Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 13 Taking care of her intentionally or unintentionally

Chapter 13 Taking care of her intentionally or unintentionally
Cui Fenglan looked like she was sure of winning, holding the report sheet in her hand and placing it in front of Song Yuening for a few moments.

"give me back!"

Song Yuening was about to step forward and snatch it back, but Cui Fenglan dodged it unexpectedly.

"You want it?" Cui Fenglan's smile deepened, and her eyes were occupied by greed, "Exchange for the real estate certificate."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Yuening's aura suddenly became colder.

"As long as you transfer the house to my name, I guarantee that you know it, I know it, God knows it, and the earth knows it. When I burn paper money in the future, I won't tell Asheng."

Song Yuening could not imagine that Cui Fenglan could be so vicious, her face was full of disappointment.

Completely ignoring the color in her eyes, Cui Fenglan shook her head.

It's just a pity, Song Yuening's genes are pretty good.

Why didn't she let that stupid boy in her family succeed?

Otherwise, this child would still belong to their old Lu family!

Cui Fenglan patted Song Yuening's hand gently, "A Sheng is gone. I know you are not willing to be lonely. It is reasonable to find a man to play with. I understand it."

"I'm doing this for your own good. Give me your house and I'll let you go. From now on, you can be with whoever you want, and I'll never interfere!"

Song Yuening was so angry that she was trembling all over and could only watch as Cui Fenglan held the report tightly in her hands.

Once this kind of thing is exposed online, it will inevitably be viewed through colored glasses.

First, Cui Fenglan was exposed as a bad mother-in-law. If she is really accused, netizens will definitely be unable to stop their mouths.

For a child, this may become a stain in his life.

Isn't it just a house?

As long as she can stay away from Cui Fenglan and her son, as long as she can return to freedom and give birth to a child well, what does it matter?

Even though Song Yuening was unwilling in every possible way, she could only grit her teeth and agree.

"I...I promise you!"

She clenched her hands into fists and tried her best to suppress her anger.

"Hey! That's right!"

Cui Fenglan looked like a villain who had succeeded, so she just raised her nostrils to show off to others.

"I'll give you three days to complete the transfer."

Without leaving any room for Song Yuening to refute, Cui Fenglan simply patted her butt and left.

Sure enough, today’s trip was not in vain, and unexpectedly it was a blessing in disguise!

Not long after Cui Fenglan left, Song Yuening stood up absentmindedly. She looked around the entire house.

This is a place that holds many memories of her and Lu Sheng, but it will no longer belong to her.

Because of Cui Fenglan's arrival, Song Yuening was restless throughout the afternoon.

"Teacher Song, you seem to have done this question wrong."

Seeing Song Yuening's distracted look, Xie Zitao cautiously poked her elbow.


"Hey, I'm here."

Song Yuening straightened up suddenly, "What do you think of this question? Let me take a look."

She picked up a pen and paper and drew on the paper.

Song Yuening frowned, how could she even make such a low-level mistake.

"Sorry, let me answer this question for you again."

Song Yuening sighed secretly, almost mistakenly making a mistake.

There was a noise in the corridor. Song Yuening heard the sound and went to see Xie Mingyuan standing at the door.

"Teacher Song, take Zitao and take a rest first."

The cold voice slowly entered Song Yuening's ears. She glanced at the time and saw that only 15 minutes had passed since this class.

Just as he was about to refuse, Xie Zitao dragged Song Yuening downstairs and said, "Teacher Song, it's tea time."

As soon as she arrived in the hall, Song Yuening's eyes couldn't help but tighten. The dazzling array of refreshments was extremely exquisite.

Xie Zitao picked a piece of his favorite grapefruit cake, raised his hands high and handed it to Song Yuening.

"Teacher, try this." Song Yuening knelt down and took it.

After one sip, your lips and teeth are filled with the fragrance of grapefruit, and the wonderful combination tantalizes your taste buds.

The dopamine brought by the dessert made her feel much better.

"You guys have afternoon tea every day?"

Xie Zitao shook his head, "Uncle, I'm busy, and my family hasn't prepared such a sumptuous afternoon tea for me for a long time. Today is only because Teacher Song is here."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Song Yuening's heart skipped a beat, and a strange feeling melted in her heart.

"I can't rush back to be with you until I have free time today."

Xie Mingyuan's voice sounded from behind, seeming to be responding to Song Yuening's doubts.

In mid-air, their eyes met, and he nodded politely.

"Teacher Song, the weather is nice today. Let's go to the garden with Zitao to relax."

"But Zitao hasn't finished his class today."

"Combination of work and rest."

Song Yuening could not refute these four words.

"Let's go, teacher, I'll take you to a good place."

Xie Zitao excitedly put down the cake in his hand, took Song Yuening's hand and wanted to run out.

"Xie Zitao!"

The man's tone suddenly became serious, Xie Zitao's back paused, and his movements became cautious again the next moment.

For some reason, Song Yuening always felt that the uncle and nephew were taking care of her intentionally or unintentionally.

Is it an illusion?

Or is this Mr. Xie interested in her?
But soon, this idea was rejected by her.

If it weren't for being Xie Zitao's tutor, she might never have anything to do with a wealthy family in her life.

Xie Zitao brought Song Yuening to Rose Manor, and there was a flash of surprise in her eyes.

Every time I come to Xie Zhai, I am just amazed by the furnishings in the villa. Unexpectedly, the back garden is a whole other world.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is no different from a 5A scenic spot.

The cozy and comfortable environment made Song Yuening's nerves no longer tense, and the smile on her lips appeared unconsciously.

"Teacher, this is my secret little garden."

Xie Zitao held Song Yuening's hand and wandered in the garden.

"My parents are not with me, and my uncle is too busy, so I often hide here alone." Xie Zitao asked Song Yuening to sit down on the stone bench, where he was warming up.

"Hide?" Song Yuening grasped the word keenly.

"Yeah, I thought if I hid here, my uncle would rush back because he was worried about me."

"But he is so smart, nothing can escape his eyes."

When Xie Zitao said this, he sighed secretly.

Song Yuening frowned. The child made all kinds of rebellious behaviors just to win the attention of adults.

Thinking of this, Song Yuening gently hugged him into her arms.

"Zitao, my uncle cares about you very much. He is just too busy."

"You should learn to express your thoughts to your little uncle instead of trying to get his attention by playing hide-and-seek or fighting in school, you know?"

Xie Zitao thought for a moment and seemed to understand.

"Then, do both the teacher and my uncle think Zitao is a bad boy?"

The words "bad boy" deeply hurt Song Yuening's heart. She shook her head gently, "How could it be? Zitao just doesn't know how to express his emotions and thoughts."

"If you encounter anything unhappy in the future, just tell the teacher and I will be with you."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Xie Zitao smiled brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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