viewers in her live broadcast room is 69, but at this moment, only a few tens of thousands of people participated in the vote.

More people were not in a hurry to vote, but kept posting barrages.

[Why do we have to choose this way? I remember that the anchor didn’t limit the quantity at all in the beginning. Why is there a limit now?These people are obviously in great need of help. If you have this ability, why do you have to do this kind of multiple-choice question? 】

[I really can’t choose. I want to help the couple find their child. I also want the young couple to embrace each other again. I also want the child’s bastard parents to be punished. I am too Are you greedy?I can’t choose at all, because I want to achieve everything]

[Although I know that what I say is a bit of a moral kidnapping, if you have the ability, anchor, you can make it come true. Don’t you think that every one of them is really miserable? I feel that every one of them needs to have their wish fulfilled. I beg you. You, please help them, I promise I will watch your live broadcast every day in the future]

[There is really no way to choose this kind of multiple-choice question about human nature. It doesn’t feel right for anyone to choose, so why choose? Shouldn’t adults want them all? Sister Bai, please listen to my advice and enlarge the pattern. You Today, all their wishes come true, and tomorrow you will be top-notch! 】

One netizen after another spoke, and this time they changed the target of their bombardment, and they all began to persuade Bai Qiuwu.

Each of these three people is worse off than the last. Each of them feels that they are in great need of help. They can't help others, but they can instigate capable people to help them.

This is the best they can do.

For a while, the live broadcast room was dominated by this kind of barrage, and many people who voted came to join in and talk about it. Gradually, it started a trend.

More and more people are talking about it, and the popularity is getting higher and higher. In an instant, it once again broke through the highest peak in history.

The situation seemed to be getting a little out of control. Bai Qiuwu's mobile phone placed aside rang. Bai Qiuwu glanced at it and saw that it was Pu Xi's message.

Pu Xi said that she should not be persuaded, and as long as she continued to adhere to her principles and engage in hunger marketing, more and more people would come to see her.

Moreover, those who do not realize their wishes can participate in the selection repeatedly, so that the people who choose them every time will continue to follow until they are selected.

This method of attracting attention is invincible. The popularity and audience will only snowball, getting bigger and bigger, and then the sky-high wealth will come.

Pu Xi was very detailed and explained clearly.

But Bai Qiuwu just glanced at it, and then turned off the phone as if he didn't see it.

Of course she knew what Pu Xi meant.

That can indeed increase her fame, and also increase her worth in disguise. When something is limited and unlimited, its value is completely different.

This is indeed an awesome marketing idea, and it’s worthy of the marketing genius Pu Xi to come up with it.

It is true that he can make a lot of money in this way, but he loses the most important thing. He becomes mechanical and no longer human.

Wishes are never commodities that can be sold and can be increased in value at will. The essence of helping people realize their wishes is to better benefit the public.

It was also because of this that Bai Qiuwu didn't even read the long speech on her phone. She understood the ideas, but she disdained them.

She felt the intensity of these three obsessions and confirmed that what they said was true and that their wishes came from the bottom of their hearts.

Then he spoke directly: "The platform wants me to make a limited number of wishes, and this rule is also for my own good. It is said that it can attract more people, and only by whetting the appetite can it get better and better."

"But I don't like this. I have never come to live broadcast for popularity. I just hope that more people can know me and give me more opportunities to help others. That's why I choose to live stream. That's all."

"I don't mean anything else by saying this. I'm not trying to be miserable, nor am I trying to gain attention. I just want to explain why I don't follow the rules. After all, the rules were set yesterday and I broke them today. It's a bit unjustifiable. "

"I also hope that everyone will not blame me for being dishonest, because even if you blame me, I am not going to abide by this rule. The friend before said it is right. If I have this ability, I should help others. This is mine. responsibility."

Bai Qiuwu calmly expressed his thoughts without deliberately showing off or sensationalizing.

She didn't even look at everyone's reactions and made her decision directly.

"Those three friends just now, you can all make a wish now. You can give as much as you want, 1 cent, 2 cents, [-] cent or [-] cents. I will help you realize your wish."

As soon as she said this, the netizens in the live broadcast room went crazy. The screen was covered with dense barrage, and at the top of these barrage were the three wish-makers.

[Xiao Jin: Thank you, thank you. If the child is found, I will try my best to repay you!Please tell me when I can find my child, will it take long, and will I have to pay anything? 】

[Qingfeng Xuyou: Thank you so much. Do you know when my boyfriend will wake up?I'm really worried]

[Lu Wei: Sister, you didn’t lie to me, did you? Then when will my wish come true?Can I see them punished before being sent to an institution? 】

Facing one question after another, Bai Qiuwu calmly answered: "In these three days, your wishes will come true."

"As for the method of implementation, I can't guarantee it."

(End of this chapter)

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