Xie Mingyuan concealed what happened today out of concern for Song Yuening.

And he never thought that he would see Chen Yingxue in the lobby of Xie's company the next day.

As soon as Xie Mingyuan stepped into the company door, he heard a surprised female voice.

"You're finally here. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you here?"

Chen Yingxue hurriedly walked in front of her, and the corners of the beige coat she was wearing drew an arc in the air.

"When did our workaholic busy people have such unstable working hours? Sure enough, things have changed since we got married. Now we are starting to be late. This is not okay."

Chen Yingxue walked half a circle around Xie Mingyuan, looked him up and down with surprised eyes, then touched his chin and praised him.

Her familiar tone and appearance made people think that she and Xie Mingyuan were good friends who had known each other for a long time. They would not have thought that they were actually lovers who had broken up for a long time.

Xie Mingyuan frowned and looked at the woman in front of him, a hint of impatience flashing in his eyes.

"Chen Yingxue, what I said yesterday..."

Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Chen Yingxue.

She waved her hands nonchalantly, as if she didn't care.

"Xie Mingyuan, who do you think I am? Don't worry, I remember everything you said yesterday. I know you are married now and have a family, so I won't pester you anymore. The reason why I came to see you today is because I heard that Mrs. Xie seems to be in some trouble recently?"

Seeing Xie Mingyuan's silence, Chen Yingxue immediately curved her lips and smiled.

"Even if you don't say anything, I know what you mean. You still treat me as an outsider and don't want to tell me the true situation of the company? Don't hold on, I'm here to help you."

Chen Yingxue told Xie Mingyuan exactly why she came to see him this time and ensured that she had a very reliable partner.

"I've made an appointment to have dinner with someone tonight. You don't have anything to do tonight, right? How about meeting with me?"

Xie Mingyuan was silent for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

Now Mr. Xie couldn't wait. It was just a meal. It would not have any impact on his relationship with Chen Yingxue. It was considered that he owed Chen Yingxue a favor.

However, Xie Mingyuan hesitated when he was hesitating how to explain to Song Yuening that he would not go home for dinner tonight.

Yesterday at the dinner table, he concealed the meeting between Chen Yingxue and himself. If he told Song Yuening today, there is no guarantee that she would not think too much about it.

Since I decided to hide it from the beginning, it would be better to continue with this choice.


When Xie Zitao got his painting tools and ran back to the garden, Song Yuening was sitting on the swing, looking down at the information in his hand.

The message was sent by Xie Mingyuan, which changed from the previous short and concise style.

When Song Yuening first saw this text message, she almost thought she had read the wrong name. The message was not from Xie Mingyuan.

But after she read the content of the message, she pursed her lips unhappily.

Xie Mingyuan only said in the message that he had something to meet with a partner in the evening, so he would not come back for dinner at night, so that she could go to bed early without waiting for him.

There seemed to be nothing wrong with this text message, but Song Yuening became suspicious.

Normally, Xie Mingyuan would only explain his itinerary to her in a few words, but now, he said so much, giving Song Yuening the feeling of a forced explanation.

Could it be that Xie Mingyuan went to have dinner with his first girlfriend?

As soon as this idea appeared in Song Yuening's mind, she couldn't help but think about it more. Xie Mingyuan concealed the fact that he met his first girlfriend yesterday. Will he hide the fact that he went out to eat with his first girlfriend like he did yesterday?
  Song Yuening, who was still thinking randomly, didn't notice when Xie Zitao came back to her.

Seeing Song Yuening's frown, Xie Zitao worriedly stretched out his hand and waved it twice in front of her eyes.

"Teacher Song, what's wrong with you? What happened? Are you unhappy?"

"How about I call my uncle back?"

Hearing these words, Song Yuening suddenly came back to her senses.

She looked at Xie Zitao, whose eyes were filled with worry and concern, and tried hard to make her tone not sound so strange.

"No need, Zitao. There's nothing wrong, teacher. He's just a little thirsty."

"Did you bring your things? You're so good. Come on, the teacher will teach you how to draw scenery today, okay?"

Song Yuening took the brush from Xie Zitao's hand and gently touched the top of his head with a smile.

"Zitao is so talented, he will definitely become a great painter in the future."

Although Xie Zitao was still worried about Song Yuening, he finally felt relieved when he saw that Song Yuening behaved like nothing was wrong.

He leaned into Song Yuening's arms and nodded obediently.

"Everything Teacher Song said is right."

Song Yuening was multitasking. While thinking about the text message she had just received, she was teaching Xie Zitao how to draw patterns.

Maybe Xie Mingyuan just wanted to care more about her?
  Maybe Xie Mingyuan didn't think much about it, just sent the message casually, and didn't have dinner with his first girlfriend?

She has indeed been a little too easy to think about recently, which is not a good thing.

After Xie Mingyuan came home from dinner in the evening, she would ask him more carefully.

Song Yuening had a good plan, but one thing he missed was that Xie Mingyuan didn't come back at all that night.

She lay alone on the big bed in the bedroom, looking at a dozen unanswered calls on her mobile phone, and tossed and turned for a long time. It was almost early in the morning, when she closed her eyes and took a nap. However, she didn't sleep for long before she woke up again.

After she woke up, she subconsciously fumbled for her phone next to the bed to see what time it was, but suddenly she heard the sound of parking cars coming from downstairs.

Without any time to think, Song Yuening stood up suddenly, hurriedly opened the quilt, put on her slippers, and trotted downstairs.

inside the car.

Chen Yingxue looked at the man with a cold face and said apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Ming Yuan. I didn't expect that I would drink so much last night. If I had known you wouldn't be able to come back last night, I should have told you to tell your wife in advance that this is troublesome. Will she misunderstand it? ?”

Chen Yingxue specially asked Xie Mingyuan to drink wine last night. Even though Xie Mingyuan had a good drinking capacity, by the end of the day he was so drunk that he lost his will.

However, Chen Yingxue did not take advantage of the situation. What she wanted was not temporary pleasure, but a long-term future, so she just called a driver to take her back to the hotel, and deliberately turned off Xie Mingyuan's mobile phone, and then followed the hotel The waiter left the room.

There was nothing wrong with what Chen Yingxue did. Even the way she looked worried about Xie Mingyuan was so real that it was really impossible to blame him.

Xie Mingyuan closed his eyes and calmed down his emotions before speaking.

"I don't want my wife to know about last night."

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