Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 31 Just for money

Chapter 31 Just for money
Song Yuening gently wiped her grandma's face with a wet towel, doing so carefully, for fear of making her feel uncomfortable due to her negligence.

The silence in the ward did not last long. After a while, a large group of people came in.

"Yue Ning, why are you back?"

"Yue Ning, you have worked hard taking care of grandma. Please take a rest and let us take care of you."


A group of people were talking at random, and Song Yuening had a headache from the noise.

These are none other than the uncles and aunts at home, as well as some so-called relatives who don’t know what the relationship is.

"Uncle, aunt, why are you here?" Song Yuening did not welcome their arrival.

Grandma needs to rest now. They are noisy like this, and there is no way for grandma to have a good rest.

And the most important point is that when grandma was at her worst, neither of them showed up.

Now that grandma is almost well, when she comes back, these people show up at the right time.

"Of course I'm here to take care of mom!" the uncle said as he rushed to the bedside.

What followed was loud crying, "Mom, you must wake up. If you can't wake up, what will I do?"

The wailing sound was indeed loud, but no tears could be squeezed out of the corners of his eyes, and his eyes were not even red.

When the second uncle saw this, he was afraid that he would lose a chance to express himself, so he rushed to the bed and howled.

I don’t know if their voices were too noisy, or if grandma’s body recovered, but she slowly opened her eyes, “You, you, stop making noise!”

Others didn't react at all. Song Yuening was the first to notice that grandma had woken up.

She rushed to the bed, pulled her uncle away, rang the bedside bell, and looked at her grandma with tears in her eyes, "Grandma, you finally woke up. Are you okay? The doctor will be here soon. I will always keep an eye on you." ."

At this time, those so-called filial sons discovered that grandma woke up, and then pretended to run to the nurse station to call the doctor.

The doctor quickly came to the ward and after doing a basic examination, he said, "Ms. Song, your grandma's condition is basically stable now."

At this point, the doctor paused for a moment, "However, Grandma Song needs a quiet environment to rest, and she doesn't have much energy to deal with too many people now."

Doctors and nurses noticed the group as soon as they appeared in the ward.

They not only affect the patients in this ward, but also the patients in the next ward.

It's really disgusting.

However, the group of relatives showed no shame at all. After all, they were all rough people, and several of them were illiterate. They could not understand such words at all.

Even if you understand it, you will only feel it is not painful or itchy.

Song Yuening wrote down what the doctor told her, "Okay doctor, I will pay attention to letting grandma rest. Is there anything else that needs attention?"

"The old lady has been in bed for too long. If possible, try to take her downstairs for a walk to get some air. This will help the patient's recovery." After the doctor finished explaining, he left.

Song Yuening sat happily beside the bed and held her grandma's hand affectionately, "Grandma, you finally woke up. You scared me to death, do you know?"

As she spoke, big tears came out of her eyes and fell on the white quilt.

"Ning Ning, don't cry. Grandma is fine." Grandma comforted her weakly.She sniffed and comforted her grandma in turn, "Grandma, the doctor said you need to take a good rest now. Don't talk and rest first."

Grandma smiled kindly, and then turned her attention to the group of relatives.

The uncles and aunts were not afraid when they saw grandma's eyes, but they thought of what the doctor had just explained and other things. After looking at each other, they left the ward.

When Song Yuening saw this scene, she immediately understood why?
Because grandma's illness came suddenly, she didn't explain anything. This group of people came for grandma's inheritance.

Thinking of this, her eyes turned a little red again.

"Grandma, I'll go talk to them. You have a good rest first." Song Yuening comforted her grandma and closed the door after leaving the ward, for fear of disturbing her rest.

Relatives saw Song Yuening coming out and hurriedly gathered around her, "Yue Ning, isn't the old woman's illness serious? It costs a lot to be hospitalized for a day. Go and ask the doctor when she can be discharged."

Hearing this, Song Yuening's eyes widened in disbelief, "Grandma is just awake, her body has not fully recovered. Uncle, you are grandma's eldest son, how can you say such a thing?"

"I, I, I'm afraid of wasting money! My family is so poor and we can't spare any extra money." The uncle's voice suddenly increased.

Money, money, money, it's all about money.

Thinking of this, she couldn't control her emotions even more, "That's the mother who gave birth to you and raised you. How can you only care about money?"

"Grandma has raised you since childhood, and you have to pay for the hospitalization expenses this time! Don't think that you don't have to pay for it." The aunt on the side quickly stepped forward to support the uncle.

"Yes! You have to pay too!" the uncle said matter-of-factly.

"I can pay all the hospital bills for this time, and you can leave! Please don't disturb grandma's rest here!" Song Yuening said with a straight face.

However, that pale face did not look oppressive at all.

The relatives' eyes lit up when they heard that she could come up with so much money.

"Yue Ning, if you had told me earlier, if you had told me you had earned so much money, we wouldn't have been so excited just now." The second aunt helped Song Yuening unkindly.

Song Yuening didn't know what she was going to do, so she subconsciously covered her belly.

The eldest aunt standing opposite her happened to see this action clearly.

She had given birth to a child, and after knowing that a woman was pregnant, she would subconsciously protect her belly when an accident occurred.

Could it be that Song Yuening is pregnant?

With suspicion in mind, the eldest aunt said, "Yue Ning, are you pregnant?"

When the second aunt heard this, she turned her head instantly and saw her pale face. Then she lowered her head and saw her hands covering her stomach, and she understood instantly.

Now that she is pregnant, where is the child's father?

Only then did they realize why Lu Sheng wasn't there?

"Yue Ning, did you have a conflict with Lu Sheng? Why is he not here?" the eldest aunt asked quickly.

When asked about this heart-wrenching question, Song Yuening bit her lower lip tightly, not knowing how to answer.

"You are not quarreling, are you? You will definitely not be able to work now that you are pregnant. Please ask Lu Sheng to give you the money. Otherwise, not only will you be unable to leave the hospital, but the old woman will not be able to get out either!" Facing a weak pregnant woman, they Not pity, but threat.

(End of this chapter)

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