Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 79 Hardcore slap in the face

Chapter 79 Hardcore slap in the face
A second ago, the man was breaking down and roaring. He was so depressed that he seemed ready to jump off the building at any moment.

But his expression paused the next second.

First confused, then confused, he even picked up the phone and put it in front of his eyes to take a look at the call display.

This series of changes was so sudden that netizens were confused after noticing it.

Some people are even worried, have they heard some bad news again?
Just when everyone was getting restless, some even couldn't help but curse.

The man blinked and spoke in a tone full of confusion.

"What did you say? I didn't seem to hear you clearly."

The other party didn't know what he said again. This time the man's expression was not enlightened, but more confused.

"You said that the government is willing to subsidize demolition based on the number of people? Or on a per-capita basis? One million for one person? Six million for six people?" He repeated word for word, emphasizing each word as if he was afraid that the other party would not listen. clear.

Then the other party gave a definite answer again, and the expression on the man's face gradually changed.

How many seconds does it take to go from sadness to ecstasy?
Answer: It takes a few minutes.

Because normal people have a transitional emotional response, and they cannot act like the actors on TV, from great joy to great sadness.

However, when an ordinary person faces such a huge impact, the emotional changes are far more real than those on TV.

No one can perform this feeling. From the deep sorrow, the great despair, the depression that seems to jump off the building at any time, I suddenly heard a good news, a shocking good news.

First doubtful, then confused, and finally ecstatic.

Every change of expression is so real and contagious.

But at this moment, netizens are also confused by emotional changes.

【What's the meaning?I don't seem to understand it either. Can anyone repeat it? Why don't I understand it?Weren't you still crying just now?Why are you laughing so loudly?Demolition?What demolition?Dismantle what?What to move?ah?ah? ? ? 】

[Demolition... Holy shit, including demolition, 600 million, fuck 600 million. I have never seen so much money in my life. Holy shit, how long do I have to work to get a small change? Why does he get it with just a phone call? 600 million? 】

[It’s not demolition. You see clearly, it seems that some government project caused his hometown to be destroyed. The compensation method negotiated was based on demolition, and then calculated as 100 million per person...]

[Is demolition important?Shouldn't the important thing be the 600 million?So what kind of sleeping position can achieve such a dream?Why can an unoccupied home be compensated 600 million?Is this fucking true? 】

[I originally thought this could not be a script. No script is so unpleasant, but now I suddenly hesitated. Is it true or false? Is it such a coincidence? !All I can say is that if it’s a script, forget it. If it’s fake, then I hope it’s true. 】

[How should I describe my current mood? I just saw him so broken, and I burst into tears. I wanted to make a donation quickly and ask me to donate money to him, but the next second he said that he got 600 million for nothing?Then I silently looked at my balance of 60 yuan. Damn it, the clown is actually me? 】

[My mood at the moment is equally hard to describe. It can be summed up in two words: jealous, envy, damn, I would never dare to do this in my wildest dreams. What kind of luck is this? ! 】

Compared with the madness and shock of netizens.

Bai Qiuwu was also very surprised at this moment, because just when the man turned from confusion to ecstasy, and finally couldn't help crying and laughing while holding his mobile phone, she also received the spiritual power returned by the wish fulfillment.

Because she had expected it and knew that her wish would come true at this moment, this scene was not unexpected. What surprised her was that more spiritual power was returned this time, much more than she had initially expected.

A rough estimate is that it is at least dozens or hundreds of times more.

How is this going?

You must know that this spiritual power is very rare. Basically, it is to fulfill a wish a little bit, and it can be slightly changed through the depth of public morality. However, most of the people in the world are ordinary people, and there are not so many treacherous and evil people.

Therefore, the spiritual power that can be obtained is very little, just like collecting water drop by drop, but Bai Qiuwu has to gather an entire fish pond. To say that it is a drop in the bucket is an exaggeration.

But it has to be gathered, right? A drop or two is a small amount, but if you have more, it will gradually become useful.

But just now, what should have been only a drop of spiritual power suddenly turned into a large cup.

And it was a full cup. Although the gap between it and the pond was still very large, if it was calculated based on the completion of wishes, she would have to fulfill at least hundreds or even thousands more wishes to get so much.

Bai Qiuwu was completely confused until she saw the barrage in the live broadcast room.

This happened so coincidentally that I don’t know how many people are questioning the script again, but more people are still very happy, shocked and happy, and of course some are jealous and angry.

What was shocking was that this wish actually came true, and in such an awesome way.

Happily, there is one less miserable person in this world.

There are still people who hate the rich, but of course there are also people who are really kind. This small group of people are sincerely feeling happy that there is one less suffering in the world.

Looking at the speeches of those kind people, Bai Qiuwu suddenly understood.

Because of the live broadcast method, more people are aware of this person's difficulties. Everyone hopes that his wish will come true, a sincere hope.

So these hopes came together and turned into a bigger obsession. When this wish comes true, it will not be just this person who realizes his wish.

Instead, hundreds of netizens who sincerely hoped that this person could realize his wish came true together.

Don't think that hundreds or even thousands are a small number among the hundreds of thousands of people. You must know that most of the world is still in a state of sweeping away the snow in front of the door.

In their spare time, they come to watch the live broadcast, eat melon, and watch the excitement. Occasionally, they will laugh and curse because of their emotions. But from the bottom of their hearts, how many people really want others to be good?
The wish-making mechanism on Bai Qiuwu's side is not something you can just open your mouth and say, "I want to do whatever you want." It must come from the heart, a sincere hope, and even someone who is willing to pay the price for this hope. .

The price they are willing to pay may be just a few or dozens of dollars in donations, but when no one asks for donations, they come up with this idea, and they desperately hope to achieve an obsession. situation.

This requirement is so demanding.

Everyone may have sympathy, and the ability to empathize is also the essence of human beings, but such pure and kind people only number in the hundreds or thousands out of hundreds of thousands.

I can’t say that other people are not kind enough. I can only say that in the final analysis, this is still someone else’s business, and it is normal to just look at it.Even in the eyes of many people, people who are so anxious to consider others are a bit too much like the Virgin, who will be among the first to die in the last days.

But Bai Qiuwu was very happy.

I am happy that so many people have fulfilled their wishes for a while, and I am also happy that so many people sincerely hope that strangers who have nothing to do with them can live well, and are even worried about them.

So, she spoke suddenly.

"You may not believe it when I say it, but I will say it anyway."

"This person may not be able to get such good compensation. His wish will come true, but it may just be that the government will give him some perfunctory money after losing his house. Although the amount is not small, it is definitely not this much."

"There is a reason why I can get so much money now."

The inexplicable words made many netizens full of questions.

[No, sister, what do you mean by this? What do you want to express?Express your awesomeness?No, you can't control this situation, right?Who do you think you are, the president of the country?Can you make the government listen to you by opening your mouth?There are limits to bragging! 】

[You’re not going to say that this is all because of you, right?Damn it, don’t flatter yourself, please, I just thought you were a bit metaphysical, don’t break my filter for you! 】

[If you dare to say that this is all because of you, I guarantee that the road will turn black. I want to see if you, a woman, can have some face. You ruined such a great atmosphere in an instant. I just thought you were a bit awesome. You It just destroyed itself, I’m really speechless]

Seeing the direction of the wind beginning to change, Pu Xi, who had been silent until now, became a little anxious and frantically gestured to Bai Qiuwu, telling her to shut up. If you are truly awesome, just pretend to be mysterious, but speaking out will make you less awesome.

Bai Qiuwu didn't even look at him.

She didn't care too much about the comment barrage, and directly said what was in her heart: "Such a good result is all because of your kindness, because some of you really hope that his wish will come true, so his wish will come true. , and it was implemented very well.”

As soon as she said this, the netizens who had been complaining just now were instantly stuck, and all of them were filled with questions.

Bai Qiuwu still said: "Many people look down on kindness and think that kindness is cruel to themselves. This does not mean that this kind of thinking is wrong. People do want to be self-interested."

"But often times, your kindness is actually far more useful than you think. I don't mean anything else by saying this. I just want to sincerely thank those kind-hearted people."

"With a kind heart, you will always be able to see the beauty of the world better than others, and you yourself are the beauty of others. I hope everyone can meet kind people."

"Okay, let's not disturb him anymore. It seems that he doesn't really want anyone to disturb him, so we will retreat quietly first."

With that said, Bai Qiuwu ignored his abrupt change of topic and retreated directly with the camera.

The words were said suddenly, and the retreat was also sudden. Even before some people could recover from the transformation from hell to heaven, Bai Qiuwu had already led the people to withdraw.

And her decisiveness immediately aroused the suspicion of many people.

[Why don’t you go interview him?Why do I feel like this is such a coincidence? Is there really such a coincidence in this world?Why do I feel so unbelievable? 】

[Don’t the anchors explain a few more words?And what do you mean by the call you just made? What do you mean, everyone helped him?Forget it, it looks like what you said reluctantly, for the sake of human words, I don’t care about it. It’s not a bad thing to persuade people to be kind]

[So, has his wish come true now?Get rich suddenly, and then directly withdraw 600 million?Although I was fired, if I continue to work, it seems that it will be difficult to save 50 million if I work for another 600 years...]

[Does the anchor still accept wishes?Is it too late for me to make a wish now?What kind of sleeping position can I have such a dream?Why can’t there be one more rich person in this world like me?】

[I still think this is too coincidental. Something is wrong. It’s quite wrong. Can you give me an explanation?If not, I will treat it as the default script! 】


There were numerous barrages, and they still said everything. Seeing so many questions, Bai Qiuwu saw that it was still early, so he simply went to look through the employee's file.

After confirming his hometown address and household registration, he searched for news online, and finally called the government there directly in the live broadcast room and turned on the hands-free broadcast.

Bai Qiuwu did not reveal his identity. He only said that he was a reporter who heard about the problems caused by the construction and asked about the government's handling and specific circumstances.

The operator there didn't want to talk to Bai Qiuwu at first, but after hearing that she was a reporter, his attitude changed significantly, probably because he was afraid of causing any bad influence.

I only heard the serious reply from the little girl opposite: "This construction is confirmed to be feasible after many considerations. We did not expect such an accident at the beginning. This is indeed our mistake."

"But we have made compensation and negotiated with the other party's family, and they are very satisfied, so this matter is not as serious as you think."

Bai Qiuwu pretended to know, and asked: "What kind of compensation is that? Is it a compensation given in a private name?"

"No, no, this situation cannot exist. This was decided by the superior department at a meeting. It has been approved and compensation for demolition has been issued. We have officially announced this. If you are interested, you can take a look."

This young lady was afraid of being misunderstood as a private bribe, so she quickly explained seriously.

She even emphasized again and again: "This was approved by superiors and reported from level to level. All the certificates are complete and all are attached in the announcement. I hope you can take a careful look at it. If there are false reports, we will Bian will be held accountable."

Bai Qiuwu didn't say a word, thanked him politely, and then hung up the phone.

She looked at the camera innocently: "I didn't say this. This is an official phone call. You can also check the announcement yourself. Remember not to spread rumors. Be careful they will hold you accountable."

Netizens: "?"

Countless guys who were still questioning just now: "..."

Damn, this slap in the face is so hardcore. What is this called?The ultimate version of borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha, threatening with a knife?

What else can they say?You’re already so hardcore, wouldn’t it look stupid to say otherwise?But how did such a coincidence happen?
It’s really fantasy. It turns out that wishing to get rich is not just a slogan, but you can really get rich!
There are a billion points outrageous.

Very good, now I have begun to look forward to how other people will realize their wishes. If it is a matter of luck, it can't be such a coincidence, right?

(End of this chapter)

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