Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 168 Too Careless

Chapter 168 Too Careless
Gu Xun casually put the document aside, and Gu Xin followed his movements and scanned the name on the document.

Chengnan development plan?

Is the company going to make any new moves recently?

This idea just appeared in Gu Xin's mind, and then was dismissed by Gu Xun's next words.

"You are already an adult, why don't you do what you want yourself? Why should Ning Ning do it for you?"

Gu Xunping always adheres to the principle of doing his own thing.

In the past, he would say this when he saw Gu Xin being lazy and letting others do things for her, but this time was different.

These words irritated the already sensitive Gu Xin, her expression suddenly fell, and the corners of her lips unconsciously pressed down.

"Brother, why do you always talk about me since my sister came back?"

"I just don't want you to develop this habit. Besides, I've told you many times, but what does that have to do with Ning Ning? It's all because of your own disobedience."

After listening to Gu Xun's words, Gu Xin blurted out a sentence without thinking.

"Be obedient? What should I obey? Haven't I been obedient enough since I was a child? This time my sister secretly traveled to Jiangnan with Xie Mingyuan behind your back. This is not considered obedient, right? Why don't you tell her?"

At first glance, it sounded like a casual complaint of dissatisfaction, but only Gu Xin knew how much grievances she felt in her heart.

Gu Xun was stunned for a moment and looked at Gu Xin with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

When he was about to say something, Song Yuening's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Xinxin, brother, what are you talking about? Why are you so excited all of a sudden?"

She heard it when she just came out of the kitchen. Listening to the excessively high tone of their voices, Song Yuening almost thought they had already quarreled in the living room.

But fortunately, it looked like it was just a quarrel, not as serious as she thought.

Seeing Song Yuening coming back, Gu Xin subconsciously turned her head away and curled her lips.

By chance, her eyes fell on the document again.

She recalled what she had just heard Gu Xun say on the phone.

"Inform everyone that there will be a meeting at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. There can be no shortage of people."

If she guessed correctly, this is the document Gu Xun will use in the meeting tomorrow, right?
Neither Song Yuening nor Gu Xun noticed that Gu Xin was distracted for a moment. She walked to Gu Xun and asked in a low voice.

"Brother, what did you say to Xinxin? Why is she so unhappy?"

Gu Xun raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, and explained helplessly.

"I saw that she wanted to drink tea and didn't go to pour it herself. Instead, she ordered you to do it, so I said a few words to her casually."

Who knew where Gu Xin's temper came from? He just said one sentence, but Gu Xin actually said two or three words back.

Gu Xun felt strange and a little puzzled at the same time.

When did Gu Xin's temper become so bad?
It's like a dynamite barrel, igniting at a moment's notice.

After roughly understanding what happened, Song Yuening sighed lightly.

"Brother, don't always say that to Xinxin, she will be unhappy. Besides, we are a family. It's just a cup of tea and it's not a big deal. If Xinxin doesn't want to go, it'll be fine if I go."

After she finished speaking, she walked to Gu Xin and saw that she lowered her head and said nothing, with her long hair hanging down to block the expression on her face. She suddenly called her name softly with some concern.

" Don’t worry about it.”

With that said, Song Yuening brought the black tea that had just been poured in front of Gu Xin.

In the white porcelain cup, the dark red black tea soup exudes a sweet and mellow taste.

Song Yuening said softly: "If you don't drink, I'm afraid you'll be cold later."

After saying this, Gu Xin made some movement.She first looked up at Song Yuening, took the teacup in her hands and held it in her palms, then glanced at Gu Xun beside her, and suddenly pursed her lips and sobbed.

Her moist black eyes were flashing with tears, and her reddish nose made her look pitiful, which made people feel soft.

"Sister, don't say that to your brother. It's not all his fault. I'm also responsible."

Gu Xin said aggrievedly: "My brother has always told me to do my own thing. It was because I was disobedient that he blamed me."

"I know sister, you want to comfort me, but I don't want you to put all the responsibility on your brother, so don't say that next time, okay?"

These words may not sound wrong at first glance, but they sounded indescribably awkward to Song Yuening's ears.

Why did she feel that Gu Xin's words were vaguely aimed at her?

Song Yuening's eyebrows moved slightly, and a trace of surprise appeared in her eyes.

But looking at Gu Xin's obedient look when she lowered her head to drink tea again, she finally buried this doubt in her heart.

It should be... She felt wrong, right?

The next morning.

Song Yuening opened the curtains and stood in front of the window with squinted eyes, feeling the sunlight outside the window.

The alarm clock on the bedside clearly shows the current time, which is exactly 07:30.

She put on light-colored sportswear and was going to go downstairs for a run before eating, but she was stopped by Gu Xin when she was going downstairs.

Wearing exquisite makeup, she looked impatient at the moment and spoke extremely fast when she spoke.

"Sister, can you do me a favor?"

Before Song Yuening agreed, she said impatiently.

"My brother had a meeting this morning, but he was in a hurry when he went out and didn't pick up the documents. He just called me and asked me to go to his study to find a document and send it to him, but I just received a call from a friend saying that she was there Something happened and I have to go and help.”

"I really can't separate myself, so sister, can you help me deliver documents to my brother?"

Song Yuening agreed without much hesitation.

You can go for a morning jog anytime, but Gu Xun's matter is a major matter for the company and cannot be delayed no matter what.

"Okay, can you tell me which document it is and where it is placed?"

"Put it in the third drawer of the table in my brother's study. After you open it, it will be the one on top."

After saying that, she turned around eagerly to leave. When Song Yuening saw this, she just said "be careful" and trotted upstairs.

She didn't see that behind her, Gu Xin, who was anxious just now, suddenly stopped, turned around and stood leisurely looking at her back.

After hearing the sound of the study door opening on the second floor, Gu Xin's face showed a trace of ridicule.

"You're such a fool, do you think you deserve to call me Xinxin?"

It's disgusting.

Isn't Gu Xun looking towards Song Yuening?

Today she asked Gu Xun to take a good look at what kind of fool he thought this good sister was.

Let’s see if he will reprimand her again for Song Yuening, a country bumpkin.

A proud smile appeared on the corners of Gu Xin's lips. She hummed a tune, turned the car keys and walked out of the Gu family's door.

As the eldest lady of the Gu family, Gu Xin is enough. As for Song Yuening?
If you have to stay in the Gu family, just be a fool who can only serve as a foil to her.

(End of this chapter)

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