Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 198 Internet Popularity

After Song Yuening's high fever subsided, Xie Mingyuan forced her to stay in the hospital for two days of observation. After confirming that she was in no condition, she was allowed to be discharged.

When leaving the hospital, Song Yuening looked at the afternoon sunshine outside and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, as if she was reborn.

"...Finally we're out of here."

Song Yuening stood on the steps and murmured to herself.

Several young nurses passed by her. They had already walked a certain distance, but suddenly they looked back and saw the side face of the king, Song Yuening, in a daze.

"Hey, this person looks so familiar to me. Is she the same one we saw online today?"

"It seems so! Why are your eyes so sharp? Don't tell me, she looks much better in person than in the video. Can we take a photo with her?"

Song Yuening, who was about to go down the steps, immediately stopped when he heard this.

Her ears twitched slightly, and she keenly captured the key words from the conversation between the two, and subconsciously looked back.

The two nurses behind him were taking out their mobile phones and preparing to talk to Song Yuening. When they saw this, they felt a little embarrassed and didn't know whether they should go over.

In the end, Song Yuening took the initiative and walked over, smiling friendly at the two of them.

"I'm sorry, I thought I heard you talking about me just now? Can you please tell me what exactly you were talking about?"

Seeing Song Yuening's gentle tone and friendly attitude, the two nurses looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you don't mind, we were just talking about your video that went viral on the Internet. Don't you know?"

Song Yuening was filled with surprise, and then shook her head honestly.

"I don't know. Can you tell me specifically what video it is?"

Seeing that she really didn't know about it, the nurse enthusiastically took out her phone and opened her favorites. After finding the video, she placed the phone in front of Song Yuening.

"That's it! Little sister, I'm not telling you, you are too beautiful, just like a big star! When the two of us just walked past you, we thought we had the wrong person!"

Song Yuening lowered her head and watched the video intently.

The shooting time was at night, the surrounding light was dim, but the street lights not far away were emitting bright light.

Under the streetlight, a figure attracted all the attention as soon as it entered the country.

Under the night light, the woman stood on the roadside, wearing a red one-shoulder dress that tied her chest and waist, revealing her graceful figure.

A large area of ​​fair and delicate skin is exposed on her chest and collarbone, and she wears a diamond necklace around her neck. The light shines brightly as she moves, but it cannot draw the attention of netizens away from her face. .

She turned her body slightly to reveal her face.

Because she was attending the dinner party, she wore light makeup on her face. Her almond eyes were as charming and beautiful as autumn water in her mouth. Her lipsticked cherry lips matched the red skirt, making her look even more attractive.

Song Yuening recognized that it was herself after attending the business dinner that night.

"I didn't expect to be photographed..."

Song Yuening didn't know what to say for a moment, and felt helpless as she watched the barrage of comments praising her beauty.

Counting it all together, this is the third time she has suddenly become famous on the Internet, right?

She casually clicked on the comment section and took a look. Sure enough, the number one hot comment was that she looked familiar.

"If I remember correctly, this is the third time this beautiful sister has been trending because of her beauty, right? Wow, you can do whatever you want with your beauty. She looks so beautiful no matter which angle you take the photo from. I decided to do it again. Go check out the previous videos!”

Immediately following this comment was another comment exclaiming "knock cp". "Oh my God! It's true that beautiful women must be paired with handsome men! Although I haven't seen what the man looks like, he must be very handsome if he can drive a Maybach and make a beautiful sister smile like this!"

The video is coming to an end.

Song Yuening also saw the black Maybach slowly stopping in front of her in the video.

I don't know if it was because of the shooting angle, but in the video, after seeing the driver's window slowly lowering, her eyes suddenly lit up.

She leaned down slightly and said something to the people in the car, and immediately a smile as bright as a spring flower appeared on her face.

The video ends abruptly here. Although there is no follow-up, Song Yuening's smile alone can fill the minds of the onlookers with a long story.

Song Yuening returned the phone to the nurse in front of her, thanked her softly, took a photo with her, and prepared to leave.

But before leaving, the nurse suddenly stopped her and asked a little gossip.

"Miss, was it your boyfriend who came to pick you up that day?"

Boy friend?
This title made Song Yuening's heart flutter. She didn't say anything, just chuckled, but the shyness in her smile made the nurses understand everything.

The video was forwarded a lot. After Song Yuening returned to her apartment, she took out her mobile phone and opened Weibo, where she saw the video with the word "Explosive" on Weibo's hot search.

At the same time, the background of her video platform also shows that her number of fans has increased a lot.

And her private messages backstage have increased exponentially.

Song Yuening randomly browsed through a few articles and found that most of them came to her to ask for cooperation.

Song Yuening thought about her recent arrangements, and then added them as friends to see what kind of cooperation they were talking about.

"Hello, Teacher Song, I am the person in charge of Weiguang Educational Institution. Are you available recently? We would like to invite you to come to our institution to teach a few classes for the children."

"Teacher Song, excuse me, are you interested in taking over as an endorsement? Our early childhood education course is currently the best in the country, equipped with the best teachers, but there is some lack of publicity. If Teacher Song is willing, the price is negotiable. "

There were endless words like this, and Song Yuening carefully screened a few and replied seriously.

And the other side.

Gu Xin, who was walking out of a high-end perfume store with a gift bag, took out her mobile phone and browsed through it for a few times. The interface of her mobile phone suddenly jumped to Weibo for some reason.

She made a displeased "tsk" sound, and was about to quit when her eyes were attracted by the words on the hot search list.

She subconsciously clicked in, and happened to see the video that had just become popular.

After seeing clearly who the protagonist was, Gu Xin's pretty face suddenly darkened.

"Why is it Song Yuening again!"

She said through gritted teeth and reluctantly clicked on the comment section to see if anyone would scold Song Yuening, but the facts were destined to disappoint her.

Most of the people in the comment section praised Song Yuening for her beauty, or envied her for having a boyfriend who drives a Maybach.

There were no comments at all that Gu Xin expected.

Seeing the increasing number of views and forwards on this video, Gu Xin was so angry that she didn't even change her account. She just typed out a string of text with both hands and clicked send.

"So what if she's beautiful? She's just a mistress who steals someone else's fiancé!"

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