Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 176 Old Classmates

Song Yuening didn't pay attention at first. It wasn't until a car horn sounded that she realized that the white Cayenne next to her was following her.

Song Yuening frowned and turned her head to look at the white car, her eyes full of surprise.

She didn't recognize this car, and she had never seen the license plate number. What did the other person want to do after following her?
Before Song Yuening could say anything, the car window suddenly rolled down, and a face that was both unfamiliar and familiar to Song Yuening was revealed.

"I felt familiar just now. I didn't expect it was really you, Song Yuening. Long time no see. Do you still remember me?"

The man's fine forehead hair half covered his eyebrows, and there was a gentleness between his eyebrows. When he looked at Song Yuening, a gentle smile appeared on his face, which made people feel good in their hearts.

A name was ready to come out in Song Yuening's mind.

She opened her lips in surprise, and her moist almond eyes suddenly widened.

"Are you... Li Lingfeng?"

"I'm Li Lingfeng."

Two voices sounded at the same time. Song Yuening's tone was slightly hesitant, but Li Lingfeng's voice had a hint of smile.

As this name comes to mind, are the wonderful memories of college.

She remembered Li Lingfeng. At that time, he was the most popular boy in the class. He was gentle and polite. Many female classmates in the class secretly admired Li Lingfeng.

It's just that she already had Lu Sheng at that time, so she didn't pay much attention to this "man of the moment".

After graduation, the classmates who were originally from far away from each other all went their separate ways. Song Yuening and Lu Sheng were planning to get married and work, and they never heard from Li Lingfeng again.

She didn't expect that after so many years of wandering around, she and this old classmate would meet here.

Li Lingfeng looked up at her and said gently.

"I didn't expect to see you here. It turns out you are also in City A. I thought you had already returned to Longfeng Township."

Unexpectedly, Li Lingfeng knew that he came from Longfeng Township, and he was surprised.

"how do you know?"

Li Lingfeng smiled helplessly: "Have you forgotten? I was a celebrity in front of the teacher at that time. I often went to the office to help organize student files, and I happened to see your information."

Song Yuening nodded clearly, but the seeds of doubt were planted in her heart.

Since I just happened to see it, why did it take so long to remember?
The sound of other cars honking came from behind. Li Lingfeng stuck his head out and waved apologetically to the driver behind him, then turned to Song Yuening and motioned for her to get in the car.

"It's not appropriate to chat here. Let's get in the car first. When we meet old classmates, we should have a meal to get in touch. Let me treat you this time."


When Song Yuening returned to Gu's house, Gu Xin had just arrived home not long ago.

Her face was not pretty, but after seeing Song Yuening's figure, she still forced a happy smile.

"Oh, sister is back? Where have you been this afternoon? Why do you look so happy?"

The happier Song Yuening is, the more dissatisfied she is.

She had a bad encounter with Xie Mingyuan in the afternoon, and now she felt very angry.

How is she worse than Song Yuening?
As soon as Song Yuening saw Gu Xin's face, what came to mind were the intimate photos.

There was a dull pain in her heart, as if her heart had been clenched tightly.

Only by forcing herself to look away from Gu Xin could she suppress those irritable emotions in her heart.

"I went to have dinner with a friend. What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Song Yuening said calmly, and passed Gu Xin directly to go upstairs to the room.

But Gu Xin was eager to know why she was so happy, so she hurriedly followed and reached out to grab Song Yuening's arm.

"Wait a minute, sister, why are you in such a hurry to go upstairs? We sisters haven't had a good chat for a long time. Don't you want to talk to me?"

Gu Xin knew that she was a little anxious by doing this, but she urgently wanted to know whether Song Yuening's happiness had something to do with Xie Mingyuan.She had high hopes for those photos. Song Yuening couldn't be so calm that she didn't even care that Xie Mingyuan was with her, right?
Song Yuening lowered her eyes, and her eyes suddenly darkened.

In this situation, what could she talk to Gu Xin about?
Let’s talk about why she and Xie Mingyuan are together?Let’s talk about why she still wants to be with her when she clearly knows that her relationship with Xie Mingyuan is ambiguous?
Song Yuening didn't want to say these words, and she really couldn't say them.

So she just calmly pulled her arm out of Gu Xin's hand.

"I'm too tired today and don't want to chat. Let's do it next time."

After that, he went up to the second floor.

As soon as she returned to the room, the phone in her bag buzzed and vibrated several times.

Song Yuening took out her cell phone and saw that it was a call from Li Lingfeng.


After Song Yuening picked up the phone, she was about to ask Li Lingfeng if there was something he forgot to tell her, but she heard the gentle male voice ask with concern.

"You should have gone back to your room now, right? Is it convenient to talk?"

Somehow, Song Yuening responded in a low voice.

"It's convenient, what's the matter?"

Li Lingfeng's faint laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"I just want to ask you, did you encounter anything unhappy today?"

"When I saw you on the side of the road today, I always felt that you were sad."

These two short sentences expressed all of Song Yuening's emotions. For a moment, Song Yuening even had the urge to cry.

Her nostrils twitched twice and she suppressed the sour emotion.

"Do you know this? How did you find out? We haven't seen each other for so long. I didn't expect that we, Team Leader Li, have learned to recognize emotions by looking at our expressions?"

She said jokingly, without directly speaking her mind.

Li Lingfeng seemed to sense her resistance, and he wisely did not mention the matter again, but continued the conversation along with her words.

The two chatted for a long time, and it wasn't until Gu's mother knocked on the door to deliver milk to Song Yuening that she realized it was time to go to bed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to the time and bothered you for so long. Please go to bed early."

After chatting with Li Lingfeng for such a long time, Song Yuening's mood was not as low as before, and she chuckled.

"How can I blame you? If you want to blame me, blame me too. I really have no sense of time. I actually kept you chatting for so long."

"Thank you for making me happy today, if you don't mind..."

Song Yuening paused and invited, "Shall we go out for dinner together tomorrow? I'll treat you this time."

the other side.

Gu Xin stood on the balcony, listening to the laughter coming from next door, her eyebrows furrowed as if she could pinch a fly to death.

She just heard a few words and roughly guessed which classmate Song Yuening was talking to on the phone.

But he's just a classmate. Is it necessary to be so happy?

Gu Xin was confused and simply dialed the number of the private detective.

As soon as the call was connected, she got straight to the point.

"Go and check to see which classmates Song Yuening has met recently and what kind of relationship they had when they were in school."

"They will go out together tomorrow. You can follow me, do you understand?"

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