Chapter 1 Despicable
Wake up early in the morning.

Song Yuening looked at the naked white body covered with charming marks. Her shoulders trembled and the blood all over her body seemed to have solidified.

The dream I had last night was true!
Last night, before she returned to the hotel, she only drank the milk given by her mother-in-law, and she felt that the taste was extremely strange.

I didn't expect that there was something in it.

After that, I returned to the hotel in a daze, and then a man followed me.

Her shoulders were trembling, she was biting her lip, and her eyes were red.

That man!It must be Lu Qiang!

Lu Sheng's brother, her brother-in-law!
On the night of Song Yuening and Lu Sheng's wedding, Lu Sheng got into a car accident and their happy event turned into a waste.

She is willing to remain a widow for Lu Sheng, but it is definitely not in the form of marrying her brother Lu Qiang as her mother-in-law said!

After failing to persuade him, he actually chose this despicable method during Lu Sheng's first seven days.

Song Yuening felt as if something was pinching her heart, throbbing pain, and chills and pain spread throughout her body.

She stumbled down from the bed and searched the entire room but couldn't find Lu Qiang.

This dog man actually ran away.

Song Yuening shed tears of grief and anger uncontrollably, clenched her hands into fists, and let her nails dig into her flesh.

Call the police.

Now the only option is to call the police.

It doesn't matter if the rice is cooked or not, she will never give in to this kind of thing!

With trembling hands, she looked for her phone, but it rang on its own.

The caller was Lu Qiang.

Before Song Yuening could ask a question, the other party started shouting fiercely.

"You stinky cousin, you dared to run out. Did you get fucked by a group of men on the street?"

Suddenly, Song Yuening felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

What do you mean?
It wasn’t Lu Qiang last night!

"What are you talking about?" Song Yuening asked tentatively.

Lu Qiang cursed and yelled rudely: "Song Yuening, you can fuck other men, and you can fuck me too. If I can fuck you, there can be a second time. Just wait, you will be fucked sooner or later." My dog!”

Song Yuening hung up the phone and quickly blocked Lu Qiang's number.

She was in shock, her fingertips were trembling slightly, and she tried her best to control herself while flipping through the call records.

Lu Qiang and his mother-in-law Cui Fenglan made seventy or eighty phone calls last night, but all of them were missed.

She closed her eyes and let out a long breath after the disaster.

It's better to have a one-night stand with someone than to do something as annoying as "sister-in-law picking up uncle".

Due to the physiological weakness and pain in her body, coupled with the mental fatigue of the past few days, she walked to the pool in a daze and washed her face.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I don’t look like a human anymore.

No, she has to live well.

Just as I was about to regain my composure, my phone rang again.

An ominous premonition emerged.

Song Yuening picked up the phone and the caller was a colleague from the kindergarten. "Teacher Song, where are you now? Your mother-in-law is making trouble at school. Come here quickly."

Song Yuening's heart skipped a beat, and she even felt a little unstable and almost staggered and fell.

It actually got to this level.

Song Yuening took a deep breath and replied hoarsely: "I'll be there soon."

Pearl Kindergarten.

As soon as Song Yuening got out of the taxi, she saw Cui Fenglan rolling around in the distance.

Cui Fenglan waved her hands and kicked her legs, crying and crying: "What evil have I done? I worked so hard to support my two eldest sons by myself. The eldest son finally became successful, but he got a wife and was beaten to death!"

"The daughter-in-law who killed a thousand swords is ready to leave now. I spent so many gifts, and now she has taken the money and won't even leave me a child. Why do you think I am so miserable!"

Song Yuening's haggard face had no color at all.

She tried her best to suppress the trembling caused by grief and anger, suppressed the soreness and grievance in her heart, and stepped forward to drag Cui Fenglan up despite the strange looks of the crowd watching.

"Mom, you're up."

Cui Fenglan's cloudy eyes flashed with a glint, and she said with a bit of pride: "Didn't you block my phone number?"

"Since you have done everything right, don't blame me."

Song Yuening had a cold face and clenched her fists: "Don't push me too hard. They did not call the police directly because of my relationship. Otherwise, they can take you to the police station for causing trouble."

Cui Fenglan had never seen the world, and when she heard the alarm, she was instantly frightened.

She originally wanted to chat with Song Yuening in person, so she immediately agreed and chose to chat privately at the teahouse in front of the school.

Song Yuening looked at Cui Fenglan in front of her. She was surprised more than once that the gentle and gentle Lu Sheng's mother was such a person.

Later, she learned part of it from Lu Sheng's friends.

Lu Sheng was always disliked by Cui Fenglan because he looked like his biological father, so he was left to be raised by Cui Fenglan's sister.

When Lu Sheng went to college, he relied entirely on his own extra money to save for tuition.

Because of this, they are obviously two brothers, one is an executive of a famous company, and the other is a local gangster.

"You said that I don't recognize anyone when I take the betrothal gift. Mom, you have to speak with your conscience. Have I ever taken a penny from you?"

"Asheng has earned his own tuition for so many years. You said that you raised your son with all the hardships, but his achievements and career during his lifetime were all made by himself."

"Asheng and I both started from scratch, so we agreed at the time not to ask for betrothal gifts or dowry. Even if I am no longer your Lu family's wife today, I don't owe you the Lu family anything."

At that time, she knew about Lu Sheng's situation, so she didn't ask for a bride price.

Song Yuening felt that she had no blood relatives in her own family, so she did not take this form.

This is also the reason why Cui Fenglan has always had a problem with her.

"Ha, you are so sharp-tongued, I knew you were a bitch and had bad intentions!" Cui Fenglan pointed at Song Yuening, her eyes narrowed slightly, her teeth bared, "Do you think I'm an old fool? Lu Sheng bought your house."

"Now that you are no longer the daughter-in-law of my Lu family, give me back that house!"

Cui Fenglan's eyes were like poisonous snakes, wrapped around Song Yuening.

"If you want peace and quiet, go and transfer the house to Aqiang for me today!"

It turns out that the mother and son were planning on building a house!
Song Yuening clenched her fingers tightly and spoke forcefully.

"Impossible! Lu Sheng and I bought this house together. Lu Sheng and I paid the down payment in half. Why should I transfer the property to you and your son?"

(End of this chapter)

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