Chapter 76 Something's Not Right

A crisp knock on the door broke the peaceful atmosphere in the ward.

The man sighed in a somewhat awkward manner, and said in a smooth tone: "You didn't disturb the two beauties chatting, did you?"

"Hey, aren't you going to do something?" Dong Jiao was a little confused.

Didn't this guy just leave not long ago?
Why are you back?

She had a look of confusion on her face, and then a plausive sentence floated in her ears, "Why don't I pick you up after I finish my work?"

After Du Zhong finished his work, he turned back to pick up Dong Jiao. This operation made both of them a little confused.

The person on the hospital bed looked at the two of them with half-smiling eyes, and with a gossipy look on his face, he joked: "You two...could...not be in that kind of relationship, right?!"

Dong Jiao quickly opened her mouth to stop, "Stop! Stop it quickly! Don't think wrongly."

Seeing this situation, Eucommia ulmoides quickly took over the words and emphasized it again, "Just dropping by."

He bit the last two words very hard, as if he was unintentionally reminding him of something.

What a smooth journey, only one person knows in his heart whether it is smooth or not.

Dong Jiao quickly ended the topic, looking a little flustered, and immediately said: "Okay, okay, you just have a good rest, I'll go work first."

"Okay, editor Dong, hurry up and get busy." Miao Xiu naturally noticed that someone was shy and stopped teasing him further. After all, he had to give him some face no matter what.

Ten minutes later, the two of them had just taken the spaceship to the downstairs of the apartment when they saw a small group of people in front of them from a distance, plotting a handover at the corner.

When Dingqing took a look, he looked familiar. He looked a bit like Inspector Xu in terms of appearance, clothing and body shape.

Before Dong Jiao had time to speak to others to confirm, a pair of strong hands pulled her over. The two of them hid behind the flower bed, but their eyes kept looking forward.

"This is……"

Before Dong Jiao could speak, the man put his finger to his lips and made a shushing motion to tell her to stay quiet.

Indeed, if he was discovered by that group of people, he would naturally be beaten. There was a group of people, but there were only two of them.

Not far away, as if they were conspiring to trade something, a man in sunglasses asked his men to take a box of money from the car and give it to Inspector Xu who was standing beside him. He skillfully opened the box and counted it, his movements smooth and smooth.

Being so familiar with the road, one can't help but wonder whether Inspector Xu is a regular offender.

After the hand-picking was correct, Inspector Xu changed the serious expression on his face and stretched out his hand to make a cooperative gesture.

Seeing this scene, Dong Jiao's good image of someone was instantly shattered. With all the corruption and bribery, she could only blame her for her bad eyesight before.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of frustration in her heart. After all, it was the person she once trusted so much, but now she was sitting with something like this. The sudden scene suddenly made her a little unbearable, and her whole person instantly shivered.

Du Zhong suddenly noticed the depressed mood of someone beside him, thinking that if he went upstairs now, he would easily encounter Inspector Xu, but he would be suspicious.

Thinking of this, he opened his thin lips, bared his teeth, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go, Master Bendu will take you for a ride."

As soon as he finished speaking, a small silver spaceship appeared in front of him. The spaceship was flying in space, and the wonders that could be seen everywhere made people feel relaxed and wholeheartedly immersed in the beautiful scenery.Dong Jiao was immediately impressed by the beautiful scenery in front of her, her eyes flashed brightly, and she immediately exclaimed, "It's so beautiful."

A soft voice came to my ears, "Beautiful scenery matches a beautiful woman."

The two faced each other, and the air was filled with unusual emotion.

Du Zhong immediately withdrew his eyes, cleared his throat, and quickly changed the topic, "I feel like you are different from before."


Dong Jiao was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously: "Then what was I like before?"

She was curious about what the original owner looked like in the eyes of others. She wanted to know better and lived the life she was supposed to have.

Then Eucommia ulmoides slowly and thoughtfully replied: "Now you are able to stand alone and act decisively, as if you are not afraid of anything. But in the past, you could always make people feel a sense of compassion and a desire to protect."

She raised her face subconsciously, her eyes filled with a chill, and continued to ask, "Isn't this bad? After all, no one can protect me for the rest of my life, right?"

Indeed, only when you become stronger can you be able to protect yourself.

No one can be relied on all the time.

The original smile on Dong Jiao's face gradually dissipated. She realized that the male protagonist and the original owner knew each other. The original owner was the original owner and she was her. Two different individuals were naturally different.

Suddenly he lost his mood to enjoy the scenery, and with a gloomy look on his face, he said, "Okay, let's go back after seeing enough."

Du Zhong was confused at this time. He didn't know that there was something wrong with what he said, which made Dong Jiao unhappy, but he didn't dare to ask. He was under low pressure on the way back, and he began to regret that he shot a stone. own feet.

Du Zhong stayed up all night after going back, wondering what she had done wrong to make Dong Jiao suddenly behave like this.

The next day.

Dong Jiao had not yet woken up, and was sleeping soundly in her dream. A rapid ringing of the phone pulled her back from her sleep.

"Huh?" She answered the phone subconsciously, with a worried look on her face.

The man on the other end of the phone spoke in a high-pitched tone and shouted: "Editor Dong, are you still awake?"

Faced with the ridicule from the other party, she responded without any sign of weakness, "What are you doing? Who is a nice person who disturbs others' leisure time early in the morning?"

Jiang Fei quickly got to the point and stated his purpose, "My screenwriter Dong, today is the press conference of our new play. As the screenwriter of our play, shouldn't you also attend?"

Before he finished speaking, a harsh scream came from the other end of the phone, followed by a roar, "What? Today? Jiang Fei, you are such a good guy! Are you waiting to see me make a fool of myself! Why did you tell me?"

He lowered his head and looked at the watch on his wrist, opened his thin lips, and reminded with a half-smile: "There are still three hours. I believe our editor can definitely handle it. Go wash up and dress up quickly. I'll address you." I’ll send it to your phone later.”

Before Dong Jiao could react, there was a busy tone on the phone, and the woman sitting on the bed was left in a mess.

Dong Jiao rummaged through the cabinets for a while before she found a dress she was satisfied with. She held the dress on her body and gestured in front of the mirror for a while. It was the first time she appeared as a screenwriter. She believed that the original owner would also want to show off in a kind of way. The most perfect state is displayed in front of the public's vision.

(End of this chapter)

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