Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 130 What is the relationship

Chapter 130 What is the relationship

The man in front of her was as gentle as jade. When she raised her eyes, Song Yuening saw Lu Sheng's figure in a daze.

so similar.

From the first day she met Lin Shubei, Song Yuening felt that he and Lu Sheng were strikingly similar.

Similar eyebrows, the same gentle temperament, and now almost the same way of speaking.

Song Yuening almost suspected that he was Lu Sheng himself.

In fact, if you look carefully, there are indeed many doubts about Lin Shubei.

He suddenly appeared next to me in the kindergarten. Later, he resigned and left, and he was nowhere to be found.

When they met again, the other party moved directly next door to her, as if he was deliberately approaching with a purpose.

She moved her lips and was about to say something: "Teacher Lin, you..."

Xie Mingyuan next to her suddenly interrupted her question.

"Teacher Song, can you take me to offer incense to grandma first?"

Only then did Song Yuening realize that Xie Mingyuan was still with her. She smiled apologetically at him, nodded and said hello, but when passing by Lin Shubei, she paused.

"Teacher Lin, after the funeral is over, can I have a few words with you alone? Don't worry, I won't disturb you for too long."

Lin Shubei seemed to have known she would say these words for a long time. There was no surprise on his face and he just nodded calmly.

"it is good."

Song Yuening brought Xie Mingyuan to the portrait, lit three sticks of sandalwood and handed them to Xie Mingyuan. Seeing him bending down, Song Yuening lowered his eyes slightly and said softly.

"Mr. Xie, thank you very much for taking care of me and grandma. I didn't expect you to come today and cause you trouble."

Xie Mingyuan put the incense into the incense burner and stood up straight. He looked at Song Yuening with dark eyes filled with different emotions.

After a while, he spoke in a deep voice.

"Zitao said that we will be your family from now on. I should come."

These words instantly narrowed the distance between the two, and also broke the relationship that Song Yuening had maintained. She turned her face aside in a panic, and her heart beat violently.

"Mr. Xie is joking, I am just Zitao's teacher, how can I be considered a family member?"

Xie Mingyuan had known for a long time that she would renounce her relationship with him, so he was not surprised by this, nor did he have much emotional ups and downs. He just turned his attention back to the old lady's portrait.

The old man in the black and white photo is smiling, looking as kind and kind as ever.

Xie Mingyuan looked at it, his thin lips moved slightly, and his voice was a little more serious.

"Grandma, I will protect her."

The flowery language that was like a guarantee left Song Yuening completely speechless.

Song Yuening subconsciously turned back to look at her, only to see Xie Mingyuan's direct gaze moving to her at some point, and his dark and indifferent eyebrows became a little softer at the moment.

The air seemed to be stagnant at this moment. In this sudden gaze, Song Yuening almost immediately lowered her head to avoid his sight, but the fingertips of the hands behind her back slowly curled up.

After the funeral, even though Song Yuening tried her best to cheer up, she still looked a little tired.

Xie Mingyuan did not leave immediately after it was over, but followed him and accompanied her to see off the guests one by one before leaving.

Song Yuening turned into the mourning hall and was about to ask Lin Shubei for questioning when she suddenly caught a glimpse of Tang Wanran's figure passing around the corner not far away.

She frowned in surprise.

Just when Xie Mingyuan was offering incense to the old lady, Tang Wanran disappeared beside them.

Song Yuening thought that she didn't bother to do such superficial things, so she left secretly, but she didn't expect that she was still here.

She thought she and the guest Xie Mingyuan had just sent away were the last guests.Song Yuening wanted to go directly into the mourning hall to find Lin Shubei, but for some reason, her footsteps unconsciously moved in the direction Tang Wanran had just left.

By the time she reacted, she was already standing at the corner.

"...that's crazy."

Song Yuening pressed her eyebrows, a little worried that she would actually "follow" Tang Wanran.

She turned around and wanted to leave, but a familiar voice reached her ears.

"Does Miss Tang have to talk to me on this occasion?"

Lin Shubei?
Song Yuening paused in her steps, suddenly opened her eyes wide, and looked in the direction of the sound in disbelief.

At the corner was the smoking area, where Tang Wanran and Lin Shubei were standing.

Song Yuening looked at Tang Wanran with his hands folded across his chest, standing with his back to her, and after hearing Lin Shubei's words, he chuckled in an unclear tone.

"You're right, this kind of situation is really not suitable for talking. How about we go outside and talk? Is that okay?"

Lin Shubei still looked gentle and polite. He nodded with a smile and took the lead towards the back door.

At the same time, the mobile phone in Song Yuening's hand "buzzed" and vibrated twice.

It was a message from Lin Shubei: "Teacher Song, I'm sorry, there is something urgent at home and I need to go back. If you have any questions, we can talk about it next time."

If Song Yuening had not seen the scene where he and Tang Wanran were together, she would have believed Lin Shubei's words.

but now……

Song Yuening looked at the direction they were leaving, suddenly feeling suspicious.

Why is Lin Shubei covered in secrets all over his body?
What kind of secret is he hiding?
Song Yuening did not choose to follow them and eavesdrop on their conversation because she had been to the back door, which was empty and had no cover. If she followed, she would definitely be discovered.

She didn't know what Tang Wanran wanted to do with Lin Shubei, nor did she know what Lin Shubei was hiding. She only knew that she couldn't alert him.


After returning home, Song Yuening lay tiredly on the big bed, holding her cell phone and considering the words to send a message to Xie Mingyuan.

Xie Mingyuan had helped her so much during this period, and her frequent verbal thanks made her feel ashamed, so she wanted to treat Xie Mingyuan to a meal as soon as possible so that he could understand her sincerity and gratitude.

But when she remembered what Xie Mingyuan said to her in the mourning hall today, she hesitated.

"What if he misunderstands me..."

Song Yuening looked at the information column and bit her lower lip, confused as to whether she should ask him out or not.

After a while, she suddenly threw the phone aside, closed her eyes, lay down next to her, took the pillow and held it in her arms.

She was struggling in her heart and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "Grandma, it would be nice if you were still here."

If grandma was still here, she should have given her some appropriate advice, right?
Song Yuening let out a long sigh, opened her eyes and tried to pick up her phone again to edit the information.

But as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a cloth bag placed in front of her.

Judging from the position, it should have been pressed under the pillow.

Song Yuening was too busy recently to change the bedding, so she naturally didn't notice that there was something hidden under the pillow.

But now, looking at the faded and old cloth bag, she suddenly turned over and sat up from the bed.

This is something grandma brought from Longfeng Township.

To be precise, this should be considered a relic of grandma.

(End of this chapter)

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