Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 170 Change of Attitude

In the elegantly decorated restaurant, there are lush potted plants, fresh and quiet scenery outside the window, and classical songs playing on the indoor record player, which makes people feel calmer.

Song Yuening rested her chin on her elbow and looked at the scenery outside the window, her long eyelashes trembling slightly due to her confusion.

After ordering, Xie Mingyuan handed the order to the quiet waiter beside him. Seeing that Song Yuening was still looking absentmindedly at the scenery outside the window, he calmly looked at Song Yuening's expression and suddenly spoke.

"Not happy?"

The deep male voice that suddenly came to mind pulled Song Yuening out of her thoughts.

She managed to cheer up and shook her head: "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something."

It was rare for her and Xie Mingyuan to go out for a meal. She didn't want to make the atmosphere a little unpleasant because of her own affairs, so she subconsciously concealed the conflict between herself and Gu Xin.

Xie Mingyuan saw that she was unwilling to say more. Although he was concerned, he did not pursue the question. Instead, he changed the subject and said: "The fish in this restaurant is very good. You can try it later. It should be your favorite way."

Song Yuening nodded, feeling warm in her heart knowing that Xie Mingyuan still remembered his taste.


"Sister? What a coincidence. I didn't expect you to be eating here today."

Song Yuening subconsciously looked up and saw Gu Xin standing in front of their table.

Seeing Song Yuening looking at her, she showed a soft and sweet smile and said softly and obediently.

"Sister, since it's such a coincidence, do you mind if we have a meal together?"

Gu Xin wore a simple and elegant make-up today, and she looked as pure as a hibiscus. Coupled with her gentle tone of voice, Song Yuening couldn't refuse her request for a while.

But whenever Song Yuening thinks about her sudden change of words that day, she feels extremely weird in her heart.

She pursed her lips, with mixed feelings in her heart. The two thoughts kept intertwining in her mind, and finally she nodded in compromise.

"Okay, you can sit next to me."

Gu Xin nodded with a smile, unceremoniously pulled out the chair next to Song Yuening and sat down.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, she squeezed Song Yuening when she sat down, and their arms were very close to each other.

Song Yuening moved her arms uncomfortably, but seeing no response from Gu Xin, she had no choice but to move to the side.

In this way, the seat where Xie Mingyuan could sit face to face was vacated and given to Gu Xin.

Gu Xin's peripheral vision passed over Song Yuening's body, and she used the action of drinking water to cover up the slight upward curve of the corners of her lips.

For a mere country bumpkin, she even needed a hint to give up her seat. She was really stupid.

But fortunately, she could have dinner with Xie Mingyuan today, and she could barely tolerate having such an idiot like Song Yuening sitting next to her.

Because of Gu Xin's participation, the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly became a little weird.

Just when Song Yuening was trying to find a topic to ease the embarrassment, she heard Gu Xin suddenly speak.

But the person she was talking to was not her, but Xie Mingyuan sitting opposite.

"Is this the second time we meet? Hello Mr. Xie, last time I was busy taking care of my mother, so I didn't have time to introduce myself."

"My name is Gu Xin, nice to meet you."

Gu Xin looked at Xie Mingyuan with a pair of pure eyes, with unspeakable admiration in her voice: "I have heard before that Mr. But my idol, I chose to study finance in college because of your influence."

These words aroused Xie Mingyuan's curiosity. He raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was interested: "Oh?" "I wonder which school Miss Gu studied at?"

Gu Xin directly reported the name of a famous foreign school, and after finishing speaking, she held her cheek and chuckled.

"If you really think about it, I should still be Mr. Xie's junior schoolmate, right?"

The scene of the two talking to each other fell into Song Yuening's eyes. There was an inexplicable emotion in her heart for no reason. She couldn't get up and get down. Being stuck in the middle made her feel particularly uncomfortable.

She couldn't put it in her mouth, so she lowered her head and picked up the water glass and took a sip, taking the opportunity to sort out her complicated emotions.

Gu Xin on the other side turned her attention to Song Yuening during the conversation. After keenly catching her discomfort, she felt quite proud.

This is the gap between her and the country bumpkin Xie Mingyuan and Song Yuening.

Now is just the beginning. If Song Yuening voluntarily quits without knowing the point of interest, she will make Song Yuening understand more clearly what the difference between cloud and mud is in the future.

The conversation ended when the waiter brought the food to the table.

Looking at the vinegar fish that Xie Mingyuan ordered to place in front of him, Song Yuening's depression dissipated a little.

When she saw Xie Mingyuan moving his chopsticks to pick up food for her, her lips moved slightly. The thank you she had prepared was about to come out, but she swallowed it back because of Gu Xin's actions.

At some point, Gu Xin stretched out her chopsticks and grabbed a prawn before Xie Mingyuan could, put it on her plate and began peeling off the shrimp shells, joking as she did so.

"I know that Mr. Xie is considerate to ladies, but let me show you the courtesy today, right?"

As she spoke, Gu Xin put the peeled hero into Song Yuening's bowl and showed a sweet smile.

"Sister, please try to see if the shrimp I peeled for you is delicious. Although we have never met before, now that you are back, we will be sisters from now on. I will try my best to be good to you and make up for the lack of enjoyment you had before. Those who have lived a happy life."

This scene fell into Xie Mingyuan's eyes, and his last trace of dissatisfaction with Gu Xin completely disappeared.

Originally, he was quite dissatisfied with Gu Xin because of what happened in the clothing store last time, but judging from her current performance, it must have been just an accident last time, right?
This meal was a lump in Song Yuening's throat.

Fortunately, at the end, Gu Xin took the initiative to take the first step if she had something to do. After she left, Song Yuening breathed a sigh of relief.

But when she realized that she was paying attention to Gu Xin's existence, her relaxed expression froze briefly.

Wait, why is she unhappy because Gu Xin is there?

Before Song Yuening could figure out the reason, Xie Mingyuan's words made her mood, which had just improved, fall to the bottom again.

"Your sister has a pretty good character."

Xie Mingyuan rarely praises people, and those who can be praised by him are definitely those who really catch his eye.

Song Yuening suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She closed her eyes and tried hard to suppress the emotions in her heart, but it didn't have much effect.

"You've only met Gu Xin a few times, and you already know that she has a good personality?"


Xie Mingyuan and Song Yuening were both stunned when such explosive words came out.

Xie Mingyuan was surprised that Song Yuening had such a side, but Song Yuening was annoyed about why his temper was suddenly so out of control.

"I'm sorry, I...I don't know why I suddenly said such things."

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