Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 236 Familiarity with Birthmarks

Song Yuening found a new private detective and entrusted him with all the tasks of investigating Lin Shubei.

"I don't care what method you use, how much money and energy you spend, as long as you can help me find the connection between these two people, I will pay double the price to your account as previously agreed."

Song Yuening stood in front of the window of the tea room, looking down at the gurgling heat emanating from the water glass in front of her, her voice was exceptionally calm.

The private detective on the other end of the phone obviously didn't expect that he would receive such a lucrative job, and his voice was full of joy and disbelief.

"Boss, are you serious? Okay, since you said so, I will definitely do my best. Within a week, I will put the information you want on the table in front of you!"

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuening put the phone back into her pocket.

She held the water glass with both hands, feeling the warmth radiating from the inside out, but her mood was indescribably heavy.

She didn't know whether what she did was right or wrong, but she only knew that if she didn't find out the connection between Lin Shubei and Lu Sheng, she might be back in the whirlpool shrouded in fog.

When she left the tea room, she happened to meet the assistant passing by the door excitedly.

Seeing that her expression was different from usual excitement, Song Yuening couldn't hold back her curiosity and raised her hand to stop the person.

"What's wrong? Why are you so happy all of a sudden? What happy event happened?"

Song Yuening's appearance was out of state, which shocked the assistant.

"Sister Yuening, didn't you read the group message just now? The boss said that people in our department can get off work early this afternoon, just as a reward for our hard work!"

"I get off work in half an hour. Sister Yuening, have you decided where to go? I originally planned to go to the gym to exercise, but... I finally had a chance to rest, so I decided to reward myself. Let’s go have a hot pot meal, hehe.”

As he spoke, the assistant raised his arm and pressed the soft flesh on it with some regret, his expression particularly melancholy.

"Oh, all the muscles I worked hard to build are gone. If only I could be more diligent, when will my figure be as good as yours, Sister Yuening?"

Listening to the assistant's complaints, Song Yuening couldn't help laughing.

"You don't have to worry about your body shape all the time. You already look good the way you look now. Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"By the way, where is the gym you just mentioned? Is it close to our company? I want to visit it too."

The news of getting off work came so suddenly that Song Yuening had no mental preparation or plan at all.

But the assistant's words gave her a new idea.

After all, she didn't have anything else to do, so she might as well go to the gym.

Not only can you exercise, but you can also lose weight.

Song Yuening glanced at her belly that was covered by clothes without leaving any trace.

It is said that happiness makes people fat. During this period of time, she lived a peaceful and happy life, and even gained some weight.

If this continues, it will be one thing whether she can wear a wedding dress when she gets married.

Seeing that Song Yuening was interested in fitness, the assistant immediately recommended to her the gym he often went to with his eyes shining.

"Sister Yuening, let me tell you, the gym I mentioned is really great! Not only does it have a lot of fitness equipment, but there are also many coaches, and they are also very enthusiastic. Whether you apply for a card or not, they will enthusiastically teach you. "

"And, if you are the kind of introvert who doesn't want someone to teach you, you just need to wave your hand when you walk in, and they will know that you don't need a coach."

Song Yuening had heard a lot of stories about gym coaches. Originally, she didn't want to face such purposeful fitness coaches because of those rumors, but after hearing what her assistant said, she was a little moved.

"Really?" The assistant nodded repeatedly, so much that even her ponytail trembled.

"Really! Sister Yuening, you can't help but believe me, can you? Oh, I'm telling you, hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Just go and see for yourself and you will know."

With that said, he hurried back to his work station, took out a fitness card from the drawer, and stuffed it into Song Yuening's hand.

"Sister Yuening, here is my card. You go to the gym and try it out first. If you think it's good, remember to mention my name when you apply for the card!"

Song Yuening looked at her impatiently, but did not refuse her kindness. After thanking her, she took the card.

"Okay, then I thank you in advance."


Stepping into the door of the gym, Song Yuening first waved to the front desk staff as the assistant said. The latter nodded understandingly, made an "ok" gesture to Song Yuening, and didn't look at her again.

There was no dialogue, no overly enthusiastic actions and services, which made Song Yuening, a person who likes peace and quiet, breath a sigh of relief.

"It seems like this place is really nice, at least the staff are pretty good."

After Song Yuening put away her things, she took off her coat and walked towards the exercise area.

She hasn't exercised for a long time, so she doesn't plan to do high-intensity exercise at the beginning. Instead, she plans to start with jogging on the treadmill.

This gym is very large, so each exercise area is clearly separated.

The treadmill area is located near the floor-to-ceiling windows, facing the windows, so that exercisers can enjoy the scenery outside while exercising.

Song Yuening walked to the position closest to the corner, and was just about to adjust her speed and start walking quickly, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from the corner of her eye.

"Lin Shubei?!"

Song Yuening looked at the man running intently on the treadmill with some surprise.

He was wearing a simple sportswear, and his black hair was wet with sweat and slightly messy.

Perhaps because the temperature in the gym was too high and he had been exercising for a long time, he suddenly stopped slowly, then took off his coat and hung it aside, revealing the short sleeves underneath.

Song Yuening's eyes swept over his slightly loose short sleeves. Sweat had soaked his back. The clothes clung to the muscle lines on his shoulders and back, and the muscles on his back rose and fell with his rapid breathing.

Song Yuening was a little surprised that Lin Shubei could develop such muscles when he looked at a gentle and elegant person, and then he was about to look away.

Just when she was about to turn around and change places, her peripheral vision inadvertently caught a glimpse of Lin Shubei's arm. After seeing what was on it clearly, her pupils suddenly tightened, and then a name immediately appeared in her mind.

Lu Sheng?

Song Yuening uncontrollably opened her legs and took a few steps in the direction of Lin Shubei.

Her eyes had been fixed on the familiar birthmark on Lin Shubei's arm from the beginning, and she could not recover for a long time.

It was a light-colored, moon-shaped birthmark. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all.

But Song Yuening was able to catch it at a glance, just because she had seen this birthmark before.

It's just that it's not Lin Shubei's body, but her long-dead ex-husband, Lu Sheng.

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