Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 100 The Truth

Chapter 100 The Truth
Su Qing asked herself that she was a woman who had to endure hardships in order to climb up.

But the time she spent with Lu Qiang was definitely the most difficult experience in her life!
Lu Qiang is a man who has no ability and pretends to be fat.

Su Qing has always looked down upon this kind of man, but for Tang Wanran's "promise", she has been holding back her nausea and being intimate with Lu Qiang.

But not anymore.

She curled her lips and raised her hand to gently caress her belly, which had not changed at all.

Last month, she drank too much, and when she woke up, she found herself in a hotel with a handsome middle-aged man lying next to her.

Although he was a bit older, he was richer, and he also promised Su Qing that as long as she had a boy in her belly, he would marry her and go home.

With such an opportunity to climb up without wronging herself, how could she give up?

"Okay, Miss Tang, let's put aside the digression for a moment and let's get down to business.

Su Qing raised her hand, put her fair hand in front of her eyes, and blew lightly on the diamond on her manicure.

"For the sake of our acquaintance, I can give you a clear path. We can continue to cooperate, but the conditions have to change."

Listening to her proud tone, Tang Wanran pursed her lips tightly, and the slightly depressed corners of her lips revealed her displeasure at this time.

He was just an Internet celebrity who became popular through sidekicks, but he actually dared to talk to her with such an attitude.

If her unfinished plan hadn't used this bitch like Su Qing, she would have had her dealt with!

Tang Wanran's eyes flashed with cold light. He took a deep breath to calm his restless mood, and then spoke indifferently.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I can continue to work for you, Miss Tang, but... you also know that Lu Qiang is a poor man. He usually reaches out to that old witch even to buy cigarettes. As a girlfriend, it is really hard for me to live with him. It’s not easy.”

Su Qing pretended to sigh, and the implication was already very obvious.

Tang Wanran twitched her red lips, and a look of contempt flashed in her eyes.

"How much do you want?"

As expected, he was born as an internet celebrity and is very philistine, only thinking about money.

But soon, Tang Wanran realized that he had underestimated Su Qing.Because she directly asked for 20 yuan.

And this is just the "appetizer" in Su Qing's mouth.

Tang Wanran gritted his teeth. Although he was not angry, he still agreed.

"I will transfer the money to your account, but you'd better do a good job for me, otherwise..."

Before she could finish speaking, Su Qing interrupted her unceremoniously.

"Ms. Tang, why are you so anxious? I haven't finished speaking yet. Not only do you want to give me money, but you also want to give me the latest LV bag that only members can buy."

She was talking about the newly released handbag, which is priced at 30, and only VIPs who spend at the counter all year round can buy it.

Tang Wanran clenched his molars and almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

"Su Qing, don't go too far!"

"Is this Miss Tang's sincerity? If you don't want to give it, then I think there is no need for our cooperation to continue. Goodbye."

After saying that, he was ready to hang up the phone.

Fortunately, Tang Wanran was quick enough and agreed immediately before she was about to hang up the phone.

"Okay, I'll give it to you!"


The room was quiet except for the rustling sound of Xie Zitao writing papers.

Song Yuening stood behind him, looking at the speed of his answering questions, and was a little surprised for a moment.

The part of knowledge that was tested today was taught to her just the day before yesterday. She originally thought that Xie Zitao had not completely digested it, but now it seems that he has not only digested it, but also has a solid grasp of it.

Song Yuening couldn't help but sigh in her heart, the Xie family's genes were really strong enough.

"Dong dong."

The door of the room was knocked twice, neither lightly nor hard, and Song Yuening's attention was quickly attracted by the sound.After seeing the figure at the door clearly, a flash of surprise flashed across her eyes.

Xie Mingyuan?
Why is he at home?
Zitao told her clearly that he had something to do at his company today and would not be back all day.

"Teacher Song, what's wrong?"

Xie Zitao's voice brought her back to her senses. She raised her hand and touched the top of his head and whispered.

"It's nothing, Zitao, continue. The teacher has something to do and needs to go out first."

After saying that, he walked directly to the door.

Since Xie Mingyuan was at home today, she could test him with words first.

Song Yuening gently closed the door behind her, leaving only a gap, and then raised her eyes to look at Xie Mingyuan.

"Mr. Xie, what do you want from me?"

Xie Mingyuan's eyes fell on her, and his deep and dark eyes were a little softer.

"Zitao has made great progress in his homework recently. I would like to thank Teacher Song in person for your trouble."

After a pause, he asked again casually.

"I heard from Zitao that Teacher Song seems to be very busy recently. I don't know what Teacher Song is up to. Maybe I can help."

What are you up to?
Song Yuening curled her fingertips and looked at Xie Mingyuan with a slightly more complicated look.

Of course she was busy checking Xie Mingyuan.

When she really suspected this person, she discovered that there were doubts everywhere in her relationship with Xie Mingyuan.

She couldn't figure out where Xie Mingyuan's kindness towards her came from, nor why he treated her differently.

But as long as a premise is added to these questions, everything will be easily solved.

If Xie Mingyuan was the man that night.

Song Yuening lowered her eyes slightly to hide the emotions in her eyes under her long eyelashes, and when she spoke again, her tone was calm and there was no emotion at all.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about what I should shoot for my next video tutorial. By the way, Mr. Xie, I heard some gossip some time ago and I'm very curious, so I want to ask you, the person involved, for confirmation, is that okay?"

Xie Mingyuan chuckled: "Of course."

"I just didn't expect that Teacher Song would be curious about these things."

His voice sounded casual and casual, but also had a deep magnetism, which was extremely pleasant to the ears.

But Song Yuening had no intention to appreciate it at the moment.

She raised her eyes to meet Xie Mingyuan's and spoke as if nothing had happened.

"I heard that Mr. Xie, a popular little girl, spent the night with you, but in fact Mr. Xie was at the Mia Hotel that day? Is this true?"

Sure enough.

Xie Mingyuan knew that Song Yuening had been secretly investigating what happened that night.

He thought for a long time, hesitating whether to tell her the truth directly. After all, she was also one of the parties involved and a victim, and had the right to know the truth.

Xie Mingyuan looked at the obviously nervous woman in front of him, his eyes dimmed slightly, as if there was an undercurrent.


Just one word made Song Yuening's heart beat faster.

She opened her lips and continued to ask with some difficulty.

"Then, that day..."

She didn't ask, but Xie Mingyuan knew what she wanted to say.

He looked at her, his eyes darker than before.

"I was actually at the Mia Hotel that day, but I wasn't staying in the penthouse suite."

(End of this chapter)

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