Chapter 29

When Xie Mingyuan returned home, he saw Xie Zitao sitting alone on the sofa, his head lowered and picking his fingers.

Xie Mingyuan was not used to facing him like this.

"Xie Zitao, what's wrong with you?" Xie Mingyuan's tone gradually changed from stiff to soft.

Influenced by Song Yuening, he felt that this would be better for his children.

Xie Zitao heard his voice and turned to look at him. His big eyes were filled with mist and he looked very pitiful.

"Come here." Xie Mingyuan waved to him.

Xie Zitao sniffed, turned away, lowered his head and continued to pick his fingers, ignoring him.

Xie Mingyuan frowned slightly and walked to him.

Even though he was looking at him so condescendingly, he could clearly see the big tears hitting his pants, leaving dark traces.

"Tell me, uncle, what's wrong with you? If you keep picking at it like this, it will hurt if your finger is broken." Xie Mingyuan asked softly.

He could tell that Xie Zitao was in a bad mood now, but he didn't know the specific reason and couldn't prescribe the right medicine.

It was rare to hear such a gentle tone from Xie Mingyuan. Xie Zitao couldn't hold back for a moment and turned around and threw himself into his arms, "Uncle, I miss Teacher Song. I want to see Teacher Song! I don't want to be unable to see Teacher Song for such a long time!"

Xie Zitao became more and more excited and his voice became louder and louder.

Xie Mingyuan lifted him up with some discomfort and distanced himself from him.

"What did Teacher Song teach you? Speak carefully!" Xie Mingyuan said sternly.

Xie Zitao looked at him unconvinced, with more and more tears on his face, "I want to see Teacher Song, I want to find Teacher Song, please let me go!"

While talking, he also slapped Xie Mingyuan's hand, forcing him to let go.

This was not the first time for Xie Mingyuan to face such a noisy Xie Zitao, so he carried him upstairs with great experience.

Xie Zitao instantly understood what he was going to do, grabbed his hand regardless, and bit it.

Xie Mingyuan was in pain, and Xie Zitao landed firmly on the ground with nimble hands and feet, and then rushed towards the door.

"Stop him!" Faced with Xie Zitao like this, Xie Mingyuan was very dissatisfied and ordered his Filipino maid to stop him.

This time, no matter how hard Xie Zitao struggled, he was always under his control.

"Xie Zitao, if you trouble Teacher Song like this, she can't have a good rest, so she can't come to teach you on time. Is this what you want to take over?" Xie Mingyuan knew that he relied on Song Yuening, but he didn't expect to be so dependent.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Xie Zitao stopped struggling and making noise and became quiet.

But he returned to his original state, quietly lowering his head and picking his fingers.

Xie Mingyuan waved his hand to ask the Filipino maid to leave, and the whole family sat in the living room in silence.

I don't know how long it took, but Xie Mingyuan turned around and saw a trace of blood on his little finger.

He grabbed Xie Zitao's hand anxiously, "Stop picking it, it's bleeding, doesn't it hurt?"

The features on Xie Zitao's face were all squeezed together, and his voice was full of tears, "Uncle, I miss Teacher Song."

With his aggrieved and depressed look, Xie Mingyuan held him in his arms and said helplessly: "Okay, I'll take you there."

Thinking that Song Yuening was a little weak now, he asked the Filipino maid to prepare some nutritional products suitable for pregnant women.

Xie Zitao's fingers were also bandaged, and there was a very unexpected band-aid on his white and tender little hand. He was a little worried, "Uncle, my hand doesn't hurt, can I not put the band-aid on it?"

"Why not?" Xie Mingyuan didn't understand his intention.

"It doesn't look good if you stick it on." The little guy is more concerned about his own image.Xie Mingyuan understood immediately when he heard this, "Then will you be obedient in the future?"

Xie Zitao nodded instantly, "Listen, can you take it off?"

"You can take it off, but don't get it wet." Because the wound is relatively small, wrapping it for a long time may worsen the wound due to poor air permeability.

"Okay, don't touch the water." Xie Zitao quickly stretched out his little hand in front of him.

The driver parked the car downstairs, and Xie Mingyuan walked downstairs carrying the nutritional supplements.

Xie Zitao ran towards the elevator excitedly. After the elevator opened, he urgently called to Xie Mingyuan, "Uncle, hurry up, hurry up."

The elevator arrived at the floor, "Uncle, hold me up and I'll ring the doorbell."

Xie Mingyuan did not refuse such a small request and hugged him with one hand.

Xie Zitao pressed the button several times, but no one came to open the door.

A heavy layer of disappointment was visible to the naked eye on his little face.

Xie Mingyuan immediately felt something was wrong, put Xie Zitao on the ground, and then called the phone, "Go and find out where Song Yuening is now."

Xie Zitao saw his gloomy expression and felt something was wrong.

He looked up at Xie Mingyuan, stretched out his hand and took his big hand, "Uncle, is something wrong with Teacher Song?"

Xie Mingyuan didn't want to elaborate with him, "I have something to do next, so I'll take you home first."

Hearing his answer, Xie Zitao originally wanted to make a fuss, but faced with his expression, he didn't dare to say anything more and could only nod obediently.

Xie Mingyuan and the others received a call just as they were halfway there.

Song Yuening's current location has been found, and she has returned to the countryside.

I originally thought that Song Yuening was not at home because she felt unwell, but she didn't expect that she would run to the countryside alone.

Her grandma is not in good health now, and her current physical condition is not optimistic. When taking care of the elderly, she will definitely not be able to spare more energy to take care of herself.

After sending Xie Zitao back to the villa, Xie Mingyuan did not let the driver drive, but got into the driving seat himself.

The driver looked at the thick smoke and dust and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If he wasn't rich, driving such an expensive car would be heartbreaking.

Xie Mingyuan came to the hospital in the countryside as quickly as possible.

It was faster and dustier along the way, which made the car less conspicuous.

He looked at the hospital, which could be described as crude, and couldn't help but frown.

I am even a little worried, can such a hospital pass the hygiene standards?
Xie Mingyuan did not go upstairs immediately, but calmed his breathing and emotions downstairs.

After a while, he dialed the nurse's phone number and got a rough idea of ​​Song Yuening's situation, and then slowly walked upstairs.

Song Yuening was taking care of her grandma when she suddenly saw the tall figure at the door of the ward and thought she was dazzled.


"Xie Zitao wanted to see you. I took him to look for you at home and found that you were not at home, so I came to see you. Is grandma okay?" His reason was reasonable, but there was a hint of weirdness in it.

Song Yuening's heart and eyes were full of grandma, and she replied wearily, "It's still the same."

Seeing her appearance, Xie Mingyuan walked to her side, wanted to extend his hand but then retracted it.

(End of this chapter)

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