Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 238 Misunderstanding Occurs

The moment Lin Shubei saw Song Yuening falling limply in front of him, his expression changed in shock.

"Yue Ning!"

He didn't care about anything else and strode in front of Song Yuening with almost a sudden stride, opening his hands to embrace her.

It's just that his movements were half a beat slow. When he walked to Song Yuening, a figure had already come to her side first, and took the person who almost fell to the ground into his arms.

"Ning Ning!"

Xie Mingyuan never expected that he would see such a scene when he found Song Yuening.

He looked down at the woman in his arms. There was no blood on her beautiful face at the moment. Although she had passed out, her beautiful eyebrows were still tightly locked, as if she couldn't get anything even in a coma. Peaceful, but still troubled by something.

Xie Mingyuan called her name several times in a calm voice, but got no response, and became increasingly anxious.

He directly bent over and held the person in his arms and walked toward the gym door. When passing Lin Shubei, the worry and concern in his eyebrows were suddenly replaced by coldness.

"Lin Shubei, I don't know what you did to Ning Ning, but if something happens to Ning Ning, I will never let you go!"

"Also, from now on, I don't want you to appear in front of Ning Ning again."

It's no wonder that Xie Mingyuan misunderstood Lin Shubei because of this. It's really hard not to think too much about the scene just now.

Song Yuening was standing opposite Lin Shubei. He didn't know what the two of them said, but he saw that when Lin Shubei reached out to touch Song Yuening, she stopped him, and then she fainted.

Considering all the things that happened before, Xie Mingyuan directly targeted Lin Shubei.

Lin Shubei seemed to ignore Xie Mingyuan's threatening warning.

His eyes had not strayed from Song Yuening's body from the beginning. Seeing her painful expression, his heart became more and more painful.

Maybe he shouldn't have told Song Yuening that he was Lu Sheng.

When he pretended to be dead, he had already made the decision to completely let go of the past.

But just now, he looked at Song Yuening's painful and tangled expression, and finally softened his heart.


This apology was meant for Song Yuening. Lin Shubei regretted telling her the truth.

When this apology fell in Xie Mingyuan's ears, he understood it to have another meaning.

He glanced at Lin Shubei coldly: "You really should say you're sorry, but if something really happens to Ning Ning, you'd better save your sorry words to tell the police."

After saying this, Xie Mingyuan took Song Yuening and left directly.


The woman on the hospital bed was lying quietly on the pillow, her black hair spread out on the soft pillow.

Her skin, which was as white as Yangzhi, became increasingly pale under the sunlight, and her bloodless lips made her look extremely broken.

Xie Mingyuan sat beside the hospital bed, holding her slightly cold hand tightly, his eyebrows full of worry.

"Ning Ning, wake up quickly."

Except for the two of them, there was no one else in the ward, so no one heard Xie Mingyuan's request.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a knock on the door of the ward, and then a doctor in a white coat walked in from the outside.

Just as he was about to speak, Xie Mingyuan suddenly raised his hand in a "silence" gesture. The tenderness between his brows and eyes had been replaced by indifference and calmness.

He lowered his voice and said in a tone that would not disturb Song Yuening: "Go outside and talk."

The doctor nodded understandingly and walked out of the ward first.

Xie Mingyuan, on the other hand, took half a step slowly and brushed away the hair from Song Yuening's face before walking out of the ward.

The corridor outside the ward was quiet, with only the occasional nurse walking down the corridor holding medicines.

Xie Mingyuan watched the doctor take off his mask, and his heart suddenly sank. Why did Song Yuening faint? What did the doctor want to say to him?
Just as Xie Mingyuan was making random guesses in his mind, the doctor's face suddenly showed a relaxed expression.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xie, the test results are out. Madam is pregnant."

"She suddenly fainted just because she received too much stimulation and couldn't bear it for a while. In addition, her body was a little weak, so she fell into coma. After that, she only needed to give Madam some supplements to take good care of her body. "

Too much stimulation?

Sure enough, Lin Shubei did something.

Before the coldness in Xie Mingyuan's eyes could condense, his expression suddenly paused.

"Wait, what did you just say? Ning Ning is pregnant?"

Seeing that the shock on Xie Mingyuan's face was not fake, the doctor was also a little surprised.

"Mr. Xie, hasn't Madam shown any signs of pregnancy during this period?"

Xie Mingyuan carefully recalled Song Yuening's performance during this period and slowly shook his head.


Perhaps it was because Song Yuening's last pregnancy was particularly serious, so Xie Mingyuan had been observing her daily performance since he and Song Yuening lived together.

But during this period, Song Yuening's behavior was no different from usual, except that her appetite was slightly smaller, but this subtle change made Xie Mingyuan not think about pregnancy at all.

Now that he suddenly learned of this surprise, Xie Mingyuan's cold eyes shone with joy.

He looked at the doctor in front of him with burning eyes and asked seriously: "Besides taking more supplements, is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

His and Song Yuening's first child has always been a pain in their hearts.

Now that Song Yuening is pregnant with their second child, he will definitely take good care of her and prevent this time from becoming a regret.


Lin Shubei has been haunted since Xie Mingyuan left the gym with Song Yuening.

Even on the way home, I almost got into a car accident because I didn't pay attention to the red light.

It wasn't until he received a call from his friend and heard the news about Song Yuening that he finally felt relieved.

He raised his hand, brought the cigarette that had been burning on his fingertips for a long time to his lips and took a puff, with a hint of relief in his voice.

"Thank you for helping me find out about her. If there is anything else going on with her, please let me know at any time."

"I'll treat you to dinner when I have time."

The friend on the other side of the phone agreed very readily: "No problem, it's a small matter. Why are you so polite between the two of us?"


His friend's voice suddenly hesitated, making Lin Shubei nervous for a moment.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with her?"

"That's not true, it's just...Brother Lu, there is something I think I need to tell you. Song Yuening is pregnant. She is Xie Mingyuan's child."

This sudden news made Lin Shubei stiff for a moment. His Adam's apple rolled up and down, he lowered his eyes, said "Okay" in a dumb voice and hung up the phone.

There was no sound as he put it in, and the cigarette on his fingertips also burned to his fingertips. Lin Shubei was burned by the cigarette butt, and subconsciously loosened his fingers and let the cigarette fall to the ground.

He watched the scarlet fire gradually extinguish, slowly closed his eyes, and smiled to himself.

"is it my fault……"

He should have thought of today's scene since the day he faked his death. He was doing his own thing without telling Song Yuening, so naturally he couldn't stop her from starting her new life.

But why, his heart was throbbing so much that he couldn't calm down.

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