Chapter 261 Two
Su Bujing's running back became faster and faster, and the doubts in his heart were instantly solved.

There was no other reason than that the burning elephant creature looked familiar to her...or she knew it!

The touches of green that became more and more familiar on the road were also familiar to her.

Because it was something she had seen in her previous life!

To be precise, these things should not appear here in her impression, but should appear in the illusory world of cultivation.

Su Bujing suddenly realized now that the strange feeling she had along the way was a sense of disobedience.

Su Bujing took three steps at a time, ignoring the elephant's frenzy, and quickly checked its burning condition, and confirmed by the way that the elephant in front of him was a big-eared elephant and indeed came from the world of cultivation.

Why did the big-eared elephant appear here, which is thousands of miles away from this place?
Su Bujing didn't think about it for the time being, because the big-eared elephant was in very bad condition.

The inextinguishable red flames on the elephant's body burned the wounds until they were blackened, and there was a mournful neighing in his ears.

Painful, these injuries are very painful.

What caused these injuries was the giant red-orange flame pillar that was pressing forward.

Stout, reaching the sky, powerful, and arrogant.

This was Su Bujing's instant reaction when he saw this huge flame pillar.

It was clearly vague just now, but now the two are facing each other.

Su Bujing raised his eyes, his eyelids twitched, and then he ran away immediately.

It's terrible! That thing came so quickly!

Any slower, and they will end up like the big-eared elephants, turning into plates of burnt rotten meat.

"Quick, run to the left!" Su Bujing ran back and shouted to Su Yuanshan and others who were stunned: "Why are you looking at me? Run quickly!"

Everything happened so suddenly, and only then did the Su family on the spot react.

Everyone ran to the left without saying a word, and no one looked back.

Maybe it was because Su Bujing reminded him in time, or maybe because they kept a safe distance from the giant flame pillar, that they escaped in the end.

When they were relatively close to the giant flame pillar just now, even though they were still far apart, Su Yuanshan and others still vaguely smelled a hint of the terrifying burnt smell.

The burnt smell comes from them.

Su Bujing ran out of breath, and all his efforts seemed in vain in front of the vast nature.

Her strength could not even allow her to maintain a complete body in this sudden disaster.

Fortunately, Su Bujing and others were used to facing these dangers that could appear at any time.

After they calmed down, they checked their bodies for any injuries.

"Fortunately, it was just a hole in the clothes." Su Buwei patted his chest with lingering fear and took off his clothes without hesitation, as if he wanted to throw away the bad luck.

"Be content, it's good if your hands are not roasted and you can give us extra food." Su Bujing stood on tiptoe and looked into the distance.

She couldn't even see the meat of the big-eared elephant.

"I didn't expect there was such a thing on the ground." Zhao's lips turned white. "No wonder people here live underground."

Be good!
If he lived on the ground, he would be burned to death one day!

"I don't think it's a bad thing. The further we go here, the more green grass we see, and now we also encounter those pillars made of fire." Su Buyi could still laugh at this time: "Haha, there is indeed something ahead of us. Weird, isn't it, sister?" Su Bujing blinked, yes, she already got the answer in her heart.

"Didn't I say before that these grasses feel a bit familiar to me?" Su Bujing walked to the front and picked up a thin grass stem, the emotions in his eyes flashing very quickly.

"Actually, this grass has a name. It's called Invisible Grass." Su Bu paused for a moment, seeming to be recalling something: "It was originally dark green, but it has a very special habit, that is, it is surrounded by more and more people. As it gets hotter, its color will become lighter, from dark green, dark green, tender green, to light green, and finally it will slowly blend with the surroundings and become colorless.”

Looking at the shimmering green grass in Su Bujing's hand, Su Buyou suddenly grabbed Su Bujing's hand: "Sister..."

"Maybe it has been growing here since we first walked in here, but we just discovered it now." Su Bujing squinted her eyes, and the side of the invisible grass reminded her that the temperature here is really high now!
If it weren't for the strange ice protecting them, they might not be able to get here.

"It's not common, even in the world of cultivation... it's not common."

After Su Bujing finished speaking, he made a fist and crushed the invisible grass in his hand into juice. It was as fragile as the weeds that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

"The thing that was going crazy just now was as if it had been knocked down by five stones. It is also from the world of cultivation. It is called a big-eared elephant. It has no offensive power, but it can fly in the air and is very fast."

Su Bujing's words were very simple and clear, but they made Su Yuanshan and others feel uneasy.

Especially Su Buyi.

"So, are we getting closer and closer to...there?" Su Buyi's lips moved slightly, feeling weak for the first time.

The powerlessness to face what is about to happen.

From the grass seen on the road to the so-called big-eared elephant that burned to ashes, everything confirmed Su Bujing's words.

Obviously, on the spatial level, they are constantly approaching the world where Su Bujing stayed in the previous life, the world of cultivation.

Think about it, they are just approaching now and they have already encountered the majestic flame pillar. What if they are even closer?
Could it be that even a puppy you see on the road is a strong man who tramples on the carelessness of mortals? That would be horrible.

Although I don’t know why the two different worlds are connected, it is the fact.

The air became heavy for a moment.

No one knows whether if you continue to walk forward, you will completely enter that world.

"Well..." Su Bujing didn't know what to say. She was also confused, "It should be."

No one spoke, even the young and ignorant Su Buyou remained quiet.

They may have been on the right track, but now there was another problem.

Want to go?
There seems to be no other choice. At least compared to the hot and cold mortal world, the world of cultivation with mountains and water is really a good choice.

But Su Bujing and her family hesitated.

Everyone is flocking to the world of cultivation, but they are a little resistant, which sounds very hypocritical.

Su Bujing thought all this was a joke.

He had obviously made up his mind before that he would never step into the world of cultivation again, and would just live a peaceful life with his family.

She even abandoned her cultivation.

But when she made this decision, everything she had given up suddenly appeared in front of her, and she twisted her waist and said, "You didn't expect it, I'm here again!"

Su Bujing was really helpless about this.

Who knew the two worlds could still be connected, or would it be so dramatic!

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