Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 27 Fighting with Immortals

Chapter 27 Fighting with Immortals
Song Yuening walked out of the community with her suitcase, called a car and prepared to go straight to the station.

Ding, a text message appears on the screen.

'Sulai Company - Supervisor'

Song Yuening glanced down, and after struggling internally, she had to negotiate with the driver to change the destination.

Grandma, you must wait for me.

Song Yuening looked out the window quietly, touched her belly with her hand, and murmured, "Baby, you should also stay well in your mother's belly, okay?"

The vehicles gradually moved further away.

In the villa, after playing with Zitao for a while, he went upstairs alone.

The assistant immediately walked to Xie Mingyuan and said, "Master, this is yesterday's work daily report."


The man took it and glanced at it, and then signed several contracts without any haste.

During the break, Xie Mingyuan stopped the assistant who was about to go to the company, "Send more people to protect Song Yuening in the past few days, and take good care of her grandma. Report any situation at any time."

"Also, no matter what the results of her grandma's inspection report are, don't tell her yet."

"Okay, sir."

The assistant nodded and exited softly.

In less than half an hour, Song Yuening appeared under the group building. She stored her luggage and went to the office building.

After jogging to his desk, Song Yuening checked the weekly work report for this period, walked to the supervisor's office, and knocked lightly on the door.

When the supervisor, who was still looking sad at first, saw that it was Song Yuening, his expression immediately changed and he let her in very kindly.

"Xiao Song, you are finally here!"

The supervisor motioned for her to come in quickly, "I know you are inconvenient, but if Secretary Tang hadn't urged you, I wouldn't have called you."

Secretary Tang?
A flash of doubt flashed through Song Yuening's mind. Her work was not under Tang Wanran's jurisdiction, right?

Then she came to her just to read a trivial weekly newspaper?

Thinking of Tang Wanran's inexplicable difficulty last time, Song Yuening pursed her lips and remained silent.

Normally, she would naturally be willing to deal with him to see what medicine Tang Wan was selling in his gourd.But today is different. She has to rush back to the countryside to take care of her grandma.

"Supervisor, this is my weekly work report. In addition, you have approved my request for leave."

"If it's okay, I'll go first."

Looking at the documents on the table, the supervisor was obviously embarrassed.

Naturally, he had vaguely heard about Song Yuening's relationship with that person. He didn't believe it before, but now that Secretary Tang had personally died, he had to speculate.

In short, he couldn't afford to offend either side.

The supervisor looked at Song Yuening's polite and sincere face and nodded quickly, "Xiao Song, I can see that you work hard. It's hard work. You should have a good rest first."

"Thank you, supervisor. I will take good care of myself and come back to work as soon as possible."

Just as Song Yuening turned to leave, there was movement at the door.

Tang Wanran was wearing a light purple skirt with a light smile on her lips, looking very gentle.

"Teacher Song is here? I'm really sorry. You are a new employee, but I just need the information you have. Could you please make a trip?"

She expressed her embarrassment, but her eyes remained normal, making it difficult to tell her sincerity.

"It's okay, this is what I should do."

Song Yuening said politely and subconsciously touched her belly.

Tang Wanran looked at the movements of her hands, his resentful eyes flashed away, and then he smiled again, "How old is the child in Teacher Song's belly?"

"I'm still in the first trimester of pregnancy, so my body has been relatively weak recently."

Song Yuening responded naturally.

Early pregnancy?A flash of shock flashed across Tang Wanran's eyes, but it was quickly covered up by her forced smile.

"Yes, you have to take good care of your health during this period."

"Don't work too hard."

As Tang Wanran spoke, he emphasized the pronunciation of his words unconsciously.

Almost instantly, she had a bad guess in her mind. "Yes, thank you for your concern."

Song Yuening smiled sweetly and slowly exited the office.

When the woman's figure disappeared, Tang Wanran's eyes became cold and murderous.

Sensing something bad, the supervisor quickly lowered his head.

Sensing his actions, Tang Wanran gave the supervisor a cold look, "As always, don't do things you shouldn't care about, and don't say things you shouldn't say."


The supervisor responded quickly.

Immortals fight, little devils suffer.

Back in his office, Tang Wanran sat down coldly and proudly.

Song Yuening's words came to mind again.

Early pregnancy?
Her husband has passed away so long, but the child is in the first trimester?
Tang Wanran stood up quickly and rummaged through the papers on the table. They were all about Song Yuening.The night a few months ago suddenly flashed through her mind...

Waves of ominous premonitions came over me.

Tang Wanran was panicked and quickly asked someone to call the hotel where Xie Mingyuan stayed that night.

In less than 5 minutes, the other party's reply made Tang Wanran feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The hotel has no surveillance records of that night.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated and someone sent her a screenshot of the video.

Looking at it lightly, even though it was a small picture, she still saw a hint of familiarity.

With trembling fingertips, he clicked and took a look, and Song Yuening's side face came directly into view!

The man holding her arms with his figure and familiar back was very familiar to Tang Wanran. It was Xie Mingyuan!
Seeing the two people entangled together, Tang Wanran felt as if he was being squeezed tightly!
Therefore, the child in Song Yuening's belly is most likely Xie Mingyuan's!
Tang Wanran was so angry that she bit her red lips and her teeth were itching!He was completely unaware of the blood that wanted to flow from his lips.

She sent someone to follow Song Yuening, a murderous intent flashing in her eyes.

What if the child in Song Yuening's belly was really Xie Mingyuan's flesh and blood!Then don't blame her for being cruel!
However, this photo was undoubtedly sent by too much of a coincidence.

Tang Wanran lowered his eyes darkly, slid his white and tender fingertips over the phone, and sent a text message.

"Check the owner of this number."

"Also, continue to follow Song Yuening!"

At this time, Song Yuening was leaning on the car on her way back, closing her eyes slightly, and the warm scene of being with her grandma when she was a child emerged again.

Next to her, an enthusiastic middle-aged woman glanced at Song Yuening curiously, "Little girl, I see you are not very old. Is this your first child?"

Song Yuening smiled back.


The middle-aged woman interacted with her naturally, and within a few words Song Yuening called her Sister Zhao.

"Where are you going, little girl?"

"I'm going back to Longfeng Township."

"Really? What a coincidence, we happened to be on the way! I'm from there too."

The two then chatted for a few more words, and Song Yuening discovered that Sister Zhao actually lived in the county town not far from her grandma's house.

"Little girl, your grandma is so lucky!"

The more Sister Zhao looked at Song Yuening, the more she liked her. She kept thinking that if Song Yuening was still unmarried, she would tell her to her nephew.

Song Yuening obviously didn't take Sister Zhao's joke to heart, but when she lowered her head, her phone vibrated and a series of unfamiliar numbers came through.

She was worried that something might have happened at the hospital, the moment Song Yuening picked her up.

"Bitch, where did you go to me?"

"I'm telling you, don't think that I can't do anything to you now that you're on a high branch!"

Cui Fenglan's harsh insults came, and Song Yuening frowned.

Just when he was about to hang up, "Don't forget, I have your uncle's and second uncle's contact information!"

(End of this chapter)

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