Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 178 What is the truth

The male voice that suddenly sounded was filled with obvious anger.

Song Yuening was startled for a moment, then suddenly looked back behind her.

The slender man stood there, the collar and cuffs of his shirt were a little messy, and it was obvious at first glance that he was in a hurry on the way here.

The man who had always been very reserved and rarely angry now had a dark face. His expression was tense and his eyes were as cold as ice.

Song Yuening didn't even have time to react when she saw Xie Mingyuan walking in front of him.

The next moment, her wrist was grabbed by the man.

Xie Mingyuan pointed Song Yuening in his direction.


Song Yuening staggered a few steps and fell directly into a warm embrace.

She leaned against the familiar chest, listening to the sound of her heart beating rapidly, and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

Gu Xin didn't expect that bringing people here would cause such a situation, and her face turned dark immediately.

But thinking about the persona he had been pretending to be, he forced a smile.

"Sister, are you ready to be together?"

"No wonder you've always been absent-minded at home these days. It turns out it's because you're about to have a boyfriend..."

Before Gu Xin could finish her words, she watched helplessly as Xie Mingyuan grabbed Song Yuening's wrist and left.

She didn't even have time to call their names before they disappeared from the doorway.

The door of the black Maybach opened and closed.

The loud "bang" sound showed how much anger the person closing the door had in his heart at this moment.

Song Yuening fell on the leather back seat and was stunned for a long time before she realized what she was doing.

She looked at Xie Mingyuan who had locked the car door, and almost subconsciously reached out to push him away.

She is rejecting herself.

This realization made Xie Mingyuan couldn't help but frown.

"Song Yuening, it's just a cold war, but you actually went to find another man?"

"Do you think I'm dead?"

There was obvious jealousy in his words, which made Song Yuening pause for a moment before the cynicism reached her lips.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Song Yuening almost laughed out of anger. She looked at Xie Mingyuan's cold face and wished she could throw the photo she had obtained from the private detective directly in front of him.

"Xie Mingyuan, I really don't know when you became so shameless. Why do you ask me to find other men? Didn't you find other women first?"

"What do you mean? Only officers and soldiers are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps?"

Xie Mingyuan was immediately surprised by Song Yuening's mocking expression and what she said.

"I went to find another woman? When did it happen?"

"Song Yuening, have you learned how to throw dirty water now?"

The two quarreled for a few words, and the initial anger gradually subsided, replaced by confusion and confusion.

Song Yuening looked at Xie Mingyuan's expression and asked uncertainly.

"Aren't you already with Gu Xin?"

Gu Xin?

What is all this about?

Xie Mingyuan raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows: "Who told you that Gu Xin and I are together?"

If he knew who was gossiping in front of Song Yuening...

Xie Mingyuan's eyes were slightly cold, and his eyes were dark and gloomy.

Song Yuening felt confused when she saw that he was also unaware of the matter.Obviously in the photos taken by the private detective, Xie Mingyuan and Gu Xin looked very close, but why did Xie Mingyuan look like this now?

She knew Xie Mingyuan and knew that he was not the kind of irresponsible man, so if he was really with Gu Xin, he would never hide it.

That is……

"Someone lied?"

Xie Mingyuan listened to Song Yuening's muttering and frowned slightly.

"What lies?"

Now, in order to find out the truth, Song Yuening no longer hid it awkwardly, but told Xie Mingyuan everything that had happened during this period.

"That's what happened. Now all of us think you and Gu Xin are together, so I..."

Song Yuening paused, suddenly turned his face to the other side, and did not continue.

She couldn't tell Xie Mingyuan that she agreed to Li Lingfeng's invitation and traveled with him many times because she was jealous and frustrated with him, right?

But just because she didn't say it, it didn't mean that Xie Mingyuan couldn't feel it.

The man's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly and he stared straight at Song Yuening, as if he could see through her heart just by doing this.

"Are you jealous?"

Xie Mingyuan revealed Song Yuening's true thoughts with one word. She turned around and gave Xie Mingyuan an angry look. The charming look in her eyes made Xie Mingyuan's heart tremble.

But now is obviously not the time to tease Song Yuening.

Xie Mingyuan said seriously: "Ning Ning, I can swear to you that there is no relationship at all between Gu Xin and I. The reason why we are often together is because she told me that she has a way to help me coax you."

"It's just that I didn't expect that she would be so scheming and would think of using this trick to break us up."

Xie Mingyuan felt sick when he thought that Gu Xin's pretentiousness in front of him during this period was a deliberate attempt to seduce.

He was really blind at first, so he thought that Gu Xin, a sister, was pretty good.

This is simply an overlord flower covered in a white lotus shell.

"I have said before that she is not as simple as you seem, but you have never listened to me. Now you believe it?"

Song Yuening glanced at Xie Mingyuan, and the displeasure in his eyes reminded Xie Mingyuan of the reason for the quarrel and cold war between the two.

He was not embarrassed or embarrassed at all, but directly stretched out his hand to pull the person into his arms and comforted her softly.

"It was my fault, I shouldn't have doubted you."

"This is the first time and I promise there won't be a next time."

The two reconciled as before, but after a brief period of happiness, another layer of worry appeared in Song Yuening's heart.

"Do you still remember the engagement?"

Song Yuening leaned on Xie Mingyuan's chest and asked softly.

The latter only recalled it briefly, and then responded calmly.

"Well, I remember that the Xie family and the Gu family made a marriage contract in the early years."

Song Yuening knew about the engagement not long after she returned home, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

But recently, because of Gu Xin's various hints and foreshadowing at home, the Gu family seems to be ready to let Gu Xin fulfill the engagement.

Xie Mingyuan just finished listening to Song Yuening's words and said without hesitation: "It's impossible."

"Even if I don't get married, it is absolutely impossible for me to marry Gu Xin."

Such a vicious and scheming woman, who is not even one ten thousandth of her Ning Ning, is worthy of his eyes?

A warm current passed through Song Yuening's heart. After she knew that Xie Mingyuan had firmly chosen her, the uneasiness in her heart gradually dissipated.

However, if Xie Mingyuan does not marry Gu Xin, but chooses to be with her, will the Gu family agree?
Song Yuening looked into Xie Mingyuan's eyes and spoke hesitantly.

"Xie Mingyuan, it's true that I want to be with you, but I don't want to quarrel with my parents and brother because of this matter. Do you understand what I mean?"

Love is important, but to her, family ties are equally important.

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