Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 173 Gu Xin “falls in love”

Chapter 173 Gu Xin “falls in love”

Gu Xin's words were extremely thoughtful, as if she was a family member who truly cared about Song Yuening.

But facing Xie Mingyuan, who might be the "culprit" who angered her sister, she did not show much hostility or anger. Instead, she politely wanted to ask Xie Mingyuan what was going on.

This attitude made the anger in Xie Mingyuan's heart fade a little, but his tone still had an innate indifference when speaking.

"Well, is she... okay?"

Gu Xin was keenly aware that when Xie Mingyuan mentioned Song Yuening, his tone obviously softened a little unconsciously.

Such specialness made Gu Xin couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Why can't she be the one who gets this special treatment?

To put it bluntly, Song Yuening is just a country bumpkin who came from a remote village. How can he compare to the eldest daughter of the Gu family who was raised by a noble family like him?
Gu Xin suppressed the jealousy in her heart and spoke in a soft voice.

"Sister doesn't look very good. In fact... During this time, I don't know why, but she always gets angry for no reason, and she is also very hostile to me."

"I don't know what happened to my sister to make her change so drastically, but I am very worried about her. I originally thought that with Mr. Xie here, you would be able to enlighten my sister, but now..."

Gu Xin sighed, and the unfinished meaning in his words was particularly obvious.

Now Xie Mingyuan and Song Yuening have a quarrel, and no one cares about Song Yuening. What should we do?
Xie Mingyuan was silent on the other end of the phone for a long time. It was only when Gu Xin thought he had hung up the phone that the other party slowly spoke.

"Maybe she just doesn't adapt to life in the Gu family."

In the end, Xie Mingyuan did not tell Gu Xin what Song Yuening said to him.

Even though in his opinion, Gu Xin was not as scheming as Song Yuening said, he was still on Song Yuening's side.

After Gu Xin heard what he said, she wanted to hang up the phone. She suddenly felt anxious and spoke hurriedly.

"Wait, Mr. Xie, I know this question is very presumptuous, but do you have time? I want to come out and talk to you in person."

Afraid of being rejected by Xie Mingyuan, Gu Xin also found a legitimate reason and used Song Yuening as an excuse.

"I'm very worried about my sister's recent condition. I know that you, Mr. Xie, are closer to my sister than we so-called family members. I think you must have a way to help me make my sister happy, right?"

Gu Xin's words were sincere and her attitude was so sincere that people really didn't know how to refuse.

After a period of silence on the other side of the phone, Xie Mingyuan's voice finally rang again.

"Yes, what time?"


Song Yuening discovered that Gu Xin had changed.

Another early morning, when Song Yuening was sitting at the dining table, quietly stirring the soup in the bowl with a small silver spoon, Gu Xin walked down the stairs with cheerful steps.

"Mom, Dad, brother, I won't be back for lunch today. I have an appointment with someone outside. I may not be able to get home until tonight. You don't have to wait for me!"

Seeing this, Father Gu smiled tacitly with Mother Gu, who was sitting next to him.

Gu's mother smiled and waved her hand to say goodbye: "Okay, I understand, how old are you kids? You still need to report to us when you go out. Why don't you just tell us who you are going out on a date with?"

Song Yuening raised her eyes to look at Gu Xin, and saw a blush suddenly appeared on her delicately made-up face. She lowered her head and shook her head nervously.

"Mom, can you please stop teasing me? There's no such thing as a date or not, and I haven't even mentioned my horoscope yet!"

After saying that, he turned around and trotted out the door.This impatient look in the eyes of the family was a sign of Gu Xinchun's excitement. They had joyful smiles on their faces and sighed with emotion.

"We have raised Xinxin for so many years, but we still don't understand why she is so happy? It's obvious that she has someone she likes!"

Gu Xun snorted softly next to him: "I don't know which brat she is attracted to. I didn't have any clue before. In just a few days, she has become so obsessed with people. It's millions of people." Not someone like Xie Mingyuan who looks like a human being..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Xun was pinched hard on his arm by his mother next to him.

But because of Gu Changping's years of exercise, the muscles in his arms were very strong. Not only did Gu's mother not twist them, she even made her fingers turn red.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Gu Xun looked at Gu's mother without knowing why. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Song Yuening's eyes turning to the side from time to time. The different emotions contained in those eyes seemed to remind Gu Xun of something.

But Gu Xun didn't react, but looked at Gu's mother in surprise.

Just when he was about to ask Mother Gu if she had anything to say, Song Yuening beside him suddenly put the spoon aside, got up and walked towards the second floor.

"I'm done eating. You guys eat slowly. I'm going upstairs first."

As Song Yuening left, Gu's mother was no longer as silent as before, but gave Gu Xun a fierce look.

"Why don't you open a certain pot? Haven't you noticed that Ning Ning is in a bad mood recently?"

Gu Xun paused after hearing this, and then he hesitated to speak as if something suddenly came to his mind.

"Could it be that Ning Ning was in a bad mood last time because she had a fight with Xie Mingyuan?"

Father Gu sighed and suddenly turned to look at Mother Gu.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have given him financial books when he was just starting out. I should have let him learn more about the ways of the world."

Otherwise, Gu Xun would not have been brought up to have such a low emotional intelligence.

Everyone in the family could see that Song Yuening was silent because she had a quarrel with Xie Mingyuan, but Gu Xun was the only one who acted as if nothing had happened. His emotional intelligence was really worrying.


Song Yuening opened the curtains and watched the sunlight shining through the window glass onto the floor, but her mood did not become brighter.

"Xie Mingyuan..."

She called out Xie Mingyuan's name in a low voice, but her tone was a little bitter.

Although she deliberately ignored the quarrel between herself and Xie Mingyuan, what happened that day was like a nail piercing her heart.

She even clearly remembered the number of days she and Xie Mingyuan had a cold war.

She wanted to reconcile, but there was nothing she could do.

Song Yuening's mind was in chaos. She stood in front of the window in a daze. Just when she was thinking about whether to go out and relax, she saw a familiar black Maybach parked at the door of the Gu family's villa.

Song Yuening's good eyesight allowed her to see the numbers on the license plate clearly at a glance. Her eyes widened suddenly and her heart beat rapidly.

It was Xie Mingyuan's car. Why did he suddenly come to Gu's house?
Did he come to reconcile with her?
This idea just appeared in Song Yuening's mind, and it was completely shattered in the next second.

I saw the passenger door open, Gu Xin walked out with a smile, then turned slightly and said something to the people in the car, took out some gift boxes from the car with brisk steps, then turned and walked in door.

(End of this chapter)

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