Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 11 The Guest at Home

Chapter 11 The Guest at Home

Xie Mingyuan looked so cold, dignified and unfeminine.

Since this lady can appear in Xie's house, she must have a close relationship with him, right?

Song Yuening stood there in a daze, her thoughts wandering wildly.

Xie Zitao, who was not tired of taking the trouble, jumped off the sofa. He was about to ask the Filipino maid to call and ask why Teacher Song hadn't come yet. When he turned around, he happened to see Song Yuening standing not far away.

"Teacher Song!"

Xie Zitao's clear eyes lit up and he rushed to Song Yuening at a trot, gathering his strength before throwing himself into her arms.

"Teacher Song, when did you come? Why didn't you call me?"

Song Yuening came back to her senses, and her hand subconsciously fell on Xie Zitao's head, patting it twice.

"Not long after I arrived, I saw you chatting with this lady, so I didn't bother you."

Almost as soon as Song Yuening finished speaking, the woman on the sofa got up and walked over.

Her eyes first glanced around Song Yuening without leaving a trace, and then fell on Xie Zitao's hands surrounding Song Yuening.

She was a little stunned, with a trace of confusion and confusion in her eyes.

Who is this woman?How could he actually make Xie Zitao become so obedient?
You know, she has spent so many years trying to make Xie Zitao obedient, but she has had little success.

Tang Wanran calmly withdrew his gaze and raised a smile as if nothing had happened.

"When did this lady come? Sorry, Zitao and I were having fun just now and didn't notice any guests. The servants at home are also ignorant and kept you waiting for a long time."

Tang Wanran showed off her "hostess" posture as if unintentionally.

Song Yuening was slightly stunned, her brows furrowed, and she was a little confused about the other party's identity.

Are they really from the Xie family?

After attending classes for several days, she did not learn from Xie Zitao that he had other relatives.

The air seemed to be frozen, Song Yuening's eyes moved slightly, and she was about to speak, but a cold male voice sounded before her.

"Teacher Song, why are you standing down there and not coming up?"

The slender and tall figure stood condescendingly on the stairs, his fingers resting on the edge of the handrail.

Those deep and indifferent eyes stared at Song Yuening.

"Mr. Xie, are you at home today?"

Song Yuening didn't expect that Xie Mingyuan was there, so she was slightly startled and nodded to him as a greeting.The latter did not speak, but his cold eyebrows passed over Tang Wanran's body, calm and calm.

Watching Xie Mingyuan slowly walk down the stairs.

Tang Wanran glanced at Song Yuening beside him and said displeasedly, "Ming Yuan, who is this guest?"

Her affectionate call made Song Yuening couldn't help but look sideways.

Xie Mingyuan frowned, "Teacher Song is Zitao's tutor."

private teacher?

This statement made Tang Wanran's hostility towards Song Yuening fade away instantly.

It turned out to be a teacher, no wonder Xie Zitao was so obedient.

The corners of Tang Wanran's lips couldn't help but curl up. A little tutor was not worthy of her attention.

"I see, hello, Teacher Song. My name is Tang Wanran, and I am Ming Yuan's secretary. Zitao is a bit naughty kid. He usually doesn't cause you any trouble, does he? Please be more considerate."

"Hello, Miss Tang, my name is Song Yuening."

Song Yuening spoke politely, inevitably speculating on the relationship between Tang Wanran and Xie Mingyuan.

Since ancient times, I have never heard of a secretary who dared to call the CEO by his name so affectionately.

The atmosphere between the three adults was a bit awkward.

Xie Zitao unhappily reached out and pulled Song Yuening, "Teacher Song, it's getting late, let's go to class quickly?"

He didn't want to stay here at all, let alone talk to Tang Wanran!

He said the second half of the sentence very quietly, as if he was mumbling carefully.

Song Yuening patted his shoulder helplessly.

"Sorry Miss Tang, excuse me, I have to go teach Zitao." Seeing Xie Zitao holding Song Yuening's hand and running up the stairs, the woman took long steps with a little difficulty.

Xie Mingyuan raised his thin eyelids and spoke in a cold and clear voice.

"Xie Zitao."

Xie Zitao's steps immediately slowed down, and he lost some strength holding Song Yuening's hand.

Looking at this scene, Tang Wanran suddenly felt something strange in his heart.

During dinner, Song Yuening stayed at Xie's house as usual.

But because there was an extra person at the dinner table, a woman who looked at her from time to time, Song Yuening was inevitably a little uncomfortable.

She sat on the right side of Xie Zitao, and the main seat on the left was Xie Mingyuan.

On Xie Mingyuan's right side was Tang Wanran, who was occupying one side.

The dishes on the table were rich and varied. The Filipino maid first scooped a bowl of chicken soup for Song Yuening and placed it in front of her.

Tang Wanran frowned calmly. When it was Xie Zitao's turn, she took the spoon.

"Let me do it."

"This business trip lasted too long. I guess Zitao is having trouble with me, right?" Tang Wanran diligently placed the chicken soup in front of Xie Zitao, and then used long chopsticks to pick up a chicken leg and placed it in front of Xie Zitao.

Xie Zitao, who was originally unhappy because of her presence, suddenly fell down.

"Who said I was at odds with you? I wish you were on business trips all the time. You'd better stop being my uncle's secretary!"

His dark pupils lit up with fire.

Before Song Yuening could react, the host Xie Mingyuan had already put the chopsticks on the table with a click.

His eyes narrowed slightly, taking on a dangerous aura.

"Xie Zitao, is this your attitude towards your guests?"

Seeing that the momentum was not right, Song Yuening put the spoon aside, raised her hand and placed it on Xie Zitao's shoulder, her voice was serious and serious that she had not heard in a long time.

"Zitao, have you forgotten what the teacher told you? You must be polite to others and apologize to Miss Tang immediately."

Xie Zitao, who was like an angry little leopard just now, suddenly became silent.

He pursed his lips, leaned towards Song Yuening, took her hand and shook it lightly.

"Teacher Song, don't be angry, I was wrong."

"Aunt Tang, I'm sorry."

Xie Zitao's apology was very absent-minded.

Song Yuening had no choice but to reach out and poke his forehead gently.

"Don't do this next time, okay?"

Tang Wanran, who was used to Xie Zitao's cold face, felt as if he had been pricked by a needle when he saw the intimate scene between the two, and aroused an irritating and unpleasant jealousy.

She's just a tutor. I really don't know what Xie Zitao likes about her.
It took me three years to get close to this child.

Really strange.

Tang Wanran pursed his lips, then smiled. His eyes fell on the exquisite food on the table, and he couldn't help but joke.

"Ming Yuan, I haven't been to Xie's house for a long time. Since when did you like to eat spicy and sour dishes? If you didn't know, you would have thought there was a pregnant woman in the house."

Song Yuening, who was coaxing Xie Zitao to eat, was breathing heavily, and the emotions in her eyes were trembling violently.

It took a long time to slow down.

Xie Mingyuan's eyes looked over faintly, taking in Song Yuening's subtle changes, and then lowered his eyes to hide the look in his eyes.

“It’s been hot lately, so the spicy and sour food is more appetizing.”

"Especially this Thai shrimp soup, I think you will like it."

He lowered his eyebrows when he spoke, and Song Yuening's heart skipped a beat.

It was written in her examination report that she needed to supplement trace elements, and the doctor suggested eating some seafood.

Could it be another coincidence?

(End of this chapter)

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