Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 154 Family Persuasion

After Xie Mingyuan left, Gu Xun almost immediately sat across from Song Yuening.

Song Yuening stood up for a moment, looked at Gu Xun who was sitting upright, and asked in confusion.

"……What's wrong?"

Why are you looking at her with this expression?
"Ning Ning, how is your relationship with Xie Mingyuan?"

Because Song Yuening had been angry before, Gu Xun was extra cautious when asking this question, for fear that he might say something that would make Song Yuening unhappy.

"Me and Mr. Xie?"

If she didn't know that Xie Mingyuan was the man that night, Song Yuening could easily break up the relationship with Xie Mingyuan.

But now, when Gu Xun asked about their relationship, Song Yuening was stunned almost subconsciously, and it took a long time to come back to her senses.

"...We just have an ordinary employment relationship, what's wrong?"

She tried her best to speak as naturally as possible, but the too long pause just now made Gu Xun keenly notice something was wrong.

Since there is no other relationship, then why does Song Yuening behave so awkwardly?

Gu Xun looked at her evasive gaze and her teeth biting her lips, and said disapprovingly.

"Ning Ning, brother thinks Xie Mingyuan is not worthy of you. If you really have no feelings for him, then try to stay away from him. I don't want you to lose your reputation because of him."

"Besides, there is Tang Wanran beside Xie Mingyuan. Everyone knows that Tang Wanran is not a cheap person. Ning Ning, if you stay with him, you will be implicated sooner or later."

In Gu Xun's view, Xie Mingyuan is a playboy who has trouble with women and is unwilling to take responsibility.

Who in the industry doesn't know that Tang Wanran likes Xie Mingyuan?
Moreover, Xie Mincheng also wanted to marry the Tang family. Although the time had not been set for such a long time, Gu Xun knew that it was only a matter of time.

But Xie Mingyuan actually came to provoke Song Yuening and had an affair with her even though he already had a confirmed fiancée. What else could this be if it wasn't love interest?
Seeing that there was a bit of coldness in Gu Xun's eyebrows and that his words were even more belittling to Xie Mingyuan, Song Yuening was a little bit dumbfounded.

She really didn't know what to say.

She has not forgotten what Gu Xun's attitude was towards her and Xie Mingyuan before.

Now he suddenly made a 180-degree turn and didn't mention her at all, but blamed Xie Mingyuan every time, which made Song Yuening feel helpless.

"Mr. Xie is not that kind of person, and his relationship with Tang Wanran is not what you think."

Song Yuening recalled the relationship between Xie Mingyuan and Tang Wanran, and the words to explain suddenly stuck in her mouth and she didn't know where to start.

She can't say that Tang Wanran has unrequited love for Xie Mingyuan, but Xie Mingyuan has no interest in Tang Wanran at all, right?

Everyone knows that Tang Wanran has been Xie Mingyuan's secretary for many years, and the elders of the Tang family and the Xie family have close contacts.

Not to mention that Gu Xun wouldn't believe such words. If Song Yuening didn't know Xie Mingyuan at all and had no contact with him, he would think it was nonsense.

Seeing that Song Yuening could not say a word for a long time, Gu Xun stood up and sat next to Song Yuening, raised his hand and patted her twice gently on the shoulder.

Gu Xunyu said seriously: "Ning Ning, you still don't know Xie Mingyuan very well. You don't know how deep his mind is. I'm worried that you will suffer a loss, so you should try to keep a distance from him in the future, okay?"

After the words fell, he added without waiting for Song Yuening's reply.

"By the way, there is also the invitation he just invited you to go to Jiangnan to relax. You'd better not go. I know exactly what kind of thoughts a person like him hides!"

There was a hint of gritted teeth in the words.

Song Yuening took a deep breath, suppressed a smile and nodded. "I understand, don't worry, I will seriously consider it."

In fact, even if Gu Xun didn't remind her like this, she would still find a way to refuse Xie Mingyuan's invitation.

Submission really doesn't know how to deal with the relationship between them now, so the best way is to deal with it coldly.

The final result was either that she felt relieved and looked past the accident completely, or that Xie Mingyuan completely let go of his feelings for her after time.

Both of these results are the best results for both of them.

Seeing that the expression on Song Yuening's face was serious and not fake, Gu Xun finally swallowed his high heart back into his stomach.

"As long as you know it in your heart, then my brother will stop interfering in your affairs. I believe you can handle this matter well."

"Of course, if you need my help, come to me at any time. No matter what time, we will be your strongest support."

After Gu Xun finished speaking, he went back to the study upstairs to get busy.

Grandma Gu, who had been sitting aside without speaking, suddenly waved to Song Yuening and motioned for her to sit next to her.

Song Yuening obediently walked to sit next to her, and naturally held her hand on her knee.

"Grandma, what's the matter?"

She always felt very kind to Grandma Gu.

Perhaps it's because she is so similar to her grandma and she is so doting and pampering to her, so Song Yuening always relies a little more on her than the rest of the Gu family.

Grandma Gu looked at Song Yuening in front of her with a smile, and put her hand on her hair and rubbed it gently.

"Ning Ning, if grandma guessed correctly, that Mr. Xie just now probably likes you, right?"

When Grandma Gu exposed the truth of the matter, Song Yuening felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

"What's the matter? Grandma, you feel wrong. The two of us are just in an employment relationship. We are just friends at best. We have no other feelings at all."

She turned her face away shyly, but heard Grandma Gu burst into laughter.

"Why is our Ning Ning so tough-mouthed? I don't know whose personality we followed."

As she spoke, she affectionately pinched the soft flesh that had grown recently on Song Yuening's cheeks.

"Grandma has been here for a long time. You young people still want to hide the little things between you from me? Are you stupid?"

Song Yuening knew that she couldn't keep it secret, so she didn't change the topic any more. Instead, she sighed softly and turned to look at Grandma Gu, speaking with a hint of embarrassment in her tone.

"Now that you've discovered it, grandma, I won't hide it from you. Yes, Mr. Xie does have some different feelings for me, but as I just said, I don't intend to develop another relationship with him. "

Grandma Gu looked at her determined look and suddenly shook her head.

"Ning Ning, grandma doesn't know what happened between you and him to make you so resistant to his feelings, but just now I can see his care and concern for you from his words and deeds. like."

Grandma Gu looked at Song Yuening with loving eyes.

"Have you often stayed up late working recently? I believe he must know that, so he invited you to go out together."

"Ning Ning, no matter what the reason is, I think you should go with him this time. If you don't want to talk about feelings, then you can treat this time as a holiday for yourself, okay? Otherwise, grandma will really I will worry about you." (End of Chapter)

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