Everything here felt so familiar to Song Yuening that she temporarily forgot the purpose of coming to this kindergarten.

She stood there blankly, looking at the large letters on the door.

Pearl Kindergarten.

Has she been here before? Why does it feel so familiar?

She was so familiar with it that she could even just close her eyes and imagine where she should go after stepping into the kindergarten door to find the teacher's office.

Before she even entered the teaching building inside, the location and function of each classroom were neatly distinguished in her mind.

"...Have I been to this kindergarten before?"

Song Yuening said to herself uncertainly.

Behind her, a kindergarten teacher happened to walk over. Hearing this, he couldn't help but look at her one more time, and then asked curiously.

"Madam, why are you coming to our kindergarten? Parents are not allowed in at this time. If you are coming to see your children, you must first go to the guard to register."

The teacher's words immediately brought Song Yuening out of her trance.

She looked at the woman in front of her and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, actually I'm here today..."

Song Yuening told the woman the purpose of her trip, and she nodded as if she suddenly understood.

"So that's it. You are really a responsible parent."

"But I, as a teacher, cannot take responsibility for this. I have to ask the principal for details... Well, you, uh, what do you call me?"

A smile appeared on Song Yuening's face, she stretched out her hand to shake it and then let go.

"Don't be too polite, just call me Song Yuening."

"Hello, Ms. Song, my surname is Zhang. You can just call me Teacher Zhang. How about this? I'll take you to our office to sit down first. I'll ask the principal before I come back and give you an answer, okay? "

Song Yuening nodded and thanked softly.

"Of course, I'm sorry to bother you, Teacher Zhang."

Teacher Zhang took Song Yuening to the office. Since it was class time, there were no teachers in the office.

As soon as she stepped into the door of the office, Song Yuening froze on the spot, and the familiar feeling in her heart became stronger.

She looked at everything placed in the office, and her eyes slowly moved from the electronic clock hanging on the wall to the potted plant by the window, her expression momentarily dazed and confused.

If she had just a hint of doubt when she was at the gate of Mingzhu Kindergarten, now she is almost certain of the guess in her heart.

She must have been here before, and not just once or twice, but stayed here for a long time, otherwise it would be impossible to remember everything here so clearly.

After Teacher Zhang brought Song Yuening into the office, he asked her to sit down quickly, while he went to get a disposable paper cup and poured her a cup of hot water.

"Ms. Song, please find a place to sit here. I have to go to class first. I will ask the principal for you later."

Teacher Zhang put the water glass on the table and turned around to see Song Yuening still standing at the door of the office, staring blankly at the potted plant on the window sill, and suddenly smiled.

"Ms. Song? Ms. Song, what are you looking at? Why don't you come over and sit for a while? Aren't you tired of standing all the time?"

Song Yuening could barely come to her senses and suddenly asked.

"Which teacher raised these potted plants here? They seem to be well maintained. She must take good care of these flowers and plants, right?"

Teacher Zhang didn't expect Song Yuening to ask this question. After touching his cheek in embarrassment, he explained. "Ms. Song, do you think these flowers and plants are well maintained? In fact, I think they are well maintained too. Look at this, they look so full of life."

"But if you ask me which teacher raised these flowers and plants, I really don't know. After all, I have only been in this kindergarten for a short time, and I don't recognize all the other teachers in this office."

After a pause, Teacher Zhang continued.

"However, when I was chatting with other teachers before, I heard them say that a female teacher seemed to have kept them there, but she seemed to have resigned."


Song Yuening pursed her lips and nodded in disappointment.

"That's it, thank you."

Teacher Zhang waved his hand and wanted to say something more, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the time on the electronic clock hanging on the wall, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Ms. Song, we will talk later. I have to go teach the children now."

After saying that, he hurried out of the office.

For a moment, Song Yuening was the only one left in the office.

She sat on the sofa, quietly observing all the arrangements in the office, and her eyes swept over each teacher's desk one by one.

"There should be a water bottle here. Did you bring it to the classroom because of the class? There should also be a mobile phone holder here..."

Song Yuening murmured in a low voice, while replaying the scene in her mind, she quietly pointed out the things that should have been on the table.

If there were other teachers in the office, they would be surprised by what she said.

Because everything Song Yuening said originally existed on the desk, but was not there at the moment for some reason.

When his eyes fell on the office near the window, Song Yuening looked at some unfamiliar things on the table, a hint of confusion appeared between his eyebrows, and at the same time, a trace of sadness emerged in his heart.

Song Yuening raised her hand and pressed it on her chest, wondering where this emotion came from.


She obviously didn't feel this way when she looked at other desks, so why did she feel this way now?

Song Yuening walked to the desk, looked at the slightly messy things on the table, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to help tidy it up. However, before her hands touched the things on the table, she was stopped by a female voice who suddenly remembered from behind her.

"Give me an assistant! What do you want to do? Who are you? Where did you come in from? Do you want to steal something? Put your hands away and turn around slowly, otherwise don't blame me for calling security!"

Listening to the surprise and anger in the other party's tone, Song Yuening knew that she had been misunderstood by the other party.

She sighed and turned around slowly, trying to explain why she was here.

"Sorry, I don't mean any harm, I just thought the table was messy, so I wanted to..."

After seeing her face, the anger and surprise on the woman's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a blank.

"How will you be here?"

Song Yuening was stunned for a moment, then answered with some hesitation.

"I...can't I be here?"

"It's like this. I'm here to consult about my child's enrollment. I just met Teacher Zhang at the entrance of the kindergarten. She brought me to the office. Can't I be here? Sorry, I don't know."

After saying this, Song Yuening was about to walk out of the office, but she just took two steps forward when the woman in front of her suddenly came back to her senses, opened her eyes suddenly, opened her arms and rushed towards her.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Of course you can be here, who can be here if you can't be here!"

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