Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 258 No more news

When Lu Songran arrived at the place where the plane crashed, many rescuers had already cordoned off the scene.

Looking at the rescue team members wearing bright-colored mandarin jackets who were constantly searching for the victims, Lu Songran lowered his eyes and silently said a word of rest in his heart.

In addition to the rescue team members, there were also many relatives of the victims from all over the scene.

They were isolated outside the isolation zone, looking at the mess in front of them with grief.

"My daughter, my daughter! Mom shouldn't have let you get on that plane. It's all my fault. It was my fault!"

"Honey, stop scaring me, come out quickly! I promise I will never make you angry again, please come out!"

Lu Songran walked through the crowd and walked towards the place where he found Song Yuening.

Since the person found it there, the mobile phone should not be far away. If you look carefully, you should be able to find it.

Even if it doesn't work anymore, as long as you find someone to repair it, you might be able to turn it on again.

Maybe we can contact her family by then.


Xie Mingyuan looked at the clothes and broken parts flowing through the river, clenching his fists so hard that his joints made a "squeaking" sound.

He almost couldn't control his emotions on the way here, and even drove at the fastest speed.

He asked the rescue workers present, and they all said they had never seen Song Yuening, but they fished out her relevant documents from the river.

This information brought Xie Mingyuan's sanity to the edge of collapse.

He took a deep breath and was about to cross the isolation zone and rush in to find Song Yuening, but someone suddenly grabbed him by the collar, and then his fist hit the side of his face with a huge force.

"Xie Mingyuan, you bastard! I shouldn't have let my sister get close to you in the first place. Now it's fine. Something happened to my sister. All this is thanks to you!"

Gu Xun's eyes were red and bloodshot.

On the way here, he wanted to control his emotions several times so that he could calm down and search for Song Yuening's whereabouts more rationally. However, when he saw Xie Mingyuan's figure also appearing at the scene, he finally couldn't restrain himself. All the fear and anger in his heart poured out and vented on Xie Mingyuan.

Gu Xun's punch was not without force, and it directly hit Xie Mingyuan's eyesight. After a while, he could barely see what was in front of him clearly.

He staggered a few steps and stood still, then raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corners of his lips with the back of his hand, his eyes filled with fierceness.

"Get away, Gu Xun, I don't have time to argue with you now, I want to find Ningning!"

Gu Xun looked at his figure turning around to leave and immediately sneered.

"Get out of here, I don't want to see you here! Looking for Ningning is our Gu family's business, what does it have to do with you, an outsider? If it weren't for you, Ningning wouldn't think about going abroad, and she wouldn't go to school. Nothing will happen to this plane!"

"I really regret that I didn't stop you from being with Ning Ning. Xie Mingyuan, you are such a heartless man. When you were with your ex-girlfriend ghost, did you ever think about Ning Ning? Do you know that she even left When she arrived, she was wearing the white trench coat you gave her!"

That was the first piece of clothing that Xie Mingyuan gave to Song Yuening. Later, no matter how many gifts he received, Song Yuening was particularly fond of this piece of clothing.

When she went abroad this time, she was wearing that windbreaker when she left.

That's why Gu Xun knew that even though she said she wanted to sever ties with Xie Mingyuan, she still had a place for Xie Mingyuan in her heart.

Attracted by the quarrel, Lu Songran, who was about to ask Gu Xun and Xie Mingyuan who they were looking for, stopped immediately when he heard these words. He remembered that when he rescued Song Yuening from the river, she only had a black coat on her body, which did not match what the two men said.

So the person they are looking for should not be the woman he saved.

It seems that I can't find any useful information today.

Lu Songran sighed silently, turned and left the chaotic scene.

The three men didn't know that after Song Yuening got on the plane, her coat had been changed and put away because it was stained by the child of the passenger in front of her, and they were going to find a dry cleaner to clean it after getting off the plane.

What she was wearing was another set of spare clothes she had brought with her.

The truth was placed in front of the three people, but it cleverly slipped away due to a strange combination of circumstances.


Five years later.

In the amusement park, a girl wearing a pink bunny suit held a cute cat balloon and ran through the crowd towards the merry-go-round not far away.

In front of the merry-go-round, the young man stood tall and tall, wearing a black coat. He had handsome features, and his eyebrows were naturally cold and noble, but at this moment, he looked a little more carefree because of his posture.

Xie Zitao folded his arms and looked at the wooden horse that was spinning up and down to the childish song, with a cold expression on his face.

"Xie Mingyuan, have you been having a mental problem recently? Are you having a neurological problem? I'm already so old, why did you bring me to a place like this?"

Five years have passed and things have changed.

In the past five years, the Gu family and the Xie family have never stopped searching for Song Yuening, but unfortunately, they have not been able to find any clues about Song Yuening.

Xie Zitao grew up in the sadness after losing Song Yuening. After understanding the reason why Song Yuening went abroad in the first place, his relationship with Xie Mingyuan fell to a freezing point. Except for necessary words, he would not say a word to Xie Mingyuan and refused to talk to him. Xie Mingyuan appeared at the same dinner table.

Today is the first time they have met in two months.

Xie Zitao looked at the man next to him impatiently. Five years had passed, but time seemed to have left no trace on his face, but it had given him the sexiness of a mature man that had accumulated over time.

Xie Mingyuan was wearing a black shirt and suit, holding a cigarette in one hand and a silver watch on his wrist.

After hearing Xie Zitao's words, his eyes swept over Xie Zitao lightly, his thin lips opened slightly, and he scolded clearly and coldly.

"You are neither old nor young, how can you talk to your elders?"

Xie Zitao sneered, turned his head away, and said disdainfully.

"Elder? There are no elders in front of me. Xie Mingyuan, let me tell you, don't show off in front of me. Ever since Teacher Song's accident, I have never treated you as my uncle. You can't control me, and I don't want to listen to you. So if you have anything to say, please tell me quickly and don’t waste my time.”

Xie Zitao's "Teacher Song" made Xie Mingyuan look dazed for a moment.

He looked at the amusement facilities in front of him, and Song Yuening's charming face suddenly appeared in his mind.

He still remembered that when Song Yuening brought Xie Zitao to play in the amusement park, he stood not far away and watched Song Yuening and Xie Zitao sit on the revolving horse and smiled at him.

The breeze blew her inky hair, and that scene was like the scene at the end of a movie, forever frozen in his mind until now.

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