Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 142 Grandma’s last wish

Chapter 142 Grandma’s last wish
Song Yuening looked at Xie Mingyuan's cold face and explained dryly.

"It's not that I don't listen to the doctor, I just think it might be better for me to go home and rest."

Seeing that Xie Mingyuan was still unmoved, she sighed softly.

"Mr. Xie, I don't like the atmosphere of the hospital. As long as I stay in the hospital, I can always think of the day my grandma left me."

Recalling what happened that night, the blood on Song Yuening's face visibly faded a lot.

She pursed her lips tightly and looked much depressed.

Seeing her like this, Xie Mingyuan swallowed the words he had prepared back into his stomach.

In the end, he just sighed helplessly, walked to Song Yuening, placed his big palm on the top of her head and rubbed it twice.

"I'll go get you discharged."

After a pause, he seemed to mention it accidentally.

"Don't forget what Zitao once said, you and"

After Xie Mingyuan finished saying this, he stepped aside before Song Yuening could react, leaving a distance where Song Yuening could just react.

He turned around to pack the documents on the table. When Song Yuening was about to pack his things, he suddenly asked.

"Teacher Song, what are your plans in the future?"


Song Yuening hooked her fingers on the coat for a moment, and the silky fabric slipped from her fingertips.

She pursed her lips and felt a little dazed for a moment.Since her grandmother passed away, she hasn't thought about the future for a long time.

After losing her grandma, all her hard work seemed to be meaningless.


As long as she thought of what grandma said before leaving, she regained her motivation.

"I want to fulfill grandma's last wish."

Song Yuening said softly.

She remembered that the only wish her grandma had mentioned to her before she passed away was that she could find her relatives.

No matter what, she will fulfill her grandma's last wish and find those relatives she has never met.


Xie Mingyuan turned around and raised his eyes to meet Song Yuening's gaze, his tone slightly raised.

"What is your last wish?"

Song Yuening originally wanted to tell Xie Mingyuan about her life experience, but she moved her lips and didn't know where to start, so she had to shake her head.

"I can't say for now."

She didn't want to say it, and Xie Mingyuan didn't continue to ask any more, but just nodded lightly.

“If you need help with anything, feel free to ask.”

After completing the discharge procedures, Song Yuening returned home directly.

She pushed the door open and walked into the bedroom, fell back on the soft bed, raised her arms and put them on her forehead, looking at the ceiling quietly.

"Xie Mingyuan..."

Only when she was alone like this would she call her Xie Mingyuan by both her first and last name.

Recalling what he said to her in the hospital and his attentive care, Song Yuening couldn't help but close her eyes.

She could feel the difference between Xie Mingyuan and her, but she didn't dare to respond.Not only because of the identity gap between them, but also because she hadn't figured out whether Xie Mingyuan was the man that night.

The more she came into contact with Xie Mingyuan, the more she felt that there were many things about him that puzzled her.

Her whole body seemed to be shrouded in fog, making it difficult for her to see the road ahead, and she was filled with confusion.

"Forget it, what's the use of thinking so much? Let's think about the remaining activities first."

Song Yuening sighed, got out of bed, turned on the computer, and began to sort out the information sent by the company.

Her next activity will involve going to an early childhood education center to teach children on-site, but the content of the lecture has not been decided yet.

She now has some ideas, but she is not sure whether the company will agree with them, so she needs to prepare in advance.

Song Yuening knew that there were many activities scheduled during this period, so she would be busy, but she didn't expect that she would be busy for a whole half a month.

When she was finally free and had the energy to think about other things, she discovered that the private detective had been contacting her since last week, but she didn't have time to log in to the account, so she never saw his message.

Song Yuening hurriedly wiped her hair twice with a dry towel, and then eagerly dialed the number of the private detective.

It was rare for the other party to take the initiative to contact her. If he contacted her so frequently this time, did it mean that she had found some useful clues, or that he had already found out who the man was in the hotel that night? ?
Thinking that the truth that she had been searching for so long was finally coming to light, the heart in Song Yuening's chest began to beat uncontrollably.

"Hello? Boss! Oh my God, you finally contacted me. You don't even know that I was almost exhausted from looking for you. I almost thought you were missing!"

As soon as the call was connected, the voice of the private detective came from over there.

He spoke very fast, and if Song Yuening hadn't been listening intently to what he said, he would have missed a few words.

"To get to the point, have you found any clues?"

The private detective was obviously not happy when Song Yuening interrupted his thoughts, but he still explained honestly.

"I did find some clues, but I don't know if it's what you want, boss."

"Didn't you ask me to check the guests who stayed on the third floor that night? Because there were too many people, it was difficult to check, so I followed your instructions and focused on checking the guests who left before eleven o'clock. Who are the guests?"

Song Yuening's fingers holding the phone tightened unconsciously, and her throat was slightly choked.

"Who are there?"

The sound of turning pages came from the phone.

The private detective's voice slowed down a bit: "That's quite a lot. But I re-screened the guests and found that the guests who left the third floor before eleven o'clock included a mother and son, a middle-aged man, a father and son, and …”

"Ah, there is also Xie Mingyuan, the president of the Xie family."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but rant.

"I really don't know what these rich people think now. Who doesn't know that they live in a villa area with a lot of money in City A? They have to stay in a hotel without going home. It's really a waste of money. "

Song Yuening didn't hear clearly what the private detective said later. She just bit her lower lip tightly and slowly loosened her fingers holding the phone.

The phone slipped from the palm of his hand and finally fell on the soft bed. The sound it made made the private detective complain again.

But Song Yuening was not in the mood to listen. Her hair that had not yet been dried was stuck to her fair and smooth neck. A drop of water fell from the end of her hair and fell on her skin. The cold feeling made her tremble subconsciously. The darkened eyes slowly lit up again.

"Xie Mingyuan? How is this possible? How could it be Xie Mingyuan..."

Although she had always been suspicious of Xie Mingyuan, when this possibility was really put in front of her, she didn't dare to believe it.

Song Yuening's almost whispering words were caught by the private detective's keen ears, and he couldn't help but ask at a higher volume.

"Boss? What are you talking about? What's impossible?"

"Oh, by the way, there's something else I didn't tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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