Chapter 25

Tang Wanran frowned. Ever since Zitao's parents passed away, Xie Mingyuan had never let him spend the night alone at home.

Did something happen last night?

She thought in her mind, and when she raised her worried eyes again, she noticed that Xie Zitao was sitting alone at the table eating, wearing pure cotton bear pajamas.

Covering up the unhappiness in his heart, Tang Wanran walked towards him with a smile on his face.

During this period, he proudly handed the bag he was carrying to the Filipino maid, as if he was the future hostess of the Xie family.

She sat directly next to Xie Zitao, kindly picked up the spoon on the table, and said in a gentle tone, "Since your uncle is not here, can Aunt Tang accompany you to dinner?"

"I have grown up. Teacher Song once said that eating is a major event in life, and you have to rely on yourself!"

Xie Zitao didn't even raise his head as he grabbed the porridge and replied.

Tang Wanran choked, is it Song Yuening again?
Is that tutor so important in his heart?

Tang Wanran didn't believe that a common man, a woman with no background, could be better than her, the eldest daughter of the Tang family, the general secretary-general beside Xie Mingyuan.

Xie Zitao is still young and still needs good teaching.

Sooner or later, this child will be close to her.

Thinking of this, Tang Wanran curled his lips again, "Zitao, your uncle is busy with work every day and doesn't have much time to spend with you. Have you ever thought about having an aunt?"

From the moment he met Xie Mingyuan, Tang Wanran understood that this boy held a high position in his heart.

If she wanted to please Xie Mingyuan, she would have to overcome Xie Zitao sooner or later.

"Yes," Xie Zitao put down his spoon and nodded seriously, "I have wanted an aunt for a long time."

Tang Wanran's face was filled with joy. In this case, this matter would be easy to handle.

She then guided gently, "Really? Then who do you want to be your little aunt?"

After saying that, he reached out his fingertips affectionately, trying to pull Xie Zitao's little hand, but he dodged it unexpectedly.

"Of course it's Teacher Song!"

As soon as Xie Zitao said these words, Tang Wanran couldn't hold his face anymore.

He actually wants that scheming woman to be his aunt?How could Song Yuening deserve to stand beside Ming Yuan!
Completely unaware that Tang Wanran's face was getting darker, Xie Zitao then said happily, "Teacher Song is not feeling well, and my uncle is taking care of her."

"Not only will I have a little aunt soon, but I will also have a little sister!"

Tang Wanran's eyes flashed with chills. Is Xie Mingyuan staying away all night because he was taking care of Song Yuening?

He spent the whole night with that bitch!
Tang Wanran clenched her other hand tightly under the table, "Really? As long as Zitao is happy, Aunt Tang will go to work first."

Her voice was full of depression, and Xie Zitao raised his smile, "Go quickly, go quickly! I have to wait at home for my uncle to bring Teacher Song back."

This sentence undoubtedly became a sharp knife in Tang Wanran's heart.

She stood up quickly. Seeing this, the Filipino maid hurriedly took the purse and said, "Miss Tang..."

Before the Filipino maid finished speaking, Tang Wanran took the bag from her hand with force, then glared at her and said sternly, "Take good care of Zitao, and don't let any cats or dogs in. Don't let her in either." Let any scheming woman get close to him!"

After saying that, Tang Wanran took another deep look at Zitao sitting at the table.

He still had a clear smile on his face. This kind of smile was something she had never seen before after being with Xie Mingyuan for so many years and meeting Xie Zitao countless times.

Song Yuening, you are really capable!

Taking out his mobile phone, Tang Wanran quickly dialed a series of numbers. When the other party connected, he said in a deep voice, "Within one minute, I want all Song Yuening's whereabouts records in the past few days, as well as her personal information."

After saying that, Tang Wanran got into the car with cold eyes.

The sunlight outside the window spilled in through the window screen, and Song Yuening slowly opened her clear eyes.

Suddenly, she remembered something and jumped out of bed, "Grandma..."

Song Yuening headed straight for the closet, wanting to quickly pack a few clothes and go back to the countryside to see her grandma, but Xie Mingyuan, who heard the movement behind her, walked in slowly.

"Didn't I tell you to have a good rest?" The man's tone was gentle, but there was a hint of blame.

Song Yuening turned around subconsciously, "You...why are you still here?"

The memories before going to bed invaded, and Song Yuening remembered that Xie Mingyuan said that he would help her take care of her grandma.

"Your current body doesn't allow you to suffer any more. I have already inquired about grandma's affairs. The old man has an old disease and is now in the hospital."

Xie Mingyuan's words made Song Yuening feel nervous.

old disease?

Five years ago, she took her grandma for a physical examination. At that time, the doctor said that her grandma was in good health. The only problem was that the nodules in her lungs needed to be controlled.

In the past few years, she had been paying attention to her grandma a lot, but she didn't expect that the illness would come like a mountain.

She remembered that she had no father or mother since she was a child, but her grandmother raised her, and the two of them depended on each other until she was admitted to college, worked, and later met Lu Sheng.

Song Yuening had even planned to take her grandma over after marrying Lu Sheng.

But she didn't expect that when Lu Sheng died, she would also...

Too many things held her back.

Seemingly sensing the change in Song Yuening's mood, Xie Mingyuan slowly helped her sit on the sofa in the living room, "Don't worry, you are protected by the best doctors. As long as your body allows, I will send a car to take you there as soon as possible. Visiting grandma in the country.”

"it is good."

Song Yuening nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Xie, you have helped me a lot."

"You don't have to thank me."

"I'm just helping you because you are Zitao's teacher, and he still needs you."

Xie Mingyuan explained clearly the reason why he was here in two simple words, which also made Song Yuening feel relieved.She likes Zitao very much, and even if Xie Mingyuan doesn't treat her like this, she will try her best to teach him well.

Downstairs, Tang Wanran looked at the facilities in the community and opened the car door in disgust.

Is a tutor living in such an environment worthy of competing with her for Xie Mingyuan?

The driver behind him pointed to the tall building, "Miss, Teacher Song lives on the tenth floor of this building. Do we want to go up?" He stood aside respectfully.

Tang Wanran opened her red lips lightly and said, "No need."

Whether Ming Yuan was here or not, she didn't want to believe it just by listening to Zitao's words. She had to see it with her own eyes and verify it herself.

Tang Wanran stepped forward without any hesitation, but before he took two steps, the elevator on the first floor lit up.

The moment the elevator door opened, she noticed a familiar figure.

Tang Wanran's pupils shrank and he hid towards the flowerbed on the side.

it is true!
Mingyuan really spent the whole night at this bitch's house last night!
Tang Wanran clenched her fingers and stared at Xie Mingyuan's tall figure. She just wanted to go around this poor place and see him again.

"Mr. Xie."

A crisp voice sounded, and Song Yuening chased after her in white home clothes, holding a black vest in her hand.

Based on his familiarity with Xie Mingyuan, Tang Wanran recognized the owner of the clothes almost instantly.

Not far in front of her, Song Yuening handed the clothes to Xie Mingyuan, "Mr. Xie, you forgot your clothes."

The man stretched out his hand to take the clothes, but his eyes fell on Song Yuening. She was wearing too thin clothes. "Come up quickly. Teacher Song doesn't want to catch a cold again before going to work."

Song Yuening smiled lightly, while Xie Mingyuan looked gentle.

This scene deeply hurt Tang Wanran. Have they become so close?

She is really not reconciled.

As if he sensed something, Xie Mingyuan's deep eyes looked towards her position.

(End of this chapter)

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