Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 302 Appetite for her

The assistant turned around in surprise, as if he didn't expect to see Song Yuening here.

"Boss, why are you here?"

Song Yuening chuckled: "Of course I'm here to see if you have been working well recently."

After making a well-timed joke, Song Yuening said.

"Go and do your work. Didn't Ms. Ji have something to tell me just now?"

The assistant responded and stood up to make way for Song Yuening.

"Okay, then call me anytime if you need anything."

When the assistant left, he thoughtfully closed the door to prevent people outside from disturbing their chat.

After Song Yuening pulled out the chair and sat down, she looked at the stunning face of the woman opposite her after taking off her sunglasses, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"It's actually you?"

This "Ms. Ji" is none other than Ji Xia, the actress who won the Golden Horse Award this year.

Even though she was deliberately disguised, after taking off her sunglasses, the woman's flamboyant temperament was clearly visible.

She has a pair of light-colored eyes, which look cool and indifferent, but the ends of her eyes are slightly raised, giving people a naturally charming feeling.

Coupled with that extremely beautiful face, Song Yuening almost immediately understood why when the media interviewed Ji Xia before, they said that she was born to eat in the entertainment industry.

Ji Xia looked at Song Yuening's surprised expression and raised her red lips slightly.

"You are Designer Song, right? I have seen videos about you on the Internet before, but only after meeting you today did I realize that you really have an outstanding temperament."

Is this a compliment to her?

Song Yuening wanted to laugh when she heard this: "Queen of the Year is so polite. I'm just a designer. I can't say that I have any temperament. If I really want to say that, then I don't dare to do anything in front of you, the Queen of Movies. "

After saying this, she sighed in her heart, the actress is worthy of being the actress, saying such words will not make people feel flattered at all.

She remembered what Ji Xia had just talked about with her assistant, so she went straight to the point.

"Queen of the Year, if I heard correctly just now, you probably want me to put the dress outside for exhibition. Can I ask why?"

Ji Xia didn't expect Song Yuening to be such a straightforward character, so she blinked slightly in surprise.

"Yes, I do want that dress, but I asked your assistant to tell me that this dress is only for exhibition and to provide inspiration to other designers in the studio and will not be sold or rented. "

After Ji Xia finished speaking, he paused again and explained the gift.

"I want this dress because I'm going to be on the red carpet next week."

"I am a person who pursues perfection. I will wear the best clothes every time I appear in front of the camera. And this time I think the dresses my costume team prepared for me are even 10% of the dress you designed." Nothing compares to it.”

Song Yuening did not expect that Ji Xia would rate the dress she designed so highly. She immediately raised her eyebrows and looked at Ji Xia with a little more sparkle in her eyes.

"The Queen of the Year said this, which really makes me feel a little ashamed."

Ji Xia raised her hand to cover her lips and laughed lightly.

“I didn’t expect Designer Song to be so humble.”

After she finished speaking, she was silent for a while before speaking.     “I was too over the top just now, I’m sorry, Designer Song.”

"I really like that dress, but if that dress really can't be borrowed, then just pretend that I didn't say what I just said. But I want to make a friend with Song She in time. I wonder if you would like to Not willing?"

Song Yuening didn't expect that she would give up so easily. She was surprised and couldn't help but ask.

"The Queen of the Year doesn't look like the kind of person who would give up something she likes easily. Why did she give up on her own initiative before I even said anything when she got here?"

Ji Xia was not surprised that Song Yuening would ask this. She raised her hand and rolled a strand of curly hair scattered on her shoulders around her fingertips, showing all kinds of charm in her movements.

"Originally, before I saw you in person, what I thought was that no matter how much money I paid, I would make you let go and give me this dress."

"But after seeing you in person, I knew that my idea wouldn't work. Because you don't seem to be the kind of person who would change your principles easily. If you know it won't work, why do you have to open your mouth?"

After Ji Xia finished speaking, she leaned back slightly on the chair with a relaxed smile on her face, as if she was sure that Song Yuening would not be unhappy because of her straightforward words.

Facts have proved that Song Yuening also likes Ji Xia's straight-forward attitude, and her favorability towards her has also skyrocketed.

She looked at Ji Xia quietly waiting for her response, and suddenly thought of teasing her, so she suppressed the smile on her face and looked at Ji Xia with an indifferent expression.

"Now that you're saying you want to be friends with me, it's hard for me not to doubt your intentions. You didn't say you wanted to be friends with me just to get that dress, right?"

Ji Xia didn't expect to hear this sentence from her mouth, and her expression went blank for a moment because of surprise, but she quickly reacted.

"I, Ji Xia, am not that kind of person. The reason why I want to be friends with you is just because I think your personality is to my liking. If you are not willing, then forget it..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Yuening suddenly smiled again.

"I'm joking with you, you happen to be very fond of me too. If you didn't say you wanted to be friends with me, I would have taken the initiative to mention it."

"I just made a joke to you, don't mind."

Ji Xia snorted lightly and raised his hand towards her.

"Of course I won't mind, but just now, I thought I had seen the wrong person. This joke of yours is really scary."

"Anyway, you already know who I am, and I also know who you are, so let's not go into those tedious self-introductions. I hope we two will get along well in the future, and you can contact me at any time if you have anything in the future."

Song Yuening raised her hand and held it, then separated it again.

The two people, who both felt that the other person met their criteria for friendship, had a great conversation. Even when Ji Xia stood up to say goodbye and prepared to leave the studio, Song Yuening was still a little reluctant to leave.

Ji Xia saw her regret and smiled generously.

"Why are you putting on such an expression? It's not like we will never meet again. If I have time, I will ask you to go shopping together. Designer Song must make time for me."

"Okay, I'm leaving now, why don't you come out and see me off right away?"

Song Yuening nodded, but did not follow her immediately. Instead, she turned around and asked her assistant to bring over the dress hanging on display outside, and then handed it over to Ji Xia's hands.

"I know you didn't make friends with me because of this dress, but I really want to give it to you now."

Seeing Ji Xia opening her mouth to say something, Song Yuening raised her hand and "hissed" at her.

"Okay, why are you being polite to me? They say flowers are given to beauties. Although I don't have flowers here, I do have fine clothes."

"A gorgeous dress is just right for a beautiful woman."

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