Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 16 New Planning

Chapter 16 New Planning
Xie Mingyuan stared at Song Yuening for a moment, his eyes falling on her tightened eyebrows, and his dark eyes became darker and darker.

"Nothing, Mr. Xie."

Song Yuening's chaotic thoughts were called back by Xie Mingyuan.

She pursed her pale lips, suppressed the annoyance in her heart, and took a deep breath.


"His learning ability is very strong, and his personality has become much more stable recently. Based on my understanding of him, he can survive the transition from kindergarten to primary school stably, so I think after three months, it is time for my work to end. .”

After three months, her belly will have grown bigger, and as time goes by, she will only become more and more unable to move.

As if he didn't expect that Song Yuening would take the initiative to resign, Xie Mingyuan's eyes fell on her face and he concentrated for a moment, as if to confirm her seriousness.

Xie Mingyuan's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and the air around him seemed to have suddenly cooled down a bit.

"Is Teacher Song dissatisfied with the treatment? Why suddenly..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the door to the room behind him was suddenly opened.

Xie Zitao almost cried and threw himself into Song Yuening's arms, but was dragged aside by Xie Mingyuan's arm halfway.

"Teacher Song! I don't want Teacher Song to leave! The teacher clearly said he would accompany me!"

Xie Zitao's helpless and sad cries made Song Yuening's heart sting and her throat became slightly choked.

Song Yuening bent down and waved to him.

The next second, Xie Zitao broke free from Xie Mingyuan's restraints and threw himself into her arms.

"Teacher, please don't leave, okay? I promised you that you would be obedient, why don't you want me anymore..."

Xie Zitao raised his face in Song Yuening's arms, his watery eyes were stained with mist, and Song Yuening couldn't help but feel affection for him.

She explained to Xie Zitao softly, "Zitao, be good. The teacher does not want Zitao. Although the teacher no longer teaches you, he can still stay with you."

Song Yuening patted Xie Zitao's back and wiped away the tears on Xie Zitao's face with one hand.

"As long as you have something unhappy, you can contact the teacher, so don't cry, okay?"

It took a lot of effort to coax Xie Zitao.

When Song Yuening came home, she was so tired that she slumped on the sofa and didn't want to move.

She glanced at the thick money bag in her hand and couldn't help but sigh.

Although Xie Mingyuan did not persuade her to stay in the end, he still gave her a generous severance package.

The excuse was to thank her for taking care of Xie Zitao recently.

Considering the child in her belly, Song Yuening had no choice but to refuse.

This amount, combined with her previous salary, was enough to support her for a while.


Song Yuening lowered her head and caressed her belly, emotions surging in her eyes.

But if you want to raise a child, it’s still not enough.

"Looks like I need to find some other part-time jobs."

Song Yuening got up and walked to the bedroom, turned on the computer and started browsing the recruitment website.

Originally, Song Yuening was thinking.

She has been seriously pregnant recently and is not in good health. It is not too late to consider changing jobs after the baby takes shape.

After all, the child is still a few months old now, so she can still work in the kindergarten for a while.

But Cui Fenglan messed with her like this.

After she shows her pregnancy, there will inevitably be gossip around her.

So the best way is to find another job, not to mention the long maternity leave in kindergarten. After she gives birth, how to raise the child is also a problem.

The dazzling recruitment advertisements slid past Song Yuening's eyes one by one, and Song Yuening carefully selected them.

Occasionally, when I see job postings that offer a relaxed job with a decent salary, I will stop and contact the other person behind the scenes.

I was declined by various companies one after another.

Even though Song Yuening had a strong psychological endurance, she couldn't help but feel depressed. "What should mom do?"

Song Yuening put the notebook aside, lowered her head and caressed her belly, her tone helpless.

Most of the company personnel's excuses for rejecting her were the same: she was pregnant and her work status might be affected.

She worked for three full hours, but in the end she got nothing.

Is there really no other way?

Song Yuening leaned on the sofa in frustration and rubbed her dry eyes feebly.


The notebook on the table rang twice.

It is a message prompt unique to recruitment websites.

Song Yuening quickly picked up the computer and switched back, only to see two private messages in the background.

"Hello Ms. Song, your conditions are very good in all aspects, and our company also has a position suitable for you."

"But regarding your physical condition... it's really difficult for me to make a decision. I wonder if you would mind coming to our company for an interview tomorrow?"

Although the other party did not make a decision directly, Song Yuening was still overjoyed.

After all, this was the first company willing to give her an interview.

"Of course, what time will it be tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow morning at 08:30, the interview hall on the second floor of Xie Group."


The tall buildings of Xie Group tower into the clouds.

Song Yuening walked into the elevator under the guidance of the staff.

She wore a smart dark-colored professional suit today. Her long hair was pinned with hairpins, leaving only a few strands of modified hair on the sides of her cheeks, outlining her beautiful jawline.

Just as the elevator door was about to close, Song Yuening glanced at a familiar figure outside.

That's...Xie Mingyuan?

Song Yuening was stunned and subconsciously pressed the door button to find out.

But she moved half a beat slower, so she only saw the beautiful figure following the man.

It was Tang Wanran. She was wearing a burgundy shirt, a pair of long legs exposed from under a black hip-covering skirt, and black high-heeled shoes with red soles exuding a mature and charming atmosphere.

The unique design of the earlobe gold earrings added a bit of elegance to her.

Song Yuening looked down at the time and hurriedly pressed the button for the second floor.

Besides her, there were only two interviewers in the interview hall on the second floor.

As Song Yuening expected, most of the questions asked were about the impact of pregnancy on work.

After she assured that her physical condition would not affect her work efficiency, the two interviewers nodded and said nothing more.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, Ms. Song. Today's interview ends here. You can go out. We will contact you when notified later."

Song Yuening stood up and bowed slightly to say thank you: "No matter what the result is, I am very grateful to your company for giving me the opportunity to interview. Thank you."

After she came out of the interview hall, she went straight into the elevator and planned to go home to prepare before going to Xie's house for class.

But when the elevator reached the first floor, something happened to her as she stepped out of the elevator.


Two tall green plants were placed at the entrance of the elevator, blocking Song Yuening's view, so he did not see the figure walking from the side holding something.

The two of them collided head-on, and the documents and papers in each other's hands were scattered on the floor.

And Song Yuening was knocked back a few steps because of the force, and was about to fall down.

Song Yuening, whose mind went blank, could only reach out to protect her lower abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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